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2024.11.25 02:30 hyacinthsreverie HELP uni or Taylors
hello! im planning on doing Bachelor in Accounting and im torn between these two unis. would appreciate any insights esp facilities-wise, the education quality and clubs and societies :)
submitted by hyacinthsreverie to malaysiauni [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 02:30 undressvestido Irko and Ye should should take an online audio mixing course because wtf are these “updates”
submitted by undressvestido to GoodAssSub [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 02:30 Bob_the_tenth What is this?
This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by Bob_the_tenth to Pixelary [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 02:30 Expensive_Squash8580 What’s happening on Archer Rd right now?
Saw 2 fire trucks and lots of police blocking it off
submitted by Expensive_Squash8580 to GNV [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 02:30 Accomplished-Let4169 Going on vacation
Hey everyone I usually dose ferts using apt complete once a day… I’ll be gone for 5 days is it possible to dose the amount I need all at once or no? I do 2 pumps every morning so I’d end up doing 10 pumps in one morning. I’ll be doing a water change before I leave and I’ll do another water change after I get back
submitted by Accomplished-Let4169 to PlantedTank [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 02:30 bug-on-a-leaf Is my unexpectedly obtained Brown Anole looking healthy?
Found this female Brown Anole diamond morph in my turtle tank a few days ago. I tried getting her out but she just kept jumping into the water and wouldn’t let me. I hadn’t seen her in a few days so I figured she left, but lo and behold I go to feed my turtle and she was in there again. This time I was able to get her out and tried to release her into my garden but she wasn’t having it and would turn and look at me when I’d try to urge her on, even after trying multiple plants I know the anoles in my garden enjoy. Since she was so adamant on not going I set her up in my old turtle tank and she hopped in there immediately, so I guess I have a brown anole now. So I wanted to ask the exotic vet community if she’s looking healthy and how to nurse her back to health if not. From what I could tell she doesn’t seem emaciated, and I know she’s had water access since she’s been in there with my turtle for about a week now. I’ve kept snakes and turtles before but never a lizard so I’m not really sure how to judge their health. I did my best to research care and got her tank all suited up for an anole and as soon as the pet shop opens tomorrow I’m going to get her some buggies to munch on since I doubt she’s had a good meal since claiming residency with my turtle. Any and all help/advice is great appreciated! I just wanna give her the best life possible and it’s an honor she’s chosen me as her guardian. submitted by bug-on-a-leaf to exoticvethelp [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 02:30 Confident_Candy_4049 who wants this big boy let’s get it done !!4646 9198 7778!! max 10 if you don’t get invited sorry
submitted by Confident_Candy_4049 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 02:30 Trying2GetBetter1 Day 2: complete
Good day no urges to break
submitted by Trying2GetBetter1 to NoFap [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 02:30 dionoriginalpro What is this?
This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by dionoriginalpro to Pixelary [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 02:30 That_Juggernaut4820 Phil Paquette
submitted by That_Juggernaut4820 to MaleCelebrityArmpits [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 02:30 TwistedDonners [GTM] Vehicles Starting With: D #2
submitted by TwistedDonners to GuessTheMovie [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 02:30 FlyingSoapDispenser Depression and Slow COMT: what am I supposed to do in terms of dopamine production/breakdown?
Calling all psychiatrists knowledgeable in the methylation cycle, especially COMT!
I have struggled with depression/anxiety my whole life (and possibly ADHD?), and I know I have the slow COMT (met/met) gene. I'm aware that this means my brain has a hard time processing dopamine and other catecholamines.; everything I read online says slow COMT people suffer from too high dopamine levels as a result. But I'm also seeing that people who have depression, as one would expect, feel depressed and unmotivated due to a LACK of dopamine. So how exactly does slow COMT relate to depression? Does that mean that I have an excess amount of dopamine floating around in my brain, and my body can't do anything with it? That it's only useful when broken down? If so, how do I speed up the dopamine processing process? I'm also confused if this means I should be doing more to actually produce dopamine, or if my brain produces a sufficient amount and just needs help getting rid of it, or both?
Also, my psychiatrist wants to add Wellbutrin to my SSRI dose, since my SSRI has stoped being effective. But if my body already has enough dopamine, wouldn't it be counterintuitive to take meds that keep dopamine in the brain longer?
I've been having such a hard time finding a doctor who can actually explain this whole slow COMT thing to me and treat my depression accordingly. And google searching isn't answering my questions sufficiently. What meds or supplements should I be taking? How do I facilitate the dopamine issue? So far I've just gleaned that I shouldn't be taking "methylated" vitamins (but I also have a bad MTHFR if that's helpful).
TL;DR What is a person with depression and slow COMT supposed to do for their dopamine levels?
submitted by FlyingSoapDispenser to SlowCOMT [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 02:30 Proof-Mix-3930 Shark FlexStyle Black Friday deals
Hey guys! I’m on the hunt for Shark FlexStyle black friday deals. Anyone know where the best places to grab them are? I’m torn between buying it now or waiting for actual black friday. Anyone have experience with how these sales usually go? Should I just wait for the crazy discounts or is it better to buy early? Appreciate any help guys and also your recommendation where to best buy. Thank you
submitted by Proof-Mix-3930 to Haircare [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 02:30 Jaiden121912 Michael's Favorite Key
What do those who are musically inclined think Mike's favorite key was. I think it could be E minor but I'm not sure. There is no insight on this so we can only guess, but I'm interested to hear what everyone thinks.
submitted by Jaiden121912 to MichaelJackson [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 02:30 Ok_Lengthiness_986 BCT 3rd sem result
Kahile aauxa?
submitted by Ok_Lengthiness_986 to IOENepal [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 02:30 Aspenmothh Skin Comms pt 3!
Thank you clients! ily Want you own free skin? Check out my original post! https://www.reddit.com/CreaturesofSonaria/s/MTXpc74pEL submitted by Aspenmothh to CreaturesofSonaria [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 02:30 mindloopin What do you wish you had known or done early on after your diagnosis?
I’m a late diagnosed woman (F31) who has been putting off getting diagnosed for years due to finances, however I am in no way surprised by the diagnosis (combined type). I formally found out Friday.
What should I know about the medication journey specifically Vyvanse in Canada (this is the brand I think I should start with based on research), and how to navigate any post-diagnosis doubts/imposter syndrome that suddenly arise when your diagnosis is formalized?
JazakAllah in advance for your efforts to support me.
submitted by mindloopin to ADHDMuslims [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 02:30 Key_Instruction_9174 Goth Noir Trivia and Codes
Please add below!
submitted by Key_Instruction_9174 to Goatapp [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 02:30 Juanjovit Is it possible to use a reskin mod on a server that does not use it? So that only I see the skins locally
submitted by Juanjovit to Barotrauma [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 02:30 slutfr99 🔥😍
submitted by slutfr99 to MillieBobbyBrown2 [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 02:30 Patient_Dig_7998 Mono but shorter
submitted by Patient_Dig_7998 to LittleNightmares [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 02:30 EintrachtAdler F23 M240i convertible xDrive Current Resale
Hey all,
I’m selling my 2021 M240i xDrive convertible with 33k miles. I am located in Denver. Carmax is offering $36k. I was wondering if you guys think I could get much more selling privately in a reasonable timeframe or if the $36k is near to max?
submitted by EintrachtAdler to M235iandM240i [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 02:30 Budget-Celebration34 deco coins
i downloaded a mod of rent please landlord sim that let's you have infinite cash and diamonds because i don't like spending so much time on mobile games i just like to know what the furniture looks like and stuff but it doesn't have unlimed deco coins and it won't let me transfer money into deco coins I'm just wondering if anyone knows of a mod of this game that's updated and let's you unlimited deco coins as well as cash & diamonds :( thanks
submitted by Budget-Celebration34 to rentpleasesim [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 02:30 Corn__bean How’s my stocking ?
10 gallons, sponge filter rated for a 30 gallon. I’ve got a pretty busy nano tank going here. ~100 neos, 9 ember tetras, 2 amanos, and god knows how many ramshorns. Ive tried using the aqadvisor stocking calculator but im either using it wrong or its extremely extremely conservative, so i think id like a more human opinion on my stocking. Id love to add some more friends in here, possibly some corys or a big snail. I’ve only had the embers for a few days so i don’t have an idea of how long my tank can go without a water change quite yet, but this tank is close to heavily planted imo. Am i overstocked? Close to it? Could i push it some more? submitted by Corn__bean to Aquariums [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 02:30 Distinct-Drag-3197 رسوم سبل عالمي
احد يعرف كم رسوم سبل عالمي من امريكا للكيلو،حاولت اشوف حاسبة الموقع بس ما تطلع الا سعر شحن مم السعودية لامريكا.و هل لو طلبت كفر لتاب ب٣٠$ بيجي علية جمارك؟
submitted by Distinct-Drag-3197 to saudiarabia [link] [comments]