First self reading

2024.11.25 00:40 SofBoiledEgg First self reading

I've just started exploring tarot and did my first reading. I shuffled the cards and pulled 9 cards. I was trying to focus on what was happening in present time and how the rest of the week would go.
1st Row: page of cups, 10 of cups, 9 of cups 2nd Row: 8 of cups, 7 of cups, 6 of cups 3rd Row: 5 of cups, 4 of cups, 3 of cups
I figured I didn't shuffle the deck enough and was going to start over but decided to stick with it.
I'm curious to hear some thoughts.
submitted by SofBoiledEgg to tarot [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:40 Sean_LoKa (caveman brain) How do you become a millionaire?

submitted by Sean_LoKa to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:40 White_Walker101 I cannot take insanely judgmental and close minded hateful people anymore

Especially when it comes to dogs being aggressive and possibly re-homed.
I am sorry, I really have no other place to vent about this. And thought this would be perfect to just let out how I feel.
I read earlier that somebody said ‘mutt worshipping’ as a term to describe dog lovers.
Non-dog lovers, and/or people who instantly hate on an aggressive dog or think it needs to be put down) granted they haven’t killed and only wounded) really need to sit down and actually learn about dog behaviors and aggression.
There are so many stigmas and judgment being thrown around for any dog (big) that is aggressive. If it barks or growls, be put down. If it lunges even though it’s within its right, be put down.
There are so many people that will blindly follow what people say, the media, anybody who says that a dog was any kind of aggressive, will freak out and hate on it.
They will claim that it needs to be put down and that it’s just a filthy animal with no real feelings attached to it.
There are no bad dogs, there are only bad owners that influence by emotion, manipulation or downright abuse and hate that will make a dog unable to be saved, unable to be helped.
A dog owner or not, it’s my opinion that everyone should brush up on dog training videos, dog trainers react videos, actually babysit a dog for a day, actually learn and interact with a dog that was re-trained and re-homed after being aggressive.
submitted by White_Walker101 to Vent [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:40 Responsible-Annual21 Categories

Why can’t I just scroll through the TV channels like I used to? Why do I now have to search for shows by category…? Whoever made this change needs to be fired. That is all. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
submitted by Responsible-Annual21 to slingtv [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:40 Lazwaard Pc para modelagem 3D

Pc para modelagem 3D Estou querendo montar um Pc para modelagem 3d no Rhinoceros e Blender. O foco será na modelagem usando o Blender, porém, pretendo estudar mais sobre renderização também.
O meu orçamento é de 4k e me recomendaram as seguintes configurações, porém estou em dúvida sobre o processador Ryzen 5600g ou 5600gt. Se tiverem alguma sugestão também sobre o que é melhor trocar, será bem vinda.
submitted by Lazwaard to computadores [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:40 UnlceDr3ww_ [Academic] Social Media Survey for School Project (Takes less then 1 Minutes)

[Academic] Social Media Survey for School Project (Takes less then 1 Minutes) submitted by UnlceDr3ww_ to takemysurvey [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:40 Sutcliffe Finally Maxed

Finally Maxed She was my first Cubone (my favorite) in Sleep so I committed to maxing her even if she's not useful. Finally happened tonight. What's everyone else's passion projects?
submitted by Sutcliffe to PokemonSleep [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:40 5mil_ What is this?

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submitted by 5mil_ to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:40 SignificanceLast9894 No one's answering?

I'll guess I have to call someone to make a Genre Fighting Game..
(I can't do a roster on PowerPoint I'm bad at PowerPoint)
submitted by SignificanceLast9894 to makeafighter [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:40 General_Bison9068 Cooked for comp 2521

I am so done with this course. I have been grinding theory and can kind of do some leetcode questions and the labs and stuff but the sample exams programming is a little bit harder and is there a better way to prepare for the programming component? Just wanna pass the hurdles. What are the questions like?
submitted by General_Bison9068 to unsw [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:40 Sakura_Opal i made these tommyinnit bracelets at a party :p

submitted by Sakura_Opal to tommyinnit [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:40 Narrow-Earth-6892 Cool bro

submitted by Narrow-Earth-6892 to unacamararoja [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:40 No-Ad5527 OST search??

It's this jazzy romantic theme from part 4. It's in episode 27 at 4mins45seconds. I checked the wiki and still couldn't find it.
submitted by No-Ad5527 to StardustCrusaders [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:40 a-packet-of-noodles Honestly would love an episode of Mark just talking about Korean culture/stories from his family

Hearing small bits about things like funerals when his grandma unfortunately passed and other small stuff like common Korean foods and how they taste are just really interesting to me. I'd love an episode of him talking about the culture and or stories relating to his family. I love hearing about outside cultures.
submitted by a-packet-of-noodles to distractible [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:40 violetxlavender wnba for dummies (me)

hi yall. i want to get into the wnba but i have no clue where to start because i’ve never been a sports fan before. i’ve always found men’s sports mind numbing and dull (i am a lesbian) so i just assumed watching sports was boring but the other day a wnba game was on at a bar and i was captivated.
i’ve always loved playing sports but i’ve never been a fan of any team/sport cause all the well-known/promoted/culturally relevant sports are men’s sports. so idk how to be a fan.
basically i just want info. what’s the ongoing drama/lore? who are the main characters? is there a spit web? (pls i love dyke drama) what are the good teams/bad teams? what do all these stats mean and do i need to care about them?
submitted by violetxlavender to wnba [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:40 bluudbunny Everything noticed so far from season 1 all the way to the last episode of season 3

Everything noticed so far from season 1 all the way to the last episode of season 3 i also put an explanation for one of my points thats longer because ive been learning about both for well over a decade now due to interest in both and wanting to do both but yeah😂 if theres any points i've missed to try to figure out the whole story feel free to mention any!
I'll be doing a 3rd rewatch next weekend to go over everything i have again. I also kept the "theyre being watched" point since it was never confirmed if its only one thing watching them yet i dont think at least. Deleted a lot of stuff i had writen for getting explained in the end or pointed out that i didnt notice the first time i watched so i might end up editing this again after a 3rd rewatch soon.
submitted by bluudbunny to FromSeries [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:40 mysticdreamblue What vitamins should I avoid?

What vitamins should I remind? I have heard Vitamin E and K2. However, Vitamin D is recommended for lupus, and K2 helps with absorption.
submitted by mysticdreamblue to lupus [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:40 Xombridal Me when I can't afk and win

Me when I can't afk and win submitted by Xombridal to OverwatchCirclejerk [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:40 abreda10nf How do you guard Chris Goulding? Sunday Dech on how to stop one of the league's best on 10 Hoops

submitted by abreda10nf to nbl [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:40 AXI0S2OO2 They were technically her step-brothers too.

They were technically her step-brothers too. submitted by AXI0S2OO2 to PrimarchGFs [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:40 JacknRod143 Would you enjoy them?

Would you enjoy them? submitted by JacknRod143 to soleslovers [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:40 esquizuite everyday I have dreams of having a second chance at life. ive burned through 70% of my savings. id just d*e but I have 2 kids who have no mom. what do u even do in this situation

i feel worthless and i feel like my kids are probably also worthless since there my kids. so does it even matter if i just leave them.
submitted by esquizuite to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:40 HopStarcraft PRIMAL KYOGRE ON ME! 333220932353

PRIMAL KYOGRE ON ME! 333220932353
submitted by HopStarcraft to PokemonGoFriends [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:40 hatchcats-game Mellocup

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submitted by hatchcats-game to hatchcats [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:40 phillies33333 Topps chrome update

My LCS had 2024 Topps chrome update megas in stock and I pulled this gem. Skenes image variation.
submitted by phillies33333 to baseballcards [link] [comments]