Peanut chicken satay & cucumber salad with sweet vinegar

2024.11.25 00:29 Rotton_Banana Peanut chicken satay & cucumber salad with sweet vinegar

submitted by Rotton_Banana to ThaiFood [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:29 ucla_lover You’re not a good man Arthur but you’re not all bad either

You’re not a good man Arthur but you’re not all bad either submitted by ucla_lover to FromSeries [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:29 Br13ll3kH Raid help! Hurry 224225440747!

Raid help! Hurry 224225440747! submitted by Br13ll3kH to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:29 Interesting-Dig-1342 Im JUST Lazy for that

Im JUST Lazy for that submitted by Interesting-Dig-1342 to BrickBronze [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:29 sleepingdeityy Advice for beginners

Hello everyone, I've always loved amvs and I've thought about getting into it for some time. I specifically want to edit on AE since thats what I
submitted by sleepingdeityy to amv [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:29 Alert_Lack_7337 Help calculating how far along I am?!

I need help figuring out how far along I can. The first day of my last period was October 18 but I ovulated November 4th. If I use those apps they are both telling me different lengths depending if I use the day of my last period or ovulation. And according to the days of ovulation I ovulated a week before I was supposed to but that’s because I was using letrozole due to PCOS. Thank you for your help!!
submitted by Alert_Lack_7337 to July2025Bumps [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:29 Shadowstrut Wb kyogre with one local 313467886175 and 04721987420

submitted by Shadowstrut to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:29 Nadillitgc Envoyez ce qui vous excite (no limit) TG : nadilli 😈

submitted by Nadillitgc to influenceuse_fr5 [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:29 chezznul Kaiser, Sir Kai.

Kaiser, Sir Kai. submitted by chezznul to cats [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:29 goldencompassgirl It’s… really something

My fiancé made a very NSFW comment about what he thought this egg looked like. I imagine it’s just extra (rather cursed looking) calcium build up?
submitted by goldencompassgirl to WeirdEggs [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:29 GHamPlayz [POST GAME THREAD] (7-5) Denver Broncos @ (2-9) Las Vegas Raiders of Los Angeles by way of Oakland

Broncos carve the field, Desert winds shift course in awe— Vegas night turns still.
submitted by GHamPlayz to DenverBroncos [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:29 qlue2 Living 1500 miles away from anyone I truly know

29(m) Going through a divorce. It's amicable, but that's irrelevant. I didn't think it would be as hard as it is, but God damn lol. As the holidays are approaching, I only have plans for Thanksgiving, flying to see my cousin in DC. The rest of the events? No clue. I dont have a close relationship with most of my family, and living in NW FL, I have only made a few friends who i am not comfortable enough to even attempt an invite to anything.
I am extremely extroverted, and outgoing. But it seems most friendships I am making are either dead ends, or fruitless to a large degree.
Im super fucking lonely and I didn't realize it until several weeks ago.
submitted by qlue2 to Truthoffmychest [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:29 wh1tef3rrari I can’t gain weight and I keep losing/maintaining it.

16F, 5’4, 121.0lbs, black.
I used to be a little bit bigger, I weighed around 140lbs which isn’t that bad but I was still very insecure abt it. I went into deep depths of the internet and went into some veryy bad eating habits and I have terrible body dysmorphia now. Recently i’ve been getting insecure about how i look, my thighs are really small and occasionally people will call me stick figure which i hate and isn’t true, so i want to gain a little bit of weight. of course, i’m exercising, but i also started eating more. not much of a typical bulking diet, i don’t eat breakfast, occasionally lunch and i eat dinneafter school snack and i only drink water, and i have lost at least five pounds rather than gaining… this is so fucking infuriating i actually start eating after so long and i don’t even gain weight?? and i’m exercising and i thought exercising would build muscle, which would lead t some fucking weight gain but i’m still losing??? i’m literally losing my mind plz help 💔🤞🏽
submitted by wh1tef3rrari to beginnerfitness [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:29 Effective-River5063 Qué onda con esta marca mexicana?

Qué onda con esta marca mexicana? submitted by Effective-River5063 to noticias_en_espanol [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:29 woodenpencils Black Friday Datamine
Just in case no one knows about it still.
Credits to him. I use his site a lot and it has been 100% accurate since its release.
It does not show what is contained in the SSBs, but everything else is accurate. He also has a hexa calculator.
Cube Sale is next week.
submitted by woodenpencils to Maplestory [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:29 Lupsha Romance

Is there a romance mod or something?
submitted by Lupsha to ElinsInn [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:29 Educational_Fee5575 Why does windows defender detect my pirated games as malware

If it's so called "safe" by other people then why does windows detect it?
submitted by Educational_Fee5575 to PiratedGames [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:29 BarneyRobinStinson7 This is so hard. The 2024 Men’s Survivor Series War Games participants. 🔥

This is so hard. The 2024 Men’s Survivor Series War Games participants. 🔥 submitted by BarneyRobinStinson7 to Wrasslin [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:29 CarefulGrand8954 I can remix your hot sluts. Creepshots and arab sluts are a huge plus. Dm or add snap: david_jas1441

submitted by CarefulGrand8954 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:29 Forsaken-Ingenuity79 Has Social Anxiety ever made you antisocial?

After going
submitted by Forsaken-Ingenuity79 to socialanxiety [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:29 MsEmotions220 Making the switch away from nonstick cookware.

I’ve always used nonstick and don’t really know how to cook in other pans. It seems like everything sticks to stainless. My plan is to get a 12” cast iron pan with a lid and a stainless steel skillet. 3 stainless steel pots of various sizes to cook pasta, veggies and other things that won’t necessarily be at risk of sticking. Is this a reasonable plan? What should I look for in a cast iron pan? What should I look for in a stainless steel pan and/or pot?
submitted by MsEmotions220 to StainlessSteelCooking [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:29 genericcostlidership Passport

Hi guys I have a question
My passport works fine when I am on a counter and a person manually checks my passport however I am curious if a passport nfc chip can be broken I can't pass on any scan-and-go passport control it just does not work. Also, I tried downloading the nfc reading apps and it detects the chip.
I only had it for 2 years, should I get a new one?
submitted by genericcostlidership to Passports [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:29 Good-Duck1407 Vegan Thanksliving Meal

Tofurky ham, Gardein Turk’y, green bean casserole, stuffing, roasted carrots & rosemary garlic focaccia “rolls” 😋
submitted by Good-Duck1407 to VeganFoodPorn [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:29 Luqui-Op Any tips with my monsters please

Any tips with my monsters please Hello this are my monsters. I can do Giants, Dragon and Neco in Abyss Hard. I'm in TOA Hard floor 60, I want to do TOA hard and HELL and start pvp
submitted by Luqui-Op to summonerswar [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:29 Timely_Ad_9935 C'mon 2.400 bucks i'm so poor...

C'mon 2.400 bucks i'm so poor... submitted by Timely_Ad_9935 to F1Clash [link] [comments]