Pro-Ease Ad

2024.11.25 08:31 visyblack Pro-Ease Ad

Pro-Ease Ad submitted by visyblack to KritiSanonn [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:31 lgats Traintrackr LLC BART San Francisco Bay Area LED Circuit Board Map BART3 (2BDVP-BART3)

submitted by lgats to FCCID [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:31 WelpDitto Win hyte y70 PC Case and q60 AIO or other prizes. 3 winners. (11/30/2024) {WW} code: hottalks

submitted by WelpDitto to giveaways [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:31 Electrical-Deal-1218 Seeking Guidance: Building a Python Tool for OBD I DTC Handling

Seeking Guidance: Building a Python Tool for OBD I DTC Handling Currently, my job requires retrieving Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTC) from the OBD I system, as OBD II cannot connect via the DIALOG cable. I want to develop a Python tool to perform two main tasks: clearing DTCs and fetching DTCs. However, I’m not sure where to start. I would greatly appreciate any information or guidance. Thank you very much! note: I use TSMASTER to connect to OBD I
submitted by Electrical-Deal-1218 to AutomotiveEngineering [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:31 Mil_in_ua Rubizh Brigade attacks Russian positions in Luhansk region

submitted by Mil_in_ua to UkrainianConflict [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:31 spaciousthree4 How do you feel about more experienced fighters destroying newbies in the gym?

I’m still new to Muay Thai, about a half a year in. I am sparring ready, but at the more beginner side of it. I’ve probably only sparred less than 10 times. But I have experiences of being completely shut down by more experienced fighters. I understand that this is a necessary part of growing. But it sucks when I can barely flow into the session while the other guy is having a field day at exposing all my weaknesses. There have been times where the guy I am sparring is dropping his hands and leaning his head forward to bait me. The moment I try to jab him, he returns with a 4 punch combination followed by a low kick. At that point it’s like I am a punching bag. I understand that I can completely bypass this by getting better. But I was wondering how you feel about this? Are these guys just dicks? Because it feels like they are trying to improve their sparring while completely ignoring their sparring partners levels.
submitted by spaciousthree4 to MuayThai [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:31 Fragrant_Dog_2103 tripleS ∞! Kyoto fanmeet

tripleS ∞! Kyoto fanmeet Hi everyone! I’m new to this subreddit but I’m trying to meet tripleS ∞! at their fanmeet in Kyoto, and I was hoping that if anyone had any serial codes from their ∞! albums they aren’t planning on using that you might send them my way!🥹 Of course I understand if you’re using them yourself too, but thanks to those who might help me out!
submitted by Fragrant_Dog_2103 to triples [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:31 SnooPeripherals1298 The Angel [Kullervo] and the Void Devil

The Angel [Kullervo] and the Void Devil submitted by SnooPeripherals1298 to WarframeRunway [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:31 Upset_Gur_3011 Another alternate universe Jinx.. A tribute to Arcane!

Another alternate universe Jinx.. A tribute to Arcane! submitted by Upset_Gur_3011 to AiAnimeArt [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:31 Expert-Two8524 what could be the reason🤔🤔??

what could be the reason🤔🤔?? submitted by Expert-Two8524 to ShareMarketupdates [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:31 front-page-watch [#37|+7768|157] timesHaveChanged [r/ProgrammerHumor]

submitted by front-page-watch to undelete [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:31 Practical_Tap_8411 Found this

Found this submitted by Practical_Tap_8411 to CricketShitpost [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:31 Humble_Luck_3977 CA: New landlords want rent in cash or cashier’s check only.

New owners bought the house I lease. I paid old landlords with Venmo. Never once late in over a decade.
New owners want rent to be paid in cash or cashier’s check only, due by 5pm on the 1st. After 5pm, 10% late fees compound daily. Also, if it’s cash you have to be home for them to pick it up. Lovely for people who get paid once a month on the first and don’t get off work until after 5. I’m guessing there is nothing prohibiting this?
submitted by Humble_Luck_3977 to Tenant [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:31 BeautifulBrownBabes Rytash

Rytash submitted by BeautifulBrownBabes to bollyleg [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:31 slow_br0 Am i as safe to buy my trezor on like buying it directly on

I just want to avoid getting a tampered one. That’s the link:
submitted by slow_br0 to TREZOR [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:31 Fine-Nature-6477 Suggest a good places in hikkaduwa planning for 2 days

hikkaduwa submitted by Fine-Nature-6477 to srilanka [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:31 AGOTFAN Korea Box Office: ‘Wicked,’ ‘Hidden Face’ Take top Places

Korea Box Office: ‘Wicked,’ ‘Hidden Face’ Take top Places submitted by AGOTFAN to boxoffice [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:31 melikk211 .

i need some of the best sesh pfps :'))
submitted by melikk211 to TeamSESH [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:31 fra866 nuovo codice della strada è tutta una pagliacciata?

Scusate ma a me sta cosa del nuovo codice della strada mi sa di pagliacciata. Ora io non sono riuscito a trovare la soglia di tolleranza dei test salivari ma se è come molti dicono ovvero 25ng/ml penso che rimanga tutto invariato e basterà non fumare poco prima di guidare (cosa che ovviamente dovrebbero fare tutti sia per l'alcool che per ogni altro tipo di sostanza). Voi cosa ne pensate? Secondo me è più una legge "copertina" non penso che metteranno mai test con 0.0ng/ml. Poi il thc è facile da eliminare meccanicamente dalla bocca dato che non passa dal sangue alla saliva. vorrei sapere cosa ne pensate.
submitted by fra866 to erba [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:31 KaChoow14 الخبره في المجال التقني

كم تشوفون الواحد يحتاج من وقت عشان يفهم شغله وهو حديث تخرج؟ انا لي تقريبا ٦ شهور وللان ما اشوف نفسي وصلت لمستوى التيم اللي معي ولا ٢٠٪؜ حتى.. مع اني اشوف وحده من اسباب عدم فهم الشغل اني انا اداوم في مقر الشركه على اساس اني اخذ دورات واتعلم و التيم كل واحد في مشروع
submitted by KaChoow14 to SaudiProfessionals [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:31 AdMindless9406 FOR SALE: 1.300.000 AED Damac Hills | 1BR | Artesia B

submitted by AdMindless9406 to dubairealestate [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:31 dude_big_lebowski No. of buttons in my shirt.

submitted by dude_big_lebowski to CricketShitpost [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:31 chikitam 40 [M4F] I'll make it straight and simple

Looking for something to chill and be intimate with tonight. Sex is on the table but not necessarily needed. All I would really want are cuddles and making out.
It might be a little shallow but I just want some kind of distraction tonight. We could rent a room for the night, buy food and watch movies while we are at it.
I'm 5'9, a cuddly bear, I carry my weight well, they say I have a nice smile, I smell nice, and a good kisser. If those things interest you, shoot me a message and maybe we can meet tonight. Let's exchange photos and see if we find each other physically interesting.
submitted by chikitam to PHR4Rhookups [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:31 Th3Gha Will we be able to upgrade purchases on epic in the epic store?

Will we be able to upgrade supporter packs on the epic store? I assume once epic gives us our keys that we can upgrade it on the official website, but for me the supporter pack was much cheaper on epic (267 sek instead of 347 sek). and i would like that price if i choose to upgrade later.
as it looks right now after i bought the basic supporter pack the other two on epic says "unavailable".
submitted by Th3Gha to PathOfExile2 [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:31 rwfnouwen Light shines under keys Sygnosis keyboard

I replaced the non-backlit keyboard in my T480 with a backlit one. I found the new keyboard online - it's manufactured by Sygnosis. I was disappointed by the quality, though. In particular, the backlighting isn't very effective, since more light shines from under the keys than through the keys. Is this a well-known thing? Another thing is that I found is that some keys come loose really easily. Does anyone have any advice on what keyboard makes to avoid and which ones to prefer? (And where to buy them? - I'm based in the Netherlands).
submitted by rwfnouwen to T480 [link] [comments]