[For Hire] Virtual Assistant with Marketing Expertise [5USD/Hour]

2024.11.25 12:20 TulumTomTom [For Hire] Virtual Assistant with Marketing Expertise [5USD/Hour]

I am an experienced remote worker specializing in SEO, content creation, and marketing strategies. Here is an overview of the services I provide:
SEO and Backlinking: I excel in search engine optimization and utilize backlinking techniques to improve page rankings. I conduct thorough analysis of domains and employ specialized software to optimize off-page SEO.
Web Design: I possess skills in visual design, user experience design, interface design, and search engine optimization (SEO). I understand that these elements collectively contribute to the overall user experience of a website.
Lead Generation: I can help attract potential customers to your company through various strategies. Job applications, blog articles, coupons, and online materials are some effective methods I utilize to generate leads and nurture them towards becoming customers.
Social Media Marketing: I specialize in social media marketing, which involves creating engaging content such as text and image updates, videos, and paid social media advertising. Additionally, I have expertise in leveraging platforms like Quora to drive traffic and generate leads.
Why Choose Me Over Other Freelancers?
Client Testimonials: I am dedicated to providing value to all my clients and earning their trust. Client reviews and feedback on my profile speak to the quality of my services.
Over-Delivery: Going above and beyond is an integral part of my freelance work. I take pride in surpassing expectations and leaving my clients with a sense of amazement.
Responsiveness: I prioritize prompt and effective communication with my clients. I ensure that all lines of communication remain open for seamless collaboration.
Resilience: You can inquire about my resilience by reaching out to any of my present or former clients. I tackle challenges head-on and strive to find solutions that meet my clients' needs.
Kindness: Kindness is a core value in my life, and I strive to incorporate it into all aspects of my work. I treat everyone with respect, seek to understand their situations, and genuinely want to help my clients enhance their processes.
Rate: 5USD/Hour
I am always available to address any questions or concerns from my clients, and I commit to responding within 8 hours. My team works diligently to ensure your success.
If you are seeking a skilled remote worker who can effectively handle SEO, content creation, and marketing tasks, I am confident in my ability to meet your needs.
submitted by TulumTomTom to jobbit [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:20 lss_web_433 RECURRING -1

lssplmod2105Welcome to lssplmod2105Created Nov 28, 20221
Community optionsPosting to Reddit

  1. Remember the human
  2. Behave like you would in real life
  3. Look for the original source of content
  4. Search for duplicates before posting
submitted by lss_web_433 to lssplmod2105 [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:20 Party_Lake1375 그정돈 걱정할 꺼리도 아니야.

That's the least of my worried right now. submitted by Party_Lake1375 to HowdoYouSayinEnglish [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:20 Msali_karro5604 I need this

submitted by Msali_karro5604 to awesomearena [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:20 neoncreeper22w8 Наш Реддит !

submitted by neoncreeper22w8 to infernorpreddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:20 UselessGenericon What is the term for when a player uses one archetype in their hand, it doesn't go well, then the remaining cards of another archetype start to combo because the first archetype baited all the negates/hand traps?

Master Duel here: Sometimes when I play, the opponent starts out with a hand that has 4 cards of one archetype, I stop that archetype with nearly all I've got, then their 5th card starts a combo for a new set of cards from a different archetype that seemingly has no synergy at all with the first. How optimal is it to basically split your deck into two groups? And how often is this playstyle luck-based?
submitted by UselessGenericon to Yugioh101 [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:20 never_4_ever Pe cine va susține George Simion in turul ll?

Salutate u/GeorgeSimionOfficial
In ultimul timp al campaniei ați fost foarte activ pe Reddit, și ați răspuns la întrebările noastre. Din păcate pentru dumneavoastră nu ați putut intra in turul 2, iar în prezent pare că finala va fi jucata între Calin Georgescu și Elena Lasconi.
Spre finalul campaniei ați încercat să atrageți un public moderat și centrist făcând multe afirmații. De exemplu ați repetat in multe cazuri că AUR și USR au multe in comun..
Electoratul AUR este sătul de vechile partide (PSD/PNL) și de guvernarea actuală. Ați declarat că într-un tur ll între Marcel Ciolacu și Călin Georgescu o să îl susțineți pe Calin Georgescu deoarece nu puteți sustine candidatul PSD. După cum am spus, un tur doi între Calin Georgescu și Elena Lasconi pare mult mai plauzibil acum. Acum puteți demonstra dacă distanțarea de extrema dreaptă a dumneavoastră a fost una de fațadă sau nu.
Calin Georgescu are multe probleme pentru a fi următorul președinte al României.
In primul rand nu se știe cine i-a finanțat campania de promovare pe TikTok, care evident nu a fost organică.
Calin Georgescu nu are respect pentru jurnaliști și evită să răspundă la întrebări importante prin care ne putem da seama de caracterul lui. Un lucru pe care îl împarte cu Klaus Iohannis. https://www.reddit.com/Romania/s/QmxW6oCvXJ

Georgescu a contestat anterior apartenența României la NATO, susținând că țara nu a văzut beneficii clare din partea alianței. El a criticat, de asemenea, amplasarea scutului antirachetă în România, în declarații care au fost un ecou al discursului președintelui rus Vladimir Putin, scrie cotidianul financiar. În 2020, Georgescu l-a numit pe Putin unul dintre puținii „lideri adevărați” din lume și a afirmat că președintele rus „își iubește țara”.
Daca PSD/PNL care controlează televiziunile pentru a manipula cetățenii nu își iubesc țara de ce Putin care face același lucru și-ar iubi-o? In Rusia nu ai voie sa critici guvernul și riști să fii arestat. Ori Calin Georgescu a căzut în propaganda Rusiei, ori are alte interese.
În articol HotNews, din 2016, el era prezentat ca „eternul candidat la funcția de premier susținut doar de câțiva ruși și de Dan Puric”. De altfel, împreună cu actorul Dan Puric, a lansat manifestul mişcării „Motivaţia: România”, mişcare naţionalist-ortodoxă. Potrivit sursei citate, în acel an fost propus ca premier de către Federația “Societatea Civilă Românească”, o organizație care a felicitat Rusia pentru anexarea Crimeei.
Tot atunci, Sputnik Moldova a publicat un elogios la adresa lui Călin Georgescu, într-un editorial cu titlul „Dr. Călin Georgescu va fi viitorul prim-ministru”, preluat în aceeași zi de Russia Today România.
Revenind la anul 2020, Călin Georgescu a publicat un clip pe Facebook în care spune că Ion Antonescu și Corneliu Zelea Codreanu sunt eroi prin care „a trăit istoria națională, prin ei vorbește și a vorbit istoria națională și nu prin lachei de serviciu ai puterilor globaliste care astăzi conduc România vremelnic”.
submitted by never_4_ever to Romania [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:20 lightdarkunknown Dandadan Intro but i made it with TF2 Characters

submitted by lightdarkunknown to tf2 [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:20 Socialanxietyyay12 I have great news!

I have great news! You know that wild woodie that I rescued! Since she was well fed and becoming restless (she was healthy and could fly well!) we took her outside to practice flying and she sat there for a bit listening to the bird song, and then she saw another pigeon and shot off down our field! We followed her and she was flying around with another pigeon! I think it may be her mate! I’m so happy and proud of her to have survived and now she’s free! Thank you everyone who helped me with her! Now she can be as free as she needs!
submitted by Socialanxietyyay12 to pigeon [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:20 Automatic_Owl5080 Anyone on Luvox?

Hey everyone, is anyone on luvox? I was on an SNRI (Cymbalta) and it stopped working awhile ago. I was then put on Lexapro for a second time and had the worst reaction. I’m bedridden from existential OCD and DPDR and I know I’m gonna need to be medicated. I was thinking about bringing this drug up to my psychiatrist for me to try, but I’m terrified of mental side effects. I am not mentally okay right now and cannot lose my crap right now adjusting to a medicine, LOL.
submitted by Automatic_Owl5080 to OCD [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:20 Hbrunk_RDN 9 dpo, easy at hom

9 dpo, easy at hom Am I delusional or is there the faintest line/shadow there?
submitted by Hbrunk_RDN to TFABLinePorn [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:20 sexxymilf1030 36 year old mom of 2

36 year old mom of 2 submitted by sexxymilf1030 to DoILookHot [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:20 thewhistler22 DSA scheme should have more binding expected from schools and parents

While we applaud the govt for implementing DSA scheme to recognise students for their talents other than academics talents, more should be done to address the following problems:
1) DSA-ing a child into a top school do more harm than good to the child if the child is not strong academically. Teachers usually teach at a pace that is suitable for the average majority of the cohort. If it is a top school, the "average" is stronger than the other schools to begin with. Even if the child put in considerable effort, he/she may not be able to catch up and suffers academically. Adding on to the problem that their CCA training (usually sports) takes up a lot of their time and adding to the physical and mental stress of the child. Being able to perform well is more of a miracle than a norm from what I see from my friends and colleague's child. This leads to the next point.
2) If the child dont do well academically, retaining in the school is the next action to take normally. This post another set of problems. Firstly, if the child gets retained, the school kind of "benefitted" from the arrangement because the "top player" gets to represent the school for another year possibly clinching another medal for the school. Wouldnt this a conflict of interest for the school to support the bare sufficient minimal so that that they are not liable for the academic failure so that the student can represent them for one more year? What will the child benefit in return in this kind of arrangement? The child will also not benefit in the retained year if they still have to commit the same amount of time in their CCA. Which will lead to the next point.
3) If special arrangements are made such as reduction in training are allowed for there retained DSA students, will it be fair to the other sportsmen in the CCA that contribute more time in training and equally capable to be not selected for school representation? This is something intangible that we have to consider as stakeholders of a child's welfare. Some parents even go to the extend of stopping their DSA child's involvement in the CCA upon notification that their child is retained. Will it be fair to the next candidate that the school rejected to accept the child?
Suggestion for improvement:
1) DSA entry to a school should be Cut off Point based of the school and not a blanket of 20 points for L1R5. This will ensure that the child have sufficient academic capability to cope with the rest of the schoolmates, hence reducing the probability of retaining. This helps to ensure that the child do not just slack off academically upon notification of a through train ticket into a preferred school and do the bare minimal to get in.
2) Schools should be banned from getting retained DSA students to represent them in competitions. This will justify why the retained student can be offloaded to focus on their academics. This will remove the conflict of interest that the school have as mentioned earlier. Coaches and teachers will not just pick DSA students based on their skills but instead assess them holistically as a student deem fit for their school during selection process. DSA students who have gotten a position in the school will also be motivated to work hard to be able to continue participate in their CCA.
3) DSA students should also have legal binding to serve their school for the entire period of their time in the school other than those retained years. Failure to do so should be asked to withdraw from the school or pay liquidated damage to be fair for all other candidates that was not choosen during selection. Based on my own observations (correct me if I am wrong) there are a number of cases where parents make a sufficiently huge fuss, their retained DSA child can still stay in the school enjoying the benefits of the school without the need to stay committed to the CCA.
submitted by thewhistler22 to SingaporeRaw [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:20 Choice-Initiative779 Why do you all think we put so many guardrails around ourselves, making it harder to have open and honest conversation with others?

submitted by Choice-Initiative779 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:20 AutomaticWave2447 What happend to the original 4 protagonist

I down Richtofen died what about nikolai google says he was shot I also read old age old age but I don't think that's true and the other 2 takeo and Dempsey I have spent the past 30 minutes on Google but nothing helps
submitted by AutomaticWave2447 to CODZombies [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:20 Substantial_Tap6044 Whoever’s name is Roxas

What the hell is your problem dude? There are other people in the damn room!! The fuck you keep goin after me for? Damn
submitted by Substantial_Tap6044 to NarutoShinobiStriker [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:20 pawgybusty I identify with the dwarves

I identify with the dwarves submitted by pawgybusty to AnimeMeme [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:20 IblisticK I'm barely getting any views on YouTube Shorts.. What am I doing wrong?

I posted this Short of a car edit I made a few days ago.. It's great quality, well edited, yet I barely have any views on it. Whereas people can get thousands for the most random stuff ever.
What am I doing wrong? Is it the hashtags? Is the small amount of likes discouraging more?
submitted by IblisticK to Smallyoutubechannels [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:20 jackiefearz Pregnancy confusion?

Are these false positives?
Period was 9 weeks ago(2 months ago basically) Three ClearBlue tests were positive Two First Response Tests were negative.
Week 8 Took two ClearBlue tests. Tests were positive so I went to the clinic, and was told my blood and urine showed up negative but I was told to come back in a few weeks to retest. The lines appeared within 5-10mins.
Week 9 Took two tests 24hrs apart to experiment with what the results could be(ClearBlue and First Response). One positive and one negative. The line in my ClearBlue appeared in 5mins. (Also took another test and it was a Rexall one. It was negative)
I’ve been having lower back aches, no period, very light cramps, and sleepy a lot.
submitted by jackiefearz to pregnancy_care [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:20 stokerBlake We searched everywhere for our missing fried egg surround, then I used the liquid measuring cup.

We searched everywhere for our missing fried egg surround, then I used the liquid measuring cup. Can only think it got there while in the dishwasher because it's normally in a seperate drawer.
submitted by stokerBlake to Perfectfit [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:20 Ok-Design1478 Help figuring out the diameter of septum ring?

So I got my septum pierced over the summer and I'm finally able to put a new ring in. However I don't know what size horseshoe they used to pierce me, so l don't know what size of closed ring to get. I know the gauge is approximately 16G but I don't know what the diameter is (in mm). I’m looking for something that’ll be snug, but I don’t know if 6mm or 7mm will be too small.
submitted by Ok-Design1478 to Septum [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:20 Alternative-Use2225 Questions about Eimi Fukada 1/3 by ManyouStudio

Is the difference in quality due to the product itself, or could it be because of poor photography skills?
I’d appreciate any opinions or insights, especially from those fluent in Chinese, to help me decide whether to cancel the preorder.
submitted by Alternative-Use2225 to animeGK [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:20 remvs98 Griekse tachtiger duikt na 70 jaar weer de schoolbanken in: 'Droom komt uit'

submitted by remvs98 to NUjijDiscussies [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:20 bustavius Imported Oil Question

Reading articles suggesting that an eventual Israel/US war with Iran could raise gas prices to 8 dollars/gallon.
Given that about half of our oil for gasoline is imported, with most of that coming from Canada and only 10% from the Middle East (if I have that correct), why would instability in Iran cause such a dramatic change here?
submitted by bustavius to oil [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:20 -witchybitch- Athens in March

Hi all,
I've booked a surprise holiday for my family to Athens at the end of March, we have a 4 year old who's never travelled before and I'm very excited to show her some of the world.
Any tips/advice/must sees for a 4 night stay? We're keen to see all the ancient ruins, we love museums, want to eat real greek food, not fussed on shopping or anything to 'kid' centred, we just want her to experience the country like we do.
Thanks in advance!
submitted by -witchybitch- to GreeceTravel [link] [comments]
