Tatsumaki 🌪️

2025.02.02 01:41 Redichicks Tatsumaki 🌪️

Tatsumaki 🌪️ submitted by Redichicks to AnimeGirls [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:41 AdeniumShop Pothos

submitted by AdeniumShop to artwork [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:41 wacojacoco Lost Dog - onion lake rd / cascades

Lost Dog - onion lake rd / cascades Lost dog deep in a backyard on onion lake road by Melbourne at 1:15 this afternoon (Saturday) . Possible sighting at cascades conservation area around 5:30 . Her name is Masha and she's wearing the collar and Harness pictured . Any information would be greatly appreciated.
submitted by wacojacoco to ThunderBay [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:41 NosetuInc Revival AO: Nuevo parche (Motor gráfico DX8)

Revival AO: Nuevo parche (Motor gráfico DX8) 🎉✨ ¡Revival AO se actualiza: DX8 y Batchrender llega en los próximos días! 🎮🚀
¡Grandes noticias, aventureros! En los próximos días, lanzaremos un parche con el nuevo motor gráfico DX8 y Batchrender. 📥⚡ La actualización será automática y pública, para que todos puedan probar esta mejora al mismo tiempo, sin necesidad de reinstalar el juego.
Descarga Revival AO desde:
🚀 ¿Qué mejoras trae esta actualización?
Nuestro equipo de desarrollo ha trabajado arduamente para implementar DX8 y Batchrender, lo que traerá importantes beneficios para el juego:
✅ Mayor rendimiento y estabilidad ⚡: Animaciones más fluidas
✅ Gráficos mejorados y efectos visuales renovados 🎨✨: Iluminación más realista, sombras detalladas y colores más vivos.
✅ Optimización del uso de recursos 🔄💾: Mejor aprovechamiento del hardware, incluso en PCs más antiguas.
✅ Carga más rápida de mapas y texturas ⏳➡️⚡: Menos tiempos de espera, más acción.
✅ Mayor compatibilidad con sistemas modernos 🖥️🔝: Una base más sólida para el futuro del juego.
🛡️ ¡No habrá reset durante el testeo del nuevo motor gráfico y hasta el final de la beta!
Sabemos lo valioso que es tu esfuerzo, por lo que NO habrá reset durante el testeo del nuevo motor gráfico. 🎉 Una vez que el parche esté disponible, el juego se actualizará automáticamente para que puedas jugar con tus personajes actuales y experimentar todas las mejoras gráficas y de rendimiento.
🎁 ¡Bonificaciones Automáticas hasta el Final de la Beta!
Para que disfrutes al máximo, ahora al crear tu personaje recibirás automáticamente:
✨ Nivel Máximo – ¡Empieza en la cima del poder y listo para agitar!
🛡️ Skills al Máximo – Skills al 100 desde el inicio hasta el final de la beta.
💰 Oro – Equípate con todo lo necesario con el oro inicial como un verdadero héroe.
Aprovecha esta ventaja exclusiva mientras dure la beta. ¡Es tu momento de brillar! 🚀
🛠️ ¡Ayúdanos a mejorar!
Si encuentras algún fallo o bug durante esta prueba, repórtalo fácilmente con el comando /BUG 🐛. ¡Tu ayuda es clave para perfeccionar Revival AO!
🔥 El mundo de Revival AO está evolucionando, y queremos que seas parte de esta nueva era. ¿Estás listo para la acción? ¡Nos vemos en el juego! 🏹⚔️
submitted by NosetuInc to NosetuInc [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:40 Glittering-Notice610 Silencer Central Gift Card Code

Hey all, sorry if this isn't allowed here. I have a Silencer Central Gift Card code for $170.69 I don't ever plan on using. Will sell to someone for $75, not a scam, will send the code first and likely get scammed myself lol, but that's life. Can take Cashapp or Paypal.
submitted by Glittering-Notice610 to suppressors [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:40 Money_Technician_469 Que opinan? A cual se cogen?

submitted by Money_Technician_469 to cornudoss [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:40 SweetPeachWifey The way he starts wiggling and tapping at the window as soon as he sees me get home from work just makes me melt!

The way he starts wiggling and tapping at the window as soon as he sees me get home from work just makes me melt! submitted by SweetPeachWifey to Frenchbulldogs [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:40 SweetButtahMilk Where can I find this little feller?!!

Hey everyone! I saw this adorable critter in the DLC still shot for My Time at Sandrock—does anyone know where to find it in the game? Is it available in the base game, or is it exclusive to DLC? Would love any info!
submitted by SweetButtahMilk to MyTimeAtSandrock [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:40 AppropriateAd2725 Urban Minimalist Thrived at the Lion's Den

I survived, I thrived. I went, I saw, I resisted breaking my no-buy rule. Glad I am back home. Sharing my reflection with you about my trip to Las Vegas from Squamish, British Columbia.
submitted by AppropriateAd2725 to minimalism [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:40 Ridethatwave823 Trades

Trades submitted by Ridethatwave823 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:40 ComprehensiveEar24 THIS MATCH IS INSANE!!!!!

THIS MATCH IS INSANE!!!!! submitted by ComprehensiveEar24 to BrandonDE [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:40 Magical_Gollum My most recent woodburning project, the Great Hall of Edoras!

submitted by Magical_Gollum to counciloftherings [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:40 Bruce_Willy Is there an Invoker monk planner out there with weighted sum search?

When i built my Sorc, CaptainLance9 had a great guide with a "Weighted sum search" for gear on the tradesite. i'm hoping someone here knows of a planner with a similar setup for Invoker monk. I don't care what build, im leveling an alt and just messing around with it.
submitted by Bruce_Willy to PathOfExile2 [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:40 Realistic-Swan5309 How long does it take to finish Ultraman 1966

I want to pull all-night by watching Ultraman 1966. So I wonder how long does it take for me to finish all of the episodes.
submitted by Realistic-Swan5309 to Ultraman [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:40 Bhupen_Agrawal "Since I'm based on GPT-4, maybe [I'm] the same as ChatGPT?"

submitted by Bhupen_Agrawal to ChatGPT [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:40 Warriorphantom17 This is me at work 😂😭

This is me at work 😂😭 submitted by Warriorphantom17 to TsukiOdyssey [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:40 The_CIA_is_watching Explaining why Libertad is busted (what even is this narrative that Libertad is only slightly above average in strength?)

It seems to be a worryingly common opinion on this subreddit that Libertad isn't actually that strong, and that it's overhyped, and that the playerbase doesn't know how to counter it.
Obviously, this tells me that a lot of people have never played Libertad well, and have not played against a good Libertad.
Let me explain why Libertad is the second best BB in the game (behind only Legmod Colombo):
1. the maneuverability
This is the real thing that makes Libertad overpowered. Libertad has:
- built-in fast acceleration -- it accelerates faster than any other T10 battleship, even Vermont. Only an Incomp with a speed boost up gets to speed faster (and Incomp already has built-in fast acceleration).
For reference, Libertad accelerates to 20 knots in 8 sec, while a normal BB like Thunderer takes 19 sec (with propmod)
- Libertad has 13.6 sec base rudder shift, the 3rd best at T10 (average is around 17 sec).
But, since Libertad doesn't have to run propmod, it runs rudder shift mod (if you didn't fall for the DCP mod scam) and reduces that to 10.86 sec, the 2nd best at T10. Thunderer's vaunted rudder shift is 10.4 sec, only a tiny bit better.
- Libertad ALSO has the 4th lowest turning circle at T10 (out of 25 non-clone ships), tied with Bourgogne at 910 meters.
This is behind only Vermont (850), Rhode Island (890), and the Yamato sisters (900).
- Libertad loses pretty much 0 speed in a turn, and has a very high rate of turn.
This is thanks to its improved acceleration: if you've ever driven Vermont and Tennessee, you'll notice Vermont bleeds little speed in turns, while Tenn drops to 12 knots. That's because Vermont has high acceleration parameters at all speeds, while Tennessee has awful acceleration.
- Libertad's speed isn't even that low. It has average speed at 30 kts, tied with Montana, Bungo, Repub, GK, and Preussen. And if you have Brisk up, you're more than fast enough. Not to mention adding Lisboa gives you improved Brisk and 5% speed after triggering 2 funny buttons (very easy to pull off).
Driving this thing literally feels like you're dancing. You can reaction dodge BBs from 15km, because you turn instantly on a dime.
And remember, the ships that beat it make their own sacrifices -- Incomp has 1,160m turning circle. Vermont goes 25 kts. Yamato has 22 sec rudder shift. Thunderer is still considered broken.
2. the survivability
A lot of Libertad's tankiness comes from the fact you can dodge enemy shells as they are fired, and throw off enemy torpedoes before they are fired.
Anyone who's played torpboats knows the feeling where you launch torps, and then the enemy BB makes some completely untelegraphed, nonsensical move (like turning flat to your entire team) and dodges all torps. Libertad can do this on purpose, because it turns so well that you can never be punished.
Another nice feature of the Libertad is that it basically has no citadel -- there is a vulnerability under the back turrets where you can cit it most of the time, but like with every modern BB, you'll never hit this spot consistently -- especially considering this thing handles like a cruiser.
Libertad takes a few pages from the Kremlin as well -- it has very thick plating (51mm) that shatters all HE short of Hindy/Goliath/BB, and 0 superstructure (good luck farming it, DDs!).
And since it's covered with turrets, even BB HE will randomly shatter on them, and it sometimes bounces AP shells on them too.
It also has American DCP, which has 20 sec uptime instead of 15 sec, and since the coal DCP mod exists, you can effectively get 28 sec DCP duration -- and then 30 sec later your heal will be ready, see below.
Finally, to round all of this off, it has a full 4 heals (unlike Kremlin's 3), which reload 25% faster (60 sec instead of 80 at base), heal 20% more (16.8 instead of 14%), and queues up 65% of pen damage instead of only 50% (so you never run out of healing, since you never get cit and rarely eat torps).
It's not an exaggeration to say this thing is as tanky as Kremlin -- you dodge shells and torps Kremlin can't to make up for your lower HP and torp protection, and your healing is better. Kremlin is tankier in the short term because it has so much more HP, but in the long-term, Kremlin will run out of heals and DCPs, where Libertad has dodged enough shells to even out the HP disadvantage -- and now its better healing and infinite DCPs come in.
3. the secondaries
Schlieffen secondaries have higher hitting DPM and better firestarting than Libertad's. In exchange, Libertad gets the ability to pen BBs, and an F-key.
This seems balanced -- it's reasonable to say that Schlieffen has better secondaries. What makes Libertad so much better is that Schlieffen (already a bit overtuned tbh) has the worst BB hull at T10.
You have a ton of vulnerabilities in Schlieffen: shell traps everywhere that let people click you angled for 15k, the same massive superstructure of a Preussen on a smaller hull (let lets people click you flat for 20k), something resembling a citadel (sometimes you get blown up in that thing, if rarely)
So basically, you take gun damage more easily than Preussen, except with 30k less HP. At least you have hydro to dodge torps, but if you sail in a straight line you will still take torp damage even through hydro -- it's not infallible. Libertad's gigamaneuverabiliy works well enough to compensate for no hydro (unless you're against deepwaters).
Oh, and Schlieffen gets 1 less heal as a balancing factor for its fast DCP -- Libertad not only has all 4, it has improved heals.
As mentioned, Libertad is insanely tanky, with basically sidegraded Schlieffen secondaries. So you have an unkillable death machine with no semblance of balance.
4. appendix: the main guns are way too good for what it is
Libertad has AP performance comparable to Montana, if a bit better. However, the sigma and dispersion is not Montana, it's more comparable to a GK. It also has OK HE, it does enough damage with enough firestarting to be workable -- better than a GK's awful HE for sure.
But this is still way better performance than it deserves -- Libertad ends up with slightly better guns than Schlieffen, because while their hitting DPM is basically the same, alpha is more valuable than reload on a BB (because BBs are not DPM ships -- they search for opportunities to remove large chunks of damage).
So oftentimes, BBs will find themselves caught nose-in to a Libertad -- they will go to turn out to not get cooked by secondaries, and then they get 20-30k'd while gamer turning by the AP, charging the funny button in the process.
TL;DR: Libertad has several insane strengths and no real weaknesses. It has Kremlin tankiness thanks to its best-in-class maneuverability (comparable to some cruisers), nearly the best secondaries at tier, and doesn't even have useless guns to compensate.
And btw, Los Andes is only a slight bit worse than Libertad, a tier lower. Los Andes is the modern incarnation of Musashi, except instead of a C/D-tier BB in Yamato, it's based off of a supership-tier S+ tier BB.
(Post is already long enough, I won't put balancing concepts here. But either the maneuverability needs to be slashed and it should have a massive citadel, or it needs to have its secondaries removed.)
submitted by The_CIA_is_watching to WorldOfWarships [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:40 just-a-normal-viet this post is not interesting. (image unrelated)

this post is not interesting. (image unrelated) submitted by just-a-normal-viet to notinteresting [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:40 Pretend_Mountain7439 Visualizer showing behind door fix?

Even though in editor its in front of the door in game its behind it and I have no clue why?
submitted by Pretend_Mountain7439 to hammer [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:40 SplitProfessional175 Voto foto piedi

submitted by SplitProfessional175 to piedifamosiita [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:40 breaker2442 Comfy look is hot

Comfy look is hot submitted by breaker2442 to SigmondSisterss [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:40 5AiT_TuRiXx :)

:) submitted by 5AiT_TuRiXx to Rakkun [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:40 TechnicalImplement18 Deceptiveness and false promises

Continuously updating your KYC (liveness checks) to 'verify' your data might seem harmless, but it’s a clear sign of exploitation. Your data becomes more valuable to buyers, while you’re left with empty promises. It’s understandable—many are struggling and looking for a way out, a chance at quick comfort. But ask yourself: who really benefits here?
The Pi Network isn’t mining anything meaningful; it’s distributing an already massive supply of coins. The delays and repeated requests for personal information are tactics to keep you hooked, to make you believe you’re part of something revolutionary. In reality, you are the product. Your data is being farmed, and you’re inadvertently spreading the cycle by bringing others into it.
Be critical. Rethink what you’re doing, who you’re doing it for, and what they’re actually offering in return.
Spoiler: it’s not wealth or comfort, it’s lies and exploitation.
submitted by TechnicalImplement18 to PiNetwork [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:40 Otomano_CNT Leões da Fabulosa

Leões da Fabulosa submitted by Otomano_CNT to BoykisserBR [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:40 ASecularBuddhist As a persecuted Christian minority, my family was able to emigrate outout of the Middle East. What do Christians from Arabic countries think about the new US immigration policy?

submitted by ASecularBuddhist to ArabicChristians [link] [comments]
