The ocean is a soup

2025.02.02 00:41 Mental-Pineapple4304 The ocean is a soup

The ocean is a soup submitted by Mental-Pineapple4304 to papere [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:41 thesaarthsamant Trading Control and blizzard !

Trading Control and blizzard ! Traiding blizzard and control
submitted by thesaarthsamant to bloxfruits [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:41 Salt_Midnight3135 4 Questions about my chart, Thank you!

4 Questions about my chart, Thank you! I am learning astrology and have been at it for about 3 years. I am by no means an expert yet, and I would love to see what others see in my chart that stand out to you or jump off the chart. I have lived and currently live a very interesting life, and I just have to know if it's all simply in the stars.
  1. Will this Pluto transit through Aquarius be less painful than it was in Capricorn?
  2. I am incredibly drawn to the legal field. Is that meant for this lifetime? It seems like a lot of my chart points in this direction.
  3. Are psychic abilities & occult showing in my chart? Meaning, Neptune in 3rd house and Mercury in pieces...etc.
  4. a. Are relationships (of all kinds) always painful in this lifetime? Chiron is in the 7th house, opposing my ASC...
  5. b. Is love ever going to happen to me? It's OK if not... I don't see it in my chart... a complete hot mess in the 7th house...
Natal chart - whole sign
submitted by Salt_Midnight3135 to AstrologyCharts [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:41 Impossible_Nerve_584 Anyway to transfer my data to a new phone and still have Tik tok??

I’ve got a large platform and I don’t wanna leave everyone hanging. I’m on an iPhone XR and I just got a brand new iPhone 15, and I’m passing it up for tik tok ;-;
submitted by Impossible_Nerve_584 to TikTok [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:41 EgotisticalEpid Gourdon, Cyberpunk Red: Combat Zone

Gourdon, Cyberpunk Red: Combat Zone submitted by EgotisticalEpid to minipainting [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:41 Difficult_Eye_6672 Help me identify this photo/litho of a band concert from 2020?

Help me identify this photo/litho of a band concert from 2020? Looks like maybe the lead singer is a piano player. Arena could be in LA? Looks like yellow jerseys hanging from the rafters. Only other things are a Taylor Guitar sign in the rafters…signed by the photographer or the band? I don’t know.
submitted by Difficult_Eye_6672 to musicians [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:41 MzAbbyBlackbird Sweeper Erudite suddenly can't make a statement now, just like Tiny!

submitted by MzAbbyBlackbird to rezzivaer [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:41 Human-Patient-2743 Help

I have a math DBA on Monday and idk what to do. I have never done math online before. How do I cheat… I am on the secound unit of algebra 2 I actually learned the material for the first one but I didn’t for the second. What do I do????? How do I cheat????
submitted by Human-Patient-2743 to FLVS [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:41 Any_Praline_8178 Current - POV

Current - POV submitted by Any_Praline_8178 to ollama [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:41 liukanglover Why is nidalee played in pro play?

Dumb question and i'm not exactly a draft connoisseur but I've been watching some LCK and LEC matches and i've seen some nidalees, and i wonder why is she picked? I understand if it is Canyon because yk, its Canyon's Nidalee. but she offers no CC, she's quite squishy, and while she offers some poke with the spear and heal+as with her W i don't see why would a team pick her instead of a more "useful" champion that can get to the backline easier or provide more CC like Sejuani, Xin Zhao or Wukong?. I say this because i've seen a match where Nidalee was picked along with Ambesa, Ezreal, Jayce and Braum (little CC) and i understand she needs CC to properly do damage, and the enemy team had a ksante rell. Nidalee team lost but what was the thought process behind that pick?
submitted by liukanglover to leagueoflegends [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:41 Firm-Trust4617 Anybody love old gals? I do.. I want an old folded ears next…

submitted by Firm-Trust4617 to lioden [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:41 Significant_Shoe3722 Maybe🤔

Can an incorrect symbol in your name cause for you to get a 570 code and a letter sent out ?
submitted by Significant_Shoe3722 to IRS [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:41 bot_painani Mantiene Gobierno de Acapulco convocatoria a las “Bodas Colectivas 2025”

Mantiene Gobierno de Acapulco convocatoria a las “Bodas Colectivas 2025” submitted by bot_painani to Mexico_News [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:41 Snific REALLY!!???

REALLY!!??? submitted by Snific to noshitouija [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:41 Lotfy_111 اجيب قفص لبني ادم منين؟

انا بسأل بجد عشان دورت كتير ملقيتش غير بتاع القطط والكلاب وحجمه صغير ميقضيش انسان لو حد يعرف حد بيبيعهم او ممكن يعمله يبعتلي ومش شرط حديد ممكن خشب عادي المهم الحجم
submitted by Lotfy_111 to AlexandriaEgy [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:41 bot_painani Mantiene Gobierno de Acapulco convocatoria a las “Bodas Colectivas 2025”

Mantiene Gobierno de Acapulco convocatoria a las “Bodas Colectivas 2025” submitted by bot_painani to mexico_politics [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:41 bedslinga Am I going crazy? But is the Kobra 3 only worth $76.

Is the Kobra 3 combo like $399 or if I want to buy just the ace pro like $323. I Already have a combo. It is totally worth me buying the whole combo again and just making one printer with 2 acepros and on printer single spool and using that for TPU.
submitted by bedslinga to anycubic [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:41 notdylanhahaha Los Indeseables: ¿El nuevo dúo que necesita el reggaetón?

Los Indeseables: ¿El nuevo dúo que necesita el reggaetón? un género dominado por nombres grandes, siempre es interesante ver nuevas propuestas. Los Indeseables son un dúo emergente que combina influencias clásicas del reggaetón con un enfoque fresco y letras que se sienten reales. Su sonido tiene esa vibra nostálgica pero con una producción moderna.
¿Creen que el reggaetón necesita más dúos como este? ¿Qué les parece su estilo?
Escuché su último tema, Buscándote, y me recordó a esa era de reggaetón más sentimental, pero con una ejecución diferente. ¿Ustedes qué opinan?
submitted by notdylanhahaha to Reggaeton [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:41 greg14952 Easy Rewards - Ink Cartridge Recycling

I’ve been taking advantage of the Easy Rewards offer to recycle ink cartridges for 500 points each. I’ve noticed, however, that the offer period usually runs into the next month. For example, this last offer period ends today, February 1, according to my app. My understanding is I’m only able to use the offer one time during each offer period. Since I already recycled 10 cartridges in January, recycling any ink cartridges today would have netted me only 100 points per cartridge. Am I right, or would have would I have received 500 points per cartridge because it’s a new month?
submitted by greg14952 to Staples [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:41 Active-Measurement64 Jersey Size

I’m looking at buying my first real hockey jersey but I am trying to figure out which size I should get. Is it standard to buy a size down from the regular shirt size you’d normally wear? How are the sizes with the newer fanatics jerseys?
submitted by Active-Measurement64 to nhl [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:41 NickThePixarFan KAY-EFF-CEE (if you know you know)

KAY-EFF-CEE (if you know you know) YTPs are where it’s at
submitted by NickThePixarFan to DreamWorks [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:41 Frenkovaca Тарифите на Трамп

Трамп почна трговска војна со најблиските сојузници и најголемите трговски партнери на Америка, со Канада и Мексико поставувајќи 25% тарифи на скоро сите производи увезени од овие држави. Канада и Мексико се заканија со воведување на тарифи на Американките производи за возврат. Трамп исто така е сигурен дека ќе воведе тарифи на производите од Европската Унија која е наш најголем трговски партнер. Дали знаете како ова ќе се одрази на нашата економија, дали инфлацијата повторно ќе се зголеми и дали оваа ситуација ќе не внесе во рецесија?
submitted by Frenkovaca to mkd [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:41 Professional_Run5554 Error:05

I bought an everdrive 64 x5 but keep getting an error code every time I try to load a game. I’ve tried 2 sd cards and have redownloaded the os can I pls get some help
submitted by Professional_Run5554 to everdrive [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:41 LemonLime1892 Absolutely dreadful AI summary

Absolutely dreadful AI summary submitted by LemonLime1892 to SleepDeprivedPodcast [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:41 Edamameshiba Are these real crabs or AI?

Are these real crabs or AI? submitted by Edamameshiba to species [link] [comments]