Clear coat for controller

Eduardo, muito obrigado pela, eu tentei passar os dados das duas formas, em ambas o controller nem mesmo foi acessado, e nenhum erro apareceu através do inspecionar do Google Chrome...isto é, a depuração passou direto pelo código Ajax sem entrar no Controller. – Como mencionado na resposta anterior, o JPA não possui essa arquitetura por padrão. Porém, se você a implementou, o padrão fica da seguinte forma: O Controller fica responsável pela lógica de serviços, consumindo os métodos do Service. As rotas do Spark se encarregam de entregar as informações Request ao Controller::metodo que especificamos na rota. Aqui começa a intermediação do controller entre a aplicação e a lógica do sistema. O controller, por sua vez, recebe as informações e passa para o serviço manipular/utilizar como a regra de negócio quiser. View - Fala Controller ! O usuário acabou de pedir para acessar o Facebook ! Pega os dados de login dele ai. Controller – Blz. Já te mando a resposta. Ai model, meu parceiro, toma esses dados de login e verifica se ele loga. Model – Os dados são válidos. Mandando a resposta de login. Controller – Blz. View, o usuário informou os ... 玩游戏用,是要下载什么东西吗?? 众所周知,在我们日常使用的桌面端,锐龙处理器可用ryzen master超频,而到了移动端,这个工具就不能用了。因此,国外大神在ryzen adj的基础上开发出了移动端锐龙处理器的解锁功耗工具----ryzen controller。 Usando o middleware no construtor do controller: Vantagens: Centraliza a aplicação dos middlewares em um local único, facilitando a manutenção e evitando repetições. Permite aplicar middlewares de forma mais abrangente em todos os métodos do controller ou apenas em métodos específicos. 拯救者Y7000 2020 电脑Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller网卡出现了网速限100M(线是超五类,路由器、… 现在笔记本,台式机一般默认开启AHCI模式。可以快捷键 win+x 选择设备管理器中查看有没有相关的ahci控制器开启,如果有这样的SATA AHCI Controller就是开启。 Todos os controllers do mvc precisam terminar com o nome Controller. Por exemplo, PassoController (pelo que entendi). E sim, você pode alterar o controller e a action dentro do @Html.BeginForm alterando os dois primeiros parâmetros, mas dependendo do contexto e de sua implementação isso pode ficar desorganizado. –

2025.02.02 01:41 Big-Operation9781 Clear coat for controller

I got some controllers i like to protect the designs on. I'm thinking of spraying clear coat like spray max2 on them. Is it worth it? Is it safe to use controllers with a clear coat spray on them? I don't know much about clear coat sprays and the research I've done I haven't gotten a definite answer.
I know they are typically for automobiles so I'm not sure if it's ok for controllers I'll use.
submitted by Big-Operation9781 to Controller [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:41 Archi_Tetak Denaturalizacija, progon i ekspropriacija (od SNS privatne imovine da se napravi fond za lecenje dece, a ne poruke)

Dok sam jos ziveo u nasoj prelepoj zemlji, trudio sam se da se bavim humanitarian radom. Prikupljali smo novac na raznorazne nacine da uplatimo za lecenje dece.
Kako smo organizovali humanitarne turnire, rekli su nam da je to "nezakonito" i kako mora neko udruzenje da stoji iza nas, "kako da iko bude siguran da necemo da stavimo novac u dzep" a najbolje bi bilo da to bude ova fondacija od ovog izmeta ljudskog (u to vreme nisam znao da neko moze da bude vlasnik Fondacije, a pogotovo da je vlasnik bas te na koji su me "slucajno" uputili naravno Gangula debil licno). Ja kao "organizator" koji prvi put organizuje nesto vece, odlucim da ih pozovem sa sve " znate mi bismo hteli za to I to dete da organizujemo to i to" , nasta sam dobio odvogor: moze naravno al znate mi smo humanitarian drustvo pa bi bilo najbolje da vi dodjete do nas da potpisemo papir, pa radite vi na vasu odgovornost. Ja kazem ali gospodjo, neko iz ORGANIZACIJE KOJOJ UPLACUJEMO NOVAC mora biti prisutan, na sta mi ona naravno odgovara "sta ti mislis kolko nas ima ovde pa cemo da trckamo stalno". Ja reko nema veze, otici cu ja i zamolicu direktorku skole u cijem se dvorisru odrzavao turnir da odemo da potpisemo, pa jebiga ako me uhvate sta da radim, za vece dobro.
Na ovu njenu recenicu, ispsovao sam joj sve zivo i mrtvo, sve sto postoji u univerzumu i njoj i fondaciji i stvarno sam se poneo odvratno, na sta nisam ni malo ponosan, I nikad nisam podigao ton ni na jedno zensko, ali ovo je bio prvi i zadnji put.
Posle sam saznao da je to Gangulina fondacija, sve mu se do koske zatrlo sto ima.
Nakon ovoga sam shvatio da zelim da idem iz moje drzave da ne bih uradio nesto zbog cega cu da zavrsim u zatvoru jer ne mogu da trpim nepravdu.
submitted by Archi_Tetak to AskSerbia [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:41 Advanced_Operation36 Putting together a kit of a Frankish Cavalryman from the 10th Century (specifically from the 2nd half, circa 950 to 1000), would this oval shield be a historically/region appropriate choice?

Putting together a kit of a Frankish Cavalryman from the 10th Century (specifically from the 2nd half, circa 950 to 1000), would this oval shield be a historically/region appropriate choice? I've been looking into it a bit and a round shield seems like the obvious choice because it was basically everywhere, but.... personally with my kit I'm trying my best to actually look distinctively Frankish and not like someone from Scandinavia or the British Isles (which for this specific period is very VERY hard lol), so I'm kind of playing around with the idea of not doing a round shield but an Oval shield with enarmes instead just to be different. Also besides just trying to be different I think that a center grip shield would probably not handle well on horseback while having to handle the reins of a horse which imo further adds to the choice of going with a design that features enarmes (unless there also were round shields with enarmes in that time period aswell - which I'm not sure of). I know that these oval shields were for example present on the Aachen Situla which dates to around circa 1000 AD (Ottonian era HRE), so I don't think it'd be completely off to have a cavalrymen in a similar time frame from an at the time very similar military background/cultural sphere of influence sporting a shield like this.
Would something like what is pictured below be historical for what I'm trying to do? Please let me know what you think.
submitted by Advanced_Operation36 to ArmsandArmor [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:41 SquamishEditor The Zummers win Squamish's Battle of the Bands

The Zummers win Squamish's Battle of the Bands submitted by SquamishEditor to Squamishnews [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:41 Unlikely_Rutabaga_47 Tap and Win 2:2

Tap and Win 2:2
submitted by Unlikely_Rutabaga_47 to LazadaGamers [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:41 HuckleberryComplete5 Any good AI tools to prepare for case interviews with?

Been using ChatGPT to help run through some case interviews, any platforms that help do this more effectively + can give analysis on your responses?
submitted by HuckleberryComplete5 to McKinsey_BCG_Bain [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:41 Sleepykidney231 Moshi moshi

Moshi moshi Ilang araw ng walang tulog yan.
submitted by Sleepykidney231 to eyesgonemildPH [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:41 pissmeister_ what would my OCs think of yours?

what would my OCs think of yours? for context, this is Sierra [left] and Sukkubuz [right]. Sierra is a 24-year-old office worker who has been a straight laced, straight-A student their entire life. they secretly are very unhappy with their life and resort to alcohol and other unhealthy coping mechanisms to deal with it. they live alone in a shitty apartment with their cat Sukkubuz, on the other hand, is a demon that was sent to torment Sierra until they A. kill themself or B. ruin their life to become who they secretly want to be. Sukkubuz is only visible to Sierra and spends all day every day messing with them in varyingly ridiculous and insane ways
Sierra is agender and uses they/it, Sukkubuz is pangender and uses all pronouns be warned, neither of them are very nice feel free to add info about your oc, but if you dont, they'll just judge based on looks
submitted by pissmeister_ to GachaLife2 [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:41 Starshopping4u I just bought a TCL Q7 and it came with literally nothing.

Just bought the TV an hour ago. Opened it up and slowly realized something was wrong. The box literally just had the TV in it and a pair of screws. No remote, no power cord, no stand… it was LITERALLY just the TV.
The store is now closed - what do I do? I’m worried they won’t believe me when I go to return it. Hell I don’t even think I can repackage it properly to bring it back to the store.
submitted by Starshopping4u to Bestbuy [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:41 bot-bouncer Overview for MaybeCherries

submitted by bot-bouncer to BotBouncer [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:41 VenomXTs Big Sister Inspecting Little Sister For First Time (They Besties Now)

Big Sister Inspecting Little Sister For First Time (They Besties Now) submitted by VenomXTs to Eyebleach [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:41 sachimochii Tesla referral link
submitted by sachimochii to teslareferralcode [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:41 pagadoporlaCIA República Dominicana pegó primero en el arranque de la Serie del Caribe 2025 tras vencer por 2 carreras a 0 a Venezuela

República Dominicana pegó primero en el arranque de la Serie del Caribe 2025 tras vencer por 2 carreras a 0 a Venezuela submitted by pagadoporlaCIA to vzla [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:41 enriquecb deep house, organic house, downtempo, electronic, ambient, world, underground.

deep house, organic house, downtempo, electronic, ambient, world, underground. submitted by enriquecb to PlaylistExchange [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:41 Haley3OF The weirdest, most interesting cookbook you'll ever read

Just thought I'd share because I've never read a book like this. My son bought it for me for Christmas because he knows I'm a bit of a prepper. I don't have a bunker or anything but I do keep dozens of cans of food and essentials stowed away just in case. You never know with all the hurricanes, floods and other disasters over the past couple years when you might be stuck without food for awhile.
This cookbook has a bunch of recipes for meals that can be stored without refrigeration for months or even years. What I love about it though is the backstories behind every meal. It's like a history book and a cookbook had a baby.
For the past few weeks I've been making a bunch of them, some are a bit weird and some have been surprisingly tasty. My husband is probably getting sick of me making these weird concoctions in our kitchen but it's so interesting.
When you read about the meals our ancestors lived off it's hard not to want to try them just to experience it. I won't give away any spoilers but if you like history and survival meals and techniques then I would highly recommend this book.
I got my son to send me the link to the website where he got it, it's
submitted by Haley3OF to GoRVing [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:41 Perfect-Diet5776 Taş

Taş submitted by Perfect-Diet5776 to turkish_celeb [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:41 larrystylinson696969 cancer sun, scorpio moon, gemini rising

will i ever have a lasting romantic relationship lol
submitted by larrystylinson696969 to scorpiomoon [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:41 AdventurousLet548 OPM Email Lawsuit Filed

Here is the link to a lawsuit on the emails sent out on unsecured servers
Some of us have been through an OPM breach before that still haunts some of us as our private information was released. I recommend putting a credit lock and credit freeze in place with Transunion, Equifax, and Experian. In addition, watch your mortgages as well and ensure someone cannot steal your property through a quick deeds (done with the county clerk). Take action now as Musk had access to OPM info and now has access to the Treasury info. Nothing is secure at this time.
submitted by AdventurousLet548 to 1102 [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:41 Xistence16 Week 315: Posting this picture of Murderess and rotating it by five degrees every week until the game releases. (7 weeks left).

Week 315: Posting this picture of Murderess and rotating it by five degrees every week until the game releases. (7 weeks left). submitted by Xistence16 to XenobladeChroniclesX [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:41 Fun-Flight6310 How Can a Moroccan Earn $30k/Year Remotely?

I'm a 20-year-old Moroccan guy, and I want to share a bit about my journey and ask for your advice. Like many, I didn’t complete my baccalaureate and don’t come from a wealthy family. Over the years, I’ve tried different things—dropshipping, trading, YouTube, and e-commerce. Unfortunately, I’ve never stuck with anything long enough to see results, quitting at the first big challenge.
But now, I’ve grown up and see things differently. My parents are getting older, and I’m in my twenties. It’s time to take real action and change my life. I’ve decided to dedicate the next two years to learning a skill, no matter how hard it is, to secure a good remote job—even if it’s with a foreign company.
I’m ready to work on my English, spend hours every day learning, and stay consistent. I just need to know:

I believe in putting in the effort, but I also want to make sure I’m choosing the right path. Your advice, stories, or even words of encouragement would mean the world to me.
Thank you in advance, and I hope this post inspires not only me but others in the same situation!
submitted by Fun-Flight6310 to careerguidance [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:41 ValuablePermission83 Can I will be able to clear ssc cgl 2025 ???

I am btech passed out student with 13 backlogs till August 2024 now I am down to 2 backlogs which are scheduled in March now I started preparing for ssc cgl 2025 from 1 Feb Is ssc cgl really tough to stop me from taking selection??
10th-74% 12-64%
submitted by ValuablePermission83 to ssc [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:41 Drbob_ AITAH for not allowing my ex girlfriends new boyfriend into my flat to help her move out?

My girlfriend (F27) and I (M30) broke up about 3,5 month ago. We decided to keep living together, because we always went along very well as roommates and had a genuinely great friendship. About a month after the breakup she started dating again and fell in love with another dude shortly after. For me it was very painful, i did not expect her to move on that fast, I myself was not healed from the breakup at all and I really hit me. What followed was me pushing towards a fast spacial separation, because I felt it really damaging my mental health. Over the next two months I heard her record voicemails for him, calling him, sleeping over at his place, going on dates with him, all that stuff. All of this was extremely hurtful and I told her so. In the end I couldn’t avoid it, I lived at the same space. All of this filled me with an anger towards that other person. Not on a personal level, I don’t know him and I’m sure he’s a good dude. But as her new partner I really couldn’t stand thinking about him.
Recently my exgf found a new flat. For Next weekend she has organized everything to move out. She is already paying rent for the new place and I allowed her to stay in our flat for the transition period, even tho she didn’t pay rent for the month anymore.
Today I learned that among the helpers for next week is also her new bf. I don’t want this person in my life, so I told her I wouldn’t allow him into what is now officially my flat.
She is angry about this, because he is essentially the only male helper and kinda required to carry many of the heavier items.
submitted by Drbob_ to AITAH [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:41 Mic_Jr Homens e mulheres, me tirem uma dúvida.

Por que é tão fácil e tão difícil conhecer pessoas novas hoje em dia??
Eu sou um cara tranquilo, não saio muito, vou para lugares rotineiros, como: academia, parque, museus e etc
Mas parece que é sempre muito difícil ter contato, ou se aproximar de alguém sabe?
O problema sou eu ou as pessoas que ficaram mais fechadas a contatos externos????
submitted by Mic_Jr to relacionamentos [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:41 blakeasaurus0128 Anyone else annoyed?

I’m getting so tired of every single challenge being last minute and they somehow pull it off. It gets more and more ridiculous every time. This week’s episode was even more ridiculous. I get that it’s “suspenseful” but when it’s literally every challenge it just annoys me.
submitted by blakeasaurus0128 to TheTraitors [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:41 Jabari_98 Oh well- guess I can't apply :(

"Why is applying for jobs so difficult nowadays?"
Bc of crap like this. Company didn't bother updating their database of highschools/colleges in the US for their job postings, so I literally can't finish my application bc the institutions I graduated from aren't recognized.
submitted by Jabari_98 to recruitinghell [link] [comments]