2025.02.02 03:50 aspen54 Conversation king
submitted by aspen54 to Dank [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 03:50 Winterguy431 Rawrrrrrrr🦖 18m Anyone looking for a discord Vc
Currently studying It management in college looking for chill people to talk to since I have no irl friends :) can talk about pretty much anything!
submitted by Winterguy431 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 03:50 randucci Algorithm, or coincidence?
submitted by randucci to nevertellmetheodds [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 03:50 NoseyyRosey Huge argument we had years ago. Who was wrong?
Long story short. My bf decided to rip into me for hours. Mocking me saying how my ex was dipping his dick in other bitches and I was sucking it. I got mad at the end and ended up saying his P.P was bigger. That was a lie but nonetheless it stings. For the last 1.5 years my bf claims he didnt treat me right because I’m a disrespectful woman? And me personally I think I only said that because I was extremely hurt he was throwing things in my face. But to him I should never whisper such nasty things about his ex. Now when he feels like it. Every week. He’s been bringing it up every argument. Ugh!!!!
Yes I know I should’ve kept my mouth shut but he was saying hurtful shit and I decided to stoop to his level. Yet he keeps saying he stopped to mines!!
submitted by NoseyyRosey to relationshipadvice [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 03:50 Summer_The_Gardener Huh? Where am I? I thought I was sent through the Everdoor.. ((HIII its me, the owner of jay's account again! Literally just found out this character exists pls dont get mad at me for having yet another account!))
submitted by Summer_The_Gardener to CharacterAMARoleplay [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 03:50 LAZHlegdnutz lmao
havent log in for a few months and wanted to check it out how bad it was now, however, apparently it is worst then expected. i didnt do anything wrong but my account is false suspended submitted by LAZHlegdnutz to growtopia [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 03:50 KingofBread18 Getting past 'Patterns in Time' quest underwater issue
I've seen posts of this issue a while back, but I'm stuck on the proving to Korvax part of this quest where it pings an abandoned building underwater that isn't there.
I've tried using the radar on exocrafts to reveal it, but found nothing. I've tried going through a black hole and pressing the reset to nearby structures button in the logs, but it just tells me to teleport back across the galaxy to the same spot I was at.
Is there a work-around for this issue aside from the black hole reset? Or will I have to wait for some kind of patch in the future? (on PS5 btw)
submitted by KingofBread18 to NoMansSkyTheGame [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 03:50 Individual_Spot6504 Pokemon Pearl an Diamon Italian versions
I bought this two cardridges on Vinted, Real or Fake? If they are fake pls help my refund providing some info. submitted by Individual_Spot6504 to gameverifying [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 03:50 Guy_JustGuy1 Need crystallized relic
swap for any other relic drop ur offer
submitted by Guy_JustGuy1 to FischRoblox [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 03:50 BlueIndigoTrails Bobcat Spotted on Hike
submitted by BlueIndigoTrails to wildlife_videos [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 03:50 DramaticTradition170 Had to get 10 oz to match my 10 mm
5% cash back on silver !!!!
submitted by DramaticTradition170 to Costco [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 03:50 KindResolve4984 Bisexual guilt
Hi everyone I recently came out as bisexual to my best friend who’s also bi. I grew up in a very religious anti lgbtq+ family and still live at home with them. I’m really struggling with feeling guilty for being me and being bi. I know I shouldn’t but because of my upbringing I feel guilty.
submitted by KindResolve4984 to bisexual [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 03:50 Affectionate_Lack716 These FB pages are just stealing her videos and making money now 🤬
submitted by Affectionate_Lack716 to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 03:50 RositaCreepy_YT Chat De Creepytubers, IA, Loquendos, Xd
submitted by RositaCreepy_YT to chatdecreepytubers [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 03:50 FidoMix_Felicia Cuál es el mejor Pisco Chileno?
submitted by FidoMix_Felicia to chile [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 03:50 AnywhereOk7391 21f about health and marriage
submitted by AnywhereOk7391 to IndianVedicAstrology [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 03:50 Bright_Pomegranate_8 Iop Build + suggestions for solo/duo.
Hi everyone,
I know this question has been asked multiple times and I apologize for the same question but I'm finding it hard to find the perfect build for a str Iop level 200 that's not an old one, all the old ones that most people use are not that great and I was wondering if I'm able to get something that I can do a good majority of activities solo or duo with my Eni. Thanks a lot and I appreciate it.
Also, if people have any suggestions for anything that I can do to improve my playstyle. Would it be changing the whole class in general or anything to help me solo or duo. I realized iop is a struggle to deal with in general and for most fights, I'm not doing that great not gonna lie.
submitted by Bright_Pomegranate_8 to Dofus [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 03:50 Electrical-Ad-6033 Mock Registries
My coworker says she was averaging high 70’s on mocks 1-2 weeks before her registry. She ended up scoring an 89. I might be in the clear, I’m unsure 😅 What is everyone else’s experience? I take my registry next week 🧲
submitted by Electrical-Ad-6033 to MRI [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 03:50 lIlIlIlIlllIlIllllll Regex search
i'm trying to find all cases of the regex [a-z]\t0.0
notepad++ will let me find the next case, but when i try to find all cases it just says the regex is invalid. why does it do this?
submitted by lIlIlIlIlllIlIllllll to notepadplusplus [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 03:50 -redacter- which death was sadder, Gamma's or Emerl's?
submitted by -redacter- to SonicTheHedgehog [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 03:50 ChuckSucksAtMath Leevi Meriläinen user flair when?
He deserves one for sure
submitted by ChuckSucksAtMath to OttawaSenators [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 03:50 oldsaltysak Abandoned Paradise Planet with Ruins and Memory Stones
For those travelers looking for Ruins building parts. After the update the planet my base is on turned into an abandoned paradise planet full of ruins and an occasional superheated rain. Base is located on planet Dasom Alpha in the Euclid Galaxy at the planetary portal on with some traveler perks. submitted by oldsaltysak to NoMansSkyTheGame [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 03:50 Theplurshit SELLING ARKMETTA W MUTS
Teir 2 damage, teir one stamina regen, glimmer and dwarfism! Give your best offers :) submitted by Theplurshit to CreaturesofSonaria [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 03:50 Winter-Tax-8281 Great App for Studying/ Writing
Which is better? GoodNotes or Notability?
I wanna know your experiences when studying using any of these apps. Or if you have other apps you can recommend that would make taking down notes so much easier.
GoodNotes is asking for $10 for unlimited notebooks. I wonder if it’s worth it. 😅
submitted by Winter-Tax-8281 to ipad [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 03:50 sabimi78 TRADING SSBD BACKPACK
submitted by sabimi78 to AdoptMeTrading [link] [comments]