Update: I told someone I always wanted a kitty with heterochromia and 3 days later I found this gorgeous creature

2025.02.02 00:40 Phyyre Update: I told someone I always wanted a kitty with heterochromia and 3 days later I found this gorgeous creature

Princess Margaret Fluffytail was not microchipped. She has been spayed and vaccinated and is now microchipped. I introduced her to my orange boy Kilobyte last night and it's going well. Lots of sniffing, cat taps and chasing. So, yay, I have a homophobia kitty!
submitted by Phyyre to WhiteCats [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:40 Sudden_Joke7462 (rant) I unironically HATE Elliots

(rant) I unironically HATE Elliots I'm soooooo sick of them, if they have an ounce of skill then you're gonna burn 50 seconds minimum, and there's basically no counter. Oh you decide to chase someone else? Boom! It lasts forever because they constantly get heals. You decide to switch gears and go after them? Boom! You're getting looped for the next 1000000 hours because you don't have max stamina. Try attacking them first/ ambushing them? BOOM! You now have 50 sentinels trying to gut you alive for touching there dear Elliot. I just hate him fjuseyjvsshmvafFSSHHAEVKNSARGHVZTJNBZSFBNBCSGJ
submitted by Sudden_Joke7462 to FORSAKENROBLOX [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:40 Xxx_Joel718_xxX What should I do

What should I do Just recently got into pokemon, and i bought a terastal festival bb, what should I do with this card. Should i grade it?
submitted by Xxx_Joel718_xxX to PokemonTCG [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:40 Brattyivy_ Hip pain

Hii I 100% understand that i shouldn’t be getting medical advice from the internet and I’m not I’m trying to get an idea of what to tell my physiotherapist
So I do a lot of sports including ballet modern dance figure skating vollyball and snowboarding
You know the shape of a door wedge
recently in certain positions it feels like one of those is digging into my left hip joint specifically sitting positions and most of the time it’s crisscross and as soon and I move it’s better but a few days ago I was getting out of my car and it hurt more then it ever did and it still very much hurts
I’m trying to get into my physiotherapist but there is only 5 in my town so it’s very hard to get in and I would like to get an idea of what to tell them to hopefully make this quick
Once again I am not looking for medical advice just looking to get an idea of what to tell my physiotherapist the only “advice” i want is maybe some stretches to help and something to tell my physiotherapist
submitted by Brattyivy_ to Pain [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:40 Curious-Cake-6227 Any advice?

Any advice? Hi! I'm dealing with these for months now with no change... I used to have clear skin but around half a year ago I had hormonal shift and it started I think but my mother and sister said it only started getting worse 3 months ago when I took meds for UTI. It's only on my cheeks and chin, and a bit on the cleavage.
I had a routine that involved plump & glow serum, niacinamide serum from Balea but as soon as I left 2 days out, my skin got worse and it didn't work anymore... It really bothers me, especially cause my mom always mention it...
submitted by Curious-Cake-6227 to SkincareAddicts [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:40 Actual_Ad_8379 Hey Lemmings & TT2 developers

so i was banned from ORCA for having disagreement with its admin in TT2 discord and as you guys so proudly affiliate yourself with ORCA and even handout ORCA game tags, i thought you guys atleast had better control over stuff? is this how you represent your game as well yourself that we have the authority & like kids we can do whatever we like cause we disagree with you and cannot have a proper discussion !
your mods can delete this post if they so want to
or you can be wise and let us all know that you have no control over ORCA but you still do affiliate yourself with them just for added benefits of money or whatever reason you might have?
submitted by Actual_Ad_8379 to TapTitans2 [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:40 dilpar3103 Instarem Referral Code

submitted by dilpar3103 to Deals_n_Promos [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:40 ExpertSurround6778 Adventure Time "One Hit Wonders" - Day 10

submitted by ExpertSurround6778 to adventuretime [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:40 Spirited-Gene3106 Anyone talk to a dating coach? …. Feeling like it’s me not my profile

Anyone talk to a dating coach? …. Feeling like it’s me not my profile submitted by Spirited-Gene3106 to Tinder [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:40 anteYa25 Gdje gledati utakmicu?

U kojem baru bi se moglo gledati utakmicu, a da je dobra atmosfera? Molim vas nemojte napisati u svakom jer google kaže da ih je dosta zatvoreno, a nisam iz Rijeke.
submitted by anteYa25 to rijeka [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:40 Financial_Train1753 Man I really wish I get to see Lil Ugly Mane perform at least once in my lifetime

Travis is one of my favorite artists, with whom I deeply relate, emotionally, philosophically, politically, and so on. No other artist evokes this level of resonance and understanding; it feels similar to Swans, profoundly existential and visceral. I hope he one day tours Europe again.❤️
submitted by Financial_Train1753 to liluglymane [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:40 rutgerbadcat Experienced Or Lucky Interesting Boat Ride-That 2 guys seem to be fond of

Experienced Or Lucky Interesting Boat Ride-That 2 guys seem to be fond of submitted by rutgerbadcat to AbruptChaos [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:40 Straight-Cut-6860 Looking for greninja, vaporeon w/ washout, or serperior

Looking for greninja, vaporeon w/ washout, or serperior Looking to trade any of these
submitted by Straight-Cut-6860 to PokemonPocketTradeCo [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:40 Ai_Dustys_son I shouldn’t purify this beauty huh

I shouldn’t purify this beauty huh I already have a perfect Groudon anyway, I shouldn’t purify this right? I’ve got a few shadow legendarys at 2* that could be 3* when purified
submitted by Ai_Dustys_son to pokemongo [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:40 LeOmare The plushie

The plushie submitted by LeOmare to Gundam [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:40 Still-Amphibian7702 Despite Meeting With Nvidia CEO, Trump Sticks With Plan to Tariff Foreign Chips

submitted by Still-Amphibian7702 to BullPennyInsights [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:40 BeanswithBeef I thought that y’all were crazy, still can’t believe it!

submitted by BeanswithBeef to MilwaukeeTool [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:40 RUNWAYSIX A sunny, but chilly day, didn’t phase Hank with his coat on

submitted by RUNWAYSIX to Greyhounds [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:40 StarsATX All new users!! Free cards!

For all new players under 10k Collection score drop your in game name and favorite team for some great trades! Help spread the love! In game name is Aspain428
submitted by StarsATX to ToppsBUNT [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:40 EmeraldSunDice Piqua Ware #4 Scotch Bowl

Piqua Ware #4 Scotch Bowl I've got a new addition to the collection! A Piqua Ware #4 Scotch bowl. I didn't have anything like this before and I'm very excited. I paid $50 but it's got no pitting and I think will look brand new very soon! Im curious if anyone can give a date range on this, I don't know as much about Piqua Ware
submitted by EmeraldSunDice to castiron [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:40 miguelittos_alpha Black clover é melhor que Naruto! Isso é um fato

Black clover é melhor que Naruto! Isso é um fato submitted by miguelittos_alpha to AnimesBrasil [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:40 Auroratale If your sad have a flooff

If your sad have a flooff He is a sweet and innocent sea bunny boy who was born with no legs and uses oeg legs to walk and he loves jelly fish so much he is wearing a handmade. Jellyfish costume his mommy made him
submitted by Auroratale to GachaLife2 [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:40 Educational_Mail3924 Men

These are some of my assumptions about women correct me if i am wrong
Most women don't like men who are kind and soft spoken. There is a reason why they say men aren't masculine anymore.
Most women want men to pay for everything. I don't think they like men who like independent women who don't want men to financially provide for them. They wouldn't want to have kids with a man who's successful, and wants her to go back to work after a few years of having a baby. They don't like joint bank accounts.
They don't like men who cry. If its for sad moments, stress, trauma, mental problems, health issues, or even for love.
They don't like men who wont put their own lives in danger for them.
I think this is true because they complain about men not being masculine.
submitted by Educational_Mail3924 to Marriage [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:40 Sad_kitty_3615 I’m confused

How do we get the February event points to purchase stuff out of the magazine?
submitted by Sad_kitty_3615 to HayDay [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:40 AnteaterMobile5306 I hate this company with every bone and nerve in my body.

I hate this company with every bone and nerve in my body.
I told them I cannot do 3 - 10:30 (which is usually almost 11 anyways). I got told she doesn't do the schedule, that the Legion app does it and that I need to change my availability (because i am still a full time student, cant work specific hours.). Okay, cool. I go on and set it to what I want to work.
Next schedule comes out, given the exact same thing. Texted her saying I changed the availability and I couldn't do it. I got told to reconsider my job. I try and be professional about it and kindly request certain things, but it just goes through one ear and right out the other.
Needless to say, this is a terrible first job. Also should I mention how I am a minor and can't sell tobacco, and I'm just an associate so I have no permission to do a single thing other then ring people up. If someone scans something accidentally when they set it down and then don't want it, I have to walk the entire store to find a key holder that can take it off.
Thinking about quitting. Any tips on how to come off nicely but still stern about my issues I am having? Need the help I can get lol.
submitted by AnteaterMobile5306 to DollarGeneral [link] [comments]
