Is it okay for me to have female friends?

2024.11.25 12:30 big-bluegill Is it okay for me to have female friends?

Hi. I have always had female friends, but I recently moved in with some very feminine roommates who I have become good friends with and my girlfriend thinks its weird that we are friends. She says its fine it just makes her insecure. I really don’t enjoy hanging out with guys and i dont want to be lonely.
submitted by big-bluegill to LesbianActually [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:30 Designer-King43 M24 hat wer Lust mir einzublasen ? Oder gefickt zu werden ? Hab ein Hotelzimmer in München für die Woche

submitted by Designer-King43 to Sextreff_Muenchen1 [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:30 jusandrewtheTWSone Can someone help please

Can someone help please submitted by jusandrewtheTWSone to wechat_verify_scan [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:30 Major-Fault-7417 Reply stars doesn't match with war stars after "Client and Server are out of sync error"

Reply stars doesn't match with war stars after submitted by Major-Fault-7417 to ClashOfClans [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:30 CrazyAssBlindKid Downtown Pittsburgh and PNC Park lit up for the holidays.

Downtown Pittsburgh and PNC Park lit up for the holidays. submitted by CrazyAssBlindKid to skylineporn [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:30 Upper-Ad9228 best part about being in a long distance relationship?

submitted by Upper-Ad9228 to LongDistance [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:30 Yuri-Divi Kal'tsit Faust and her summon, M3phisto

Kal'tsit Faust and her summon, M3phisto submitted by Yuri-Divi to limbuscompany [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:30 fujiwara_DORIFTO [spoiler media] Arc 5 progress with the witches be like

submitted by fujiwara_DORIFTO to Re_Zero [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:30 Mission-Connection68 Remote Work's Biggest Challenge and How Recruiters Can Deal With It

Remote Work's Biggest Challenge and How Recruiters Can Deal With It submitted by Mission-Connection68 to RecruitmentHub [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:30 ogtired Keine liven 'Live' Bestände wie sind eure Erfahrungen?

Hallo, nachdem es heute mal wieder vorgekommen ist, wollte ich mal die gar nicht so liven 'Live' Bestände ansprechen. Ich checke immer die Bestände und pack mir nur Sorten aufs Rezept die auf grün stehen. Beim letzten Mal war es bei Mycannabis, diesmal ist es Eifel-cannabis, apondium war aber auch schon dabei, die Sorten nicht verfügbar haben, obwohl sie online auf grün stehen. Eifel-cannabis bekommt erst morgen, oder übermorgen die neue Lieferung, warum steht die Sorte dann auf Grün?! Warum? Es nervt mich ehrlich gesagt sehr, weil es jetzt wieder 2 Tage länger dauert und ich aktuell bis zu 3 Migräne Anfälle die Woche habe. Inklusive Aura, ich rechne immer mit 3-4 Tagen, bin Selbstabholerin, jetzt werden es eher 5-6 und es ärgert mich, weil man als Patientin keine andere Möglichkeit hat als sich auf die Angaben zu verlassen, die online stehen. Hätte ich das gewusst, dann hätte ich die eine Sorte halt weggelassen. Aber man weiß es ja eben nicht. Wenn es halt aus ist bis mein Rezept bearbeitet wurde, Pech für mich, aber dieses mieses einpflegen der 'Live' Bestände hat damit nix zu tun.
Ich überlege jetzt immer nachzufragen, bevor ich bestelle, aber das passt mir ehrlich gesagt nicht so gut, weil ich oft abends bestelle und dann auch mal spontan die Apotheke switche. Bin ich mit meinen Erfahrungen und/oder genervtheit alleine? Habt ihr weitere Tipps wie man das umgehen kann? Will jemand mit ranten?
submitted by ogtired to Cannabis_Apotheken [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:30 do1414 What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by do1414 to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:30 RedSmileGroup #grownup #love #happy #life #socialmediaisnotreallife #excited #family #adult #scary #babes #cute #work #job #jobs #success #responsibility #boss #grownupbutnot #firstworldproblems #interview #sex #meme #selfie #jomo #mentalhealthmatters

#grownup #love #happy #life #socialmediaisnotreallife #excited #family #adult #scary #babes #cute #work #job #jobs #success #responsibility #boss #grownupbutnot #firstworldproblems #interview #sex #meme #selfie #jomo #mentalhealthmatters submitted by RedSmileGroup to RedSmileGroup [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:30 No-Cardiologist-7081 New Update keep crashing

Help! the new update instantly crash when open the game on my 11pm
submitted by No-Cardiologist-7081 to ClashOfClans [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:30 liszt06 Spinosaurus by me

Spinosaurus by me submitted by liszt06 to Paleoart [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:30 blueleg44 I was eating cheerios 😮

Then the evil cheerio appeared…
submitted by blueleg44 to TwoSentenceHorror [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:30 SnoozeGxd Please use my code I just need more cubes for Yuta PLEASE!

Please use my code I just need more cubes for Yuta PLEASE! MHMPkYMcAGCb <— the code if you just want to copy it! It’s for the TW,HK,MO server btw
submitted by SnoozeGxd to JJKPhantomParade [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:30 lukabitenc_ Anyone know how can I record digital 8 rewind glitches without it stopping? (More info below)

Anyone know how can I record digital 8 rewind glitches without it stopping? (More info below) It works perfectly fine on preview but after I press record button recording stops everytime when rewinding cassette. I use an old Macbook with OS X El Captain, camera is plugged via firewire. Is there any other capturing app I can use besides Quicktime? I tried OBS which fixed the issue but the footage was very laggy/out of sync. Thanks in advance and I hope everyone is having a great day!
submitted by lukabitenc_ to camcorders [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:30 piratebroadcast Converting React + NextJS themes found on TailwindUI to work in a Rails app?

Hi folks,
I am wondering if anyone has successfully converted any of the templates at from their React + NextJS versions and placed them into a Rails application?
For a specific example, yanking the React + NextJS out of this and making it work as the front end of a Rails app:
Thank you!
Also, look, I know that anything is possible. I am curious as to how feasable it really is and if it is able to be done in a reasonable amount of time.
Thank you!
submitted by piratebroadcast to rails [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:30 Crazy_Consideration6 Anong batas sa pinas ang gamit na gamit ng mga pulitiko para yumaman?

submitted by Crazy_Consideration6 to AskPH [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:30 HotShirt7285 show me how thick your girl is on session

submitted by HotShirt7285 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:30 Ctorr202 Massive morning so far!

Massive morning so far! Currently hunting outside my direct area and wow I’m so glad I did haha
Let’s see what else I find! Walmart is next
submitted by Ctorr202 to HotWheels [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:30 Interesting-Cry9203 The bfdi tips and tricks book was right.

The bfdi tips and tricks book was right. submitted by Interesting-Cry9203 to BattleForDreamIsland [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:30 mwidow99_ Not enough

I feel like no matter what I do I don’t like what I see and I’m starting to hate everything about myself again. I’m still getting huge so the only thing left I feel like I have to do is basically starve myself… and as much as I would love to have surgery on my face and my chest that would simply take too long to save for. But something tells me I’ll never be satisfied.. makes me wish I was blind … I can’t stand to look at myself anymore and I’d just wanna throw up every time I look..
submitted by mwidow99_ to BDDvent [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:30 Aromatic_Zebra_8708 Aglaea (by Sakirs明桉)

Aglaea (by Sakirs明桉) submitted by Aromatic_Zebra_8708 to AglaeaMains [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:30 Aware_Car_1767 Kia Rio: 1.4 CRDI (diesel) o 1.0 TGDI (benzina)?

Voglio cambiare la mia auto, un SUV del c***o del 2010 che consuma quanto un trattore. Forse riesco a venderla a circa 6.000/6.500€. Ho girato per vari concessionari ma non ho trovato nulla di che, poca roba a prezzi alti. Invece online, sul famoso sito di auto, ne ho trovate due che possono fare al caso mio:

  1. Kia Rio 1.4 CRDI 90 CV diesel 60.000 km del 2018 a 11.799€ (2 proprietari)
  2. Kia Rio 1.0 TGDI 100 CV benzina 60.000 km del 2018 a 10.900€ (1 proprietario)
Entrambe ben accessoriate, sono in un limbo per il quale vanno bene sia benzina che diesel, faccio circa 15.000 annui maggior parte in extraurbano, poca città e ogni tanto autostrada.
Ci sarebbe anche una terza opzione, che seppur mi piaccia tantissimo, anche di più delle due sopra, la trovo meno conveniente, meno accessoriata: Giulietta 1.6 JTD 120 CV diesel 83.000 km del 2016 a 11.600€ (4 proprietari).
Secondo voi cosa conviene?
submitted by Aware_Car_1767 to ItalyMotori [link] [comments]