Oletko kokenut häirintää takseissa?

2024.11.25 09:59 xatfi Oletko kokenut häirintää takseissa?

Oletko kokenut häirintää takseissa? submitted by xatfi to xatfi [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:59 North-Ad-588 Lapsi introverttina

Toivoisin asiallista keskustelua kaikilta niiltä, joilla on lapsi/lapsia ja kokevat olevansa enemmän introvertteja kuin ekstroverttejä. (toki kaikki näkykulmat silti ovat tervetulleita, jos niistä voisi olla hyötyä). Tosiaan tilanne on se, että olemme pian mieheni kanssa siinä iässä, että lapset voisivat olla ajankohtaisia, ennen kuin on "liian myöhäistä". Olemme alustavasti puhuneet, että jos vain luoja suo, niin mahdollisesti 2 lasta olisi hyvä määrä.
Olen kuitenkin itse todella herkkä äänille ja rasitun todella helposti kaikesta sosiaalisesta toiminnasta, varsinkin jos siihen liittyy uusia ihmisiä. En esimerkiksi pysty iltaisin/aamuisin sietämään minkäänlaista melua ja pyydän miestänikin pitämään melun minimissä (esim. jos hän haluaa katsoa videoita/elokuvaa tms., yleensä kuulokkeet ovat toimineet). Lapsista luontaisesti lähtisi varmasti ääntä jokaiseen kellonaikaan. Kerron vielä tälläisen "raskauttavan" esimerkin ääniherkkyydestäni. Olin sukuloimassa viikonlopun ja siellä oli n. 5 lasta, jotka tietenkin leikkivät/huusivat ym. mitä nyt lapset tekeekään. Lopulta jo toisena iltana tilanne meni siihen, että päätäni särki todella paljon ja verenpaineeni olivat nousseet yli normaalin. (mittasin sen). Usein myös tavallisissa sukujuhlissakin melu käy todella sietämättömäksi ja minun on pakko poistua takavasemmalle.
No toinen asia tämän melun lisäksi on nuo sosiaaliset tilanteet. Onneksi minulla on sellainen ala, jossa pystyn jättämään ihmiskontaktit niin minimiin, ettei työ rasita minua. Kuitenkin lapsien myötä varmasti tulisi kaikkea esimerkiksi vauvauintia, lapsitapahtumia, lapsien kavereita jne. Ja en oikeasti tiedä, että miten jaksaisin kaiken tuon, jos en noiden jälkeen pääsisi täysin hiljaiseen tilaan.
Onko siis tuhoon tuomittua edes harkita lapsia tässä tilanteessa. Kuitenkin lapsista pidän ja biologinen kello herättelee minua, mutta mietin jo valmiiksi, miten kestäisin kaiken tuon melun, kun en sitten ikinä kotonakaan voisi olla täysin rauhassa. Toivottavasti saitte kiinni mitä tarkoitin. Varmasti mieheni auttaisi minua ja antaisi omaa aikaa, mutta en usko, että esimerkiksi vauva-aikana hirveästi pystyisin ottamaan mitään suurta omaa-aikaa. Varsinkin kun suurin ongelma taitaa olla tuo melun sietäminen.
submitted by North-Ad-588 to arkisuomi [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:59 Bubbly_Government882 Entrance Test

so i gave the entrance test today. how long do they usually take to let yk if youve passed or not?
submitted by Bubbly_Government882 to LSE_Lahore [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:59 Puzzleheaded_Book890 BMI and looksmaxing

Hey guys just looking for some friendly advice, obviously being overweight is seen as globally unattractive (except in some cases) being very overweight myself most of my life, never really felt comfortable in my own skin and never been popular with the opposite sex,
I just want some of your guys opinions, you guys that have leaned down do you think your life changed for the better the way people treated you, the way the opposite sex treated you, and did you think you felt and looked better? And if so what body fat% were you at the time.
Any advice would be great.
submitted by Puzzleheaded_Book890 to LooksmaxingAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:59 BasedChadEdgelord Hold it until you figure it out

Hold it until you figure it out submitted by BasedChadEdgelord to ThotsNSoysPostingLs [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:59 Cautious-Fondant329 PS4 pro or PS5 or PC

I just want to play Last of us 1 and 2 infamous God of war 1 2 3 and bloodborne.
Which console should I get?
PS5 629 AUD PS4 pro 330 AUD
My gaming pc is not enough for last of us 1 . Rx 3700xt Radeon 5700xt. Supports but not sufficient.
Should I go with steam purchase on pc ? Or get a PS4 pro or 5 ?
submitted by Cautious-Fondant329 to PS4Pro [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:59 Numerous-List8127 Prime survey reward issue

Prime survey reward issue I redeem my 5$ prime survey reward but I'm not able to claim my rewards, there is some technical issues. My account is been review Technical error contact support. Please solve my issue as soon as possible. My prime survey email id is [email protected]
submitted by Numerous-List8127 to primeopinion [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:59 mirages69 Au prochain fête y'a de grand chance que je foudroie ma mère 🤤

submitted by mirages69 to influenceuse_fr5 [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:59 boscou Vitrail Belle au bois dormant

Bonjour, je contemple l’idée de faire un gros gros trou dans mon compte en banque pour m’offrir cette pièce. Néanmoins, je ne trouve aucune info au sujet de cet objet, pas même les dimensions, et s’il est vendu dans un écrin ou quelque chose. J’ai appelé le DLH et ils sont incapables de me répondre. Est-ce que quelqu’un se rend au DLH dans les prochains jours et pourrait vérifier la disponibilité dans un premier temps. C’est limité à 50 exemplaires mais je ne serais pas surpris qu’il n’y en ait plus en vente. Merci 🙏
submitted by boscou to disneylandparis [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:59 thenotius Anyone else experiencing this?

None of my automations get triggered anymore since today.
I have an education plus account. Anyone else having the same issue?
Triggers are as simple as "When checkbox set to check". It all worked fine for a year now.
submitted by thenotius to Notion [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:59 Ruffles7799 Game suddenly freezing on first input? Was there an update?

I haven’t done or changed anything and just started booting up the game after a few days as usual over MO2, as soon as I load into my save and start clicking anything, the game freezes. If I don’t click any button or move, the game won’t freeze, only as soon as I do literally anything. I still have sound in the background as well once the game freezes.
Was there a Skyrim update or something? Not sure what’s happening
submitted by Ruffles7799 to skyrimmods [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:59 Thamachine311 Mohela Oct 2023 payment refund

This is for anybody that has Mohela.
So back when payments restarted in Sept/Oct after the Covid pause I apparently did not receive enough notification prior to my bill in October 2023. Because of this, I was apparently entitled to a refund of my October payment. I was notified of this in June 2023. I called Mohela around that time in June. When I spoke with the rep, he said that he would process the refund and I could expect to get it in about 90 business days At this point it’s been way beyond 90 business days and have not received it
Did anyone else ask for this refund and have they received the refund yet? There’s no record of this refund being processed on my account. I only have the call reference ID that was given to me by the rep.
submitted by Thamachine311 to PSLF [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:59 yinnyhao505 [WTS] Rolex Oysterdate 6694 Manual Winding

submitted by yinnyhao505 to Watchexchange [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:59 Confident-Ad4578 Urgent! Wedding hashtag needed

Cannot think of any wedding hashtag since months and urgently need one. Please help Bride Devanshi Groom Garvit
submitted by Confident-Ad4578 to DesiWeddings [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:59 yitch Potential slight correction of 0.14% on 28 Nov 2024, 0300 during unlock of tokens?

Potential slight correction of 0.14% on 28 Nov 2024, 0300 during unlock of tokens? https://preview.redd.it/2f3qmb9it03e1.png?width=652&format=png&auto=webp&s=2b7810e8bd0188cafef3358110c4ffd237709f11
submitted by yitch to FetchAI_Community [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:59 Far-Perspective1535 [LotM fandom]100% RESTORED SCENE

[LotM fandom]100% RESTORED SCENE Good evening, Miss Audrey. Good evening,Miss Justice. Goodbye, Miss Audrey, Goodbye, Miss Justice! 😭😭😭See this scene in the castle!
submitted by Far-Perspective1535 to LordofTheMysteries [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:59 Vast_Positive8646 Kterou máte rači

Kterou máte rači Ptám se se protože mám rád první a zajímá mě váš názor
submitted by Vast_Positive8646 to Kerddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:59 MiserableArticlepear My babies always looking out for each other

My babies always looking out for each other submitted by MiserableArticlepear to aww [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:59 pizzaseafood Move (m.o.v.e) PV Hit Medley! (ultimate 90s-00s J-pop dance music)

This channel has many medleys of old hits but damn....
I love move/m.o.v.e cuz just like their name suggested, they were always "on move" and experimented with different types of music. The sound and visuals really epitomized the dance music of the time. If you wanna feel nostalgic or retro, check this medley.
submitted by pizzaseafood to jpop [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:59 annemarie_33 Gift Sets Discounted After Christmas

Hi everyone,
I'm so sad that I missed the Vegamour sale yesterday 😭 as I've had my eye on one of their gift sets for over a month. I was wondering if anyone thinks it's possible that their gift sets will go on sale, similar to that 30% off price (would have been about $70 instead of $99), after Christmas?
Are only the Sephora gift sets discounted at that time or might others be as well?
I know that there will most likely be another 20% off sale before the end of the year, but if I can, I'd love to buy close to that price.
submitted by annemarie_33 to Sephora [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:59 porkipine65 VW x Wallbox Pulsar Plus

Hello everyone
When I purchased the id4, the dealership gave me a Wallbox pulsar plus which I have finally gotten around to install.
There have been quite a few issues with the unit, namely it will not charge unless the id4 is set to reduce charging current.
The set up I have is:
30A breaker to a nema 14-30 outlet Nema 14-30 outlet has a NeoCharge 14-30 smart splitter, with the Wallbox being wired to the Secondary side. Wallbox is hardwired to a plug that enters the secondary side of the smart splitter.
The limiter inside the box is set to step 4, 24A. I have used the software to limit it further to 20A.
Notwithstanding the Wallbox being a PITA to update the software (I’ve tried multiple times and it fails each time. It’s currently been restored to 4.5.7), the only way to charge it is to tell VW to use a reduced current. Has anyone else had this problem and solved it? I would love to be able to run the full 24A to the unit and double my charging speed.
submitted by porkipine65 to VWiD4Owners [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:59 Few_Ad8997 ابلكيشن للاكل البيتي والصحي

مساء الخير ياجماعة احنا مجموعة بتصمم ابلكيشن لتوصيل او طلب الاكل البيتي. للناس اللي مهتمة بالاكل البيتي او بتطلب اكل صحي , كنا محتاجينكم بس تطوعوا معانا بنجمع شوية بيانات للناس المهتمة بالخدمة دي ( الموضوع مش هياخد اكتر من دقيقة ) لو تكرمتوا بس https://forms.gle/EATFXakapiVNesnf6
submitted by Few_Ad8997 to egyfoods [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:59 IOTAforlife Buy now or in spring?

Hello everyone, I am looking to buy a Royal Enfield Himalayan 450, used like new with less than 150km, it's a good deal. Cause it's my first motorcycle ( I just had a 125 cc scooter) Do you think it's a good idea to buy now?( Winter it's coming and I will not use it until spring) Or it's a better idea to wait for better deals in spring? Also I red something about hymalayan 650 coming, that could be really a better option for me. Any suggestions for other models coming? If is not clear I would like to buy an adventure touring motorcycle
submitted by IOTAforlife to NewRiders [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:59 vmauryan12 IPL 2025 Auction Thread - Day 2

Day 2 Auction Discussion Thread Cricinfo Live Updates | Cricbuzz Auction Tracker| JioCinema Stream
Updated Squads

Chennai Super Kings Delhi Capitals Gujarat Titans Kolkata Knight Riders Lucknow Super Giants
Ruturaj Gaikwad (c) (₹ 18 Cr) Axar Patel (₹16.5 Cr) Shubman Gill (c) (₹16.25 Cr) Rinku Singh (₹13 Cr) Nicholas Pooran (₹ 21 Cr)
Ravindra Jadeja (₹ 18 Cr) Kuldeep Yadav (₹13.25 Cr) Rashid Khan (₹ 18 Cr) Varun Chakravarthy (₹ 12 Cr) Ravi Bishnoi (₹ 11 Cr)
Matheesha Pathirana (₹ 13 Cr) Tristan Stubbs (₹ 10 Cr) B Sai Sudharsan (₹ 8.50 Cr) Sunil Narine (₹ 12 Cr) Mayank Yadav (₹ 11 Cr)
Shivam Dube (₹ 12 Cr) Abishek Porel (₹ 4 Cr) Rahul Tewatia (₹ 4 Cr) Andre Russell (₹ 12 Cr) Mohsin Khan (₹ 4 Cr)
MS Dhoni (₹ 4 Cr) Mitchell Starc( ₹ 11.75 Cr) M Shahrukh Khan (₹ 4 Cr) Ramandeep Singh (₹ 4 Cr) Ayush Badoni (₹ 4 Cr)
Devon Conway(₹6.25 Cr) KL Rahul(₹ 14 Cr) Kagiso Rabada (₹ 10.75 Cr) Harshit Rana (₹ 4 Cr) Rishab Pant( ₹ 27 Cr)
Rahul Tripathi(₹3.4 Cr) Harry Brook(₹ 6.25 Cr) Jos Buttler (₹ 15.75 Cr) Venkatesh Iyer (₹23.75 Cr) David Miller (₹ 7.50 Cr)
Rachin Ravindra (₹4 Cr) Jake Fraser-Mcgurk(₹ 9 Cr) Mohammed Siraj(₹ 12.25 Cr) Quinton De Kock(₹3.6 Cr) Aiden Markram(₹ 2 Cr)
Ravichandran Ashwin( ₹ 9.75 Cr) T Natarajan (₹ 10.75 Cr) Prasidh Krishna(₹ 9.5 Cr) Rahmanullah Gurbaz (₹2 Cr) Mitchell Marsh (₹ 3.4 Cr)
Khaleel Ahmed(₹ 4.80 Cr) Karun Nair (₹ 0.50 Cr) Nishant Sindu( ₹ 0.3 Cr) Anrich Nortje( ₹ 6.5 Cr) Avesh Khan(₹ 9.75 Cr)
Noor Ahmad( ₹ 10 Cr) Sameer Rizvi (₹0.95 Cr) Mahipal Lomror (₹ 1.70) Angkrish Raghuvanshi( ₹ 3 Cr) Abdul Samad (₹ 4.2 Cr)
Vijay Shankar(₹ 1.2 Cr) Ashutosh Sharma (₹ 3.80 Cr) Kumar Kushagra( 0.65 Cr) Vaibhav Arora (₹ 1.8 Cr) Aryan Juyal (₹ 0.30 Cr)
Mohit Sharma (₹ 2.20 Cr) Anuj Rawat (₹ 0.30 Cr) Mayank Markande (₹ 0.30 Cr)
Manav Suthar (₹ 0.30 Cr)
Mumbai Indians Punjab Kings Rajasthan Royals Royal Challengers Bangalore Sunrisers Hyderabad
Hardik Pandya (c) (₹ 16.35 Cr) Shashank Singh (₹ 5.5 Cr) Sanju Samson (c) (₹ 18 Cr) Virat Kohli (₹ 21 Cr) Pat Cummins (c) (₹ 18 Cr)
Jasprit Bumrah (₹ 18 Cr) Prabhsmiran Singh (₹ 4 Cr) Yashasvi Jaiswal (₹ 18 Cr) Rajat Patidar (₹ 11 Cr) Heinrich Klaasen (₹ 23 Cr)
Suryakumar Yadav (₹ 16.35 Cr) Arshdeep Singh (₹ 18 Cr) Dhruv Jurel (₹ 14 Cr) Yash Dayal (₹ 5 Cr) Abhishek Sharma (₹ 14 Cr)
Rohit Sharma (₹ 16.30 Cr) Shreyas Iyer (₹ 26.75 Cr) Riyan Parag (₹14 Cr) Liam Livingstone(₹ 8 Cr) Travis Head (₹ 14 Cr)
Tilak Varma (₹ 8 Cr) Yuzvendra Chahal (₹ 18 Cr) Shimron Hetmyer (₹ 11Cr) Phil Salt (₹ 11.5 Cr) Nitish Kumar Reddy (₹ 6 Cr)
Trent Boult (₹12.5 Cr) Marcus Stoinis (₹ 11 Cr) Sandeep Sharma (₹ 4 Cr) Jitesh Sharma (₹ 11 Cr) Mohammed Shami(₹ 10 Cr)
Naman Dhir (₹ 5.25 Cr) Glenn Maxwell(₹ 4.2 Cr) Jofra Archer (₹ 12.5 Cr) Josh Hazlewood(₹ 12.5 Cr) Harshal Patel(₹ 8 Cr)
Robin Minx ( ₹ 0.65 Cr) Nehal Wadhera (₹ 4.2 Cr) Maheesh Theekshana (₹ 4.4 Cr) Rasikh Dar (₹ 6 Cr) Ishan Kishan (₹ 11.25 Cr)
Karn Sharma (₹ 0.50 Cr) Harpreet Brar (₹ 1.50 Cr) Wanindu Hasaranga (₹ 5.25 Cr) Suyash Sharma (₹ 2.6 Cr) Rahul Chahar (₹ 3.2 Cr)
Vishnu Vinod (₹ 0.95 Cr) Akash Madhwal (₹ 1.20 Cr) Adam Zampa (₹ 2.4 Cr)
Vijaykumar Vyshak (₹ 1.80 Cr) Kumar Kartiyeka (₹ 0.30 Cr) Atharva Taide (₹ 0.30 Cr)
Yash Thakur (₹ 1.60 Cr) Abhinav Manohar(₹ 3.2 Cr)
Simarjeet Singh(₹(₹ 1.5 Cr)
Remaining Picks and Purse-:
Team Remaining Picks Remaining Purse Remaining RTMs
Chennai Super Kings 13 (4 Overseas) ₹ 15.60 Cr 0
Delhi Capitals 13 (4 Overseas) ₹ 14.8 Cr 1
Gujarat Titans 11 (5 Overseas) ₹ 17.50 Cr 1
Kolkata Knight Riders 12 (3 Overseas) ₹ 9.85 Cr 0
Lucknow Super Giants 13 (4 Overseas) ₹ 14.85 Cr 1
Mumbai Indians 16 (7 Overseas) ₹ 26.10 Cr 0
Punjab Kings 13 (6 Overseas) ₹ 23.50 Cr 3
Rajasthan Royals 14 (4 Overseas) ₹ 17.35 Cr 0
Royal Challengers Bengaluru 16 (5 Overseas) ₹ 30.65 Cr 3
Sunrisers Hyderabad 12 (4 Overseas) ₹ 5.15 Cr 1
Credits : 's auction thread.
submitted by vmauryan12 to ipl [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:59 violafrench16 Take my advice - don’t join a society committee

1st & 2nd year of uni I struggled with social isolation, I thought joining a society committee would be a great way to challenge myself in my final year. God do I regret it. It’s all the same people on the committee as last year, so they all knew each other / the way things work. The meetings consist of bitching about other members who aren’t there, they are passive aggressive when I ask for help, the people who organise the social events don’t even want to go to their own events. It’s a complete nightmare and I wish I could leave without it being a bad reflection on me 😩
submitted by violafrench16 to UniUK [link] [comments]
