
2024.11.25 15:13 Marvelous_420 Test

submitted by Marvelous_420 to cqs [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 15:13 randomidk0715 Should i get Peggle, Nathaniel?

Should i get Peggle, Nathaniel? submitted by randomidk0715 to NathanielsShow [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 15:13 Nicola17 New Chaos-Character for TOW: Frydaal the Chainmaker

New Chaos-Character for TOW: Frydaal the Chainmaker submitted by Nicola17 to armoredwomen [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 15:13 front-page-watch [#409|+493|49] THEY DID IT. THEY ACTUALLY FUCKING DID IT [r/SonicTheHedgehog]

submitted by front-page-watch to longtail [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 15:13 Ok_Objective4334 Sugestão: Incentivar Comentários Construtivos e Empáticos

Olá a todos! Tenho pensado em formas de melhorar o ambiente do subreddit e incentivar mais comentários construtivos, simpáticos e empáticos. Queria partilhar algumas ideias de incentivos para recompensar quem contribui positivamente e consequências para desencorajar comportamentos menos adequados.
Incentivos para Contribuições Positivas:

  1. Flairs Especiais: Criar flairs exclusivos para quem frequentemente deixa comentários construtivos, como “Embaixador da Empatia” ou “Contribuidor Top.”
  2. Destaque de Comentários: Fazer um post semanal ou mensal a destacar os comentários mais úteis e positivos.
  3. Prémios Reddit: Oferecer prémios como Silver, Gold ou Platinum para os melhores comentários.
  4. Badges ou Conquistas: Criar um sistema de badges para reconhecer quem contribui de forma positiva.
  5. Oportunidades Exclusivas: Dar acesso a eventos exclusivos, AMAs ou até permitir que os melhores contribuidores publiquem posts fixados por um período.
Como Lidar com Comportamentos Negativos:
Por outro lado, aqui ficam algumas sugestões para abordar comentários tóxicos ou destrutivos:
  1. Restrições Temporárias: Quem fizer comentários prejudiciais pode perder temporariamente o direito de comentar ou publicar.
  2. Marcar Comentários Tóxicos: Adicionar uma tag ou aviso visível a comentários que não sigam as normas da comunidade.
  3. Perda de Privilégios: Retirar flairs ou acesso a funcionalidades especiais para quem apresentar um comportamento repetidamente negativo.
  4. Avisos Automáticos: Enviar mensagens privadas a quem faz comentários inadequados, explicando o impacto e como melhorar.
  5. Sistema de Reputação: Implementar um sistema tipo “karma” onde comportamentos negativos afetam a reputação do utilizador no subreddit.
  6. Banimentos: Em casos extremos ou reincidentes, aplicar banimentos permanentes.
Um Equilíbrio Justo:
Estas são apenas sugestões, mas acredito que poderiam ajudar a criar um ambiente mais acolhedor e positivo para todos. Claro que as consequências devem ser sempre proporcionais, dando oportunidade para os utilizadores refletirem, melhorarem e recuperarem privilégios.
O que acham? Estas ideias parecem-vos úteis? Partilhem as vossas opiniões e sugestões nos comentários! Com as vossas ideias, podemos sugerir estas propostas aos administradores e trabalhar juntos para melhorar a comunidade.
submitted by Ok_Objective4334 to portugueses [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 15:13 WitchyPrincessa Curtains in a open floor concept

Curtains in a open floor concept Hi all! So we have a wall of windows and the patio door. We are thinking of getting roller shades but I still want to add a bit more personality to it. I have a couple of questions.
  1. Does this plan look good? Curtains in the living room and then the patio door? If I do that what do I do with the window in the kitchen? Just keep roller shade in the window? Also does the patio curtains have to be the same height of the other window curtains?
  2. Should we just stick to the roller shades and not add curtains?
  3. OR should I just add curtains to the patio door and keep roller shades on windows?
A whole ceiling curtain track is not an option as I feel like it would make the room feel one huge room and I would want living room, dining room, and kitchen to have some distinction.
submitted by WitchyPrincessa to interiordecorating [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 15:13 Aromatic_Zebra_8708 Wedding Dress Theresa (by 水银子君)

Wedding Dress Theresa (by 水银子君) submitted by Aromatic_Zebra_8708 to houkai3rd [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 15:13 Raff102 What do people consider the worst sequal series?

What do people consider the worst sequal series? True sequals, not remakes or wasted seasons.
submitted by Raff102 to animequestions [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 15:13 Numerous_Respect_786 I need help please

Hello, I’m a pill addict and I’ve been on Suboxone for about 6 months but honestly I’ve still been using and take the Suboxone when I run out. I don’t want this. I just don’t know how to stay clean, I hate the taste and I’m scared of taking what I’m prescribed bc I know there’s nothing to help come off subs. But I can’t keep doing this it’s even more shameful then when I was openly using. I get stressed and then once I start thinking about it I can’t stop. I will be on my subs and still have the urge to use. I know I need more will power but how do you push through when you know what will make everything better and can’t see in the moment it’s just a set back. Please any advice or experience will help. Thank you!
submitted by Numerous_Respect_786 to AddictionAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 15:13 Nightsoloss Would it be possible to put NOS in an 8th gen Camry?

Would it be possible to put NOS in an 8th gen Camry? I’m just curious
submitted by Nightsoloss to Camry [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 15:13 Cr1nge_Me1ster Does my nose fit my face?

I've always felt self conscious about my nose so i wanted to see what others think.
submitted by Cr1nge_Me1ster to Noses [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 15:13 Snowman69er 😂

submitted by Snowman69er to Memes_Of_The_Dank [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 15:13 Glittering-Cat-6969 Need someone to jerk trib my IRL MILF. Little thick huge tits NN. 8HYNUKS3S. Sess in comments

submitted by Glittering-Cat-6969 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 15:13 Aromatic_Zebra_8708 Wedding Dress Theresa (by 水银子君)

Wedding Dress Theresa (by 水银子君) submitted by Aromatic_Zebra_8708 to honkaiimpact3 [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 15:13 Klutzy_Economics_516 What are the topics I need to study for SNAP

Couldn’t find any particular syllabus on snap.Also does snap consider sectional cutoffs only?
submitted by Klutzy_Economics_516 to CATpreparation [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 15:13 P13STER [Rap] Snake Charmer (Prod_RudyProducent) 11-14-24

submitted by P13STER to ThisIsOurMusic [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 15:13 Top_Day2394 heated cat bed For US Testers DM me to Get Info

submitted by Top_Day2394 to ReviewRequests [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 15:13 johnnytheFLmann An update: “Maybe tomorrow?” didn’t happen

Some of y’all were asking on my last post (which I didn’t expect to blow up so much!!) but I really appreciated all of your comments) to update you about yesterday. We, unfortunately, did not have sex yesterday either. I can’t say I’m surprised, but I’m hurt. And beyond that, I’m honestly so horny and sexually frustrated right now that I feel like I’m going crazy😅 I just want to let it all out so badly
submitted by johnnytheFLmann to DeadBedrooms [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 15:13 deathbymethanol Can't push landscape edits in Creation Kit to game

I'm fairly new to modding but so far I've been able to work most things out. Currently I'm trying to make landscape edits to RoriksteadExterior04, where I have ground covering up some decks and a blacksmith forge from Rorikstead Village Overhaul.
In the Creation Kit, I've lowered the ground so that everything I want is visible, I've fixed all the seams, but I can't seem to carry these changes over to the game itself. I've tried saving as a plugin and loading it last in my load order, but no luck. This occurs in new saves.
Whenever I load the cell in Creation Kit, I can see the changes I've made, even when I reinstall the mods affecting that cell.
What am I missing?
submitted by deathbymethanol to skyrimmods [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 15:13 Strange-Dish2532 created this guy

gimme ur thoughts on him he's a joke oc named pencil
submitted by Strange-Dish2532 to OriginalCharacter [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 15:13 Some-Description711 What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by Some-Description711 to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 15:13 TrYpl3x Cheapest choice to upgrade 512GB to 1TB

Hi guys, like the tittle says for our days at the moment which choice we have to upgrade the memory? I know we can change the sv530 m2 card but Its very expensive about 100€ plus reader disk portable, there is another options?
submitted by TrYpl3x to XboxSeriesS [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 15:13 olddraketracks Influencers need to be more careful:(

Rhegan777 easily gave away her apartment address! Took one chat gpt search and unfortunately you can find her building, address and floor plan because of how much she let viewers see. I only did this because I was curious if it was easy to do and if the wrong person got ahold of this information that’s fucking terrifying.
submitted by olddraketracks to LAinfluencersnark [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 15:13 Blackcofferedwine I’m really sick of the media saying most people think his transition is going well and most of his picks have the support of the country.

Bullshit plain and simple. Who tf are they polling? Even a lot of MAGA morons are unhappy with some of his picks and I’m thinking far more people disapprove of his “team” of idiots and his plans to completely destroy America. It’s like now all the media has capitulated and decided they are state media. So fucking sick of this crap.
submitted by Blackcofferedwine to Trumpvirus [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 15:13 ComfortableGlum791 Dumped, no contact, still sad

Been with this guy for like 4 months but at the first month he said love me and took me to meet his families and friends. We hang out with his friends for many times. He’s met my close friends as well. Three days before breakup, we were in New York for the weekend and I met all his close friends from high school.
After the trip, he’s disappeared for one day and then told me he wanted to talk. He mentioned he felt missing pieces between us even a lot of other things still align. The incompatibility (basically because we grew up in different cultures and have different thoughts some times, not many common hobbies) makes him starts ruminating and he decided to end this relationship eventually. He’s been thinking about this for a bit while but never told me, never gave any hints, and he’s even saying love me a couple days before. I asked if we can fix stuff having a second try and he said no.
I accepted it but am very sad. At the beginning we talked about such things times - open communication is always a priority, don’t hesitate to talk out if we have any issues. He promised a lot but didn’t make any of them. Now he’s leaving, i didn’t even feel he’s as sad as me. Maybe he’s just relieved.
I’m sad because he seems already taking some time to check out before telling me and now I have to accept this change in one moment and deal with it by myself. I’m anxious attachment and really need reassurance all the time. This breakup makes me feel devalued and self doubt - because I was not doing that well or didn’t try harder to fit in. Grieving - I invested a lot to this relationship because all his words and behaviors made me trust him so much and now he just left like he never loves me. Regretting and feeling stupid, because before we started dating I felt he’s not matching all my standards but he was so genuine and honest, then I got more attached and invested snd dreamt of we could be together for longer. I even ignored some red flags.
This breakup also impacts my mental health and physical health. Sometimes I couldn’t focus on work or anything. I cut off all the contact except one time to give back his stuff. I sent back all his gifts because I don’t wanna see anything about him in my place. I’m not that young, had a couple of exes, been in serious relationships, but this is the first time I’m this sad.
I know I’m lucky that he didn’t waste my time as he ended it real quick, and I have not invested more important things. I guess this is the lesson learned and I need to push myself through it to heal.
Any suggestions, thoughts, warm words are appreciated in advance. It’s also like journaling and I feel better writing down everything.
Hope everyone here can heal soon and live a good life.
submitted by ComfortableGlum791 to BreakUps [link] [comments]
