2025.02.02 00:52 JEXOTB Watching Kick On TV Screen Mirroring
Does anyone know how I watch a stream on my tv when I try screen mirroring from mobile app or browser only plays the audio through and never connects and shows video or if it does it’s just a minute before the screen just all turns to a specific color.
submitted by JEXOTB to KickStreaming [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:52 xyvcvy need karma, up4up
submitted by xyvcvy to raisingkarma1 [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:52 Top-Stress4661 White transparent box in the middle of my screen
I recently was handed down this pc by a family member, and about three days ago this white screen popped up in the middle of my display. It’s not just on the desktop it covers every tab I open. I’ve tried to look it up and it said there’s a problem with my display adapter, but I’m pretty helpless, does anyone know how to fix this? The OS number is 19045.5371
submitted by Top-Stress4661 to WindowsHelp [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:52 Doodlebug510 To avoid censorship, "Tarnschrift" were palm-sized anti-Nazi pamphlets published 1933-1945, camouflaged as innocent writings (bike safety, horticulture advice).
They could be easily slipped into a pocket or hidden in a book to avoid detection. submitted by Doodlebug510 to madlads [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 00:52 AsparagusRed1373 Does anyone have any tips and strategies to win with what I have or in general? Also Link4Link ! ! https://onelink.shein.com/8/4e61nj3wolt9
submitted by AsparagusRed1373 to Shein_PuppyKeep [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 00:52 coolKiller009 how do i fix the blocky grass?
submitted by coolKiller009 to Witcher3 [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:52 BIGDADDYDANNY17 Just got back after 4ish year break, looking to do higher level PVM like raids/inferno etc but not sure where I should start
Sorry in advance for the novel
Just started playing again about 2-3 weeks ago, but on mobile since my account is stuck with my gamecenter login and for whatever reason, I can't upgrade my account to the new (to me) SSO sign in because my gamecenter credentials don't work when I try to import. I've reached out plenty to jagex support for help but I've yet to get any response so that just feels bad. Anyways, thats a whole mess and I've kinda just accepted it for what it was and have learned to connect my mouse and keyboard to an iPad so I can basically do all I need to from there.
I want to eventually do the inferno caves to get the real deal fire cape since that was always a goal of mine from before but I think I need to upgrade my gear as best as possible since I am still playing on mobile and don't really have any plugins other than what base OSRS mobile app has available. After some reading, it seems TOA is the easiest raid to learn/do solo so that I can start making some good gp for those upgrades and I've just unlocked access to it. Doing the colosseum thing for the quiver seems worthwhile as well + a solid money maker...but also hard asf hence the desire for improving my gear. Figured I'd farm TOA for a while then make my way to colosseum, secure quiver, then eventually attempt inferno.
I'm not SUPER into the idea of questing rn and would like to just jump into some PVM action so I'm not really looking to do DT2; will eventually but I'm hella busy rn and only have a couple hours a week that I can be 100% focused on gaming. Also not really looking to farm bosses I've done plenty of times before (fk vorkath, fk venantis, and most definitely fk zulrah).
Since I've been back I got 99 range, magic and HP by just afking in NMZ (didn't realize I could connect my mouse and keyboard for a while so this made the most sense/safest at the time even tho I liquidated a few major items for the runes and chins RIP). I also have lvl 90 atk/strength/def and 80 prayer but sadly only lvl 87 slayer. Key gear items I have are: T-bow, blowpipe, anguish, peg boots, assembler, blood moon eclipse top/bottom, serp helm, torture, osmusomething fang, avernic def, base fire cape, prim boots, full virtus set, kodai wand, base eldritch ward, trident of swamp, tormented, eternals, imbued god cape.
I'm not super into the idea of selling anything else off so I wanna keep what I've got already. Any suggestions on where to go from here? Is the sang staff worth buying to improve TOA completion rates or can I rock the kodai/trident and be okay. Should I swap out the virtus set for ancestral? I wanna have both eventually but if ancestral is gonna be more helpful through raids, col, and inferno, then I'll do the swap for it. Should I do something other than TOA? I've definitely been out of touch with the game and feel like I'm very unsure of what I should do next. Any input would be greatly appreciated! Thanks :)
submitted by BIGDADDYDANNY17 to 2007scape [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:52 stilltre123 19F, I got to be driven around in a Rolls-Royce today. What'd you do? [CHAT]
Never been in one before, and let me tell you, they're absolutely gorgeous, comfortable, all around amazing cars. They just feel so different and luxurious compared to consumer grade cars. What I wouldn't do to get one myself, that'd be a dream come true
submitted by stilltre123 to MeetPeople [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:52 Limp-Fennel-9976 Tide pools
Hi friends! Is there any tide pooling nearby/ with a couple hours drive you’d recommend?
submitted by Limp-Fennel-9976 to ventura [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:52 Atomkraft-Ja-Bitte 🪨 Rock 13751829 at Franklin
This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by Atomkraft-Ja-Bitte to chippedgame [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:52 Apprehensive-Sink348 What EW song has the nastiest guitar in your opinion?
submitted by Apprehensive-Sink348 to ElectricFuckinWizard [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:52 No-Cartoonist8495 She’s a good girl turned bad.
submitted by No-Cartoonist8495 to sixwordstories [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:52 eleinajoanne Does anyone know is Better End and Better Nether are still being updated? Alternatives?
I'm really wanting to spice up the end and nether in my world and was looking for both BetterEnd and BetterNether, but both mods are not updated for 1.21.4. I know that making and updating mods can take time, but moth mods were last update 5-6 months ago. Does anyone know if the creator is continuing with the mods or has stopped working on them?
Then I guess my second thing is, does anyone have recommendations alternatives that improve the end and nether?
submitted by eleinajoanne to feedthebeast [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:52 MassiveResult2648 Well this is new for me. Nameless customer. Just numbers and letters.
submitted by MassiveResult2648 to doordash_drivers [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 00:52 Evening-Sky1288 ID please
I got this aloe at a plant swap today. Anybody know what variety it is? Thanks! submitted by Evening-Sky1288 to aloe [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 00:52 AdvertisingHopeful53 Rocky - O Tempo (Remasterizado)
submitted by AdvertisingHopeful53 to MusicaBR [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 00:52 Jumpy_Ad2680 Getting this pool cue next weekend. Or should I go with a different cue that’s in the same price range?
And if so, which cue should I go for?
submitted by Jumpy_Ad2680 to billiards [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:52 rajahbeaubeau GORE VS THE CRYPTID KAIJU by John Tedrick
submitted by rajahbeaubeau to Imaginarycryptids [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 00:52 NosillaWilla After / Before
submitted by NosillaWilla to postprocessing [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 00:52 Select_Extenson 24M, Germany, Looking for penpal
I am looking for penpal to exchange letters through post mail, I am a tech guy, but technology and how fast things are moving are starting to making me exhausted, I started to like the old way, it feels more meaningful, never really tried exchanging letters before, so this is my first time, if someone interested, please message me. I think this will help me a lot.
A brief about me:
I am 24M, Algerian, currently living in Germany, I am introvert, I love coding, reading & traveling. I feel a little bit cold to people, but I more of a deep person, I like to keep a little bit of mystery, but very honest and genuine.
submitted by Select_Extenson to penpals [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:52 jord3jordon Is Having 3 Hobbies Too Much?
I’ve been thinking about picking up (or in some cases, committing to) three hobbies, but I’m wondering if it’s too much to juggle. Right now, I’m interested in:
1. Learning a language: specifically my father’s native tongue, which he rarely spoke to me in (he moved to my birth country and focused on only speaking that language to me). I’d love to become fluent. 2. A sport: mostly for fun and fitness, not to compete seriously. 3. A musical instrument: just something I’d like to be able to play casually.
My main goal is fluency in the language, but the sport and instrument are more for enjoyment. For those of you who juggle multiple hobbies, do you find it overwhelming? Should I focus on one at a time, or is it realistic to balance all three? Would love to hear your experiences!2025.02.02 00:52 Takada_Oda No tenés con quien jugar?
Buenas noches comunidad, busco gente que no tenga un grupo de amigos para jugar, o su grupo sea muy chico. Mi idea es crear un grupo con dichos gamer para divertirnos un rato. No tengo una pc potente, pero si buen internet. Si te interesa, dejame abajo en los comentarios tu Discord y que te gusta jugar.
Muchas gracias por leer.
submitted by Takada_Oda to Argaming [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:52 More-Run-4872 Tik tok on iPhone 16 for sale 4000 dm at on Reddit and Samsung Galaxy A14 with tik tok for 2000
submitted by More-Run-4872 to TikTokBuySellTrade [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 00:52 AuthorJoJo My dog turned into a crab.
The longer I’m around. The more I realize that things just happen. They come and go and you’ll never get the answers you’re looking for. That’s kind of how Turkey entered my life in the first place. Turkey is a dog. He was my friend’s dog.
He was a good guy, my friend, I mean. Really outgoing and nice to everyone, until one day when he just wasn’t himself anymore. Shut himself off from the world and, well, you know, lots of traumas. But when all was said and done, Turkey needed somewhere to go and I was looking for any support I could find, so I offered to house him.
Turkey reminds me of how my friend was before. Always excited and ready to socialize. Just close your eyes and picture a golden retriever. There you go, you just imagined Turkey. Happy face, floppy ears, and golden fur, the works. I watched Turkey go from a pup with way too much energy to an old dog with way too much energy.
We have been through a lot together. There were days when I’d look at Turkey and realize I had known my friend’s dog longer than I knew my friend. This was a somber thought to be certain, but sometimes comforting. Like, I had this piece of my friend that got to grow with me even when he couldn’t. Ya know? It drove me to be better like he was always keeping an eye on me.
Helped me a lot in life and I’d say I’m doing well for myself. Turkey has been with me for all of it, every promotion, and every move. His favorite is our little adventures into the woods. We’d stay at the cabin my dad built with his own hands whenever time off from work permitted such a luxury.
I bring up the cabin because that must have been where it started. Turkey is an indoor dog, but when we’re at the cabin, he’s allowed to venture as he pleases. It’s the only time I can think of where something must have happened. He had to have run out into the woods and gotten into something.
It’s easy to picture him leaping around and plunging his nose into all the smells the wild has to offer. Pressing his face just a little too close to some strange something-or-other. Maybe he was bit or crossed some strange threshold, I just don’t know. I’m not sure when the first signs reared their ugly heads too.
Maybe the plastic? What I assumed was plastic anyway. Turkey had started to spit out these little red flakes. They were hard and glossy. At the time, I assumed that he had just chewed up some toy he found as he hadn’t been acting strange prior. One piece was particularly large, and it must have cut Turkey’s throat because it carried small trails of blood mixed with the mucus.
Before you think I’m neglectful. I took him to the vet when he chucked up the bit with blood on it. But nothing was out of the ordinary. Well, the vet’s bill was pretty insane, but other than that, Turkey had a clean bill of health. The vet was actually impressed given Turkey’s climbing age.
Still, Turkey kept leaving little red flakes lying around the house. I remember stepping on one, I was barefoot, and it was hard enough that it managed to pierce my skin, causing me to bleed.
Or maybe it was when he started just staring off into space. Dogs do that sure, but he would walk up to the wall, press his nose against it, and just stare there. He’d do it once or twice a week, and anyone I talked to just suggested early signs of dementia. Again, Turkey, he’s old. And just because his body was healthy, didn’t mean his mind was.
So, I thought, sure. My dog just has a few quirks. He still loved to play catch. The same dog that liked to rub the bark off sticks with his teeth. I still had to stop him from chewing the handmade furniture in the cabin. Same dog that always spun around 3 times before deciding to lay down. Always three times. Same dog, my friend.
The dementia thing. Probably made me overlook too many things. I remember rounding the corner one day just in time to watch Turkey walk across the room… sideways. He watched me continuously, moving steadily from one side to the other with perfect balance as if performing a waltz. It was uncanny to watch, each time I saw it, unnatural.
He’d also do this thing where his eyes would go wide and I swear, it looked like he was trying to bulge them out of their sockets. It was so strange. But every time I took him somewhere to get checked out, there was nothing. Or at least, nothing they could explain.
Things really ramped up when I found the first lump. Right able his right eye, every time I pet him I could feel it. It was a stiff bump, it felt like bone but I knew in my heart that it hadn’t been there before. This was confirmed when another larger bump appeared at the back of his temple, just as stiff and unmoving.
The bumps showed up during examination, the vets said it was practically bone, and they implied that maybe I just missed the spots before. That they were just oddities in how Turkey’s skull developed. It became harder to go back to the vets with each failed visit, financially and spiritually.
At this point, something was obviously wrong with him. His energy was lower, and he’d space out more and more. Sometimes just staring at me, unblinking for, God, hours? It would creep me out so much. Just waiting for him to move, it felt like he was going to lunge for me at any moment. But instead, he’d eventually come to and trot off, sometimes even doing his strange sideways exit.
More and more bumps appeared, they seemed to be growing at times too, one being large enough to pierce through his skin. After cleaning where it had poked through, I could see it was a dull red, just like the flakes he was spitting up. Whatever was happening to my dog, Turkey was gone. He just wasn’t himself anymore. Whenever I looked into his eyes, I didn’t see him. I just saw a silent plea, one I just a few weeks ago, decided to answer.
So, we went to the cabin.
It was just me and him. Sitting on the bathroom floor. I had tightly bundled him with the blanket from the bed we slept in throughout the years. He got to eat a couple of hamburgers, ones with a mix of drugs that made him more and more tired. With golden hour cresting through the bathroom window, we sat.
My hand resting on his chest, I felt his frame rise and fall with each breath,
I sat for a while, thinking I would feel his chest come back up again. But it didn’t, and I was alone. Thinking that at the very least, I got to say goodbye to my friend this time. The cocktail of drugs took longer to take effect than I initially thought and by the time Turkey had passed, moonlight was filling the room.
Finally deciding the world had to keep spinning, I stood up and just let Turkey lay there. I thought he deserved one last rest in the home, I guess. And so I went to bed and rested in it alone for the first time. It didn’t feel right, it was so empty. I tossed and turned throughout the night, struggling to sleep.
After several hours of giving it my best go, I ended up just lying there with my eyes open, staring at the wall. And then I heard a *Click*. At first, it sounded like something had just fallen onto the roof, but then I heard it again.
I sat up in bed and waited for the noise to occur again.
I turned my head to the noise; it was definitely coming from inside the house. A faint and brief tapping. It sounded like a stone being dropped onto linoleum.
Quickly shuffling to the side of the bed, I rose out, dropping the sheets onto the floor. Thoughts were bouncing around in my head. Wondering if I locked all the doors and windows. Trying to recall if I had seen any suspicious behavior or if some raccoon had just made their way inside.
I stood in the hallway, peering down at the silver beams of light that spilled out from the open bathroom door as the clicking picked up in pace. My heart sank as I thought about the possibility of Turkey writing around on the floor. Thinking that I had somehow messed up the doses and put him through more pain.
Then the light coming out of the door was partially obstructed at the bottom of the doorframe.
My body was stiff watching the shadows shift in tandem with the tapping emitting from within the bathroom. Getting larger and larger. Red, dull red was the first color I could see poking out of the bathroom. In one swift motion, it moved out into the hall, as if intentionally trying to shock me.
A spastic and unforgiving revelation of the strange and twisted claw that pressed down onto the hallway’s carpet. Obviously, I was astonished. My brain was firing off synapses to try to understand what I was seeing. The malformed, bleak and dark representation of a crab’s claw. It looked gnarled and jagged, covered in a glossy and heartbreaking red liquid.
The claw was attached to a similarly messy-looking arm, it looked like old musty PVC piping and was about as thick as one of Turkey’s arms. It twisted and creaked at the joint pulling along the body behind it, revealing more and more horror with each drag forward.
Strange clicking was replaced with a sudden thud, like a book dropping onto the carpet. The arm operating the claw led my vision to the complete desecration that had become of Turkey’s face. I had what felt like an eternity to absorb the gruesome sight of my friend's ruined corpse, the silence amplifying the horror.
His face had been split open, the crab’s arm sticking out like a pipe that had pierced a seat cushion. The area was fractured and had red gleaming in the moonlight. His eye had shifted and was protruding. A thin collum of muscle lifted the eye out of the socket, leaving it to bend around with each drag.
Another pulls forward. I could see the other claw starting to make its way out of Turkey’s face. Breaking through the surface it pushed aside wet matted fur, I could see where the thinning film of skin started to parse and tear, streams of red brighter than the claw spilling out.
Each forward drag painted the carpet, the vibrant colors marking its territory. My heart could’ve broken bone, it was beating so hard. I retreated a step when the abomination pulled forward. Another sullied and filthy claw reached out and landed on the carpet, malformed and slightly smaller than the other.
Embarrassingly, I tripped as I attempted to back off again. My body was so rigid and shaky, and it was hard to step correctly. My nerves didn’t even register the pain of plummeting to the floor, all my mental capacity was focused on what had become of Turkey. How the claws, larger than his whole torso, would bend and strain to pull my dog’s body behind it.
With both claws out and articulating though, the monster was moving fast and clearly coming towards me. Turkey’s other eye made a sickening squelch as it popped free from his face and lifted next to the other. Both beads of darkness focused on me.
What remained of Turkey’s face was all fractured bone and torn skin, only vaguely could I make out the picture of what he used to be. The proportions of it all seemed nonsensical, I can’t imagine how such large claws were confined in a head smaller than them. The strength of the claws was already enough to drag the dog’s body with relative ease.
I started scrambling to my feet when it reached out, arm seeming longer than before, and smashed a claw down. It tore through my pants and ripped my skin open before I had enough time to draw it back. The wound gashed and spilled blood, soaking the surrounding fabric.
My body was finally moving, and I was able to scramble to my feet again, feeling the pain of the open wound as I put pressure on it. The thing was quick to react to my movement, backing off slightly. Where Turkey’s teeth used to be had been almost completely reworked in the transformation. Lips pulled back, revealing shriveled gums that had dissolved into a thick, soupy mess, the smell of decay thick in the air.
His teeth, though, when it moved back, they chittered. Shaking, the pearly whites smacked against each other rapidly. It sounded like a rattlesnake trying to ward me off. I felt small like this thing had set its sights on me and was reeling back for a final pounce. I didn’t know if running or slowly backing away was the right move.
I could vaguely see his side profile being illuminated in the sunlight. It was somehow the worst part, being able to see his torso writing around like that. I knew what was coming next, but my eyes just wouldn’t avert. His ribs moved around rapidly under the skin, they pressed against the skin, protruding further and further each time.
His teeth continued to rattle as what was once Turkey’s ribs started to poke through the skin on his chest. Extremities the same dirty, bone color as the arms attached to the claws reached out until they tapped on the floor.
Turkey stood, his frame contorted into an unsettling silhouette, the very air around him seeming to crackle with a hellish energy. Eight legs on each side of his torso reached down and supported the rest of Turkey, they pushed down all over the carpet as the body twisted around like a centipede.
I was running before I realized I had decided to do so. The awe finally turned into abject horror as I bounded for the stairs. I could hear it behind me, the way its feet landed on and pulled at the carpet. The rapid thud of the claws smacking the ground pulled the structure along.
It was rapid, and I felt one of the claws try to pincer my leg, only managing to grab the fabric, but it was enough to send me flying. This time I felt the impact, body rag dolling down against the wall. I rebounded and let my body tumble around the corner, managing to stay upright. I turned around and took a brief look at the thing round the corner.
The movements were sloppy. It crashed against the wall too, it hit hard enough to rattle the pictures on the wall. Claws reached out to stabilize the body before it could properly topple over. It was so much faster than me. My leg where it had scratched me was hot and writhing in pain. It felt like someone had sliced me open with coral.
There was no chance in hell that I was making it to the front door in time. Despite my best efforts to hobble forward, the crab monstrosity was on me before I could regain my footing. I fell to the floor again and before I could try to get back up, I was surrounded by a cage of skittering legs.
When it pushed me over, I toppled onto a side table my father had made with wood from the surrounding trees. My skin rubbed against the bark that remained on the table’s legs, causing the skin to peel as I once again smacked the ground.
My senses dulled as I rolled up and looked up at the towering desecration of my friend’s dog. Of my friend. The crab loomed over me, both claws pressed down on either side of my head. Shoulders were confined by the imposing pincers. All I could do was feel the cold night’s air punctuating each bead of sweat.
The chittering got louder as it lowered its face to mine. I imagined my face blending into a fine mist. Or those claws closing around my throat. All the ways that this horrid thing could rip me apart. It leaned closer and closer until I could practically smell its eye stalks.
I peered into the dark protruding marbles. My face faintly reflected on them and after. It reeled back, and I grabbed the closest thing I could to defend myself, as futile as the effort seemed. Fingers wrapped around the table leg and I held it out in front of me as if it was some mighty sword.
The crab version of Turkey halted. The eyes bent down to look at the stick of wood and as it felt like fear was trying to get me to pass out, the crab lunged forward and closed its mandibles-
On the stick. I watched, wide-eyed, as the crab chewed away at the stick, pulling the bark free and seemingly swallowing it.
Using my feet, I pushed back slowly as the crab reached with its claw and grabbed another table leg, chewing on the furniture that Turkey was never allowed to. Slowly backing up, I got enough room to stand. Once again, I was in awe, for a completely different reason.
This horrible abomination. The absolute destruction of my dog. I watched it spin in a circle.
Three times.
And then it laid down, curling what was left of the dog’s body into a ball and it just kept chewing away at the stick. One stick after another vanished, chewed away by Turkey’s strange mandibles. When it… when he looked up at me, eye shining in the light. I could see my dog. I know it’s wrong. Sick of me I do. But I just left.
Closed the cabin’s door behind me.
I returned a few days later. A bundle of nice, thick tree branches in tow and opened the cabin door. It was quiet for a moment and then I heard a rapid tapping approach. As it rounded the corner, I initially felt that fear again, soaking in all its features for what felt like the first time. Now soaked in daylight.
A lot of the blood had been cleaned away, by God knows what. Where the skin had been cleaned and healed, I could still see tuffs of Turkey’s golden blond hair. And as it approached me, I held out a stick, it took the stick, and I watched my weird dog-crab monster chew away, not a care in the world.
Wild animals are unpredictable. And I’m sure someday this will all turn around on me. As strange as it sounds, I’m okay with that. Maybe one day Turkey will mistake my arm for a tree branch and shred all the skin off. Maybe his claws will someday separate my head from my body.
But for now, as much as I can. I’ll keep slipping away.
Tree branches in tow.
To hang out with my best friend.
submitted by AuthorJoJo to nosleep [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:52 lazycarebear Dance moves
submitted by lazycarebear to StrangeAndFunny [link] [comments]