i love them but this is so EI core

2025.02.02 00:39 halloumichheeze i love them but this is so EI core

i love them but this is so EI core submitted by halloumichheeze to emergencyintercom [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:39 MisterZygarde64 The dimensional merge is starting to look much better at this point

The dimensional merge is starting to look much better at this point submitted by MisterZygarde64 to whenthe [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:39 Haiku_Pirate_ the worm moon ~

the riddles for dark and light will be revealed on the night of the worm moon ~ more maps and more hints in between ~
submitted by Haiku_Pirate_ to haikupirate [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:39 Yoowhi Quote from Men in Black film

Hey, watching the film and just heard a quote from K: > J: Why a big secret? People are smart, they can handle that. > K: A person is smart. People are dumb panicky dangerous animals and you know it.
This gave me an idea. This is a nice perspective in context of slow measured disclosure. Before you lay all your cards on the table, you slowly give out pieces of information so that people start to get used to the idea ON THEIR OWN, so the omg moment is met alone and not spread (which would lead to panic). That makes a lot of sense.
submitted by Yoowhi to aliens [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:39 FinancialPlace3677 Visited by the dead

I keep getting visited in my dreams by my high school boyfriend’s dad. For context, I am (f)37 years old and 5 years happily married. In 2017 my high school boyfriend from (2003-2007 on and off) father passed away. The day he died (which was very suddenly) I was flying to New York. I fly all the time, but I suddenly went into a panic and felt so uneasy and scared like I needed to get off the plane and didn’t know why. I saw on Facebook later the next day that he had passed away tragically and suddenly, and it was around the time I was in the airplane. I reached out to my ex to give my condolences. We hadn’t spoken in years at that point and we ended up developing a friendship which eventually reverted back to no contact/no hard feelings due to me moving a year later to another state and meeting my now husband.
When I am visited by his dad in my dreams I KNOW he is passed and he never speaks to me, but is almost always trying to tell me something (sometimes my ex is in the dream, but always in the background and there is never any interactions).
If anyone knows what this could mean that would be great bc it is a super uneasy feeling even though I get really good vibes from his dad in the dreams!
submitted by FinancialPlace3677 to DreamAnalysis [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:39 HorrorLasagna 29 [M4F] Netherlands/Online Looking for friends or maybe some more

Hello there, I am looking for someone to talk with through voice calls or texting, either one is fine.
A bit about myself: I am 29 years old, Dutch, 5'4, brown hair, hazel eyes, have some piercings and tattoo's. Can send a picture of myself.
I am into gaming, reading webnovels, cruising on my longboard. Games that I play are Escape from Tarkov and Monster Hunter. My steam library is filled with games so if you are interested in playing games with me, just let me know and perhaps we can play some games together.
If you want to know more about me, hit me up on here or ask for my discord
submitted by HorrorLasagna to r4r [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:39 martinyodaa WHAT COLOR COONTAILS SHOULD I GET?? Im thinking blonde with black stripes but what do u think would look good w my hair color? (sorry my hair is super unstyled in the pic) :D

submitted by martinyodaa to scene [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:39 RoseDende777 Album Covers for Marvel Rivals

I made 5 albums from Rivals and I want to make more. Who should be next? (The fan art is not mine for Luna Snow. She did not have much to work with in terms of comics. Credits to the Artists!)
submitted by RoseDende777 to marvelrivals [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:39 Empty-Cauliflower-88 Anyone know where I can get a Fortissax figure?

My mom's birthday is next month and she likes dragons so I really wanna get her a Fortissax figure but I don't know where I can find a good one for an affordable price (preferably under $100) so if anyone knows where that would be a big help!
submitted by Empty-Cauliflower-88 to Eldenring [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:39 LinguisticsTurtle I have some very cheap ear clips that I use with my TENS machine. Are there any that cost more than like (in Canadian dollars) $10 or $20? I'd love to get some higher-quality ones that cost a lot more money but are better.

Basically just see what I wrote in the title. I find the cheap TENS clips to be chintzy and bad. I don't mean to be a whiner; I'm sure some people have no issues at all with the cheap TENS clips.
I guess that there aren't that many options to choose from. How many options are there, even? If you type "TENS ear clips" or something on Amazon then it doesn't seem like there are really any options to choose from.
submitted by LinguisticsTurtle to VagusNerve [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:39 Saviko Thought this was silly

Thought this was silly submitted by Saviko to Fallout [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:39 DisciplineOpposite76 THE WHITE TONGUE??? HELLO?

THE WHITE TONGUE??? HELLO? submitted by DisciplineOpposite76 to inmatehopper [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:39 the_unhot being myself makes my stomach turn

submitted by the_unhot to sixwordstories [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:39 emilyzabeth Anyone else?

Anyone else? I've refound my love for my tamagotchis after two decades. It started with my sister whipping out her two older ones two weeks ago and so I had to impress her with my ability to have kept all four with the original lanyard/charms in perfect working order for twenty years 😂 I haven't ever turned them on again until now. It went from aging one up to an Oldie for the first time ever, to turning on another and meeting a matchmaker and having a baby for the first time ever, to turning on and using all four... to now having bought my sister and I the new anniversary editions to add to our collection!! (just wish they could connect to the old) Never thought at the age of 30 I'd be growing and playing with my tamagotchi collection ((((am I ok?)))) Has anyone else just randomly gotten back into playing with their originals they've kept all this time? How many and what versions do/did you have?
submitted by emilyzabeth to tamagotchi [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:39 OwnMango7284 My rental is up for its mid-lease inspection. Is this a deal killer?

My rental is up for its mid-lease inspection. Is this a deal killer? https://preview.redd.it/a8sqswzjgmge1.jpg?width=1708&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df4f601d05451b9326cc965fc759663832499c9a
submitted by OwnMango7284 to Bumperstickers [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:39 liv-a-little-25 Love seeing everyone's January progress!

Hdc waffle stitch with loops and threads impeccable. Using the daily average temperature in Austin, TX. I can't believe I've already used 5 colors 🙃
submitted by liv-a-little-25 to temperatureblanket [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:39 Aggravating-Mud9732 Összezúztam valami értékeset és rendkívül jól esett, járt már valaki hasonló cipőben?

Egy ideje előjött az aggressziókezelési problémám tartós stressz hatására. Alapvetően kiegyensúlyozottan élek és odafigyelek a mentális egészségemre, de kicsit elengedtem magam az utóbbi 3 hónapban, így előjött egy két problémám, ami gyerekkorom óta kísér. Az érzelemszabályozást nem tanultam meg gyerekként, így amíg el volt nyomva, addig emésztett, amióta kiengedem és megélem, azóta eléggé ficánkol és néha szélsőségesen jön elő. Így történt pár napja is, amikor is iszonyatosan ideges lettem és a hozzám legközelebbi elektronikus kütyüt szétzúztam.
Soha életemben nem tettem még ilyet, falat, magamat, stb. ütöttem már, de értékesebb dolgot "szándékosan" még nem törtem össze. Hatalmas meglepetésemre viszont elképesztően jól esett, oly annyira, hogy azóta is bennem van, hogy újra átélném azt az érzést, bár azért emészt a bűntudat is. Nem gondolom, hogy egészséges módja lenne a belső feszültségem megoldására, de meglepően jó volt.
Járt már valaki hasonlóan? Ha igen, hogyan kezeltétek a dolgot?
submitted by Aggravating-Mud9732 to hungary_pszichologia [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:39 CptS2T [US-CA] At-Fault accident falling off record in 2 months, should I look for new insurance quote now or is it worthwhile to wait?

I had an at-fault accident on April 4th, 2022. It’s been negatively impacting my insurance rate ever since. Credit Karma says I qualify for a much lower rate (like 75% lower) based on my car’s make and model. However I haven’t put in any MVR information.
Does it make sense to wait two more months for the accident to fall off my record, or is it worthwhile to further look into the Credit Karma quote? The Credit Karma quote is based on Progressive.
I currently have insurance through Drive, which I think is a California subsidiary of Progressive.
submitted by CptS2T to Insurance [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:39 StrongCrazy4099 Tariffs affecting construction

Will trumps tariffs affect the materials we need to complete work and job availability? asking as an apprentice who's afraid of layoffs.
submitted by StrongCrazy4099 to SubstationTechnician [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:39 basicallyroyal- Trading for a Aethereus! (can add!)

Trading for a Aethereus! (can add!) submitted by basicallyroyal- to DragonAdventures [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:39 Extreme-Type-3205 The more I drink the more sober I get

I don’t drink often maybe once in 3 months. But when I do I don’t get drunk. Today I was drinking 5 wine and 3 tequila , but I’m not even tipsy. I’m more sober then when I’m sober. Why is alcohol not affecting me and who has the same thing?
submitted by Extreme-Type-3205 to alcohol [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:39 darkxex 51 celsius on cpu with 29 celsius ambient temperature. 9800x3d, normal?

Hi friends, i have a 9800x3d with a Peerless Assassin 120 SE, my ambient temps are 29 celsius, but my temps in cpu idle is 51 celsius, this is bad? or normal? here a image of aida64. (sorry my bad english.)
submitted by darkxex to buildapc [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:39 RyuutoHazame Wait a minute is this a thing?

submitted by RyuutoHazame to RuneScapeDnD [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:39 Senior_Platypus_1995 Signal group for plant/seed swaps!

Signal group for plant/seed swaps!
submitted by Senior_Platypus_1995 to carrboro [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:39 thesunisforevergone the ghost of you, metaphorically

You still talk to me in my dreams and right before I fall asleep, but I can ignore you better. Your smile and brown eyes still make my heart thump. Mistakes you forgave me for still tear at me, even though I know you're the forgiving type.
You wanted someone else, and that's what you have. I don't have anyone. You said it was your fault.
I'm too tired to argue with you in the shower, while I'm dreaming, or when I'm at my emotionally weakest, your sorries don't mean much now. You were my best friend. My first friend.
How could you.
submitted by thesunisforevergone to Unsent_Unread_Unheard [link] [comments]
