Is anyone else having issues with test server not opening?

2025.02.02 01:40 thehighlife_420 Is anyone else having issues with test server not opening?

When I attempt to open the app it immediately closes
submitted by thehighlife_420 to walkingwarrobots [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:40 ImAVillianUnforgiven Lily & Bae

submitted by ImAVillianUnforgiven to kpopSlowMo [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:40 Severe-Photograph712 Is my laptop good enough for architecture studies

Hi, Im curently 1st year architecture student and I have asus vivobook 16x. Have been wondering is it good enough to smothly run rhino, photoshop, sketchup, revit... as I will learn more and practise it. I will leave down the pc details, thank you.
submitted by Severe-Photograph712 to SuggestALaptop [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:40 MundaneTension869 Got my VCH today - thankful this sub helped me get brave enough to do it

Done by Gill at Diablo Rojo in Austin, Tx. Pierced with a 12 gauge, straight barbell. He gave me the choice between that, or either a 12 or 14 gauge curved barbell. He explained the pros and cons to each and let me read Reddit for opinions before I decided on the straight barbell.
He’d previously done my left nipple and it was another great experience!
I had no idea going in what the process would be, but he checked anatomy, then I had to wait for a little while (had queso and a couple espresso martinis while waiting lol).
He explained that he’d put the receiving tube under the hood and push up with it so it was visible from the outside. Made me feel good knowing that the sharp was going in the tube and there was no real risk of injury/mishap.
The pain was worse than my nipples, and, just like he told me I would, I clenched my butt and thrusted my hips forward from the shock, but it was like 3 seconds then it was fine while getting the jewelers in.
I’m only like 1.5 hours out from having it done, but feel free to ask any questions pertaining to the actual piercing process
submitted by MundaneTension869 to piercing [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:40 squidward235 If you have an banner, please comment the banner

If you have an banner, please comment the banner submitted by squidward235 to SillyDrones [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:40 thedrivingcoomer "Whaaat is the deeeeal with lady lawyers? I mean, what next? A horse-less carriage?! Thank you, I'm Esther Thompson and that's my time."

submitted by thedrivingcoomer to BoardwalkEmpire [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:40 FastCellist4578 Tariff had been increased. What are some opportunities?

It’s purely for discussion. Since the new tariffs had been enforced, any new opportunities might arise in the new environment?
submitted by FastCellist4578 to Entrepreneur [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:40 Naive-Possible-1319 furry_irl

furry_irl (it needs a name)
submitted by Naive-Possible-1319 to furry_irl [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:40 scorpioboy413 Is this worth dumping all of my rare candies into?

Is this worth dumping all of my rare candies into? Got about 100+ rare candies, thinking of dumping all of them into this hundo dynamax. Just wondering if it’s worth it, I know megagross is a beast so I’m hoping the answer is yes!
submitted by scorpioboy413 to pokemongo [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:40 ShariaLaw4Life Realizing no one ever remembers meeting and talking to you (or they are just lying)?

I've gone to a number of social events in my life since my 20s (I just turned 40) to try to make friends and to hopefully get a boyfriend or husband. Most of the time, I will have conversations with people and see them again at some point but they have no recollection of ever meeting me or of the conversation. I understanding forgetting someone's name, but no memory at all of someone's face or small details of the conversation. There's an episode of Seinfeld about Elaine and a guy she met at a party like this which was funny, but this seems to be a consistent pattern with me.
Why am I that forgettable to people when you may have actually had a good conversation that wasn't small talk? I know beauty is subjective but I don't think I'm unattractive or anything to the average person and my hair and eye color is somewhat unique when I go to events.
submitted by ShariaLaw4Life to ForeverAlone [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:40 Positive_Deer6281 Ceremonial Druid Garb

Ceremonial Druid Garb Item list on last pic - obvi the pants don’t show so no need to mog them!
submitted by Positive_Deer6281 to Transmogrification [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:40 GurZealousideal8491 Reminder

I've been played only 2 times in my life. First one was 15 years ago and you, now... I just wanted to thank you. That's a good reminder of what assholes look like.
submitted by GurZealousideal8491 to UnsentLetters [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:40 SnooDonkeys374 I think I figured out what makes the newer seasons feel different

There's always been something about the newer seasons of family guy that feel off but I've never been able to place a finger on it. I'm watching "Brief Encounter" right now and it just hit me: many of the newer episodes are just two B-Plots put side by side. A-plots used to conform to a more rigid narrative structure with a beginning, middle, and meaningful conclusion. The surrealist plots that are the hallmark of "new" family guy don't allow for this type of storytelling to occur (refer to the underwear plot in Brief Encounter for a perfect example of this).
I get that there are many things that make "new" family guy feel different, and I'm not even criticizing it because in some ways I prefer the newer episodes, but I think this may be the single most important change in the show.
submitted by SnooDonkeys374 to familyguy [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:40 13xChilePeppers 33M - We’re Drifting Through Space, Let’s Connect While There’s Time

Here we are, in a pressure system stuck in the vacuum of space. Traveling thousands upon thousands of mile per hour. Are we spiraling out of control or are we in a beautiful perpetual motion? Everyday we’re being oxidized away, yet we worry about things so insignificant.. We can spend the time we have drifting away or we can come together and connect on a cosmic level. These connections, shots of electricity, are they what bounds us? I want to get to know you, the real you. Not the helmet you have to put on for the rest of this world. We can go as far or as little as we will allow. All I ask is that you are genuine and will be there through the storm. What do you say cosmic traveler? Let’s rendezvous and learn each other’s stories from days past.
submitted by 13xChilePeppers to penpals [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:40 TouristPotential8943 LF rainbow gummy raptor or dino egg!!

:D looking to trade wish coins for it preferably! Ty!!
submitted by TouristPotential8943 to AnimalJam [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:40 Areticus The resemblance is uncanny

The resemblance is uncanny submitted by Areticus to TeamFourStar [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:40 Decapod73 Entoprocta? Bryozoa? A weird Collotheca? Collected from brackish water below a mangrove tree near Titusville, FL.

Entoprocta? Bryozoa? A weird Collotheca? Collected from brackish water below a mangrove tree near Titusville, FL. 10x objective, filmed with my cell phone on a mount.
submitted by Decapod73 to microscopy [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:40 DefinitelyNotALoli Yes Fòdlan February yay

Yes Fòdlan February yay submitted by DefinitelyNotALoli to memesemblem [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:40 SeniorEscape9293 Input delay and inaccuracy

I just bought this game after hearing positive things about this new patch, but what the hell is wrong with input delay? I’ve played through multiple years of bad gameplay, but this is on another level. Yes I’ve got a full gold team, but it’s taking ages for my input to be actioned. Heck, even at kick off I have to press pass 3x to pass the ball.
How can you make good moves, when there is so much delay. On top of this, the input is so inaccurate. My analog is in one direction, but the ball gets passed to completely the wrong player.
And then there’s this FC IQ. This thing is garbage. Theoretically it makes sense, but execution is poor. The players literally are making runs, the coming to a complete stop and walks back because they’ve coded the role of the players to be in a certain area of the pitch. That’s not free flowing football. And all of the positive attacking AI you see from ST. I don’t think that’s FC IQ, I just think that’s normal attacking AI we’ve seen for years albeit slightly more tuned.
Some may argue if you have better players it should be better, to which I would disagree. The core gameplay is still terrible. Yes you have to manually defend which I really enjoy, but people get overcome that by spamming offside traps, which then messes up the attacking AI.
Maybe it’s because of my team, but honestly FC 24 feels better than this. Yes 25 you can pass more, but my gosh I can’t deal with this input delay, and I play on PC!
submitted by SeniorEscape9293 to EASportsFC [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:40 Longjumping-Ad-9541 Engraving / etching

Hi all,
I have a Cameo 2,3, and just acquired a 4, as well as a Curio 1, and some very very old cricuts (cartridge machines!).
I'm just trying to get back into using them after a few years' hiatus- needing to make stuff for school.
Has anyone been able to use the Silhouette engraving / etching / embossing tools, and / or the original Chomas for Cameo, in the Cameo 4?
Thanks in advance for any advice!
submitted by Longjumping-Ad-9541 to silhouettecutters [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:40 techtimee Jake Barber/Others and Skywatch Claim Forcing Random Numbers Is Real. Then...

Why do they need donations from billionaires, randoms on the internet with cameras, etc in order to "skywatch" and "get the truth out there"? If you can force a "random" generator in a computer to give specific outputs by just thinking about it, then why oh why have they not done so to win the power ball in the US and fund alllll the "skywatching" that they want? Why do they need donations?
Why, as Kirk put it in Star Trek, "why does God need a spaceship?" Hmm?
This is putting aside that even if what he claims is true, it should be VERY easy for someone to do it, because most computers are not truly random in terms of generating numbers. Most computers are pseudorandom in terms of number generation and have seed numbers. Even the most modern and up to date processors, while using things such as electrical current, heat, etc in the CPU to make numbers "more random", are still not truly random. Maybe quantum computers can pull it off or of course, future CPU's, but even then there must be a way to check to ensure that there is no backdoor or obvious pattern, which thus would make standard CPU's still not truly random.
This should be far easier than summoning UFO's that are 50,000 miles away and almost always at night or "it totally happened, but just with billionaires watching bro" stories.
You don't need any DOPSR, BROSR, SCHIF, whatever the hell acronym in order to do it. You walk into a store, stare at the machine and pick the numbers that YOU want and make it output those numbers as the winning numbers. I don't even give a F if it's $5, you don't have to use morals of stealing someone's big winnings. Go and win $5. Go and force the most not random number generators in a lotto, casino, online gambling, whatever! Just $5, hell, even $1! This should be a freaking softball for such insane claims to hit out of the park.
submitted by techtimee to UFOs [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:40 AutoModerator Questions Thread - February 02, 2025

Questions Thread
This is a general question thread. You can find the previous question threads here.
Remember to check the community wiki first.
You can also ask questions in any of the questions channels under the "help" category in our official Discord.
For other discussions, please find the Megathread Directory at this link.
The idea is for anyone to be able to ask anything related to PoE:

No question is too big or too small!
We encourage experienced players to sort this thread by new.
We'd like to thank those who answered questions in the last thread! You guys are the best.
submitted by AutoModerator to PathOfExile2 [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:40 Jazzlike_Guard_458 ¿Estoy exagerando?

Vengo de una familia de padres separados, siendo el menor de todos mis hermanos hicieron sus vidas por su lado, después de años intentamos estar unidos ahora. Tengo 22 años y tres hermanos mayores, y uno de ellos es padre soltero, tiene una niño de 10 años que esta entrando a la adolescencia y esa etapa de rebeldía.
Su padre está pasando por una etapa donde intenta recuperar su juventud, saliendo a fiestas y teniendo citas, al ser el menor de todos me deja cuidado a su hijo, y al inicio no tenía problema por mi disponibilidad de tiempo.
Ahora que lo tengo más limitado entre mis pasantias y el estudio, sigue queriendo dejarmelo apesar que le digo que no tengo tiempo, él a empezado a beber más seguido y a prestarse dinero que no paga.
Intento corregir el comportamiento de su hijo que sea más educado (aunque no me corresponde su educación), incluso encontré su chat abierto en mi tablet con mi hermano diciendo que lo dejo sin comer y soy malo con él, cuando literalmente tiene la nevera y la tv de la sala a su disposición, como el patio, pero también es respondon, demaciado cansado, urgando mis cosas y dejándolas en otro sitio haciendo travesuras y negando que las hizo, le comenté esto a mi hermano pero sigue minimizando diciendo que es niño y tenga paciencia.
Hace unas horas vino al lugar donde vivo con la intensión de dejar a su hijo, pero me negué, y su hijo una rabieta porque quería entrar y me negué. Me hizo una llamada y no conteste .
Ahora no sé si estoy exagerando o que.. necesito un punto de vista de alguien más..
submitted by Jazzlike_Guard_458 to RedditPregunta [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:40 e-blogazine Self-promotion Thread

Use this thread to promote yourself and/or your work!
submitted by e-blogazine to eblogazine [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:40 cars2believer uva scholarship/honors stuff?

did the uva echols scholar stuff or any other scholarship info come out with the decision??
submitted by cars2believer to ApplyingToCollege [link] [comments]