2025.02.02 02:50 MoviesR4Ever [Amazon eBook Deals] Arcadia; Lauren Groff; (Kindle; 2.99)
submitted by MoviesR4Ever to BooksAndFilms [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 02:50 MoviesR4Ever [Amazon eBook Deals] The Old Filth Trilogy: Old Fifth, The Man in the Wooden Hat, and Last Friends; Jane Gardam; (Kindle; 4.99)
submitted by MoviesR4Ever to BooksAndFilms [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 02:50 ifdef M42
submitted by ifdef to telescopes [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 02:50 bruhmomentrahhh 24f bored as heck after work, lets be friends
hey guys! im hoping to make some new friends and talk to some more people, im 24 and im only looking for to maks some new friends. some of my hobbies include going to concerts, listening to music, & playing video games (mostly fortnite rn)
submitted by bruhmomentrahhh to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 02:50 KxingZ AITA my gf was invited to a vegas trip with her bestie and her family but i’m uneasy..
My gf who is going to turn 21 this feb was invited by her bestfriend and her family to a las vegas trip in june.. (i’m F22) We have been dating for 2 1/2 years now and i’m uneasy about it.. i trust her but not other people. i’ll be sad and miss her for the week. she already had doubts about going and doesn’t want me to feel any type of way. we talked about it before and she said she wasn’t going to go because of money. her bestfriends stepmom offered to pay. so she’s considering agn.. what should i do/say.
submitted by KxingZ to AITA_Relationships [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 02:50 GeologistOk9492 [req] ($800)(#nebo,nc,usa)(repay$475 2/7 $500 2/14)(cashapp-paypal)
Hopefully this gets out there, first time on Reddit. Full time employment, any info available, have tried all other routes,
submitted by GeologistOk9492 to LendingP2P [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 02:50 Juliiju04 Spider-Man fans laughing at Iron Man fans because "he has been doing the same story for decades"
submitted by Juliiju04 to marvelcirclejerk [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 02:50 PerfectEthereal Reagent
May alam ba kayong bilihan ng Tween 20 or any Polysorbate 20? Need lang para sa thesis. TIA.
submitted by PerfectEthereal to BicolUniversity [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 02:50 Temporary_Let703 It Rubs The Lotion On Its Skin Or Else It Gets The Hose Again.
submitted by Temporary_Let703 to VintageTees [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 02:50 AstroHealer222 Anyone with prominent Lilith would understand 🐎✨
submitted by AstroHealer222 to astrologymemes [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 02:50 Legitimate_Log9626 Just got this game for the first time
I literally have no idea what’s going on, but I now have the option to rebuild sanctuary and I love building things so I’ve been neatening up the town. Is it possible to fix all the holes in the old houses and make them look newer and nicer to live in?
submitted by Legitimate_Log9626 to fo4 [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 02:50 regularhumanbeing123 Wallet getting physically fuller with cards - what did you do?
35m. Now my wallet is filled with so much stuff. I used to always try to lean up my wallet by carrying bare necessities only, but at this point I need to carry all the other stuff, and my wallets getting very thick. Asking others who’ve gone through this before. What to do? Do I just resort to carrying a thick ugly wallet moving forward? Any recommendations? Women have the option of carrying a long wallet, any alternative like that for men?
submitted by regularhumanbeing123 to AskMenOver30 [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 02:50 dullknifeuser Who controls the surplus tax that is collected from Tariffs? Does the president have any control on who gets the money (based on existing laws)?
submitted by dullknifeuser to AskEconomics [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 02:50 bwhbf10 Welbeck or Delap?
View Poll
submitted by bwhbf10 to DraftEPL [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 02:50 Remote-Idea-7561 New to pokemon help
Just pulled these and did some research, what would these realistically be valued at? submitted by Remote-Idea-7561 to pokemoncardcollectors [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 02:50 p0as- Bfn crashing when trying to open
submitted by p0as- to PlantsVSZombies [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 02:50 whosmaxs Anyone got advice for my page?
Been running this account for about 3 years now and it’s growing very slowly.
I’ve grown multiple accounts to 100k+ followers and always had the pages take of at some point and grow a lot.
For this specific account it somehow never really got that momentum and is growing about 1K a month.
Appreciate every advice!
submitted by whosmaxs to InstagramMarketing [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 02:50 Ob4maC4re painful swallowing and cracked lips
hi, I'm on (I think) 25MG of atomoxetine, for about two or three weeks now. I started getting very dry lips, which then turned to cracked lips, which then turned into the corners of my mouth cracking and becoming extremely painful. in the last week or so I've noticed pain and difficulty when swallowing, like a tightness in my throat and chest. has anyone else experienced this? should I call my doctor or will it go away?
submitted by Ob4maC4re to Atomoxetine [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 02:50 m_j_d83 Oil cooler
I have replaced my oil cooler on my 07 f250 6.0 but when I was pulling the intake I broke a injector connector forgot to disconnect so I replaced it now I have starting problems I did icp leak air pressure test im getting air from oil rail side but injectors are new
submitted by m_j_d83 to FordF250 [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 02:50 Rakhaw Why leave my parents ?
Why even move out ? - I love them like I'll never love anyone else on this planet - They're getting old - I don't even want a job in a company, I wanna make a family business with them. I wanna see them everyday, every second, untill they're gone
I'm 23 and I don't see the point of friendships anymore. They just come and go, and eventually people forget about you. All I want is to love my parents and help them when as they get older
submitted by Rakhaw to Life [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 02:50 Ok_Cheesecake_1008 Exclusion UQAM – Recours possible ?
Salut :) !
J’ai été exclu de l’UQAM car je n’ai pas fourni la preuve de mon DEC avant le 21 janvier. J’attendais ma note finale pour un cours et j’ai écrit à mon prof le 16 janvier. Il m’a répondu le 17 que ça prendrait quelques jours.
J’ai reçu ma note le 21 janvier et immédiatement contacté mon collège pour la sanction finale. Ils m’ont répondu le 23 janvier en me disant de contacter l’API. Avec mon retard en cours (à cause d’une condition médicale), mon travail dans l’armée et mon TDAH, j’ai oublié de faire la relance.
J’envoie un appel avec toutes mes preuves. Vous pensez que j’ai une chance ?
submitted by Ok_Cheesecake_1008 to UQAM [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 02:50 Jumpy_Term2377 Discord speech to text
Anyone here knows how can I get speech to text for voice chat in discord.not the paid options.
submitted by Jumpy_Term2377 to deaf [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 02:50 Lilium_21 H: 5 Battle loader W: Shoot an offer
submitted by Lilium_21 to Market76 [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 02:50 AutoModerator Monthly "What are you reading?"
Fiction or non-fiction, Smith or Marx; what are you currently reading and what are you learning/enjoying from it?
submitted by AutoModerator to Libertarians [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 02:50 TheYagamist Can anyone expand down to waist area using generative fill?
submitted by TheYagamist to PhotoshopRequest [link] [comments] |