2025.02.02 02:00 ProStreetKing My customized Charger Pursuit
submitted by ProStreetKing to APEXracers [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 02:00 the_planted_diary Compost
Looking to source some compost for garden beds. Anyone have a favorite supplier in town? Wish I could compost, but I have two dogs who love smelly things
submitted by the_planted_diary to Omaha [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 02:00 EstablishmentOk3148 its always the fathers that request a parent/teacher interview
submitted by EstablishmentOk3148 to christinahendricksai [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 02:00 bot-bouncer Overview for TheColSullivan
submitted by bot-bouncer to BotBouncer [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 02:00 Negative_Pop1053 Quien vio está serie?
Quien vio la serie de Hellstrom? Les gustó? Creen que merecía una segunda temporada?
submitted by Negative_Pop1053 to peliculas [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 02:00 Charming_Comedian_44 Malaria
submitted by Charming_Comedian_44 to BrandNewSentence [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 02:00 Jazzlike-Bank-2604 What if I’m the bad guy?
So many stories I read of sex and porn addicts are from people who were abused as children. But what if I’m the bad guy? I’ve never abused anyone or did anything illegal, but I did some gross and messed up stuff as a teen. Will I be accepted at meetings?
submitted by Jazzlike-Bank-2604 to SexAddiction [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 02:00 Frodogangordie Coffee rub ribeye, potato mash, and roaster carrot with Brussels
submitted by Frodogangordie to RateMyPlate [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 02:00 C0py_C4t_ Can l make my Lammas wreath early?
(Southern Hemisphere for context) The 4th is when Lammas is, but I’m going to be busy that day, so is it ok if I make the wreath early, as in today?
submitted by C0py_C4t_ to pagan [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 02:00 BonquaviousG New Fig collection
My main figure collecting mainly centered around starwars but when Lego dropped the x-mansion I couldn’t help myself. Here is where I’m at a couple months in.
submitted by BonquaviousG to LegoMarvel [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 02:00 rollthebell birdcage coverup?
Hey everyone! i've been getting tattoos over time without really planning a sleeve, and for the most part, I’m happy with how things look.. that said, the bird cage tattoo is the one I kinda regret the most. I feel like the placement is off, it’s too thin, and i think it looks a bit crooked. Im considering a traditional-style cover-up to make it flow better with the rest of the tattoos.Also thought about covering the “good news” tattoo(it’s not that I dislike it, but I wouldn’t mind letting it go for something more cohesive) what do you all think? Am I overthinking it about the cage tattoo being ugly and crooked on my arm? And does anyone have suggestions for a cover-up design? really appreciate your ideas! submitted by rollthebell to traditionaltattoos [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 02:00 FullNarwhal2659 Voilin appraisal needed
Wondering if anyone would know who or where to get an appraisal or have any knowledge about this violin. submitted by FullNarwhal2659 to Violins [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 02:00 Liquid_Plumr I need a realtor
My recent (past ~4 years) experience has been agents who list the house, put up a sign, and hold an open house where they sit in the house and surf on their phone while waving people in.
I need an experienced agent who will actively sell my house. Sell the features, sell the location, sell the schools, sell the taxes. Rattle off comps that are actually comparable and not just barely similar.
I would appreciate any recommendations that aren't yourself, but an agent who you liked, on either side of the transaction.
This is specifically southeast Monmouth County. Property is sub $750k, sfh.
submitted by Liquid_Plumr to SouthJersey [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 02:00 Inside-Reception-179 I got taken out on a date tonight. Treat started by being driven once lol! I always drive everyday lol and even better because i was with my pain of an eternity but love her through the universes and black holes and back, here. To my only living mem of immediate fam, I got you Big bro and Dad 💕
submitted by Inside-Reception-179 to aww [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 02:00 sharewithme Word of The Hour: port
English: port
2025.02.02 02:00 Savings-Parsnip2310 TivimatePro?
Is this a real app? And do i have the right one? I paid 8.99$ for lifetime but can’t figure out how to add playlist.
submitted by Savings-Parsnip2310 to TiviMate [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 02:00 Ok_Swimming_892 Some of my friends are still friends with my exes and it’s really bothering me.
I got out of a really toxic relationship a few months ago. Most of my friends have cut off my exes (There are 2 of them because it was polyamorous), but a couple of them have stayed friends with them and one of them is actively getting closer to them. For the record, this friend knows how much they hurt me and I gave them a brief rundown of the type of people they are. They told me: "I know they hurt you, but I'm still going to hang out with them." Which for me, is implying that they either don't believe me or don't care, and is really disrespectful. I still love all the people that remain friends with them, but I've definitely lost a lot of respect for them, because they know that they were so toxic it was bordering on abusive, yet they remain friends with them. It just really pisses me off because I would never do that to one of my friends.
submitted by Ok_Swimming_892 to venting [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 02:00 BakedAppleBread Pre-builts and Custom builds
Where are some places, sites, or companies I can ask to build me a pc? The problem is, I'm looking for a pc without a GPU. So where can I get some builds?
submitted by BakedAppleBread to PHbuildapc [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 02:00 Terrible-Science2794 MY VALENTINE NAILS
Here are my new set for February What do you guys think ! submitted by Terrible-Science2794 to Nails [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 02:00 lightiggy Thank you for your service.
submitted by lightiggy to Kommunismus [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 02:00 StylisticNightmare ➬ Inhaltswarnung / Entführung einer Minderjährigen in Erfurt am hellichten Tag (Video)
submitted by StylisticNightmare to erfurt [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 02:00 baxana5 On the hunt!
Im looking for some grey sweats by pink that have tinsel sparsely sewn into them. They were i store around christmas time. Not the icy fleece
submitted by baxana5 to VictoriasSecret [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 02:00 Millie_65 Nylon Flexible Belt
Looking to find my father a good flexible nylon belt. Basically the Patagonia nylon belt but unfortunately they’re too small. Any recommendations welcomed!
submitted by Millie_65 to bifl [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 02:00 Wrong-Potential-9391 The Dangers of Nationalism and why we should be more concerned.
TAKEN FROM nzpolitics
Nationalism: noun; identification with one's own nation [Or belief] and support for its interests, especially to the exclusion or detriment of the interests of other nations or people.
At first glance, someone might say "Well, that doesn't sound bad, that's just national pride - right?"
But if you dig even a little below surface level, the true ugliness shows it's head. It's not pride in any form.
Nationalism has always, all throughout human history, has been used as a tool for one specific purpose.
To take an ordinary message or love, acceptance, and togetherness - and twist it into that of fear, hate, confusion, and division.
I'm not here to preach religion, just stick with me
We see this most clearly, and most relatably with our country, with the comparisons of the core teachings of Jesus Christ - and the Christian Nationalist version.
Jesus Christ's original teachings were that of love, acceptance of the stranger, selflessness, and peace.
We see this most clearly when he defines "your neighbour" in the parable of the Good Samaritan.
He defines "the neighbour" as anyone different regardless of race, religion, financial status - he taught to love all. He encouraged diversity in humanity as that's what his father wanted - he further expands on the idea this is what his father wanted when he said the ONLY TWO commandments you need to follow are the ones of "Love your God above all else" and "love thy neighbour" as when you follow both of these, you love God entirely.
He also taught that worship is to be done in private as the relationship between you and God is a private thing - not to be used against people.
Christian Nationalism, on the other hand, takes the message of Love and mercy - but only applies it to those who believe. Those who are "the same.
It turns the messages of love to those of hate, and fear - to anyone different.
This was first done by the Roman Emperor Constantine - when he saw the massive global shift that the teachings of Jesus had on people in just 300 years since his death. He took those teachings, twisted them, and announced the Roman Empire to be a Christian Nation. The first Christian Nationalist Movement.
Now - you might be wondering WHY I bring this up. Lots of reasons.
Constantine's Roman Empire is widely highly regarded by such famous people and their modern follwers as;
2025.02.02 02:00 OkMarsupial4959 What do you think the strongest nautiloid build is going to be in patch 8?
Death cleric looks pretty strong with a double cast of toll the dead. Are there an other builds that stand out at level 1 and could be used to wipe the smug off Commander Zhalk and his goon squad's faces?
submitted by OkMarsupial4959 to BG3Builds [link] [comments]