2024.11.25 05:17 470vinyl Mac, G604 & G Hub using default button assignment and modified button assignment at same time
Running 2024.8.641856 on MacOS Sequia.
I have a bunch of different keys assigned to buttons on a G604 for productivity. Sometimes, it will do the default assignment followed by the custom one.
For example, I have "enter" assigned to the top left thumb button that by default is "1". When I use it, it will input "1" followed by "enter". How do I fix it?
I have clean installed, restarted, tried different mice, tried bluetooth as well as the USB adapter, nothing fixes it. Sometimes it will stop doing "enter" and go to default when G Hub finds an error and needs to restart, requiring me to shut off and turn back on the mouse to get the functionality back.
Please help.
submitted by 470vinyl to LogitechG [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 05:17 jmcelrone Failure to Extrude/failure to load into the toolhead
Hey guys I am at 1453 print hours. mostly pla and petg hf. some tpu/tpu hf and asa in there. I had almost no issues at all until recently. I hit 1200 print hrs and did a full maint replaced nozzle pulled apart extruder and cleaned/ lubed all new ptfe tubes etc etc and everything worked great. recent got a 2nd ams and since then have been having lots of failure to extrude or failure to load toolhead errors but this happens from either ams. It seems it I just keep resuming through it it starts working fine for a little bit. I printed ams hub guide mounts, etc to try and make sure nothing is binding. It always reaches the top of the tool head just fine. I recently pulled the extruder again and checked it all gears look fine, the parts that grab the filament looked fine. I tried reducing the tension some incase it just was to tight and it still is doing it. Is this just worn down extruder parts and I need to replace? They seem just fine. Or is my ams just struggling to push into the extruder with the extra ptfe length? I have both ams next to the printer on the babo ams stackers so there is extra slack to allow the ams to pull forward for loading and unloading. I cant imagien this is a distance issue as Im sure others have theirs longer than this setup without issue. Someone what am I missing this is bothering me. There is no jam or clogs that I can find. It will work fine once it loads and sometimes not have issues for multiple load/ unloads. It almost seems like holding the ptfe tube more verticle helps but this could just be it working on a reattempt.
submitted by jmcelrone to BambuLab [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 05:17 geekyplug Lifetime Discount Code NeuronWriter 2024
Are you searching for a content editor that lets you plan high-ranking content using semantic recommendations to boost your SEO?
If yes then NeuronWriter is for you and using our SPECIAL LINK (NeuronWriter lifetime discount code attached), you will be able to claim the lifetime deal for a LIMITED TIME.
submitted by geekyplug to wpdeal [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 05:17 OkVermicelli118 Thoughts on this article?
submitted by OkVermicelli118 to nursepractitioner [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 05:17 tommyhoo Belkin screen protector help
I’m currently using a screen protector by AmazingThing and I wish to swap to Belkin. Is it better to get the ultraglass 2 or the tempered glass. I just need full screen coverage with no rainbow lines. Thanks for the help
submitted by tommyhoo to iPhone16Pro [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 05:17 External_Fox_7388 Does your blood pressure increase as well when standing up?
The title
submitted by External_Fox_7388 to POTS [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 05:17 Consistent-Egg9126 بستشييركم ادخلو
اهلاً عمري ٢٤ سنه توي خرجت بكاليريوس علم نفس من اقل من سنه والزبده يطوال العمر اني من ايام المتوسط اعاني من احتراق نفسي واكتئاب وتوتر ومشاكل كبيره بالانضباط والعناية بنفسي واحتاج جديا اني اراجع عيادة نفسية واحسن من جودة حياتي عموما واخرج من هذا النفق المظلم وتوني بدأت تشافي بحكم اني عاطله واركز على جودة نومي واكلي وعندي حاليا مرض روحي اتعالج منه برضه يعني احتاج عالاقل ٣ ساعات رقية شرعية ( ايه تحسنت كثير الحمدلله) ومحتاجه ٦ ساعات انام وخايفه اذا قدمت على وظايف وانقبلت اني اخسر الاتزان الي ماحصلته الا قريب واحترق اضعاف واضعاف بس انا محتاجه استقل ماديا جدا جدا عشان اوقف على رجولي واتعالج بعيادة وبنفس الوقت ماعرف اذا الوظيفة شيء ممكن اسويه اذا كنت محترقه نفسياً والا لازم انتظر لوقت معين؟ كيف اعرف اني جاهزة؟
submitted by Consistent-Egg9126 to saudiarabia [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 05:17 HersheyKiss-_- I miss him…🌎
submitted by HersheyKiss-_- to XXXTENTACION [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 05:17 ArchFFY00 Deslocar carro após compra
Boas, estou a pensar comprar um carro a um particular. O carro encontra-se noutra cidade, e a minha questão é se posso trazer o carro para a minha cidade logo após a compra. Eu sei que o seguro não tranfere, mas pelo que li online, continua a ser válido 24h após a compra, embora isso não seja mencionado na maior parte dos guias de compra. Eu queria saber se podia trazer logo o carro, e esperar pela carta do seguro novo com ele aqui, ou se o tenho de deixar na cidade onde se encontra, e me deslocar lá outra vez para o ir buscar após receber a carta?
submitted by ArchFFY00 to AutoTuga [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 05:17 Real_Variation_7129 A que se refieren cuando dicen que un lenguaje es mas dificil que otro?
Hola este es mi primer post literalmente en reddit. No se si las nuevas personas que empiezan a estudiar programacion saltan la parte de la teoria o nunca vieron logica de programacion o algoritmos por que veo que dicen que Java,PHP, .Net o los lenguajes que son de tipado fuerte son mas dificiles que JS o Python solo por el echo de tener que respertar el tipo de dato o por el tipo de sintaxis que es escribir un poco mas y hoy en dia con ctrl + espacio te autocompleta todo el IDE o editor.
No importa el lenguaje ya que un condicional if o un ciclo fowhile/dowhile funciona exactamente igual. Yo solo me especializo en Java pero el otro dia tuve que tocar React y php y solo fue ver un poco de sintaxis para poder refactorizar codigo
Por ultimo solo estudie en la secundaria con algoritmos y qbasic teniendo el famoso codigo spageti o como se escriba y ya saben como es leer ese tipo de codigo
submitted by Real_Variation_7129 to devsarg [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 05:17 Long-Mongoose-7788 Electrician needed in memphis
Hey guys,
I am currently a student who graduated out of memphis and am looking for an electrician to help me work on a project in the Memphis Area. I just bought my first building which is gutted. I need to get some electrical things fixed up. This will be a good project and long term project. I do have a budget for it and have to make sure that it is not going over it. If you are a reliable and experienced electrician please reach out. There have been wires teared up and people breaking in and taking components. I am really struggling to find a way to get this brought up. Please reach out if you can help. Thank you.
submitted by Long-Mongoose-7788 to AskElectricians [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 05:17 Nothing_Is_Random [AEOLUS: THE SENTINEL] . Thank s for thr 100 views
submitted by Nothing_Is_Random to WebtoonCanvas [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 05:17 Freddiezspace How to add or find a pangolin?
I recently did the 2024 Liars Night and Feast of the Moon holiday events for the adventures leauge. I was rewarded a pangolin, and I was wondering how to add as mount companion. I can't find it or find which book it is mentioned in.. or would this be considered homebrew. I have it stats and everything but I was wondering if it was possible to add in the DND beyond site/app
Any help on where to look at? And yes am newbie still.
submitted by Freddiezspace to dndbeyond [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 05:17 Glad_Program_3841 Advice
I have asymptomatic flat feet could I go 18x or not? I talked to my recruiter and he said it could complicate things. I’m diagnosed (I think) flat feet, plus I’ve been prescribed orthotics but I don’t need to wear them, my feet are asymptomatic and I function fine. My only other concern is getting in the right shape to try out but I want to get the clear cut answer, even if I can’t join up because of my personal health, anyways thanks!
submitted by Glad_Program_3841 to specialforces [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 05:17 MarvinBEdwards01 Where Do Rights Come From?
Rhetorical versus Practical Rights
In the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson speaks both rhetorically and practically about rights:
When Jefferson speaks of men being “endowed by their Creator” with certain rights, he is speaking rhetorically. The purpose of rhetoric is to win people over to your viewpoint, often by appealing to their emotions. But, at the time of the American Revolution, the opposite side could equally argue the “divine right of kings”. The problem with this rhetorical position is that it would require the Creator to come down and settle the matter. He didn’t, and war ensued.
2024.11.25 05:17 EleFacCafele Unpopular opinion: Georgescu a fost votat de tineri
Geororgescu nu a dat 100 de lei la pensionari sa-l voteze. Georgescu a fost votat de oameni tineri din diaspora si din Romania care-si petrec viata pe social media, tiktok, FB si altele. Scorul lui Ciolacu este foarte slab ceea ce dovedeste ca nu toti batranii au votat cu el. Nu le mai doriti moartea ca nu va schimba nimic moartea lor.
Nu batranii stau cu nasul in telefon ci generatiile tinere. Nu batranii mai au un impact in societate, ei au fost pusi pe linie moarta. Cei care fac sa functioneze societatea sunteti voi tineri. Nu mai dati vina pe celelalte generatii caci au trecut 35 de ani de Revolutie. Georgescu este ceea ce ati votat voi, cei care sunteti in campul muncii.
submitted by EleFacCafele to Romania [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 05:17 Clear_Gene_2606 Who is Camille’s nemesis?
submitted by Clear_Gene_2606 to CamilleMains [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 05:17 aurumae Who's in your standard party?
I'm going through the game again to see the new Gold Dragon stuff and it struck me that I keep falling back on the same few characters. I usually run with Regill, Daeran, Ember, Lann, and Arushalae, though I sometimes swap Daeran for Sosiel. Which companions do you keep coming back to and why?
submitted by aurumae to Pathfinder_Kingmaker [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 05:17 Competitive-Ad-9613 NPCs
submitted by Competitive-Ad-9613 to censoredreality [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 05:17 tkseizetheday What is one small thing you wish you could change in the world?
submitted by tkseizetheday to AskReddit [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 05:17 nick-james73 Trading for either of these. 1:1
submitted by nick-james73 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 05:17 JonSnowsLeftNostril Lonesome Dove and others by Larry McMurtry
Used some western artists that I really enjoy.
Lonesome Dove Artwork Used - Edward Borein
Dead Man's Walk - Edward Borein
Streets of Laredo - Andy Thomas
Comanche Moon - Andy Thomas
Google Drive Link
submitted by JonSnowsLeftNostril to AudiobookCovers [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 05:17 Imaginary-Success-74 Ctf a palooza?
Am I the only one getting mad CTF games tonight? I've legit had 6 or 7 in a row. Please for the love of Cheif give me something
submitted by Imaginary-Success-74 to CompetitiveHalo [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 05:17 MickeyLenny 9th Gen iPad w 256gb storage powerful enough?
Looking to get an iPad to fill out a travel eurorack setup -- probably going to use Drambo to send audio to euro for FX but might also send MIDI to Zoia Euroburo. Would this be powerful enough to easily do that and record audio at the same time?
Could potentially go more expensive but I have an M1 MacBook w/ 64gb ram so would just use that if I really needed the processing power.
submitted by MickeyLenny to ipadmusic [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 05:17 Historical-Movie3827 Best Monday Night Football Bets Chargers vs Ravens
Ravens vs Chargers NFL Week 12 MNF Best Picks and Bets
Monday Night Football in Week 12 brings us an awesome matchup between two top AFC teams jockeying for position in the AFC Playoff picture. The Baltimore Ravens head west to take on the Los Angeles Chargers at SoFi Stadium. It’s Harbaugh vs Harbaugh as older brother John heads up the Ravens against his younger brother Jim, the first-year Chargers head coach.
Both the Ravens and Chargers have seven wins on the season, and in terms of head-to-head matchups, this could directly affect playoff seeding if neither wins their division, with both teams in second place in their respective divisions. For Week 12, we’ve got Ravens vs Chargers MNF picks, so let’s dive in.
Ravens vs Chargers Predictions