Is there a fix I can do for my 3070? It goes 80°C while playing and sounds like a vacuum

2024.11.25 13:30 Legal_Fun4054 Is there a fix I can do for my 3070? It goes 80°C while playing and sounds like a vacuum

My 3070 fans is spinning crazy while I play any game even for a few mins like league, zzz or hsr.
This hasn't happened before, does it need repasting and cleaning? I noticed it when i updated the nvidia drivers
submitted by Legal_Fun4054 to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:30 Jazzlike_Breadfruit9 Where are you shopping on Small Business Saturday?

Small Business Saturday is this weekend. Where are you shopping?
submitted by Jazzlike_Breadfruit9 to pittsburgh [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:30 Humus_Al_Baghdaddy Dwarf Runesmith with Custom Helmet

Dwarf Runesmith with Custom Helmet Feel free to come with suggestions on how to improve :)
submitted by Humus_Al_Baghdaddy to minipainting [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:30 Select_Bluejay8047 Any recommendations for open-source ETL solutions to call HTTP apis and save data in bigquey and DB(postgresql)?

I need to call an http API to fetch json data, transform and load to either bigquery or DB. Every day, there will be more than 2M api calls to the API and roughly 6M record upserted.
Current solution with different api built with Ruby on rails but struggling to scale.
Our infrastructure is built based on Google cloud and want to utilise for all of our ETL process.
I am looking for open-source on premises solution as we are just starup and self funded.
submitted by Select_Bluejay8047 to ETL [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:30 FootFace365 How do i get the astronaut name?

I look it up, it says to go to the top of the mountain, idk what that means😣
submitted by FootFace365 to playtogether [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:30 The_wanderer96 What’s the best way to spend a freezing day at home?

submitted by The_wanderer96 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:30 Enrich_Doomsayer Anime_irl

submitted by Enrich_Doomsayer to anime_irl [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:30 Enderek_Springhead Ej koledzy bo Leon (brat Renatki) upiekł ciasto Kasi

Ej koledzy bo Leon (brat Renatki) upiekł ciasto Kasi Sądzicie że to będzie jakiś nowy związek?
submitted by Enderek_Springhead to okkolegahacune [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:30 MetaPhil1989 Advice on processing traumas in a bottom-up way?

As someone who's been working on resolving past traumas, a few weeks ago I discovered the work of Eric Gentry on self-regulation. This is not SE but the philosophy is close. In short, for Gentry, people with PTSD and CPTSD are stuck in "fight or flight" sympathetic nervous system dominance and he teaches you how to become parasymapthetic dominant by doing very short (like 5 seconds long) and effective relaxation exercises continually throughout the day (say every 5-7min).
He described the impact on his patients as often being huge, and it certainly has been for me. The past three weeks have felt different than my whole previous life. Just from doing these simple exercises I have had noticeably more energy, been more relaxed in daily life than I have ever been, and been able to function gracefully in situations where I usually feel very stuck and under pressure.
But for the past few days, I have also become very aware of another tendency happening throughout this, which is that a mostly subconscious part of me seems to be working through some very intense stuff. And in fact, for the past three days I have felt near-overwhelmed by it. Just to give some example which illustrate this, first, since I have been practicing this technique, my dreams instantly got intense and crazy almost every night – filled with tons of strong symbols, people and events from my past, but mashed together mostly incoherently and going from one to the next rapidly. Secondly, "unclenching" certain parts of my body when doing the techniques would instantly bring up some fairly disturbing sensations and some unpleasant vague memories – all of childhood physical traumas I am more or less clearly aware of having experienced. This last effect is weaker and weaker as days go by, but also as some have faded away new ones emerged after (yesterday "echoes" of a third physical trauma came up). Finally, for the past couple days I have felt simultaneously exhausted and extremely stressed, but in a specific way that I know to be a symptom of repressing intense emotions.
So my reading on this is that I have some unprocessed, repressed traumas that have been released into my psyche by being out of sympathetic dominance likely for the first time since early childhood. And while the freeing aspect of this has felt *great* on some levels, on other levels parts of me are struggling to process it.
I have experienced somewhat similar things when journaling about painful past experiences (e.g. feeling pretty overwhelmed for a few days after), but this is still new, especially in that I am not fully aware of the origin of the sensations and memories, and also that I did not seek them out consciously. I have never approached processing painful past events in a "bottom-up" manner, so I'm not sure what the process involves and I would be grateful for any insights you might have to navigate this!
submitted by MetaPhil1989 to SomaticExperiencing [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:30 Ok_Gas7925 How can I find accounts associated with.....

How can I find accounts associated with an email or cell number? Is there a website I can use?
submitted by Ok_Gas7925 to cheating_stories [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:30 WhoopitiScoop r/namesoundalikes

namesoundalikes submitted by WhoopitiScoop to btd6 [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:30 aliyaah_____ Cute?

Cute? submitted by aliyaah_____ to sissymuslims [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:30 DokCyber My daughter wanted a Cinderella themed birthday party,So I made her and all her friends clean the house.

My daughter wanted a Cinderella themed birthday party, So I made her and all her friends clean the house.
submitted by DokCyber to ApparentJokes [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:30 Timely_Stress_4926 The Dragons Tower

--- REALM INFORMATION -- * Custom Worlds: Explore breathtaking landscapes and unique biomes 🌍. * Friendly Community: Connect with like-minded players and make new friends 🤝. * Exciting Events: Participate in thrilling events and challenges 🏆. * Fair and Fun: Enjoy a positive and welcoming environment 😊. * Constant Updates: Experience new features and improvements regularly 🆕.

How to Join:
Use the Realm Code: Enter the code to access our realm 🔑.
there are 3 realms you can join:-
Jk Realm 1 : VqtaUznAGi4
ATs Realm 2 : YrXnSm8e6n8
ts Realm 3 : zNqwg5mGFAg
Let's Build Something Epic Together!
submitted by Timely_Stress_4926 to MinecraftRealmClub [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:30 Foulmouthedleon Where to start? Where to begin...?

Hey there folks, I’ll try and ignore the urge to start this out by saying something trite and clichéd like “long time lurker, first time poster.” Truth is, I just found this place today so I figured I’d put pen to paper (so to speak) and see if I could get any assistance.
At any rate, I’m a 51-year-old marketing executive living in the D.C. area. Been happily married for nearly 15 years. I’ve been working from home since 2012 so, you know, Covid was something I’d been training for when it hit! Kidding aside, it’s nice to not have to deal with traffic, working in my gym clothes and the like. But it’s also given way to me drinking more often and earlier than I’d done previously. My wife, a nurse, started working from home around Covid time and, well, let’s just say that she’s adopted some similar habits.
I won’t make excuses, but I will say that we both know our limits. We’re both successful in our jobs, we get along, etc. we just…like to drink and with both of us at home (and her kids, my stepsons) out of the house – there’s no reason for us to try and slow down. But we need to.
I work out 6x a week, I don’t smoke, keep myself in great shape, we eat a good diet and so forth. I’ve been monitoring my blood with my doctor, liver enzymes are a bit elevated, but nothing she’s concerned about. I haven’t been sleeping well either - so I blame the wine.
My point being, and yes, I’m sorry it took me so long to finally arrive at one, is…how do (we) start to break the habit? I mean, yeah, it’s easy to say “Ok, I’m only going to have (insert number of drinks) today.” Some days I do it, others…not so much. Cannabis is legal in my state, and I keep getting Facebook ads for edibles that say “Kick the alcohol habit, try these instead” and so on. I’ve had this discussion with my wife as well and she agrees, yet we play off one another. That’s to say if she sees me with a glass of wine around 12-1PM, she’ll have one. Rinse/repeat every couple hours and there ya go.
There’s an old saying that goes “if you have problems when you drink, you have a drinking problem.” Well, I think I’ve used that as fuel since I don’t have problems when I drink. To summarize my life:

In short, I suppose I’d classify myself (and my wife) as “functional alcoholics.”
We’re going on a cruise next week and our drink package was more than the room (though, granted, they gave us our room for free – we just had to pay taxes on it). I thought about going to a Bill W. meeting as they’ve got them on the cruise line.
So…that’s about it. I think that since Covid hit there are most likely others out there like me. I was in the liquor store not too long ago and told the guy I worked from home, to which he responded “I could never do that. I’d start drinking at 9 in the morning.” I’m not there and I don’t want to be.
Looking for some advice, feedback, what’s worked for you, do these “ditch the alcohol pills” work and so forth.
I’d like to get in a place where I’m drinking maybe 2-3 drinks/day – maximum. I figure if I can establish that as a new bar, it’ll be easier for me to taper down, take a day off from time to time.
Open to any all ideas/suggestions and hopefully I did this correctly. If not, it made me feel good to write it.
submitted by Foulmouthedleon to SoberCurious [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:30 bian241987 Black Friday Pre Built Help!

Hi All, its Black Friday coming up and my son is after a new PC for Xmas. However, I have so little an idea about this kind of stuff.
He plays alot of Fortnite, Civilization 6 (like 7 when it comes out) etc.
Can anyone more technically minded help tell me which of the below are better than the otheif they can be recommended?
submitted by bian241987 to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:30 Ar4cnul The sudden urge to have someone to dedicate songs to :(

Like I just listened to Galway Girl and I just feel so lonely why can't I find someone to love 🥲 (I put relationship as flair, I'm not sure if it's correct)
submitted by Ar4cnul to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:30 WhompSub What's the comeback here?

What's the comeback here? submitted by WhompSub to lostredditors [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:30 nwinter73 Barnaby you good?

Barnaby you good? Haha sorry, I thought this was funny 🤣
submitted by nwinter73 to HPHogwartsMystery [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:30 Juleaume My players are being chased

So my players are being hunted by a bounty hunter, in a big city. What rolls should I do? I currently do an opposed check of Streetwise (for my bounty hunter) using their best Agi/Stealth for the difficulty. Should it be Streetwise for the difficulty as well, and their worst stat? Only one player has the anonymous perk, should it be applied there? Thanks in advance!
submitted by Juleaume to genesysrpg [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:30 n1tr0t0m Amber and Cryo Amber Solo for 9*

Amber and Cryo Amber Solo for 9* submitted by n1tr0t0m to Ganyu [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:30 frevueltas Con drones y cámaras: Así fue el rescate de la chef Zahie Téllez tras secuestro en la México-Cuernavaca – La reconocida juez del reality show ‘MasterChef Celebrity’ fue secuestrada mientras era enteevistada

submitted by frevueltas to POLACA [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:30 Stalk1234 Automation and control summer'25 at TU kaiserlautern

Anyone got a acceptance mail from RPTU kaiserlautern for Automation and control.. please connect
submitted by Stalk1234 to kaiserslautern [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:30 HealthySleep4527 Felt really cute in this one :) hope you thought so too , whats your rate ?

Felt really cute in this one :) hope you thought so too , whats your rate ? submitted by HealthySleep4527 to selfierating [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:30 Icy-Current9261 medals and badges

just curious just new to csgo2 how are players level 1 and have a lot of service medals, badges and coins
submitted by Icy-Current9261 to csgo [link] [comments]