Beaded Lizard choker

2025.02.02 02:51 Morti_Macabre Beaded Lizard choker

Beaded Lizard choker :D Made it for fun.
submitted by Morti_Macabre to Beading [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:51 Hot-Jaguar-7424 Are we overestimating the map's size?

I came across this old thread speculating how long it'd take to go around the GTA 5 map days before its release. Someone mentioned it'd take roughly 10 minutes but people started downplaying him saying it'd take at least an hour to go from one side to the other.
Are we doing the same thing to the GTA 6 map? People seem to overestimate how large it'd be, but what if it only takes 15 minutes to go around it?
submitted by Hot-Jaguar-7424 to GTA6 [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:51 scott_codAI Ranked Play: Track your Stats!

Hey everyone, super excited to launch our hands-free stat tracker at Competitive Advantage COD!
With COD not providing detailed statistics, up until now there has been no good way to track your stats without manually entering them. With our application, all you need to do is create an account, enter your IGN into our website (include the # and numbers), and open the desktop application on your computer. So long as you allow the app to see the map and mode after the voting is done (before loading in), and the scoreboard AFTER loading out of the game, we will take care of the rest. We automatically capture your stats and display them on our website.
We have a contact us button on our website, please use it as much as possible. We rely on the community for identifying bugs in our software and for submitting feature requests to improve our service.
If you play on console, it is possible to use this if you have a capture card. Just use OBS in full screen mode and select the monitor that is running it.
A lot of work has gone into this and we would really appreciate it if you would share this with your friends who play ranked play. We rely on the community to keep our service running and cannot thank you enough!
submitted by scott_codAI to blackops6 [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:51 BabciaLinda Can anyone confirm whether this is a French jewelry box?

Can anyone confirm whether this is a French jewelry box? In helping my son sort through his deceased father's house, we found what appears to be a brass jewelry box, possibly antique? It is 6" long, 4" wide, and 3-1/4" tall. It has a thick, beveled glass top, is highly embellished, and has no markings. The interior was lined with green velvet, most of which has been worn away. Each figure on the box is different. The family is descended from Russian nobility that emigrated to France, hence my guess as to the box's origin. I'd appreciate any information about the box.
submitted by BabciaLinda to collectables [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:51 Little-Elk-5286 Cable in prebuilt unplugged. It doesnt seem to have anything for it to plug into. What does this mean? (new pc owner, idk anything else really)

submitted by Little-Elk-5286 to pchelp [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:51 deadletterauthor Mod Post re: booing the American anthem

We've had a ton of posts today talking about booing the American anthem this evening. The first few were from users who clearly are not flames or hockey fans at all, who were going around and posting the same message in almost every Canadian sports teams subreddit.
Obviously this mod team has no issue with yall having a respectful conversation about the current problems with the ridiculous con-man down south of us, but these posts have almost all devolved into arguments and name calling, violating the rules of this sub. Feel free to discuss booing American anthems or not in the future here. Please just respect the rules and more importantly, respect your fellow flames fan, we're all in this together.
submitted by deadletterauthor to CalgaryFlames [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:51 jak0wak0 Can anyone estimate a price range for these graphics?

Can anyone estimate a price range for these graphics? Hi, wondering what the price range might be for the work done on this website. Just for the graphics on the homepage. Also wondering the style name? Doodle ui? Thanks
submitted by jak0wak0 to graphic_design [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:51 madelinere Anxious, burnt out, probably clinically depressed new grad

I am just posting because I need advice.
I graduated in May and started my first job in late October. It is an inpatient position and in a subspecialty that I found difficult in school but learned to be interested in. Was told it's a normal M-F job, no weekends or holidays unless I choose to work those days (aka not expected to work weekends or holidays). Long story short I am miserable. Working 50-55 hr weeks because I get there around 8 am and usually don't leave until 6, sometimes even 7. I understand I am new and so it will take time to become more efficient with rounding and charting. However I am expected to take on the entire patient load of my SP which is typically 20 or so patients, give or take. I catastrophize every mistake I make like its the end of the world and I can't stop thinking about it and I get so anxious that I will be confronted about the mistakes I make and what that may look like. I don't feel good enough. I'm scared of being fired because I'm not good enough. I am thinking about talking to my supervisor and/ or HR about how I feel and to see if I can get a different position in the same group. I know I really need to also talk to my SP about how I feel, but confrontation is scary and I'm scared if I try to tell him how I feel I will just start crying in front of him. I haven't been eating because of how bad my anxiety is. I'm starting to think I made a mistake going into medicine. I really just need words of encouragement and to know other people have struggled and it got better.
submitted by madelinere to physicianassistant [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:51 TheGMan1776 Verbatim 43888

Long story short to kind of sum it up. I had an LG WH14NS40 ran into problems ripping some discs, so I got the WH16NS40, still had problems ripping some discs. Found out LG drives seem to be hit or miss some people have no problems and for whatever reason other people have multiple problems with multiple discs like me. Then I saw people talking about Pioneer drives and how Pioneer drives are supposed to be good and better or "the best" but new Pioneer drives shipped with newer firmware which patched ripping and patching flashed (for now) to older firmwares to be able to rip. Saw some people on here selling older Pioneer drives with older firmwares for like $200-$300 but then saw that people had found the "Verbatim 43888" which was shipping with a Pioneer drive inside then there were reports of it not shipping with Pioneer drives (U.S. and Australia I think) but saw someone say they bought one from Amazons Germany website and got a Pioneer drive so I figured now or never. So I bought it from the Amazon Germany website and it did come with a Pioneer drive inside the "Pioneer BDR-UD04"
TLDR: I bought a Verbatim 43888 from Amazons Germany website and it shipped with a Pioneer the "Pioneer BDR-UD04" inside ordered January 2025 so theres that information for people
My Question: Is there anything I need or should do now? I opened MakeMKV and it already says "LibreDrive Information" "Status: Enabled" and firmware from 2020 and I did rip Cars 2 UHD BluRay which both my LG drives (the LG WH14NS40 and WH16NS40) fail to rip due to "read error" so it's working out of box but didn't know if there was still something I should do or not cause I had to flash the LG drives which I think it said was to rip but also a "mk" version which is supposed to be better then base firmware (please correct me on that if I'm wrong thx)
Also as far as firmware goes like I said this one currently has firmware from 06/15/2020 how do I prevent it from updating? It doesn't auto update or anything being connected to a PC which is connected to the internet right? The only way for it to be updated is for me to manually update it myself right?
submitted by TheGMan1776 to makemkv [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:51 interestingfactoid Consequences Delivered: Trump Expands Order Directed at 50 Gaslighting Intelligence Officers

Consequences Delivered: Trump Expands Order Directed at 50 Gaslighting Intelligence Officers submitted by interestingfactoid to conservatives [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:51 _JBones14 Is there a way to tell if someone is playing offense only instead of full game?

We have a 6-team dynasty and just increased the difficulty for this past season. 10 weeks in, and everyone has 2-3 losses except one team who is undefeated. The other members and I are starting to think he plays offense only because it’s easier than playing actual defense for him. His box scores look suspect. Is there a way to actually tell if he’s playing offense only?
submitted by _JBones14 to NCAAFBseries [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:51 Hopai79 JSQ-33RD WKND appreciation

Was so nice to be on not so crowded PATH train today for only 16-18 min. Both times drivers were efficient as fuck — zooming on NWPT - GRV and tunnel and the junction.
10 min and short wait was so nice!
submitted by Hopai79 to jerseycity [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:51 Formal_Ebb3537 I want to do two things, what should I do?

Basically, I am young, but I have always been passionate about science. When I took physics, I fell in love with it. Then I fell in love with space. And ever since then, I have become obsessed with astrophysics.
But, recently, I was diagnosed with a chronic hip issue that will need pt for a long time. And slowly, I have started to realize that I would also love being a pt and helping people get some of the same pain relief that I did. I love sports and gymnastics and helping people, and I don't know, everything (except the pay) sounds great about this job. This my be because I work with a pt that works in a hospital who sees me for a full hour and gives me her undivided attention, but I don't know, I really that I would love pt.
I love physics, and I would love to sit in a lab all day and learn about the origin of the universe, but I also want to interact with athletes and help them every day. Maybe I'm overthinking this, I am still young, but this also comes down to the fact where I feel like I need to know what I want to have a chance at college. Actually what I want is to be an astrophysicist 50% of the time and a PT the other 50%. But I can't do that. Too many degrees. Sooooo, any advice? Pls help. Thanks.
submitted by Formal_Ebb3537 to careerguidance [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:51 Final-Craft-6992 Delgado preset

Delgado preset
submitted by Final-Craft-6992 to StarfieldModFeedback [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:51 9to5traveler Is this Rosewood? A friend suggested maybe Danish?

Is this Rosewood? A friend suggested maybe Danish? submitted by 9to5traveler to findfurnitureID [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:51 violaunderthefigtree Painters are you often motivated to paint or do you have to will yourself into it?

With all the distractions on our devices making it hard to drag ourselves away, and sometimes a lack of creative energy or force, do you still paint every day, every week etc?
submitted by violaunderthefigtree to ArtistLounge [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:51 First_Rest959 23 M ~$120k Salary

I work in the oil and gas industry and have for the last 3 years. My salary largely depends on the price per barrel of oil. Could roughly make $120k-$180k annually. That being said in January I made over $16k and have been looking into investing more into stocks with higher yielding dividends. I bought $2600 worth of ethereum and lost about $400 so I sold my crypto. I just don’t feel they’re suited for a long term investment and I also don’t have a large sum to invest at once for crypto to really work for me I feel. I have been putting little bits into MAG7? stocks cause that’s what I’ve read is safe but i’d like another opinion on what to put my money in.
submitted by First_Rest959 to dividends [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:51 jvc72 Buy Signal OG Fan Token USD - 1 Feb 2025 @ 21:44 -> USD3.82

Ticker: OGUSD
Exchange: CRYPTO
Time: 1 Feb 2025 @ 21:44
Price: USD3.82
submitted by jvc72 to getagraph [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:51 sleepybearcat In search of a dress maker in Singapore or JB

I’ve recently purchased a few pieces of batik. I would like to have them made into dresses. Nothing elaborate just some simple shift or wrap dresses. Any leads? What is the price range?
I would also consider going to JB to have it done. So recommendations across the border are also helpful.
submitted by sleepybearcat to askSingapore [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:51 ViperVux Final weeks of pregnancy - losing my mind

I'm 39+5 today and I am hugely struggling with the final stages of pregnancy.
Sometimes I feel like I want to scream that I just can't do this anymore.
I am struggling with feeling so physically uncomfortable I can hardly do anything except lie on my side, I'm getting frequent pain in my back and abdomen from my body 'practising' contractions.
Still no sign of true labour beginning, no contractions have been in a pattern.
I just want to cry and give up, I don't know how to keep going with this
submitted by ViperVux to BabyBumps [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:51 JunipereCharybdis Don't know what direction to take my musical in

So I'm writing a musical based off of the French Revolution, inspired by Hamilton, EPIC and SIX. I was thinking "Should I pick a prominent historical figure to be the main character or create a journalist who witnesses the 10 year period?" since I wanted to tell the story of the French Revolution and portray each historical figure accurately? It's just I don't want the musical to be too similar to Hamilton (Hence my idea for a journalist character but I'm not sure how that would work out) and I haven't found any historical figures that work well with this. I DO plan on Marie Antoinette being a prominent figure within the musical (She gets a sad little song before her execution and afterwards she's a major voice in the backing choir which represents the guillotined people)
What do I do with this stuck point?
submitted by JunipereCharybdis to musicalwriting [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:51 Smooth_Cod_759 Completed umrah.

Asahamo Alaikum, for those who are wanting to come - scared or have anger issues like me .
It was a breeze, Alhamdulillah. I’ve completed my umrah.
Uk born - very simple but fussy. Pakistan parents - went to pakistan for a holiday and now umrah, very well sorted hotel.
We are staying less then 5 mins from masjid .
Happy to give any advice you want might not be what you want to hear but the truth.
Can guide you, and inshahallah, offer you humble tips. Im chunky 😁😬
submitted by Smooth_Cod_759 to Umrah [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:51 Own-Bodybuilder-9310 BBQ 9K0RC3

submitted by Own-Bodybuilder-9310 to unioncircle [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:51 Asigga Why is my type actually awful?

I[18M] have never had a good experience with relationships. My one relationship I had was traumatic, every talking stage I’ve had has went nowhere, and it made me reevaluate myself. I think my type is just terrible.
My friend[18F] was supposed to bring her friend[18F] over today (they never showed btw) and it turns out she’s taken. That’s fine, that’s not the issue here. The issue is I’ve followed her for a while and you can’t tell she’s dating anyone is… and then also I saw her on Hinge MULTIPLE times before I recently deleted the app. So that means she’s either a huge red flag or this is all SUPER recent.
But every time I find someone attractive, it ends up being some crazy shit. It feels inescapable. What the hell do I even do at this point?
submitted by Asigga to Crushes [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:51 b2infosoft Buy milk analyzer at the best price

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submitted by b2infosoft to meridairy [link] [comments]