A story in two acts (he stallquit immediately afterwards)

2025.02.02 02:58 Jubjub-bird A story in two acts (he stallquit immediately afterwards)

A story in two acts (he stallquit immediately afterwards) submitted by Jubjub-bird to PTCGP [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:58 buff_mac466 Factor Daily Greens

Is there anything in dailygreens that people know would cause a false positive on a drug test? I looked up all the ingredients but didn't get straight forward answers on some ingredients.
submitted by buff_mac466 to factor75 [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:58 CountSwagula666 Moving from Dynamics 365 to .NET

I'm a junior who's been working for a year now. I couldn't afford to be picky with what I could get and this seemed close enough at the time. I work in Dynamics 365, but I want to move to .NET. I avoid almost every low code solution there is to platform, mainly focusing on the plugins, sometimes the javascript.
That said even though I've technically been using javascript, if anyone asked me any questions about it I'm 95% sure I would fall flat on my face.
I've always been very vocal that I want to move to .NET and my manager tries to give me opportunities, there just aren't many where I am at. We maintain a system, the stuff is mainly built.
So like I said, I mainly work with plugins. Adding bits of new functionality here and there and fixing bugs. A few unit tests here and there and that is the main bulk of my work - I am not including js in here. There are some function apps but those are seldom touched, and are mainly changed by a line or two when required.
I've been working on my AZ-900 (it's not hard, I just need to get on with it) but I know that's mainly for recruiters.
So I want to know if I can move to a .NET role, how to go about it, how easy it would be to switch up and what I should expect and if there is anything I can do to make the switch up easier.
submitted by CountSwagula666 to cscareerquestions [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:58 Electrical_Virus_595 Pickup hockey should be 4 on 4

This might be an unpopular option, but I feel pickup and even low level leagues should be 4 on 4.
4 on 4 gives you more time and space with the puck which makes for smarter hockey, I think this makes for a more fun experience overall. This especially rings true when you’re not playing with the same guys every week, and knowing guys tendencies. Not to mention you can play with more spares, if this is an issue in your area.
What do you think?
submitted by Electrical_Virus_595 to hockeyplayers [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:58 Ok-Jicama5151 Need Advice/Ideas

First reddit post so please bear with me! Planning a MRNP trip from NYC second week of June, and I know I won't be able to make it in time for the first come/first serve Cougar Rock Campground. I want to reserve a group campsite at the Cougar Rock campsite, but the minimum is 12 people! I don't mind sharing the campsite with strangers, that actually sounds quite fun, but where/who would y'all recommend reaching out to? Or if not, any affordable lodging places within an hour drive of the Skyline Loop Trail?
submitted by Ok-Jicama5151 to Mount_Rainier [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:58 The_Camillo Se tem placa tem história

submitted by The_Camillo to SeTemPlacaTemHistoria [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:58 MissYukiOnna Best Walkie Talkies for Long Distance

I'm not completely familiar with the types of walkie talkies out there but I am trying to learn. I would like to invest in a walkie talkie that allows me to communicate at long distances, I'm talking like city to city distances. I was looking for one that is reliable if the cell towers go down. I heard of Rapid Radio and I was about to invest but I have heard that it is a scam and not effective without internet or cell towers. I just wanted to know you all's opinion on what the best way to communicate city to city in case of a emergency where phones and internet can not be used.
submitted by MissYukiOnna to TwoXPreppers [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:58 chloe_lynn87 any ideas to make filter less strong for my betta, i have a cut plastic bottle in it right now but it’s not working well

any ideas to make filter less strong for my betta, i have a cut plastic bottle in it right now but it’s not working well submitted by chloe_lynn87 to bettafish [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:58 jcaraway Anyone interested in creating a Homesteading Village Cooperative in Northern California?

Something like this: https://youtu.be/kmD6i0J7COQ?si=GKnxO8igjPOHiNIN
Personal Space and Community Space, Homesteading neighborhoods!
submitted by jcaraway to Humboldt [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:58 Versalux Are we going to have two CDs for the album?

Are we going to have two CDs for the album? Could they possibly make two CDs for the second official pressing since the total album runtime is ~84 minutes?
CD1 • Wake Me Up - Give In To Me
CD2 • I Can’t Wait To Get There - Hurry Up Tomorrow
submitted by Versalux to TheWeeknd [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:58 princesssparkle13 Meet Roux !

This is Roux (Roo), who turned 2 on January 21st! She’s super smart, very vocal, is obsessed with fetch and loves chicken!
submitted by princesssparkle13 to ToyPoodle [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:58 WorldlySpecialist774 How Do you go about your First Time?

Hey Yall, So I’m m24 and have been curious for the last 3 years, Never really tried to Act on the thought cause I was afraid and would just ignore it, but recently all I could think about is wanting to have my first experience and was wondering how I should go about it, Grindr and sniffies near me is dry.
submitted by WorldlySpecialist774 to askgaybros [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:58 romp0m81 Bitches and Whores on Adachi day? How could you

Bitches and Whores on Adachi day? How could you submitted by romp0m81 to OkBuddyPersona [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:58 Accomplished-Bath450 Eu nao sei como seguir em frente

Eu sinto que há uma barreira emocional em mim que me impede de virar adulta. Meu corpo é adulto, mas eu ainda me sinto uma menina. E a barreira é algo não resolvido. Eu nem mesmo consigo namorar.
submitted by Accomplished-Bath450 to desabafos [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:58 Jumpy-Carpenter9805 Are you man enough to handle me?

submitted by Jumpy-Carpenter9805 to Aucklandgonewild [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:58 btloveswwe NAME SOMETHING MORE DOPE THAN THIS STAND OFF🔥🔥🔥

submitted by btloveswwe to BrandonDE [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:58 PaigeHart I went as Neytiri for Halloween.

I really loved the movie as a kid.
submitted by PaigeHart to blunderyears [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:58 bison2000 Radiohead - The Bends. What an album. For me their Peak

Radiohead - The Bends. What an album. For me their Peak submitted by bison2000 to Rockandmetalonvinyl [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:58 Melodic_Maximum_67 WF CBD rub w/peppermint oil

I have some spinal issues and use cbd rubs to relieve some of the pain. I have a WF roll-on CBD with peppermint oil, but I also have 2 cats. Anyone know if this is safe to use around them? There would be no direct exposure but I'm also worried about transferring rub to my pillow, for instance, which they'd then sit on.
submitted by Melodic_Maximum_67 to AskVet [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:58 jack_vedang OnePlus Watch 2

Got this watch as a phone trade-in bonus, already have one - so selling this one. The new one goes for $299 plus tax.
Pickup in Round Rock, 5 mins from Dell Diamonds.
submitted by jack_vedang to AustinClassifieds [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:58 ZookeepergameTime501 Upvote for upvote‼️‼️

submitted by ZookeepergameTime501 to Karmafarmsub [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:58 Llinster Our golden is being beyond picky about eating

Hi everyone, looking for food ideas. My golden was recently diagnosed with lymphoma and has gotten really funny about eating and she never was much of a fussy eater or pill taker. We started chemo/prednisone three days ago and she seems to be feeling better overall but she has persisted with eating barely anything.
We've tried: boiled chicken, scrambled eggs, chicken and rice, all of the gastro friendly i/d, a/d foods from the vet, regular wet foods or varying flavors/brands, the other dogs food, bananas, cat food, a cat food topper liquid stuff, baby food (a couple different flavors) and some of the fresh dog food in the cold section of some stores. The only thing she's eaten consistently in the last 24 hours is frozen blueberries. And she's eaten nearly an entire bag of them. She did eat some of the breaded chicken from our orange chicken tonight as well (just plain chicken, no sauce). She's gotten very ornery about taking pills so cheese and peanut butter are no longer enticing because they are on her pills.
I've read through some other people's posts and will try ground beef and gravy and we have some tuna we haven't tried yet. Does anyone have any new ideas or stories they could share of things that worked for them? Thanks for reading and sharing your thoughts.
submitted by Llinster to DogAdvice [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:58 Primary-Ice-5490 Two of my amps

Two of my amps My two amps for two seperate projects in the same room. Laney Ironheart IRT120H with tung-sol EL34s and Vox AC30CC2
submitted by Primary-Ice-5490 to GuitarAmps [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:58 joshman881 Sight install

Sight install I purchased an iron sight slide from brownells and I am trying to install the factory sights onto the new slide and they seem to be stuck. I have tried 4 different sight pushers and I can’t get them to budge any further. What else can I do? I can’t even seem to be able to get them back off either
submitted by joshman881 to P365 [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:58 bot_neen Así fue la liberación de 200 palestinos tras acuerdo de alto al fuego shorts

submitted by bot_neen to Mexico_Videos [link] [comments]
