Light diffusing shades for Aerogardens

2024.11.25 13:20 puppyfartzz Light diffusing shades for Aerogardens

Light diffusing shades for Aerogardens Just wanted to give a shout out to the person that makes these light diffusing covers (they’re like lampshades). I have multiple Aerogardens and these have helped so much in reducing the glare, and the plants have thrived. The person who makes these is on eBay and Etsy (under industriartengraving). Here is the eBay link, there’s only a couple of models available so far but I think they might be working on more:
I hope this helps for those like me with light sensitivity!
submitted by puppyfartzz to aerogarden [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:20 Inside_Whole6859 Help!

Help! Bhai abhi ye video dekhi and iss bande ka jaisa scene chalra same mera chalra hai to kya? Board pe shift hu ya kya JEE hee continue rakhu School waale g me dadnda bhot kar rahe hai
submitted by Inside_Whole6859 to JEENEETards [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:20 adornetto__ New single!

"Green Serpent" out nov. 26th. Already out in NZ.
5 songs out 11 are just amazing!
submitted by adornetto__ to Jinjer [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:20 BoysenberryAny5387 Kontaktlinser på abb

Min dreng skal ha kontaktlinser. Han er en smule nærsynet.
Jeg skal give 500,- mdr på abonnement. Endagslinser.
Synes godt nok det er vanvittigt.
Hvad gir i andre?
submitted by BoysenberryAny5387 to WomenDK [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:20 FreakbobHasReturned To Helldive, Or To Not Helldive

To Helldive, Or To Not Helldive
View Poll
submitted by FreakbobHasReturned to TruthEnforcers [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:20 RelaxedAboutItAll Lagging on 4K Recording, Unsure why?

The video is never the correct length, I press stop it says "video is still proccessing" and I only option is to press ok and then it saves and its not the correct length. The audio is plauing 4x speed and crackling.
RTX 4080 Ryzen 5950x 64GB Ram
It's not my PC. Is there any other software I can use that lets me record in 4K? Can't seem to do it in OBS
submitted by RelaxedAboutItAll to OBSBOT_Official [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:20 UFOsBeforeBros Leonard Leo on NPR Morning Edition (11/25)

I had to be somewhere right before the segment started, so I missed it. Anyone catch it?
I did hear a promo where he talked about “crushing liberals,” so I’m expecting a lot of him sounding like a cartoon villain (except this fucker is competent).
submitted by UFOsBeforeBros to Defeat_Project_2025 [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:20 No-Marzipan-4441 How much pizza for gathering with kids?

I'm having a gathering tonight with my apartment being the landing spot for an outside holiday train/block party with vendors. I have about 20 people coming total, at least half of which are younger children. I'm going to get pizza and snacks… I'm wondering how much pizza to get for 10 adults/10 children. Should I get one 24 cut and a 10 cut or should I get two 24 cuts or am I going to be left with a ton of pizza?
submitted by No-Marzipan-4441 to Albany [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:20 No-Relationship7926 lets get closer to the teachings of Islam

Assalamu Alaikum, Reddit Community!
We are all on a journey of continuous growth and learning
We’ve created a WhatsApp space where we share a short Ayah and Hadith each day, followed by a simple explanation that encourage us to read and reflect on them.
I encourage y’all to join it...
Let’s grow together, little by little, and embrace Islam's teachings.
submitted by No-Relationship7926 to MuslimBros [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:20 RatherNerdy G League nostalgia

At the Maine Celtics games Friday and Sunday, was awesomely nostalgic.
Ron Harper Jr. (Celtics) was on the floor, with his father Rob Harper (Bulls) on the sidelines. Rodman Jr (Capitol City Go-Go) played a little bit. And Scottie Pippen Jr (Celtics) was riding out bench.
I wonder what G-League team matchup would get you the most former players kids/family?
submitted by RatherNerdy to bostonceltics [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:20 Regalbaton7 Thought I’d give this a try.

Thought I’d give this a try. It’s been bugging me, I just want to know what I saw.
submitted by Regalbaton7 to whatisthiscar [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:20 Care4aSandwich This new Jethropeth album is pretty good but...

The 50 minutes of metal gets in the way of some perfectly good flute
submitted by Care4aSandwich to Opeth [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:20 Fjomperdomper Origin Dialga on me! If added you will 100% get invited. Add 4172 6922 0542

submitted by Fjomperdomper to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:20 sunny-scenario Unknown spider in shower

Unknown spider in shower Staying in Ellijay, Georgia and found this decently sized spider in my shower. What is it and is it harmful?
submitted by sunny-scenario to whatsthisbug [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:20 Dbhangup Thanksgiving week seeking things to do recovering from knee surgery

My son (22) and I are looking for things to do in/near Boulder while he recovers from knee surgery. Ready to get out and about for short stints and would love suggestions.
submitted by Dbhangup to boulder [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:20 Reasonable_Craft_866 I have an account without username. Is it rare?

I have an account without username. Is it rare? submitted by Reasonable_Craft_866 to TikTok [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:20 Last-Target934 Stroke to my 26yo fit wife. MUST HAVE SECOND SCREEN. Kkikk bef227

submitted by Last-Target934 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:20 Worldly-Operation332 Consultora de ARG, mandarla al frente con el cliente

Una consultora de ARG, me contrato para un proyecto nefasto, básicamente tenía que ver como lo cagaban al cliente todos los días mintiendole, su único objetivo es chuparle toda la plata posible para terminar no entrengandole ningún producto, el peor codigo que vi en mi vida.
Me tuvieron negreando meses, sin dejar que le cuente al cliente el estado del app, ni tratar de mejorar nada, siguiendo poniendo mierda sobre mierda, para que un día me desentiendan sin ningún motvio valido.
Tengo claramente, los datos del cliente, los quiero madnar al frente para que lo pierdan, que lo único que les importa es la guita claramente. Que opinan de esto? (trate de no pasar ningún dato ahora una vez resuelto el tema los quemo no hay drama)
submitted by Worldly-Operation332 to devsarg [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:20 Timely_Street_7111 All according to plan

All according to plan submitted by Timely_Street_7111 to AnimeMeme [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:20 North_Ambassador_977 Need frens on middle Eastern servers

Hey guys I'm looking for people who play on M.E servers who speak English cause I get alot of Arabic people on my games and I have no way to communicate with them I play comp mostly but idm playing qp to know you I play dps and im currently diamond 5 and on my alt im plat 2 so I'm looking for people who are like high plat or low diamond so yea if you want queue up with me and are competitive like do lmk
submitted by North_Ambassador_977 to OWConsole [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:20 1goatnic Amazon

Amazon An other customer that noticed amazon taking advantage of us
submitted by 1goatnic to USPS [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:20 uite_2lei Din pacate pentru ca in ultimele zile au aparut zeci de conturi fake in principiu ai partidului USR care nu au nici o reactie la nici o alta postare din comunitate. Intra doar pe postarile specifice si acolo dau report, jigniri, injuraturi. E nevoie sa fac cateva clarificari si sper sa se inteleaga!

Acest grup a fost creat pentru a putea sa ne exprimam liber si democratic privind in toate directiile si avand pe masa de lucru toate optiunile si subiectele interesante. Ai ceva de spus posteaza linistit, comenteaza linistit dar fa cu bun simt, argumente si fara jos vot, report sau acuze nefondate. Nu este un grup dedicat USR, AUR, PSD, PNL sau altor partide sau candidati. Este un grup pentru toti oamenii de bun simt care vor sa se exprime liber cu respect si sa vada diversitate in subiecte. Daca nu iti place aici poti alege alte comunitati si sa stai acolo fara sa vi aici si sa dai cu hate si jos vot. Prin urmare avand in vedere ca ultimele zile a fost o invazie de troli USR care au spamat la greu in acesta comunitate cu jigniri, injuraturi, jos vot, acuze false, reporturi la toate postarile care nu laudau USR sau Elena Lasconi ma vad nevoit sa specific inca odata regulile de bun simt ale comunitatii dar de data asta ultima data si apoi vom trece la curatenie daca nu se doreste civilizatie de buna voie:

  1. Fără jigniri și atacuri la persoană!
  2. Interzis jos vot (downvote) la postări! Nu îți place, treci la următoarea.
Daca nu va place un subiect, alegeti altu, sunt destule unde puteti comenta civilizat.
Daca nu va place in comunitatea asta alegeti alta, sunt destule dar aici nu mai dati cu jigniri, injuraturi, report, jos vot si lasati oamenii sa se exprime liber si democratic in functie de preferintele lor sau subiectele care li se par interesante.
Mulțumesc pentru întelegere,
o zi bună!
submitted by uite_2lei to sport_politica_cancan [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:20 I_-AM-ARNAV Bro can't even see promoted

Bro can't even see promoted submitted by I_-AM-ARNAV to lostlostredditors [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:20 Pikappero87 I really like the continuity that Steam Ninja Scrolls creates between itself, the Naruto epilogue and the Sarada Gaiden - it's not the sort of thing you get to see often in the Narutoverse.

I really like the continuity that Steam Ninja Scrolls creates between itself, the Naruto epilogue and the Sarada Gaiden - it's not the sort of thing you get to see often in the Narutoverse. submitted by Pikappero87 to Boruto [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:20 Ordinary_Inside_5993 Feeling drained!

submitted by Ordinary_Inside_5993 to Marriage [link] [comments]