What’s a moment in your life that felt like it came straight out of a movie?

2024.11.25 09:48 Traditional_Fix_4324 What’s a moment in your life that felt like it came straight out of a movie?

submitted by Traditional_Fix_4324 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:48 Radiant-Mortgage8393 Trim keeps reseting itself

Im trying to play the career and flying the Cessna 172 skyhawk. Which i do believe is the same plane as in training where they teach you how to trim and it worked perfectly Now im doing missions I hold right bumper and the right stick up/down (it doesnt matter) on my xbox controller and it goes to what i want then slowly creeps back to 0 making me have to fight the plane to keep it at elevation. Its very annoying Can anyone explain what is going on because at this point i cant play, its to tedious
submitted by Radiant-Mortgage8393 to MicrosoftFlightSim [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:48 RecognitionDecent266 Lars Wikman - Iterate fast on hardware with Nerves

Lars Wikman - Iterate fast on hardware with Nerves submitted by RecognitionDecent266 to elixir [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:48 BagerCast ATEEZ Mingi & KEP1ER Yujin - Ice On My Teeth (Dance Challenge) (241125)

submitted by BagerCast to kpop [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:48 Hot_jems REAL!!

submitted by Hot_jems to kucoin [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:48 Sea_Illustrator251 Raindrops aren't shaped like raindrops

Raindrops aren't shaped like raindrops submitted by Sea_Illustrator251 to Science_India [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:48 _Lost-In-Translation AMD or Intel ?

Hello Guys,
I haven't updated myself since the i5, i7 days. Now that we have AMD Ryzen and i5, i7 Ultra processors. Can you guys please help me understand which of these processors are the fastest? Let's suppose we have the below configuration then which one worked fast when working with Photoshop CS6 or say, video editing or multiple applications
RAM: 16 GB Storage: 1 TB SSD 14th Gen/i5 Ultra - 14700 HX ProcessoRTX 4060
RAM: 16 GB Storage: 1 TB SSD AMD Ryzen 7-8845HS ProcessoRTX 4060 Please ignore if I goofed up the configuration part.
Also, what should I choose intel or AMD for longterm use?
submitted by _Lost-In-Translation to thinkpad [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:48 SuspiciousAirline545 Velvet Monkeys – See You Again (1982)

Velvet Monkeys – See You Again (1982) submitted by SuspiciousAirline545 to postpunk [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:48 Carl_Metaltaku *Neco-Arc chant starts playing*

*Neco-Arc chant starts playing* submitted by Carl_Metaltaku to necoarc [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:48 Applesomuch Why do younger guys like older women?

submitted by Applesomuch to AskPH [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:48 victoriaxgirl My mood is always like this.

My mood is always like this. submitted by victoriaxgirl to introvertmemes [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:48 newswall-org DHL Cargo Plane Crashes into House in Lithuania

submitted by newswall-org to newswall [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:48 httMaria Qual a opinião de vocês sobre essa frase?

Escolha quem te ama. É mais simples, aprender a amar alguém que te ama, do que ensinar alguém te amar!
submitted by httMaria to conversas [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:48 ModestlyMiles "Surprisingly, she never wears wigs."

A continuation of my cards that syngergize with undamaged minions/characters. Let me know what you think!
submitted by ModestlyMiles to customhearthstone [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:48 PaintingLegitimate69 How do you compare writing experience of gold Japanese EF and #6 steel needlepoint/XXF grind

Hi, i'm thinking of ordering a needlepoint grind to use it in my comfortable pen but i don't know if it feels as good as japanese EF nibs like platinum14k sailor 21k/14k and pilot 14k/18k extra fine nibs. I have pilot VP 18k EF and didn't like it quite because it tends to dig in to paper sometimes, but sailor 14k EF nib is quite smooth.
My needlepoint grind will be from stilo&stile CY.
Can someone used both help me? Thanks.
submitted by PaintingLegitimate69 to fountainpens [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:48 Hiraishiiin_ where to find data about crops?????

i just wanna ask if may alam kayong website or kahit anong source para sa soil nutrient requirement of common crops dito sa pilipinas (or sa laguna if possible). Im looking for NPK, soil moisture, soil salinity, and pH level of soil requirement per crop.
ilang linggo na kong naghahanap for our defense next week pero wala talagang mahanap sa mga online sources kaya i'll appreciate your help.
Thank you in advance <3
submitted by Hiraishiiin_ to studentsph [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:48 NewArtificialHuman The amount of posts of the new chapter before it is fully out is too damn high!

What's wrong with y'all?
submitted by NewArtificialHuman to versus [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:48 VeloHunt This week's Hot Topis is: What Key Features Make a Great RC Club?

What makes an RC Club truly great? Is it the hardworking team or committee behind it? The quality of the track, pitting area, or facilities? Or is it all about the competition and the racers themselves?
For me I like a good club community and a track that is consistent. I just like close, clean racing, so as long as the track is safe enough to race closely I'm happy.
submitted by VeloHunt to rcracing [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:48 Old_Masterpiece2066 Which one? Sandman Neil Gaiman

To all Neil Gaiman fans,
If you had to choose between the omnibus volume one and the absolute volume one. Which one would you get? I’m trying to pick a Christmas gift for my boyfriend, he loves Neil Gaiman and beautiful artwork.
I’m sorry for my lack of knowledge. Thank you!!
submitted by Old_Masterpiece2066 to comicbooks [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:48 RemarkableCode7934 He seems so lost. No one's there to help him to set up the camera in a good angle and improving the lightning? Did everyone ran away? (and babe, you need sleep)

submitted by RemarkableCode7934 to TimotheeChalametSnark [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:48 uite_2lei Din pacate pentru ca in ultimele zile au aparut zeci de conturi fake in principiu ai partidului USR care nu au nici o reactie la nici o alta postare din comunitate. Intra doar pe postarile specifice si acolo dau report, jigniri, injuraturi. E nevoie sa fac cateva clarificari si sper sa se inteleaga!

Acest grup a fost creat pentru a putea sa ne exprimam liber si democratic privind in toate directiile si avand pe masa de lucru toate optiunile si subiectele interesante. Ai ceva de spus posteaza linistit, comenteaza linistit dar fa cu bun simt, argumente si fara jos vot, report sau acuze nefondate. Nu este un grup dedicat USR, AUR, PSD, PNL sau altor partide sau candidati. Este un grup pentru toti oamenii de bun simt care vor sa se exprime liber cu respect si sa vada diversitate in subiecte. Daca nu iti place aici poti alege alte comunitati si sa stai acolo fara sa vi aici si sa dai cu hate si jos vot. Prin urmare avand in vedere ca ultimele zile a fost o invazie de troli USR care au spamat la greu in acesta comunitate cu jigniri, injuraturi, jos vot, acuze false, reporturi la toate postarile care nu laudau USR sau Elena Lasconi ma vad nevoit sa specific inca odata regulile de bun simt ale comunitatii dar de data asta ultima data si apoi vom trece la curatenie daca nu se doreste civilizatie de buna voie:
1) Fără jigniri și atacuri la persoană!
2) Interzis jos vot (down vote) la postări! Nu îți place, treci la următoarea.
Daca nu va place un subiect, alegeti altu, sunt destule unde puteti comenta civilizat.
Daca nu va place in comunitatea asta alegeti alta, sunt destule dar aici nu mai dati cu jigniri, injuraturi, report, jos vot si lasati oamenii sa se exprime liber si democratic in functie de preferintele lor sau subiectele care li se par interesante.
Mulțumesc pentru întelegere,
o zi bună!
submitted by uite_2lei to sport_politica_cancan [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:48 PatriHF we are ponn

submitted by PatriHF to EscuelaDeSissys [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:48 carnage-869 Old mate George free from his toilet prison

submitted by carnage-869 to AustralianSpiders [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:48 SufficientShift6057 Wild prediction

Just finished the chapter where Rand first holds the True power. Man. What a chapter. This book, this chapter and the next in particular made me realize that i may be wrong in saying nothing will top ASOIAF for me, unfinished as it is(but still, probably not, as for me ASOIAF was more consistent in its quality)
Anyway heres my prediction: as Saidin is tainted when Lews Therin seals the dark one, he wont use it, at least alone like last time.
He will use the true power. Ive ignored manay things in this prediction. How the DO controls who uses it. How maybe using Saidar as well as saidin will cause no taint on either
submitted by SufficientShift6057 to WoT [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:48 One_Fall5352 Looking for some fingers I only need 4 left

Looking for some fingers I only need 4 left submitted by One_Fall5352 to AUniversalTime [link] [comments]
