2024.11.25 08:22 ocolly Surprise of the game: Ollie Gordon II's 27-yard pass out of wildcat
submitted by ocolly to ocollysports [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 08:22 Delicious-Heart3069 my cat is making weird sounds
https://imgur.com/a/iuEs52e for the video.
is it just hiccups? a hairball? asthma? i can’t tell. he did this 2 days ago, then today. he’s been acting normal; grooming himself, playing, eating, but i’m worried.
submitted by Delicious-Heart3069 to AskVet [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 08:22 Kela-el The JFK Assassination: The Mother of all Conspiracies
submitted by Kela-el to FringeTheory [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 08:22 Dry_Flamingo_1961 Zoom to the moon … 🚀
… reimt sich. Wenn das kein gutes Zeichen ist. 💶
submitted by Dry_Flamingo_1961 to wallstreetbetsGER [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 08:22 mustic08 Will you be taking advantage of upgrade timer reset?
For those who don't know: Any ongoing updates will be completed instantly once the update drops!
submitted by mustic08 to ClashOfClans [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 08:22 lss_web_1444 Image post title 300
submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 08:22 Wonderful-Respect546 Want to buy Puffer jackets for Harsh weather, Traveling abroad so i am looking for warm jackets, Really tired of people mentioning rex center again and again, I want jackets that can last for atleast 2-3 years, I’m more than happy to spend money if it of good quality, any suggestions?
submitted by Wonderful-Respect546 to karachi [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 08:22 SwirlyManager-11 Flavius Aetius by Joan Francesc Oliveras Pallerols on Artstation
submitted by SwirlyManager-11 to ancientrome [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 08:22 Essenter Board game timer (separate for both players)
Hey guys
Been struggling with one concept: making a board game timer, which separately counts time for player A and player B only and only during their moves. As far as I understand, I need to use
submitted by Essenter to cpp_questions [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 08:22 Illustrious-Net7043 Which radial master cylinders are you running on cbr600rr and why?
I have a 2009 cbr and I need a new one. I am looking at accossato and brembo but cant decide. I am located in europe.
I would like to hear about your experience. What did you change to and what sizes? 19x17? 19x20? Adjustable?
What difference did it make?
submitted by Illustrious-Net7043 to Trackdays [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 08:22 lss_web_1444 AMA post title 313
AMA post body
submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 08:22 Doofalichous https://youtube.com/shorts/LbBXi4j9d7k?si=8hLZK1W50IlFq_1E
submitted by Doofalichous to YouTubePromoter [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 08:22 Mountain-Record-298 How about a books' post? ( I know nobody would upvote this cause not a crazy love story here but anyways)
It's s kinda overflowing submitted by Mountain-Record-298 to TeenIndia [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 08:22 lss_web_1444 Link post title 209
submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 08:22 Advanced_One_2839 Wohnung dreckig bei Erstbezug als Mieter - Nachbesserung einforderbar?
Ich habe eine Wohnung in einem Neubau gemietet und bin die erste Person, die die Wohnung bezieht. Bei Übergabe wurde festgestellt, dass noch Dreck von Bauarbeiten in der Wohnung ist, z.B. fanden sich Putzreste bzw. Reste von Spachtelmasse oder Farben an Fenstergriffen, im Waschbecken und in der Toilette sowie einige tote Fliegen auf den Böden in der Wohnung. Insgesamt nichts dramatisches, aber ich als Vermieterin hätte die Wohnung so nicht übergeben, insbesondere da in meinem Mietvertrag steht, dass "die Mieträume bei Beendigung der Mietzeit feingereinigt ....zurückzugeben" seien.
Auf Anfrage an die Hausverwaltung meldet diese schriftlich zurück, dass die Wohnung "wie vertraglich vereinbart besenrein" übergeben wurde und dementsprechend auch in diesem Zustand wieder zurückzugeben sei.
Meine Fragen:
Muss der Vermieter die Wohnung bei Einzug feingereinigt übergeben, wenn das auch von uns bei Auszug gefordert wird und was genau bedeutet feingereinigt?
Darf ich die Wohnung nur besenrein übergeben, so wie die Hausverwaltung dies sagt, auch wenn im Mietvertrag feingereinigt steht?
Ich sehe für mich zwei Optionen, Forderung nach Nachbesserung oder Änderung des Mietvertrags in besenrein bei Auszug. Habe ich einen Anspruch hierzu?
submitted by Advanced_One_2839 to LegaladviceGerman [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 08:22 Intrepid-Ad4494 GEARBOX AUSTRALIA? 🇦🇺
submitted by Intrepid-Ad4494 to hardstyle [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 08:22 SXAL Theory: the adult dragons can't fly.
Many Spyro fans assume Spyro can only glide because he's a kid, but was there any indication that any dragons can fly at all? I'm not looking at LoS series, I'm only talking about the OG lore.
Spyro is small and lightweight, but the adult dragons should have way, way bigger wings to support their weight in the air, and the Beast Makers dragons can barely jump, judging by their looks.
The structures of the Dragon Worlds also imply it's made to be traversed by foot: stairs everywhere, magic whirlwinds powered by fairies, barely any unaccessible high structures. Well, there are some Magic Crafters amd Dream Weavers structures that imply the opposite, but the dragons there most likely traverse the air with magic, not wings.
Also, the fact that the kid dragons are quadrupedal and the adult ones are bipedal indicates that even simple gliding is a pretty rare occurrence in an adult dragon's life.
The flight worlds are magically enchanced, that's why there is a time limit there.
submitted by SXAL to Spyro [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 08:22 Naive_Hold_9444 Co oznacza SM na projekcie domu z lat siedemdziesiątych?
submitted by Naive_Hold_9444 to Polska [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 08:22 Own-Protection-6094 Giggling about my outfit all day, no one else understands
Was so excited to find an actual salmon pink flannel lol submitted by Own-Protection-6094 to HannibalTV [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 08:22 lss_web_1444 Video post title 510
submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 08:22 Agreeable_Ad9844 Stock Heart Eternity Band
Hi, does anyone have the stock Kuololit heart eternity band? I really want to get this ring but wondered if anyone has this as a stock piece yet and has photos? Thanks!
submitted by Agreeable_Ad9844 to Moissanite [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 08:22 CherryBerry258 Looking for friends
submitted by CherryBerry258 to KinderWorld [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 08:22 filthonacid Burritoauflauf
Hähnchenfleisch, Paprika, Zwiebeln, Kindneybohnen, Mais als Füllung der Wraps Samstag Abend zubereitet, dann irgendwann abgedeckt mit Küchentuch für eine Nacht in Kühlschrank gestellt und dann umgefüllt in Tupperbox, weil mir noch eingefallen ist dass ich eine habe Heute noch essbar bzw. auf was sollte ich achten?
submitted by filthonacid to kannmandasnochessen [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 08:22 SecretSail5319 How long are semester breaks? or what is the longest break i could take?
submitted by SecretSail5319 to rmit [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 08:22 lss_web_1444 Text post title 718
Text post body
submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments]