Drilldown in looker dashboard

Further to my previous email, as on October 10, 2014 both Sales of AA was $ 824,826 and Sales of XX was $ 86,541. The dashboard is showing the total sum of both sales in xyz Tab. Kindly resolve the issue. 如果访问非信任ca签发证书的网站时,一般浏览器都会提示你的连接不是专用连接,且无法进入。 It wouldn't be very clear to me even if you replaced 'hood' with 'bonnet' (my usual word), but I'd be happy with 'pop open'. I'd say '(pop) open the bonnet' (when the lever under the dashboard is released), or 'lift the bonnet' (when the catch under the bonnet has been released). 从历史角度上说,1955年美国D.Harrison等人首次申请了用晶体管换相电路代替机械电刷的专利,这是无刷直流电动机的雏形。 没必要用PB。excel本身的功能足够设计出很好看的dashboard。主要需要用到以下知识: 1、函数公式,vlookup,index,match,offset,lookup,row,column,sumif,indirect,if等等. 2、透视表,透视图,切片器. 3、表单控件或activex控件. 4、图表知识,迷你图,条件格式,定义名称 由Airbnb贡献的轻量级BI产品,目前在GitHub上有3万多颗星,其受欢迎程度可见一斑。Superset提供了Dashboard和多维分析两大类功能,后者可以将制作的结果发布到Dashboard上也可以单独使用。 Podeis ayudarme con la palabra: dashboard, os mando el contexto The Pentaho Open BI Suite provides a full spectrum of business intelligence (BI) capabilities including reporting, analysis, dashboards, data mining, data integration, and a BI platform that have made it the world's most popular... 侧边加入了RGB灯效,有13种不同模式可选择,你可以通过西部数据专门的Dashboard软件来控制各种灯效。此外,它还采用了抗震结构,可承受从高达2米处跌落冲击。

2025.02.02 01:51 Background_Name_563 Drilldown in looker dashboard

How to implement drilldown explore for two drillfields value in measure looker lookml and here one drill field is to show column chart 'month and cases' and one more is to show 'patient by details' by set fields detail
submitted by Background_Name_563 to Looker [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:51 Maleficent_Court2225 Divya Bharathi

submitted by Maleficent_Court2225 to SouthIndianAngels [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:51 banksytim Can anyone identify the brand of this guitar?

Can anyone identify the brand of this guitar? submitted by banksytim to guitars [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:51 Alternative_Fox_6871 Found beautiful kat Graham on "Malcolm in the middle" show

Found beautiful kat Graham on submitted by Alternative_Fox_6871 to TheVampireDiaries [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:51 doopdapdeedap [Royal Rumble 2025 spoilers] Old promotion returns, under a new guise

WWE Evolve is a new show, but will not have indie wrestlers/EVOLVE wrestlers. Instead, it will showcase WWE prospects not on NXT.
submitted by doopdapdeedap to SquaredCircle [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:51 Puterboy1 The next time Steven Spielberg makes a movie set in World War I

It had better be about the sinking of the Lusitania. It could be his answer to Titanic.
submitted by Puterboy1 to Spielberg [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:51 raja_sekhon Coconut breaking ceremony in Paris. This ceremony is related to an elephant worship (Lord Ganesha) . Indians worship anything except God.

Coconut breaking ceremony in Paris. This ceremony is related to an elephant worship (Lord Ganesha) . Indians worship anything except God. submitted by raja_sekhon to deleteindia [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:51 Inevitable-Crow7510 When I look at my dick I feel like it’s small but my wife says it’s not but I don’t know what to feel.

My penis is a grower not a shower. When I’m erect im 7 or 7 1/2 long when pushing back my groin fat. I’m about 3 fingers wide and I have thick fingers. I’m probably around 7-8 inches in girth but man I feel like it’s small. Please help lol. I’m also from Canada. When my penis is like soft it goes inside of its self don’t know if anyone else experiences this but I’m told it’s not small but to my eyes it is.
submitted by Inevitable-Crow7510 to penissize [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:51 madam_deville OMG! I finally managed to get a picture with Kate Martin at Unrivaled.

submitted by madam_deville to valkyries [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:51 Hansnito BRUTH

BRUTH submitted by Hansnito to DokkanBattleReddit [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:51 ExtensionState9188 Shark lives matter (SLM)

submitted by ExtensionState9188 to SolanaPresale [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:51 Candid-Bell-3048 Stanley bifold closet hardware

Stanley bifold closet hardware Can anyone help me find these pieces? They don’t sell them in store anymore.
submitted by Candid-Bell-3048 to fixit [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:51 rudyten Search Results....ctrl+shft+f

When searching files for a string, every thing that matches is returned. Is there a way to set a filter so as to not search thru commented out code and comments?
submitted by rudyten to brackets [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:51 jxrcly jacket recos

hi, can you recommend me some good quality na plus size jackets? yung medyo mura lang hehe. tyia
submitted by jxrcly to ShopeePH [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:51 Miserable_Body86 Chilling in frame?

Does anyone else actually ENJOY just finding a nice quiet spot, throwing out some bait and fishing in the drift? Or anywhere for that matter. I personally like the atmosphere in the drift and think it's relaxing to just spear some fish. I can't be the only one right? 😅🤷‍♂️
submitted by Miserable_Body86 to Warframe [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:51 Critical_008 Xreal one impressions

Positives - great for watching movies - great for working out on the treadmill, not recommended for HITT exercise. *need to watch out for sweats. - great for gaming (steam deck)
Negatives - I feel the FOV is too small. Wish it was at least 60 degrees. - I don’t recommend it if you code. Unusable for me. Texts are grainy even with the firmware update. - you need a powered adapter if you have an older iPhone 14 and below. - display doesn’t work with pixel 8 (bummer)
Overall: I love it. Get it.
submitted by Critical_008 to Xreal [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:51 mikeyboy2365 Jensen Concert Series 1030 repair

Long story short, my dad's speakers got left in the weather for a week and it's all banged up. I picked them up today and have not tested them. Waiting for them to dry out. I have a few questions. How long should I let them dry? How would I go about patching or replacing the torn covers? What options do I have to get new boxes or fabricate my own?
I don't know the exact models of the speakers or the dimensions and I'm not comfortable taking them out without my dad around. He's had these since the early 80's
submitted by mikeyboy2365 to audiorepair [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:51 GuestOk583 Soot the cat.

This is Soot.
Named her after the Chimney Sweeps in Mary Poppins. Got her from a shelter about a year ago. She’s very sweet, sometimes she’ll sneak up on me and sit on my chest and refuse to move which can be annoying when I’m busy on my phone but oh well.
I made this post partly because I wanna have her on the internet somewhere, and also because I wanna know if other Soots exist or if it’s a rare strange name like my parents claim.
submitted by GuestOk583 to blackcats [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:51 yetiboy23 Firefly Yellow and Big Sky Blue

Firefly Yellow and Big Sky Blue submitted by yetiboy23 to YetiCoolers [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:51 ButterscotchAlone908 Quantos de vocês se enquadram nesse perfil?

Quantos de vocês se enquadram nesse perfil? submitted by ButterscotchAlone908 to ShitpostBR [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:51 First_Eye_9392 Covering old render - cladding and paint/texture fill with Dulux textures

Covering old render - cladding and paint/texture fill with Dulux textures I have this streaky early 2000s render that I’m ready to change the colour and texture of, and cover some parts. I’m DIY-ing so removing the old render in full isn’t really an option. It’s in decent shape in most places except the gable end where it’s just a thin paint coating. Seeking some advice on 2 things:
1) Can I use something like Dulux textures to fill the scratch gaps (pic 1) or should I be filling the gaps with mortar repair and sealing or something like that first? The worst ones are probably 2-3mm deep. Dulux says it can fill brick and mortar joins but I feel like these are a bit deeper.
2) I want to clad the gable end with aluminium cladding (in pic 3) - https://www.bunnings.com.au/deco-135-x-15mm-6-5m-casuarina-decoclad-aluminium-narrowline-cladding_p0407712
Can I fix the cladding through the existing fibre cement sheet in the gable that has a thin render-paint (pic 2), or do I really need a builder to rip the sheet out and clad to the underlying frame direct? Gable is under deep eaves, fairly well protected if it makes a difference, but I assume it’s more a weight thing than a moisture one using aluminium vs wood.
Thanks for any help/advice. Just trying to make the house less ugly on a budget. Will just paint and be done with it if other options not viable to DIY.
submitted by First_Eye_9392 to AusRenovation [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:51 dancinthrulifee My new manager refuses to learn admin tasks— should I tell the owner or let it crash and burn?

Throwaway acc. I work in a small company where I handle a ton of admin tasks, including payroll, which is obviously a huge responsibility. Our office manager (who was hired months after me) was supposed to be trained on admin tasks so she could step in as needed, per the owner’s request.
But here’s the problem: She refuses to actually learn anything.
Every Monday, I handle payroll. I’ve been trying to get her to practice, since if I’m ever sick or out of office, she’s the next person in line to do it. I ask her every week if she wants to take the lead so she can get comfortable with it, but she always says she’s “too busy” or just flat-out doesn’t want to. The few times she has done it, she made a lot of mistakes (including fully missing someone, so next day when I came in, i pointed that out and had to cut this person a physical check), but instead of practicing to improve, she just avoids it altogether.
I even brought up that the owner wanted her to learn admin tasks to be a backup for me and overall just extra support if i get overwhelmed , and her response was basically: “I’m more comfortable overseeing for now.” Which… makes no sense. How do you oversee something you don’t understand/can’t do yourself?
At this point, I’m already one foot out the door for a few reasons, including other issues I’ve had with her. I’ve been applying to jobs, and while this one is comfortable for now, if I don’t get the raise I’ve been owed (which I’ll hear about on Monday), I’ll be heavily considering leaving anyway.
So now I’m debating whether I should just let it play out. If I randomly call in sick on a Monday/call out, she’ll have to figure it out, and at this point I honestly don’t get paid enough to stress about this. On the other hand, part of me feels like I should give the owner a heads up that she’s refusing to take on the responsibilities she was hired to learn.
So… has anyone else dealt with a manager like this? Should I warn the owner that she’s avoiding key responsibilities, or should I just let the inevitable crash and burn happen and enjoy the show? If she tries to shift blame onto me that she was never taught, etc. I have texts every Monday to her asking if she wants to take the lead on payroll where she refuses. Any advice is welcome
submitted by dancinthrulifee to office [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:51 Traditional-Trip6649 Theories on Jamie & his kidnapping??

Ok I put a spoiler alert but sorry if you missed it. What do we think is the deal on Jamie? This is clearly a big part of the series. He mysteriously goes missing at the bus station? Sir apparently knows where he is? And then he just suddenly shows up at the bus station calmer than ever the same night as sirs arrest? And what does Trent’s dad have to do with this? For now I suspect Sir found him and told him where he can find his mom ?? But where has he been this whole time and who else knew about it?? I’m open to even the craziest of theories.
submitted by Traditional-Trip6649 to FoundTVSeries [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:51 MalletSwinging Headed to SF tomorrow and looking for recs of rainy day things to do with a five year old

Headed up from the south bay tomorrow. I haven't been since my kid was born five years ago. I know a ton of fun adult things to do but I'm drawing a blank on things to do that are appropriate for a child on a rainy day. Any suggestions are appreciated!
submitted by MalletSwinging to sanfrancisco [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:51 jvc72 Buy Signal sETH2 USD - 1 Feb 2025 @ 20:46 -> USD3 128.57

Ticker: SETH2USD
Exchange: CRYPTO
Time: 1 Feb 2025 @ 20:46
Price: USD3 128.57
Link: https://getagraph.com/crypto-currencies/SETH2USD/ENG
submitted by jvc72 to getagraph [link] [comments]
