Are early Social Security limits affected by IRA withdraws?

2025.02.02 02:51 Kannonbals Are early Social Security limits affected by IRA withdraws?

I have a question? If your accepting early Social Security payments 62-67 years old. Your income is limited to $22,320. Any additional income after that your penalized (benefits reduced) one dollar for every two earned. Do withdraws from IRA's count as income. For example, if last year I cash in $44,640 in IRA's will my SSI benefits be reduced to effectively $0
submitted by Kannonbals to tax [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:51 _row_one Scam Alert

This account is compromised do business with it at your own risk Any email different from [email protected] is not leggit be warned
submitted by _row_one to freelance_forhire [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:51 AllHailMooDeng I long for the community of (something like a) church

I've been atheist/agnostic (raised Catholic) for nearly two decades now. I was just talking about this with my (raised athiest) lifelong best friend.
We've gone through our spiritual/religious decontstuction/awakening etc together. She wasn't raised religious, but we were raised together in a strictly Irish Catholic town.
Anyway, we kept bringing up aspects that we miss about the church community. I truly miss the aspect of having such a sense of community, dozens and dozens of people that would do so much for you.
The reasons I long for this sense of community are honestly superficial. But I wish there was a way for atheists to have an equivalent. It doesn't make sense to have an equivalent however, with nothing "forcing" us to be there. Idk
submitted by AllHailMooDeng to agnostic [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:51 Effective-Drama-6483 25 [F4A] #online - do you need friends? bc same

hi y'all, i definitely need friends, a lot of circumstances happened in my life causing me not to have any irl (migrating to a whole ass continent for one) and i'm thinking maybe i can find some friends on here!
a little bit about me: i'm into anime/manga, i'm a casual gamer (my current obsession is cult of the lamb and my fav co-op is helldivers 2), i love to draw digitally (i use procreate on my ipad), and i enjoy collecting plushies (running out of room for them tho 💀) i'm taken btw so if you're looking to e-date, i'm not the person you're looking for.
i do a lot of chores irl so please just be understanding if i sometimes reply late! i prefer chatting with people who have the same-ish timezone (PST) so we don't miss each other too much! i don't mind short messages/responses, just don't be completely dry to the point where i feel like i'm talking to a brick wall 😭 i also prefer to move to discord once we get to know each other more, it's just more accessible for me over there :3 come say hi!!! 💕
submitted by Effective-Drama-6483 to r4r [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:51 AxelNoir Favorite game that isn't GoldenEye?

Favorite game that isn't GoldenEye? submitted by AxelNoir to JamesBond [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:51 EssYouJAyEn Essai.Pro - Tool for Essay writing

Pricing: Free + from $24.99/m...
Category: Essay writing
Release Date: 2023
About Tool: Essai.
Product Link: Visit Essai.Pro
submitted by EssYouJAyEn to FutureTechFinds [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:51 Flat-Amphibian-4420 Plzz helpp mee winn

🌟 Here’s a $600 SHEIN New Year gift for you—click the link to support, and we’ll both win! đŸ’”âœš
submitted by Flat-Amphibian-4420 to SheinSharingLinks [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:51 Pirate4351 TopCashback Referral Code

TopCashback is a free cashback and coupon website. Save and earn money on purchases through thousands of merchants online and in-store!
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submitted by Pirate4351 to MakeMoneyOnlinefree [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:51 Specialist-Mud5028 Is this the same Mike from, I Shut Down a Crazy Movie Scam YT video

Hey Kitboga,
I just wondering is this the same Mike from your previous YT video few months ago. He is the CEO of a scamming company in Cebu city, Ph.
submitted by Specialist-Mud5028 to Kitboga [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:51 Warm-Champion-5897 Why is this happening?

it happens every time theres a lot of orders, like for example a table of 6 ordered waters and it just stopped at its previous spot while walking in place. It also resets it level back to one im so confused
submitted by Warm-Champion-5897 to RestaurantTycoon2 [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:51 curseblock What did Jocelyn do in the military?

Every time I watch the pig roast scene, I wonder what Jocelyn did in the military. It was so close to her mind when she got high, so I imagine she thinks about it often.
What branch?
What job?
What motivated her to join?
It's kinda implied her plans changed when she met Roland, so maybe she'd planned a military career until she got pregnant?
I don't think we get much back story on anyone during the series, which leaves it WIDE open for speculation. What are some of your thoughts?
submitted by curseblock to SchittsCreek [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:51 KeyNegotiation42069 I’m suffocating in her boobs, it’s so good, I don’t need oxygen

I’m suffocating in her boobs, it’s so good, I don’t need oxygen submitted by KeyNegotiation42069 to simpforbaddies [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:51 Forsaken_Reality_279 Relapse on cocaine

Relapsed on gambling & cocaine after 1 year sober from a 9 year use.
submitted by Forsaken_Reality_279 to addiction [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:51 unknownstranger2 Get into the TINY farm if you hold Taco/Algo LP on tinyman

Get into the TINY farm if you hold Taco/Algo LP on tinyman Link to farm!
submitted by unknownstranger2 to TacoToken [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:51 miolmok What did you hate your parents doing, that you now do? Why?

submitted by miolmok to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:51 Excellent_Wait_172 He got his old theme back he’s not gonna be injured for a year and we’re gonna get Cena vs styles massive W

He got his old theme back he’s not gonna be injured for a year and we’re gonna get Cena vs styles massive W submitted by Excellent_Wait_172 to BrandonDE [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:51 lia-delrey "Niiiiinaaaa"

(As the girls say at one point)
Rewatching, Nina feels like such a fever dream lol. For those who don't remember, she was Lynette's boss in season 2 I think.
Now I haven't worked back then because I was way too young but I'd like to hear some opinions.
Obviously she was supposed to be super mean but I do feel that some of the shit she pulled had to be tolerated back then.
Stuff like that really makes me happy how far ve came as a society in a rather short time. She was actively bullying her employees. I do hope stereotypes like this just wouldn't fly today because bosses like this would be called out in no time.
What do you think?
submitted by lia-delrey to DesperateHousewives [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:51 simmons-productions HELP

I transfer moni from 1 pc to another, and my all the submods r there, but her affection is at 0. I need help to figure out how to get it back to the 373 i had😭😭
submitted by simmons-productions to MASFandom [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:51 nightglowz Black leather sofa from AFW less than 6 months old - $200

Nothin’ wrong with it
submitted by nightglowz to denverlist [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:51 juanopenings False Statement Penalty appeal

I received a false statement penalty for 11 weeks over income I certified between 10/10 - 12/26/20. This was during the pandemic and I was working PT while collecting UI. I did not receive notice of the penalty until April of 2023 and that was after I successfully appealed a separate disqualification & overpayment decision after leaving my employer for another in 2021.
I've appealed the current false statement penalty and am awaiting a hearing. I've looked over the weeks in question and it appears I under reported my gross earnings by about $500 in total for those weeks. The errors were not intentional and most likely the result of miscalculating my hours when reporting as they were subject to change weekly based on scheduling. My employer also paid mileage & assigned me a few extra tasks, sometimes at a different rate. Basically, my math was wrong.
My question is whether there's any defense I can make in my case. Thanks!
submitted by juanopenings to Edd [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:51 ShiroTakahira Been crashing alot during PvP and Guild Bosses

Ps5 Here i legit have everything turned off and i still end up crashing? I think the only boss i didnt crash on was garmoth
 any tips?
submitted by ShiroTakahira to playblackdesert [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:51 villwhore Lc? Is this a piece that existed

Lc? Is this a piece that existed submitted by villwhore to bapeheads [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:51 MaliceRoot Tienda de uniformes no se hace responsables si ellos pierden la factura

Maes resulta que hay una Tienda que hace uniformes De Colegio, resulta que ya habĂ­amos encargado las varas,y querĂ­amos por aparte hacer un buzo,yo hablĂ© con el mae cuando visitaron Colegios y la vara,entonces yo les dije que si por aparte me hacĂ­an un pantalĂłn tipo buzo,me dijeron que si,ya lo habĂ­a encargado y todo,me dijeron que que los podĂ­a ir a recoger en tienda o en el colegio y dijeron segĂșn factura se entregaba el 30,cosa que fuimos a preguntar a la tienda y me dijeron que no lo tienen,que lo tienen que mandar a hacer,luego me cambiaron el tema y me dijeron que no,que ellos no lo podĂ­an entregar en tienda,cuando me dijeron que podĂ­a ir ala tienda a recogerlo,yo les digo estĂĄ bien,vamos a pagar y nos dicen “la factura nos la dejamos nosotros” yo les digo “pero si se se dejan la factura y se pierde que pasa?” Y el mae me hablĂł odioso a lo que yo sentĂ­
Y me dice “si se pierde diay no es nuestro problema”
Y pues a mi sinceramente si me ofendió eso,porque legalmente me parece un poco despreocupado de esos maes,a mí no me parecía que si se perdía o algo la factura que guardaban ellos a mí no me dieran nada,ademås de que cuando llamamos a la tienda para preguntar si hay estaba el buzo,nos dijeron que si,que hay estaba y que podíamos pasar en cualquier momento,y perdón por repetir la mismo otra vez,pero los maes me dicen que no tienen el buzo,pero ala vez le dicen que sí pero que tenemos que recogerlo en el colegio,entonces legalmente yo me enojé
Porque tienen el buzo y me dicen que no para luego decirmen que si lo tienen pero tengo que recogerlo en el colegio,en eso diay yo me empute y les dije estå bien,pero por lo menos qué día vienen,el de la tienda me dice que el Lunes como día måximo,cuando yo entro a clases literal como 4 días después ,y les digo pero no vuelve otro día?
Cuando me dicen
“Si no vienen a recogerlo el Lunes,no nos hacemos responsables y no les devolvemos la plata”
A mí me disgustó el doble y les dije “saben que,en mi pt4 vida les vuelvo a comprar varas”
Entonces jale pa mi chante obstinado de tanto enredo
Yo les dije que no les iba a pagar nada si la factura se pierde
Maes fui yo el care banano?
submitted by MaliceRoot to Ticos [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:51 aminalzoubi [Store] largest collection of Collector's Cache and other Dota 2 items

for those who like picture:2018, 2019, 2020, 2020pt2, 2021, dead_reck, 2022, 2022pt2, 2023 ,2024 ,2024 ,2024pt2 ,2024pt3
my steam account
add me so we can trade.need to be friends for 30 days. Steam rep
why trade with me ? i have a lot of giftables i want to sell and im not willing to risk my rep for a single trade. also check my steam profile for recent comments , those are people i traded cache sets with ,they all went first you can check their profile for my gifted items .
i always give discounts for people who buy 2 or more.

item price (usd)
Foreseen Horizons (Oracle) 1.5
Tendrils of the Timeless (Faceless Void) 2
Verminator (Bounty Hunter) 4
Rose of Moira (Muerta) 3
Bilge Rate Buccaneer (Hoodwink) 3
Bloodzo The Bear (Ursa) 2
Velveteen vanquisher (pudge persona) 6
Starforge Reformer (Dawnbreaker) 3
Shellshock Saturnalia (Snapfire) 3
Onikage Disciple (Phantom Assassin) 3
Svarog The Infernal (Primal Beast) 3
Little Red (Marci) 6
Designs of the Dragon (Anti Mage) 6
Vile vessel (shadow demon) Rare 10
Ardalan Arsonist (Dark Willow) Rare 10
Mechamancer (Venomancer) Very rare 20
Fluttering Breeze (Windranger) Ultra rare 120
item price (USD)
igneous infernal (Doom) 4
bleeding edge (Huskar) 2
magus mimicry (invoker persona) 10
seam ripper snuggle time (warlock) 5
angler in the abyss (Slark) 3
phantom balladeer (Abaddon) 4
bootblack brawler (Axe) 5
needlepoint necromancer (Dazzle) 2
hare of the cog (Clockwerk) 4
thundervolt (Zeus) 3
caprine chimera (Lion) 2
canis crystallum (Crystal maiden persona) 5
unchained entropy (Ancient apparition) 2
undying love (Undying) Rare 9
crystal colossus (Spirit breaker) Very rare 30
secondhand sorcery (Rubick) Ultra rare 35
item price
darkblade adept (templar assassin) 3
phantom's facade (phantom assassin) 8
lotus of the mountainbear clan (meepo) 3
martyrdom of the brineborn (naga siren) 3
elegy of the reaper (grim reaper) 2
mecha nyx (nyx assassin) 3
faithful fortune (marci) 5
ardalan arms race (snapfire) 5
dread of the night (night stalker) 3
blackwing bandolera (muerta) 3
exquisite agonies (queen of pain) 5
colossal terrorpin (tiny) 2
proselyte of the sakura clan 6
bloodmoon stalker (luna) 12
ancient exile (juggernaut) 30
aberrant observer (pudge) 40
2023 cache
Item Price
Snailfire (SnapFire) 20$
Brightfist (Marci) 20$
Dezun Viper (Dazzle) 7$
Primeval Abomination (Primal Beast) 10$
Astral Herald (Dawnbreaker) 7$
Spectral Shadow (Abaddon) 5$
Taur Rider (Alchemist) 7$
Crescent Huntress (Spectre) 7$
Tyrant of the Veil (Wraith King) 5$
Tomo'kan Footsoldier (Hoodwink) 5$
Darkwood Eulogy (Death Prophet) 2.5$
Sea Spirit (Kunkka) 10$
Triumph of the Imperatrix (Legion Commander) 5$
Beast of Thunder (Storm Spirit) 10$
Ancestral Heritage (Jakiro) 2.5$
Dead Reckoning Chest
item price
Dead Heat (lina) 10$
Spectral Hunter (antimage) 10$
Dying Light (dawnbreaker) 10$
Expired Gun (sniper) 10$
Death Adder (medusa) 10$
Soul Serpent (viper) 10$
Diretide 2022 Collector's Cache
set name hero price
Shadowleaf Insurgent hoodwink 15$
Chines of the Inquisitor faceless void 12$
Spoils of the Shadowveil Spectre 10$
Starlorn Adjudicator dawnbreaker 10$
Trophies of the Hallowed Hunt ursa 5$
Whippersnapper snap fire 10$
Scarlet Subversion riki 10$
Forgotten Station terror blade 5$
Champion of the Fire Lotus monkey king 5$
Hounds of Obsession chen 10$
Crimson Dawn pheonix 4$
Seadog's Stash clockwerk 5$
Deathstitch Shaman witch doctor 4$
Dirge Amplifier undying 4$
Blue Horizons marci 15$
Angel of Vex invoker persona 30$
Dark Behemoth primal beast 30$
Diretide 2022 Collector's Cache 2
set name hero price
Freeboot Fortunes ogre magi 4$
Darkbrew's Transgression alchemist 5$
Acrimonies of Obsession vengful spirit 7$
Withering Pain clinkz 4$
Sacred Chamber Guardian huskar 5$
Feasts of Forever nightstalker 5$
The Wilding Tiger brewmaster 10$
Dawn of a Darkness Foretold doom 5$
War Rig Eradicators techies 5$
Grand Suppressor silencer 7$
Transcendent Path oracle 10$
Cursed Cryptbreaker pudge 7$
Bird of Prey legion commander 10$
Darkfeather Factioneer phantom assassin 10$
Grudges of the Gallows Tree treant protector 15$
Brands of the Reaper anti mage 15$
Sublime Equilibrium void spirit 30$
Nemestice Collector's Cache 2021
set name hero price
Twilight Hex dark willow 20$
Litany of the Damned doom 20$
Astral Terminus enigma 15$
Caerulean Star enchantress 10$
Arcane Inverter gyrocopter 25$
Creed of the Skullhound lycan 25$
Desert Bloom nature's prophet 20$
Eyriebound Imperator skywrath mage 20$
Anthozoan Assault tiny 25$
Defender of the Brumal Crest winter wyvern 20$
Red Sands Marauder shadow shaman 25$
Aghanim's 2021 Collector's Cache
item name hero price
Silverwurm Sacrifice dragon knight 40$
Scales Of The Shadow Walker phantom lancer 10$
Perception of the First Light dawnbreaker 10$
Apex Automated clockwerk 10$
Test of the basilisk lord Razor 15$
Secrets of the frost singularity Ancient Apparition 5$
Perils of the red banks Chen 5$
The chained scribe Grimstroke 5$
Widow of the undermount gloom Broodmother 12$
Forgotten fate Mars 5$
March of the crackerjack mage Rubick 10$
Stranger in the wandering isles Drow Ranger 40$
Cosmic concoctioneers Alchemist 10$
Days of the demons Axe 20$
Blightfall Abaddon 10$
Pyrexae polymorph perfected ogre magi 15$
Wrath of the celestial sentinel Chaos Knight 60$
2020 cache sets
set name hero price
Origin of the Dark Oath night stalker 20
ravenous abyss underlord 15
abocalypse unbound ancient apparittion 10
beholden of the banished ones warlock 20
fury of the righteous storm distruptor 10
mindless slaughter pudge 15
heartless hunt bounty hunter 20
herald of the ember eye grimstroke 10
fissured flight jakiro 10
flashpoint proselyte husker 15
signs of the allfather nature's prophet 15
songs of starfall glen enchantress 10
Glory of the Elderflame lina 30
Lineage of the Stormlords juggernaut 30
Silent Slayer silencer 15
ancient inheritance tiny 20
forsworn legacy mars 35
Blaze of Oblivion phoenix 10
Beast of the Crimson Ring bristleback 15
Talons of the Endless Storm chaos knight 15
Ire of the Ancient Gaoler arc warden 25
Horror from the Deep tide hunter 25
Evolution of the Infinite enigma 10
Clearcut Cavalier timber saw 10
The King Of Thieves keeper of the light 10
Carousal of the Mystic Masquerade rubick 10
Secrets of the Celestial skywrath mage 10
Blacksail Cannoneer sniper 10
Wrath of the Fallen doom 10
Crown of Calaphas shadow demon 10
Master of the Searing Path ember spirit 25
Steward of the Forbidden Chamber templar assassin 15
Claszureme Incursion faceless void 55
2019 cache sets
set name hero price
Echoes of the Everblack abaddon 25
The Arts of Mortal Deception enigma 10
Adornments of the Jade Emissary earth spirit 20
Poacher's Bane tide 15
Appetites of the Lizard King slark 15
Forbidden Medicine dazzle 15
Curse of the Creeping Vine undying 15
Priest of the Proudsilver Clan chen 10
Soul of the Brightshroud deathprophet 10
Pursuit of the Ember Demons husker 15
Riddle of the Hierophant oracle 10
Paean of the Ink Dragon grimstroke 10
Allure of the Faeshade Flower dark willow 20
Glimmer of the Sacred Hunt drow ranger 30
Defender of Ruin disruptor 15
NEW!! cinder sensei ember spirit 80
gothic whisper phantom assassin 70
Prized Acquisitions batrider 4
Grim Destiny wraith king 10
Verdant Predator venomancer 5
Fury of the Bloodforge bloodseeker 10
Endless Night abaddon 15
Directive of the Sunbound clockwerk 5
Automaton Antiquity brood mother 5
Verdant Predator venomancer 5
Tales of the Windward Rogue pangolier 15
Automaton Antiquity broodmother 7
Distinguished Expeditionary Tusk 5
Tribal Pathways warlock 5
Sight of the Kha-Ren Faithful drow ranger 10
Dapper Disguise pudge 15
Souls Tyrant shadow fiend 30
Tribal Pathways warlock 7
Fowl Omen necrophos 25
2018 cache sets
set name hero price
Trail of the Sanguine Spectrum blood seeker 6
Pitfall Crusader pangolier 10
Insights of the Sapphire Shroud dark seer 6
Pillar of the Fractured Citadel spirit breaker 12
Forlorn Descent undying 12
Stonemarch Sovereign wraith king 25
The Murid Divine necro 9
Primer of the Sapper's Guile techies 6
Molokau Stalker venomancer 6
Morbific Provision witch doctor 6
Raptures of the Abyssal Kin queen of pain 6
Fate Meridian invoker 12
Grasp of the Riven Exile weaver 6
Visions of the Lifted Veil phantom assassin 25
Dread Compact warlock 100
Endowments of the Lucent Canopy shadow shaman 120
Pitmouse Fraternity meepo 6
Fires of the Volcanic Guard ember spirit 9
Third Awakening dragon knight 15
Shackles of the Enduring Conscript axe 6
Shimmer of the Anointed nyx assassin 3
Cruelties of the Spiral Bore magnus 40
Loaded Prospects brewmaster 3
Ire of Molten Rebirth phoenix 3
Pattern of the Silken Queen broodmother 3
Dread Ascendance doom 20
The Rat King chen 3
Raiments of the Obsidian Forge underlord 9
old cache sets
set name hero price
Creeping Shadow phantom assassin around 120
Stormwrought Arbiter sven around 120
Submerged Hazard tinker around 90
Manta Marauder bat rider around 90
Legends of Darkheart Pursuit Night stalker around 200
Weathers. buy 3 and get 4th for free the lowest of them is the free one
weathers can be traded now!!
weather price
Ash 15$ 12$
Aurora 2$
Harvest 3$ 1.5$
Moonbeam 5$ 2.5$
Pestilence 3$ 1.5$
Rain 9$ 7$
Sirocco 3$ 1$
Spring 2$
Snow 5$
PS: even if you don't see an item in my inventory feel free to add me and ask about whatever item you're looking for
submitted by aminalzoubi to Dota2Trade [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:51 supers_star Fix you recommendation system, C.AI

Fix you recommendation system, C.AI
submitted by supers_star to CharacterAI [link] [comments]