Accepting phd seat with intention to master out and reapply ?

2025.02.02 01:51 Worldly-Emu-2740 Accepting phd seat with intention to master out and reapply ?

Hello all - I graduated with my BS in Biochemistry in 2022. As an undergrad, I worked in a biochemistry lab, and have a paper (co-author) from that time. I recently completed an MSc in science communication abroad in 2024 on a full scholarship.
I am currently back in the US, living in my college town, working as a Research Tech in the same lab I did as an undergrad. I have 3 papers that have already been submitted/will be submitted for peer review in the next 3-9 months or so.
I applied to PhD programs this cycle, and am currently swimming in rejections. However, I was accepted to the chemistry PhD program at my alma mater. It is an R1 university, and though I applied here as a “safety” … it is a red state/small college town/terrible weather (for my taste) most of the year and in general I am trying to claw my way out of this town and back to one of the coasts. I am not interested in spending the next 5-6 years of my life here.
However, the lab environment which I currently am working in is absolutely amazing, great people, great boss (mostly), really interesting projects that are progressing well. The research I am working on now is much different from what which I did/got published in as an undergrad, so I am learning lots. All this being said… what are our thoughts on me starting my PhD here in my college town, and leaving asap (1-1.5 years if possible) with a masters in chemistry, and applying again for PhD?
I am so so eager to get out of this state and move on with my life in a different university/setting but this seems like a good “backup” I think? A grad student in the lab pointed out that I would in a way have to “start over” at a new PhD program, but I don’t think I would mind this. I would rather spend the next 1.5 years learning in a traditional academic setting (with classes/professors/rotations..and stipend) AND research - as opposed to just doing research as a poorly paid research tech. Is my thinking in the right place?
I thank y’all for your time, good luck to us all lol
submitted by Worldly-Emu-2740 to gradadmissions [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:51 70NK40SAIT Neo

Neo This is An OC by Stryker on Discord
And I wanted to remake her since the last time I drew her is a long ass time now,
Call her Ravage sister if you want
submitted by 70NK40SAIT to TransformersArt [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:51 Depressonsandwich Early 2000s build buy CC for teens?

Early 2000s build buy CC for teens? I want my sim to have an early 2000s themed room with the old style computers and posters. Stuff like this would be great
submitted by Depressonsandwich to sims4cc [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:51 Fancy_Particular3875 Please help!

I have a male long finned betta. He is very healthy and thriving. I just recently moved him from a 5 gallon tank to a 10 gallon vertical tank. I did not realize that vertical tanks were not recommended for male bettas since their fins are heavier. He has a comfy leaf bed at the top of the tank so he can breathe and rest. He also has tons of natural decorations along with live plants! I feed him blood worms as a snack and flakes normally. Will my betta be okay in a 10 gallon vertical tank?
submitted by Fancy_Particular3875 to BettaJunkies_USA [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:51 DistributionBusy1994 Info on WSR

I found this round at the local shop. I looked it up and apparently less than 1000 were produced but I want more Info like value and such
submitted by DistributionBusy1994 to Silverbugs [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:51 Heavy_Invite8601 Cunhada golpista o que fazer?

Eu tento, sempre tento muito manter uma boa relação com a família da minha namorada.
Minha sogra me trata super bem, meu sogro, mesmo sendo mais reservado, sempre demonstra gostar da minha presença. Mas cara, a irmã da minha namorada é complicada…
Esse Natal, levei uns panetones gourmet daqueles da Bauducco pra casa da minha namorada. Obviamente, todo mundo poderia comer, mas eu levei especialmente para ELA.
A questão é que a irmã dela abriu os DOIS panetones, comeu um inteiro e no outro deixou só um pedacinho, só pra dizer que não comeu tudo. Em menos de 30 minutos, já não tinha mais nada.
Minha sogra, que é confeiteira, ficou com pena e fez um panetone artesanal maravilhoso pra mim, mas mesmo assim, foi um exagero o que aconteceu.
E não é só com comida…
Tudo que eu levo pra minha namorada—brinde, mimo, chocolate—ela simplesmente pega sem ninguém oferecer.
E tem mais. Sempre que eu e minha namorada temos alguma discussão (o que é normal em qualquer relacionamento), ela fica o tempo todo no pé da minha namorada, insistindo pra gente terminar.
E olha que ironia… justo ela, que terminou o próprio namoro recentemente.
E não foi por um motivo qualquer… Ela deu um golpe de R$1000 no namorado, a mãe teve que pagar a dívida, além disso, ainda traía o cara e enviava fotos comprometedoras para outras pessoas. No final, terminou com ele porque ele não quis dar mais R$1000 pra uma suposta cirurgia que, pelo visto, nunca existiu.
Mas piora…
Esse ano, comprei um iPhone de Natal pra minha namorada porque ela realmente precisava para o trabalho como social media. Paguei R$7000 no melhor modelo pra ela, e estava tudo em paz.
Até que essa menina, num acesso de inveja, pegou um alicate e estragou a tela do celular. E ainda se recusa a admitir que foi ela.
E os problemas não param por aí… Ela já colocou a família inteira em situações financeiras absurdas, envolvendo até agiotas, e quando conseguiu dinheiro pra pagar a dívida, acabou perdendo tudo em apostas.
Eu tô indignado de um jeito que nem sabia que era possível, com uma pessoa que nem da minha família é.
É alguém que atrapalha o meu relacionamento, causa sofrimento pra própria família, não quer saber de trabalhar e ainda justifica tudo isso colocando a culpa nos remédios que toma pra ansiedade.
Fica aqui o alerta: CUIDADO com quem vocês se relacionam. Porque quando você namora alguém, acaba se envolvendo com a família inteira. E quando tem alguém problemático no meio, mais cedo ou mais tarde, isso vai afetar você de alguma forma
submitted by Heavy_Invite8601 to desabafos [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:51 Gozuta Which game modes are the most active

Just that, which Game-modes are the most actives, that have the least waiting time? Is there a way to know how many people are playing each game mode? Here in Oceania I'm waiting 5 minutes to play an Arena (I'm forced to play Arena PvE)
submitted by Gozuta to Smite [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:51 PotatoW0lf Does anyone know how long the Spring Sale will last?

Went to Michael’s today and noticed they’re having 40% off their spring collection. Does anyone know how long this will last? I couldn’t find anything online about it Thank you!
submitted by PotatoW0lf to michaelscraftstore [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:51 Public-Profit-4658 Why does my cat drink water like this?

Why does my cat drink water like this? submitted by Public-Profit-4658 to cats [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:51 ShortPerson22 THE STARS

Am I crazy to think that these creatures, The Stars, are all the same beings? Like yea, at the end of monument mythos, it could be interpreted that The Stars are visible fragments of cornerworld. But what if The Stars were both? That being both fragmented figments of cornerworld as well as the beings in nixonverse and the beings in whatever the new independent series is to be dubbed as.
I could be entirely wrong because I’m going near purely off my own interpretation, but then again, not too much has been confirmed by Manticore themselves.
submitted by ShortPerson22 to THEMONUMENTMYTHOS [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:51 DryGeneral990 How do I make this $250 back?

submitted by DryGeneral990 to MMAbetting [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:51 Te_Quiero_Puta High quality Falcon Flags?

Where do you source your Falcon Flags? I'm looking for a more premium option than WS.
submitted by Te_Quiero_Puta to Printing [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:51 DeepInTheRabbitHole Any last words of advice as I sit here debating between getting KCD2 on PC vs PS5?

My PC runs an i7-13700K, RTX 3070, and 32gb of RAM vs Normal PS5. Not the best GPU but I'm hoping my CPU will make up for it with a game like this. I don't expect to run it at Ultra settings but even at lower settings it should be better than OG PS5 performance mode right? Or will the 3070 hinder me more than I think with its 8gb of VRAM?
submitted by DeepInTheRabbitHole to kingdomcome [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:51 badnbitchin ISO midsized SUV under $25k

Hi all I am looking for a new car pretty quickly and I would like to stay under $25,000 and preferably under 50,000 miles and my only requirement really is for it to have CarPlay and heated seats as I live in a cold state. Right now I have a 2017 Volkswagen Tiguan that I think is a lemon and I need to get rid of it. What are some suggestions for a good midsize SUV? I’ve been looking at the Volkswagen Taos, but I am afraid of having more issues with German cars and also looking at the Ford Bronco. Thanks so much.
submitted by badnbitchin to whatcarshouldIbuy [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:51 miserabletrenmisuser I don’t know what branch to join to fly

Howdy y’all. Sorry but this is gonna be a long one. Hey everyone. I’m 20 years old, and at the end of this semester I’m gonna be graduating college with a bachelors in business management with a 3.5-3.7 GPA depending on how the semester goes. 91 on the ASVAB.
For the longest time, I wanted to be a pilot in the Marine Corps, and honestly I still feel like I do. I feel like if I join another branch I’ll regret it. I want to be 60 and tell people I was a Marine Corps pilot. I wanted to end up in rotary and be a life flight pilot when I get out. Or fly for law enforcement.
Now here’s the big BUT The past couple weeks. For some reason. I’ve gotten the urge to fly fixed wing. I don’t know why. But I just have. Maybe I want to go fly the airlines? Who knows. But something has made me want to go fixed wing, and I’m really split between fixed wing and rotary.
I know if I go Marine Corps or coast guard, I will have a high chance at rotary. I know if I go Navy or Airforce, I’ll have a higher chance at fixed wing. But I may not qualify for Airforce since I don’t have a stem degree. But I really can’t decide. I don’t want to regret not being a Marine. But I also don’t know if being a Marine is all that great. What do y’all think? What would you guys do? Fixed wing or rotary? And what branch. Please go into detail. This has been bothering my quite a bit. Thanks y’all
submitted by miserabletrenmisuser to Militaryfaq [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:51 Background-Let8227 PSA 182 if there was a video of it (combined the two pictures of the incident on runwayml)

submitted by Background-Let8227 to planecrashcorner [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:51 Successful_Ad2287 What’s my next mythic to get to 12 / to purchase?

What’s my next mythic to get to 12 / to purchase? I know I know. I hate these posts too. But I feel like I have my mythic stack dialed in and I’m wondering what to build up next. I know the meta suggests lance but I am also thinking about buying Indy and building it up for the utility. Any other suggestions?
submitted by Successful_Ad2287 to luckydefense [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:51 squirrellover928 How can I get this healthy?

I got my hair bleached a little while ago and it definitely damaged it. I’ve already done a trim to try and get as much of the split ends as I can but I’ve lost my curl texture a bit. I don’t use anything but shampoo and conditioner because I’ve never found something that doesn’t make my hair feel heavy or crunchy (no matter how little or light it is). Any advice would be amazing.
submitted by squirrellover928 to Haircare [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:51 Comfortable_Bar5150 Real or fake onitsuka tiger

submitted by Comfortable_Bar5150 to LegitCheck [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:51 pevja BBQ grind YW9LCM

submitted by pevja to unioncircle [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:51 Grimaceshak Bros not okay

submitted by Grimaceshak to BrandonDE [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:51 WarBros-BroHammering Warhammer Base Diorama

I hope this is an appropriate place to put these! Sorry if it's not!
Ive spent about 3 days protyping this "rock structure" and through trial and error have come up with this as the back bone and im so happy with how it turned out!
Obviously no where near being done, but i am just happy with it as it is really fulfilling the vision and sketchs I have.
(Also this is my first time using cork and building anything like this so it felt very ambitious)
submitted by WarBros-BroHammering to dioramas [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:51 Able_Memory_413 How many grafts do you think i have left for my second ht?

How many grafts do you think i have left for my second ht? Doing my second hair transplant in May and am curious How many grafts i could safely extract over time? This was taken a week post op
submitted by Able_Memory_413 to HairTransplants [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:51 Clear_Lifeguard975 Who started the "Rodri's on Fire!" chant?

Grealish? Around the 2023 season- or did it start before that?
submitted by Clear_Lifeguard975 to MCFC [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:51 Finansdk Toldkrig rammer lørdag: Trumps handelskrig vil også ramme amerikanerne hårdt

Toldkrig rammer lørdag: Trumps handelskrig vil også ramme amerikanerne hårdt submitted by Finansdk to erhvervsnyt [link] [comments]