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2024.11.25 10:50 lss_web_1444 Text post title 929
Text post body
submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 10:50 yadvendra_sharma How to calculate PnL real-time with delivery positions of previous day?
I was using this formula :
PnL = (sellValue-buyValue)+(netQuantity x LTP x multiplier) Note: getting LTP from websockets.
I dont know how it works but it works. I took it from another developer forum. But this formula does not work when we have a delivery position of previous day.
case 1: when all the positions were taken today only. case 2: when there exist some positions that were taken yesterday as delivery orders.
Can you please help me with the correct formula for the second case? If there is a better one for the first case, help me with that as well.
submitted by yadvendra_sharma to IndiaAlgoTrading [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 10:50 Puzzled-Party-2089 What is this?
This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by Puzzled-Party-2089 to Pixelary [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 10:50 XumetaXD I deleted my previous meme because the font was trash, now it's actually readable
submitted by XumetaXD to PoliticalMemes [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 10:50 NailCertain7181 MI cooking something deep
I hope they don't fuck us while bidding for Bhuvi or Jacks
submitted by NailCertain7181 to RCB [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 10:50 Mr_NotNice1 What is this?
This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by Mr_NotNice1 to Pixelary [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 10:50 octanekarnige Boost Season Ahead ❄️
2024.11.25 10:50 MaxGrata What if it was all just a dream?
submitted by MaxGrata to LetsTalkBam [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 10:50 SwordfishWorried1093 New Official T1 Video: Oner and Faker playing Lockdown Protocol with SKT / T1 Alumni [English subbed]
submitted by SwordfishWorried1093 to SKTT1 [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 10:50 PatientKey2330 Avinash = Biggest nalla of BB18
submitted by PatientKey2330 to biggboss [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 10:50 Worldly-Stranger7814 Jakob Ellemann-Jensen får nyt job [Vicedirektør i Dansk Erhverv] 🇩🇰
submitted by Worldly-Stranger7814 to Denmark [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 10:50 Normal_Lifeguard1262 I thought varsha tai to be intelligent but she isn't
submitted by Normal_Lifeguard1262 to Maharashtra [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 10:50 Crystallizead What is this?
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submitted by Crystallizead to Pixelary [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 10:50 ConfidenceOk412 Possibly getting back with ex?
After a two week breakup (I was the dumpee), and multiple failures of no contact (mostly on his part), my ex and I hung out last weekend, and everything else. He said he regretted the breakup from the moment it happened, which I do believe, but I think that’s a natural reaction to any big change. And that he wants to get back together.
To be honest, I was doing okay with the breakup, but I did miss him. And now, I don’t know. I don’t know if getting back together is the right choice, the way I feel now kind of sucks. I didn’t really care what he was doing while we were broken up, or how he felt about me. And now I feel insecure that he’s going to change his mind, and yes I’ve asked, and he’s said no. But the feeling is still there.
He wants to get back together but “wants to take it slow” which I understand in that we can’t rush back into the relationship without addressing what caused us to breakup, but we can’t really settle on what “taking it slow” means, because we’ve had sex twice since starting to see each other again, I slept at his both Saturday and Sunday night, and he came over tonight to have tea at mine before going home. It doesn’t feel slow, only that we’re not putting a label back on yet.
I’ve done the getting back with an ex thing several times in the past, it never worked out. And this sick, worried feeling really sucks. I somehow felt better when I was single.
The thing is he’s a good guy, our relationship was in no way toxic or unhealthy, there was no cheating or major fights, we just seemed to lose connection and a desire to be together. And I can’t even fully understand still why that happened, so we’re not even prepared to address why we broke up, because the cause feels like a mystery even to us.
I think maybe a part of me doesn’t has faith in it, and is bracing for another end. Do I just try to fully commit to trying again and attempt to shake the feeling of fear (?), or do I cut it off now before we prolong the inevitable?
submitted by ConfidenceOk412 to BreakUps [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 10:50 YungAeroo Question before buying the XM4
Goodmorning all,
I have 1 question regarding these headphones since they are on a good deal now! Is it possible, for instance to facetime on my phone, and at the same time have them connected to my tv audio with bluetooth ? And seperate the volume on my iPhone and TV?
Is this possible for the Sony WH-1000XM4 headphones and the WF-1000XM5 earbuds?
Thank you!
submitted by YungAeroo to SonyHeadphones [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 10:50 Terrible_Soft_9480 The duwang gang's choice of sweets
Okuyasu gets 100 grand because he thinks money stuff if Hella bad ass and stuff Rohan gets that because...you know... Shizuka gets a baby snack for obvious reasons Mikitaka gets cosmic brownies because it feeds his alien delusion (reminds me of "cat's doom" from the devil is a part timer s1 e1) Yukako gets pocky because I hear it's most popular with Japanese school girls and she's very proud of her femininity Shigekiyo gets choccy milk because he's a special boy ... Aya gets whatever those things are called because she's a hopeless romantic (I was gonna do heart lollipops, but i forgot about it until now) Tonio gets a canoli because I couldn't really think of anything better anytimeineedtoseeyourfaceijust c l o s e m y e y e s andiamtakentoaplacewhereyour CRYSTAL MIND and m a g e n t a f e e l i n g s takeupshelterinthebaseofmyspine s w e e t l i k e a CHICKEN-CHERRY COLA idontneedtotrytoexplanijust h o l d o n t i g h t andifithappensagainima m o v e s o s l I g h t l y tothearmsandthelipsandthefaceofthe HUMAN CANNONBALL thati n e e d t o i w a n t t o submitted by Terrible_Soft_9480 to StardustCrusaders [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 10:50 BirreTheN You didn’t think that I just stopped uploading memes, did you?
Hey guys! I know this isn’t going to be my best meme ever, but I just wanted to break my streak of not posting a meme in 21 days!
submitted by BirreTheN to RandomEncounters [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 10:50 Suspicious-Note-8571 Simbal is a badass for talking to random fans.
submitted by Suspicious-Note-8571 to fishtanklive [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 10:50 IncelMK En la biblia explica porque las mujeres son seres manipuladores y traicioneros
Es marcado contraste de las mujeres como lo que son aquellas que por su culpa fuimos expulsados del paraíso el pecado original provocado por la mujer Eva.
submitted by IncelMK to IncelMK5 [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 10:50 -plastictrees- 241125 PL:RADIO with DJ Bamby and DJ Eunho 📻
submitted by -plastictrees- to plave [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 10:50 Noledgebase Ứng dụng A.I cho Dịch thuật (Gen AI for Translation) ($44.99 to FREE)
submitted by Noledgebase to Udemies [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 10:50 Dry-Ad-6756 ouch !
Doing my own research on meme coins before going in on some of my own. Somebody mentioned to due my due diligence and look out for certain details. I noticed this coin and kept track of it. Suprise suprise, saw the nice payday someone made on this coin that went out like 2 hours ago. Sucks to be the two at the top loosing all that cash 🙃😅 This would be a rug pull correct ? submitted by Dry-Ad-6756 to SolanaMemeCoins [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 10:50 liggy4 Mulgore vibes from 20 years ago
submitted by liggy4 to wow [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 10:50 BootyPounder502 Game bugs me out of 1xKyogre and 1xGroudon encounter after remote raids, Niantic does nothing
I was remote raiding last night, spent real money after years of not spending any for passes, kyogre and groudon both bugged out right after finishing their respective raids and throw me back at my original position as if nothing happened. This is support's reaponse. I wasn't reimbursed in any way, shape, or form. I guess I'm just venting now because I sure as shit won't get my 2 encounters back 😭😭 submitted by BootyPounder502 to pokemongo [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 10:50 Charlym1 Electroless copper plating
So im currently working on a electroless copper plating solution.
My current make up is:
CuSO4 for the metall Ammonia 25% as a komplexing agent Formaldehyde to reduce the metall And a sulphur based wetting agent
I tried to rebuild a recepie i saw in a patent ond google patents but this doesnt see to work at all.
If somebody has an idea to improve my solution i would be very thankfull
Ps sorry for a bad english as well as my mid formation
Thanks a lot in advance
submitted by Charlym1 to electroplating [link] [comments]