Workout loads incorrect on Performance Potential charts

2024.11.25 08:30 Athletica_ai Workout loads incorrect on Performance Potential charts

Workout loads incorrect on Performance Potential charts submitted by Athletica_ai to athletica_ai [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:30 Miyookang Sentido da vida

Eu tô num momento que não consigo enxergar um sentido na vida. É bem difícil de explicar esse sentimento, é um cansaço da vida, como se não valesse a pena viver. Fico cansada só de pensar em tudo que ainda há pra viver, que a vida é muito longa, que demanda muita coisa, mas não tem sentido em nada. Eu sei o que quero pro futuro (faculdade, emprego, casar, família), mas ao mesmo tempo não me animo pra isso, e até me desespero em pensar que tudo isso um dia vai chegar. Eu queria que a vida acabasse aqui, não no sentido de mort3, mas que continuasse estática, e que o viver humano, para mim, não ocorresse. É também um sentimento que era melhor nunca ter existido, que não existir nada, ou pelomenos não nascer seria melhor.
Também já pensei que suic1di0 seria uma solução mais fácil e mais prática pra tudo, pois resolve tudo, mas nunca pensei seriamente em tentar. Acho que ainda não tenho coragem, e também na minha fé, isso seria um pecado
submitted by Miyookang to AnsiedadeDepressao [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:30 THEGONKBONK Our top Image Comics of the week (November 27 releases)

Our top Image Comics of the week (November 27 releases) submitted by THEGONKBONK to ImageComics [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:30 SunFree9956 Does this sound like paradoxical diarrhoea or partial obstruction?

So I (28f), Healthy, Non smoker have been having loose stools since getting covid last week. My diarrhoea started 5 days ago and it keeps hallening. Yesterday evening I felt ok for the first time and didn't feel the urge to go and this morning didn't go or during the day until this evening where I went and the first part/half of it was dark and really dry then around it/on the other half length wise I had the loose stool again I've been having the past few days. Idk if it's just that my gut is slowly healing and stools solidifying but I am worried if it's overflow due to some obstruction or sinister growth there in my sigmoid colon or something. I am aware I have bad health anxiety but I just need some reassurance right now 😭 does it sound sinister or just cause I left the stool in for a while?
submitted by SunFree9956 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:30 jadeakw99 I finally got a Sigurd for my Brynzerker!

Will I ever use Sigurd? Probably not, but I'm excited to have him anyway. His design is really cool and I gonna be glad to have another saber for the summer, since I don't have a lot (I missed the Hokusai welfare due to an old phone that kept crashing).
submitted by jadeakw99 to FGO [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:30 Abdeliq I accidentally threw away my boyfriend's £569million Bitcoin fortune. It wasn't my fault... but I hope he finds because it will shut him up

I accidentally threw away my boyfriend's £569million Bitcoin fortune. It wasn't my fault... but I hope he finds because it will shut him up submitted by Abdeliq to CryptoCurrency [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:30 Tenormans_Dad Neu im Bereich Fotografie

Hallo zusammen, Ich komme gerade von einem Gap year in Asien zurück. Dabei konnte ich nochmal feststellen, dass mir die Fotografie sehr viel Freude bereitet. Außerdem habe ich aber auch festgestellt, dass mein Smartphone leider irgendwann an seine Grenzen stößt. Ich würde nun gerne tiefer in das Thema eintauchen und mir hierzu gern eine Kamera zulegen. Kann mir jemand ggf. Modelle empfehlen, die einsteigerfreundlich sind? Vielen Dank im voraus!
submitted by Tenormans_Dad to Fotografie [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:30 NoCensorshipAdvocate Copy-Paste pettition to the United Nations NOT to censor Japanese Manga, Anime and Video Games

I wrote a pettition to the United nations. Feel free to copy it and span their inbox with it. In fact, please DO!
Here it is:
"Regarding corruption in the U.N.
I am writing you wou with concerns about the recent legislation proposal to censor all Japanese Manga, Anime and Video Games by making sexual conten is such media a victimless crime. This proposed legalisation violates multiple human rights, while pretendig to protect them. Such deceptive actions are just vile, and against everything the U.N. claims to stand for. The human rights being violated are as follows: 1 > The human right to freedom of artistic expression. 2 > The right of Women and Girls to CONSENT to being sexualy exploited. This derived from human right to SELF-harm, which is being constanly neglected by the U.N. Human Rights state that all humans have freedom do do whatever they want as long as their actions do not hurt OTHER people; this by deffinition includes the right of hurting one-self. The acknowledgement of the Human Right to SELF-harm is extremaly important, due to a possibility of misjudgement by the governing body passing the legislation. This neglegece can result in in the ones being "protected" in fact being hurt by the legislation that is supposed to protect them. This is evidently apparent as vast majority of Japanese Women and Girls spoke angainst the beforementioned legistlation that intends to "protect Women and Girls by taking away their rights to fredom of artistic and sexual expression".
The people who support the legislation baselesly claim that Japanese Manga, Anime and Video Games incite violence against Women and Girls. This is not only not true, but in fact sudies show that those enjoying this content (including it's highly sexualized forms) are less likely to be violent. Furthermore lack of such forms of media content available, is likely to cause SOME individuals now unable to satisfy their (allegedly) immoral fetishes in comfort of their house, to instead seek them in the real world.
This concludes that passing such beforementioned legistlation would not only HURT Women and Girls of Japan by "overprotecting" them, dening their Human Right to SELF-harm, but furthermore by causing deficit of such, now censored, content and ergo resulting in the oposive of what it claims to try accomplish and instead could result in increased violence agains Japanese Women and Girls.
Furthermore U.N. tries to propagate a false statement that sexual content is supposedly "discriminatory" towords Women and Girls. This couldn't be forther for the truth; the higly sexualized content is nothing more than showing respect to Women and Girls worldwide by showing appricieation and even worshipping the beauty of the Female Form. It is worth mentioning that studies show that vast majority of Women and Girls preffer engaging in such highly sexuaslised content over censored content.
From an outside perspective it may even seem a thus beformentioned legalisation, is actually an underhadnded plot anttempting to ENFORCE DISCRIMINATION against Women and Girls CONSENSUALY working in the sex-industry.
The recent actions taken by the U.N. against Japan can only be described as neferious and highly immoral, threfeore I would like to appeal that all U.N. officials responsible for this beforementioned legistlation proposal being relieved of duty, and those found to have participated in forming such beforementioned proposal with malicious intent being held accountable for their Crimes Against Humanity."
submitted by NoCensorshipAdvocate to anticensorship [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:30 keetman44 What’s the name of this anime? Watched on Netflix years ago

Hey I’m having trouble recalling the name of an anime, it was about a boy who played chess, but had a lot of mental problems and lived in a house that (if i remember correctly) took him in. I believe he had a dark past from what I remember, I watched it back in 2017. It was not Hikaru no Go, and if I remember correctly it had an American name. Please let me know if you know what I’m talking about, I would like to watch it again. Thanks.
submitted by keetman44 to anime [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:30 villagio08 Based?

Based? submitted by villagio08 to 2hujerk [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:30 Ok_Percentage8893 How to make Epic Remixes

Hello everyone, I have wanted to make an epic cinematic style remix for one of my favourite songs. Although, the videos that I watch aren't helping me, and I'm locked behind a lot of paywalls. Can someone please help me?
submitted by Ok_Percentage8893 to musicproduction [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:30 ElectroAdeptus Криптомиллионер спрятал сокровища на $2 млн и приглашает всех на эпичную охоту Американский криптомиллионер Джон Коллинз-Блэк решил вписать своё имя в историю, превратив часть своего состояния в настоящую охоту за сокровищами.

За 4 года он скупил драгоценности, реликвии и коллекционные предметы, чтобы спрятать их в пяти сундуках, которые теперь ждут удачливых искателей приключений.
Среди содержимого сундуков — редкий биткоин Casascius, зелёный колумбийский изумруд и даже карту Shining Charizard 2002 года, мечту любого фаната Pokémon. Общая стоимость находок — более 2 миллионов долларов, а сами сундуки также представляют собой сложные головоломки, которые можно попробовать разгадать или... просто взломать, хотя Джон настоятельно просит этого не делать.
Для участия достаточно приобрести его книгу, где спрятаны подсказки к местоположению сокровищ. Чтобы доказать серьёзность своих намерений и развеять сомнения в мошенничестве, Коллинз-Блэк предоставил чеки на все предметы, которые лежат в сундуках.
Если клады не будут найдены, Джон обещает раз в несколько лет публиковать новые подсказки. Его цель — чтобы хотя бы один счастливчик откопал сундук до того, как время или случай оставят эту легенду нерешённой загадкой.
submitted by ElectroAdeptus to KafkaFPS [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:30 AdIntelligent9241 The white death (Sabaton inspired)

The white death (Sabaton inspired) submitted by AdIntelligent9241 to Brawlstars [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:30 unknownanonymoush Windows 11 everforest guide that I followed
Using the nexus dock, lively wallpaper, startallback windows tool and I have a everforest thing for settings, cpl, file explorer etc. Ask me if you want the link to the vid :))
submitted by unknownanonymoush to desktops [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:30 lss_web_1444 Video post title 447

Video post title 447 submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:30 Professional-Two8863 Big 3/4?

Alright so I would say I am a probably an amateur at subs at this point. I’ve installed a total of like 6 shitty walmart 12 inch subs and 2 shitty walmart amps in one vehicle then added a spare battery to it. Roast me all you want for that I deserve it lol. Although I didn’t really know what I was doing and was doing it on my own with no help lol and hey it all worked out. But I have now moved up to kicker amps and subs in another vehicle.
So in the aspect of subs and amps and everything else I’ve got at least a good amount of knowledge and know how on how to make it all work and everything. But I’ve seen multiple times things about the big 3 or the big 4 so on and so forth. So my question is, is what exactly are those? I can only imagine it would be adding/getting a bigger alternator, using a bigger wire, and then potentially adding more batteries but that’s where I’m lost and curious.
My current set up I have a kicker 1800.1 amp and a kicker 12inch comp r plus for shits and giggles because I was able to I threw in one of my spare shitty walmart subs which all works well. But I’m always open to new ideas on how to achieve a better oomph if you will. (I do plan on upgrading my stock bose speakers to better quality speakers once they finally do go out as they are on their way out now if that helps at all lol). I’m completely self taught and I’ve done pretty well if I say so myself! Just pure curiosity though because I haven’t found a complete one all answer on what the big 3/4 is.
TL:DR out of pure curiosity from someone who is completely self taught what is the big 3/4?
submitted by Professional-Two8863 to subwoofer [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:30 Sergio-nepuli claim: Metaphysics cannot prove God’s existence.

*My arguments are heavily inspired by Kant.
Disclosure, I do believe in a God but I don't think you can't prove or make any positive claims of God through metaphysical reasoning.
A common proof for God's existence is the causality or first cause argument. I have a few issues with this argument.
Firstly, I claim that our perception of the world and our cognition of the forms of the world is determined by the structure of reason. What I mean by this is that the conditions of our capacity to even cognize is space and time (which are not concepts, but can be, but are intuitions). We can cognize things in space, or empty space, but we can't cognize things without space or extension. Likewise we cant perceive the basic principle of cause and effect without being able to cognize a past event leading to the future event. These two simple conditions formulate the basis of our perception and cognition of the world of appearances.
Through science and logic we can find patterns and empirical truths of the world of appearances, yet I claim that we have no basis on making claims on the things in themselves. We can say for certain that we observe and study the things as they appear to us, but not properties of what they are in themselves. You may make any complex or logically sound argument for the things in themselves, yet the whole argument is crafted from reason, which is the condition of how we perceive the world; reason gives no guarantee of any positive claim for things in themselves since we cant think in a way outside the conditions of our perception and cognition. The conditions of our perception and cognition would be like wearing yellow tinted glasses, and making the claim that the world is yellow. Yet the world may be white, red, or blue; if only we can take off these glasses, then we see the truth. But we can't, since our whole consciousness is built according to these conditions.
So the argument that there must be a first cause may make sense according to our understanding of logic, yet there is no certainty that the things in themselves behave according to the rules of reason and logic. To make such a claim, would be a leap of logic. Even when we try to make any claims on the things in themselves through metaphysical reasons, reason breaks down and dogmatic assumptions are made to justify the madness. If all things have a cause, and that the universe requires a cause for its existence, then it would logically seem that there is a first cause for the universe, but then there logically must be a cause the first cause, and then the process repeats into a regression of causes. The dogmatic assumption would be that the first cause must be infinite, so that there isn't a regression of causes. Yet the fact that the first cause must be infinite doesn't necessitate the existence of a first cause to begin with. The argument only described the possible characteristics of the first cause.
Thus in conclusion, no metaphysical claim can be made on things in themselves, which includes God.
submitted by Sergio-nepuli to DebateReligion [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:30 aaronrkc Next month in Kansas City

submitted by aaronrkc to Hardcore [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:30 No-Measurement3974 Lenovo Yoga E11 will not respond to power button unless ac power is plugged in.

As in title This device will not power up from the power button unless the AC power is plugged in.
It's had a battery replaced and 2 MB's as well the the power button/ribbon cable. If the AC is plugged in the device performs exactly as expected. Boots up runs shuts down all in response to the power button. But as soon as you uplug the AC nothing.
You can boot it connected to AC and unplug it and the laptop will continue to run no issue as if everything where normal, but once you shut it down and try to turn it back on the power button will again be unresponsive.
Does anyone have any potential Ideas?
submitted by No-Measurement3974 to Lenovo [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:30 JohncurtisHolmes Anushka Sen

Anushka Sen submitted by JohncurtisHolmes to bollyarm [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:30 Zborik Visited Osaka and knew right away what I wanted to see first

Visited Osaka and knew right away what I wanted to see first submitted by Zborik to gantz [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:30 AdmirableEnergy19 MONSTER XKT12 79% OFF

MONSTER XKT12 79% OFF 💜 79% off Purple lang naka sale Monster XKT12 Wireless Earphones, Bluetooth 5.3 Earbuds with Mic, TWS Wireless Headset, HIFI Sound Gaming/Music Mode Earbuds Noise Reduction Headphones
submitted by AdmirableEnergy19 to classifiedsph [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:30 -Hazeus- My only little complaint about the album:

I don t really get all those repetitions Kendrick does. It would be fine once as a style but after having it in Not Like Us, he does it like 3 times on the album exactly like that:
Squabble Up; Hey now, say now; Turn the tv off
And two more times in a different way in Man at the garden and Peekaboo.
It s not a huge deal and i ve been listening to nothing else since friday. I just tend to focus on those minor things sometimes and especially in squabble up and hey now it kinda turns me off
submitted by -Hazeus- to KendrickLamar [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:30 y2krack Ya'll are wrong for voting "training day" as the worst episode in S1

Why didn't you guys like it ?? Its one of the most whitty & entertaining episodes! Definitely in my top 10. Should have been Skorpio or Dial M for mother instead imo.
submitted by y2krack to ArcherFX [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:30 Fickle_Dog_361 How many forest is this worth?

How many forest is this worth? submitted by Fickle_Dog_361 to AnimalJam [link] [comments]