QC Alexander McQueen white

Alexander Mcqueen(麦昆)英国传奇设计师,逝世后品牌由其生前助手接手,如今的设计变得更加商业化。包袋上都会挂一个金属的小骷髅。 Alexander Wang(王大仁) 全线中国产。 Alberta Ferretti. Bally(巴利)瑞士高级皮具品牌,包袋有瑞士产,意大利产,中国产。 McQueen曾经一任男友Murray Arthur曾说:“McQueen对苏格兰特别着迷,知道我是苏格兰人,他更是开心得不行。 对家族历史的迷恋对McQueen产生了神奇的作用,McQueen越发觉得过去对他来说是一片浪漫安全之地,可以让他逃离残酷的现实和生活的苦痛。 正品舌头的长度适中,设计合理,不多用料,造成浪费,也绝不偷工减料,鞋带第一格刚好露出舌头上的Alexander Mcqueen的LOGO。仿品有部分版本舌头短一截,Alexander Mcqueen的LOGO在里面完全被遮挡住。还有一部分版本舌头长一截,穿起来打脚面,非常不舒服。 Mcqueen曾经说过,“我的时装系列都是自传性质的,很多都与我的性取向以及自身的沟通相关。 ”这可能便是他自杀的原因之一,在他去世的前几天他母亲刚刚去世,赋予他灵感与力量的母亲突然离世,对他的打击过大。 McQueen 之所以选择结束自己年轻的生命,是因为他生命中最重要的2个女人:他的母亲在上一周离世,而伯乐恩师及灵感女神Isabella Blow在三年前的自杀都无疑是致命打击。这两人的离开让McQueen的生活突然没有寄托,生活如同死水般沉寂。

2024.11.24 23:22 Infamous_Toe9852 QC Alexander McQueen white

QC Alexander McQueen white submitted by Infamous_Toe9852 to oopbuy [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:22 jem-pieczywo What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by jem-pieczywo to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:22 Beneficial_Mango211 817702016657

 817702016657 submitted by Beneficial_Mango211 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:22 JupiterHairbrush $2500 Budget VR Build

Really appreciate anyone's contributions as I try to navigate my first build!
submitted by JupiterHairbrush to buildapcforme [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:22 LateTone5649 Basically onaf brainrot existed back in mid 2021 after the release of onaf 3

I missed 2021 :(
submitted by LateTone5649 to ContentFarm_Cringe [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:22 hasdrubal18 Come taste... Sunday dinner

Come taste... Sunday dinner submitted by hasdrubal18 to nigerianfood [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:22 horetzka Namorar homem/mulher desempregado(a)

Tenho a impressão que o homem desempregado não consegue sair com ninguém. Mas percebo que a mulher, mesmo passando por situação de desemprego, ainda consegue uns contatinhos.
É só uma impressão da minha bolha?
Homens e mulheres, comentem.
submitted by horetzka to relacionamentos [link] [comments]



2024.11.24 23:22 No_Importance762 What does Citlali bring to the table, razor language if possible.

So from what I understand she's an EM scaling Cryo shielder with a tad bit weaker shield than Zhongli, who can shred Pyro or Hydro resistance when Melt or Freeze is triggered.
I'm just curious, does her kit have any point where she specializes a bit more in compared to Zhongli, who can shred any resistance by %20 on default? I'm really not trying to downplay her, but rather actually learn about her kit.
submitted by No_Importance762 to CitlaliMains [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:22 mikerooker Beck - E-Pro

Beck - E-Pro submitted by mikerooker to TheTikiHut [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:22 FrankzAndBeanzz Need help identifying which Irresistible by Givenchy this is

Need help identifying which Irresistible by Givenchy this is My girlfriend sent me this and said she loved the smell so I figured I’d get it as a gift for her. I noticed there is an EDT and an EDP version of this. Can anyone confirm which of the two this specific bottle is?
submitted by FrankzAndBeanzz to Perfumes [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:22 LUT0 BetMgm Marriot Bonvoy Promo

There is a Marriot Bonvoy promo which gives 3000 Marriot points after setting up a BetMgm account, linking your Bonvoy account, and making a bet.
I made a BetMgm account, went to a casino to verify, and went into the app and there is no option for linking (following FAQ instructions).
Support could not help and didn't seem to know what was going on.
Some digging on Reddit says you need to be MGM Gold to get this offer... This isn't shown anywhere in the promotion offer...it would seem to be a very large prerequisite for most people trying to get the offer...
Am I doing something wrong or is it really only for MGM Gold members?
submitted by LUT0 to marriott [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:22 Ambitious_Ice_1624 Vamos Brincar: o quanto você conhece animes de romance?

O video que iremos utilizar é:
Ele contém 100 animes de romance(recomendo acelerar o video).
As categorias são:
quantos animes reconhece?
quantos animes assistiu pelo menos um episódio?
quantos animes assistiu pelo menos uma temporada?
(Pode considerar uma temporada=12 episódios caso o anime tenha temporadas com mais de 12).
Fique a vontade para escolher uma ou as três categorias para participar.
Esses são os meus resultados: quantos animes reconhece:85
quantos animes assistiu pelo menos um episódio:73
quantos animes assistiu pelo menos uma temporada:41
submitted by Ambitious_Ice_1624 to animebrasil [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:22 Stunning_Concept_916 Gift for partner

So. I'm still new to pc myself and I wanted to get my partner a pc. But he said he would prefer a laptop that can game and edit videos. So far games I know hell play are fortnite, fallout 76 with his friend and baulders gate 3. I was wondering if anyone had recommendations. Price doesn't really matter. I wanna save up for his gift anyways
submitted by Stunning_Concept_916 to GamingLaptops [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:22 AutoModerator Law of attraction quotes manifestation quotes #shorts #lawofattraction #...

submitted by AutoModerator to ARiseAboveDivision [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:22 dpscheck Need advice/pointers to rank up to expert please!

Hi! This is kinda long, but I feel like I have to explain as fully as possible. Specifically this is for 3 player mode, but I assume the same will happen to me in 4 player if I don't figure out what I'm doing wrong.
So I have been playing Mahjong Soul on and off for the past few years, but I'm still stuck on adept. I don't play practice/have no friends to practice with, so I've done some 3000+ games in ranked mode for 3 player mode both east+south versions combine. 99% of the time everyone else has like 100 games and so I real like I must be doing insanely wrong.
I keep having this specific problem and today it happened for the fifth time, so I'm hoping to get some advice because I am just assuming I have not properly learned something to reach expert mode, and am being punished for it.
I have been 1 east game min score win away from expert promotion four times. This last time today (#5) I got to 700ish/1000. All five instances the same thing happens. Suddenly every single game is favoring one single player and they're all getting the wins (like 70k+ wins.) the problem I notice is that when I play these games, every single hand I get will always be the winning tile someone else needs. If I don't have one-away, 9/10 times the tile of the wonder is in my hand and is absolutely one I need to discard if I want tenpai. It's become so common I can actually predict what piece they need now over 75% of the time. Consistently these situations happen in over 70% of the games I lose on the way back down the ranking ladder

  1. I stay at the starting 3500 and never get anything, the other player gets destroyed instead. Alternatively I get knocked down to maybe 15-20k and then the other person gets pummeled into the negative.
  2. I try to make tenpai anyway and get destroyed (not every single time since I'm not 100% predicting what pieces are needed but it's enough to be really noticeable.)
  3. I forfeit having tenpai to play defensively and get destroyed by tsumos.
I know it sounds like I'm complaining about the game itself, but I'm not.
Basically, I ultimately get knocked back every time I get to adept 3 star all the way back down to adept rank 1 Star at 0/600. So literal complete bottom. I'll win a game here and there on the way down and even come in second a lot (at least this last time I did) but ultimately I get dragged down to the dead bottom. I get a lot of losers that are negative during this time.
I used to try to always get high score hands, but this time I went with speed to climb the ladder (my speed for the last 100 games was 100 yesterday for example) The problem with speed is I feel like part of my ranking down was my "win" scores were not enough to counter my "lose" scores once I hit adept 3 star since I would get hit hard into the negative a lot. The yakuman I got tenpai on the way back down the ladder like thirteen orphans, big three dragons, all terminals, all greens, 4 concealed triplets, and all honors (I think I didn't get any others but had the orphans, 4 concealed, and big dragons multi times) would almost always end by one of the other two players immediately getting tsumo before my turn comes around again.
I was going to post my "% stats" but the server is under maintenance ATM, but I am so frustrated I really need to ask for advice.
I know ranking algorithms for games like these have to put out a challenge for you to overcome to make sure you don't enter into a rank you don't belong since you should know how to do certain things, but I clearly am still doing something wrong, and I guess I still don't know what it is.
It's just I get near my goal and then it puts me against people who just destroy me one way or another and one game after another until I hit 0/600.
I'll post my stats if that will help anyone give me advice, but if anyone has struggled like this or has general advice I should be always considering as like a checklist through adept ranking I would super appreciate it. Even website or videos.
Basically it makes the game so unfun to work my way up and then just lose hard all the way back down where I have zero chance to recover (as far as I know) over and over. The other 4 times I just rage quit for 6+ months until I get bored one day to try again after this happened, but this time I really want to not rage quit and figure out how to get better so I can actually rank up.
Thanks so much in advance if you read all that.
submitted by dpscheck to mahjongsoul [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:22 Shotgun_willy5 Walksnail Avatar VTX won’t show up on PC

hey all I’m trying to update the firmware on my Walksnail Avatar Pro 2 antenna VTX and I can’t get my PC to recognize it. I’ve tried 3 different cables when it’s unplugged I get a blinking green light but the second I plug it in I get a flashing green then red light. This to me means it’s recognizing the cable because the second I unplug it, it goes back to just flashing green again. Anyone experience this issue and know how to resolve it?
submitted by Shotgun_willy5 to fpv [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:22 pluyah Damn im getting Merced this season

Like I'm sure it's just a skill issue,but like fuck didn't think playing a diff game for a couple weeks would make make my inputs so slow
submitted by pluyah to Guiltygear [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:22 HoldinHiscock Salty Parlay Loss

Just want to say fuck you guys that is all. All you had to do was beat the cowgirls AT HOME and you fucked it over. From now on FUCK WASHINGTON. I hope you never win another playoff game ever you fucking pansies
submitted by HoldinHiscock to Commanders [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:22 Cramorant_ How FUN was Mighty Pokemon! Show off your haul.

One of the best ideas to come into this game in my opinion. I had a ton of fun encountering these behemoths. I ended up getting 4 out of the 16 possible encounters. I really wanted galvantula and/or electivire but didn’t even get the encounter but oh well. Thanks Niantic for some good content.
submitted by Cramorant_ to pokemongo [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:22 CoolButterscotch492 Freebzer 👍

submitted by CoolButterscotch492 to MurderDrones [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:22 Asleep-Replacement32 Notturni?

Scrivetemi mi annoio :-p
submitted by Asleep-Replacement32 to TeenagersITA [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:22 just1spookyboi [Reforger] [Recruiting] [Serious Milsim] [EST] 506th IRRU recruiting for Reforger. Console Players Welcome!

[Reforger] [Recruiting] [Serious Milsim] [EST] 506th IRRU recruiting for Reforger. Console Players Welcome! submitted by just1spookyboi to FindAUnit [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:22 zagriza 25[M4M] Omaha(NE)/USA - Let's talk about life: the meaning of life in the face of death, happiness and suffering, what to do in life and how to live it, enlightenment and non-duality, and the improvement of humanity's existence.

I'm looking for someone to have meaningful conversations with—talking about how we live our lives, our perspectives, and what we make of existence as we face the reality of life’s end. I hope to find someone with a similar outlook, so we can figure out the best way to spend our time and share ideas, plans, and insights as we navigate life together.
Some of my reflections and views on life:

What interests me: Other interests: Books: I rarely read fiction (although I enjoy it); I prefer non-fiction books on self-improvement.
TV shows: - Better Call Saul - Breaking Bad - The Leftovers - Attack on Titan - Twin Peaks - Beef - Dark - Barry
When I want to switch off my brain after intense and demanding weeks, I enjoy watching anime shows like "Naruto," "Black Clover," "Mob Psycho 100," and "My Hero Academia." I watch them solely for the epic fights. However, the determination of the main characters also inspires me.
Movies: - Everything Everywhere All at Once - Midsommar - Hereditary - Parasite - Get Out - Us - Nope - Swiss Army Man - The Lighthouse - The Green Knight - The House That Jack Built - Melancholia - The Northman - Annihilation - The Killing of a Sacred Deer - Men
If this resonates with you and you're interested in having these kinds of discussions, I'd love to connect. I mainly communicate via voice messages on Discord, so if you’re open to that, it would be great to chat. When you decide to reach out, please share why you're contacting me and a little about yourself. It’ll help us start our conversation smoothly—I don’t respond to 'Hi' messages. Looking forward to connecting with like-minded souls!
submitted by zagriza to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:22 Lazy-Statistician Primal Groudon. Need more people. Please wait, will add to raid 257224413274

submitted by Lazy-Statistician to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]
