Same-Hour 1 or 2 Questions 🪬 In-Depth Readings 🪬 Love, Relationships, Outcomes, Career 🌜 Book Only At: 🌿 290+ Reviews ❣️Verified Reader ❣️

2024.11.25 13:29 EssSeaTee Same-Hour 1 or 2 Questions 🪬 In-Depth Readings 🪬 Love, Relationships, Outcomes, Career 🌜 Book Only At: 🌿 290+ Reviews ❣️Verified Reader ❣️

Same-Hour 1 or 2 Questions 🪬 In-Depth Readings 🪬 Love, Relationships, Outcomes, Career 🌜 Book Only At: 🌿 290+ Reviews ❣️Verified Reader ❣️ submitted by EssSeaTee to Spiritual_Energy [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:29 Bullet76 Moved a shooting house to a new spot.

submitted by Bullet76 to AlabamaDeerHunting [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:29 shirat0ri What is this?

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submitted by shirat0ri to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:29 Responsible_Banana39 Engine replacement in maruti suzuki Dzire 2018 model AGS VDI(O) Deisel

Hello guys,
I bought a Swift Dzire in 2018. My car's engine broke down recently, and the mechanic suggested replacing it. I contacted the nearby Maruti Suzuki dealership about the engine, but they said they couldn't help with it as the company stopped selling BS4 engines.
How can the company stop selling spare parts of a car within a few years or is it the case that the dealer is not providing me the correct information and one can still buy BS4 engines? Please help as I am unable to understand what to do with my car now.
submitted by Responsible_Banana39 to MechanicAdviceIndia [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:29 iamgoingtooffmyself What is this?

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submitted by iamgoingtooffmyself to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:29 Mrkaoz WB Mega Ampharos 1 local 🇳🇱, 791440969953

Lets go!
submitted by Mrkaoz to PokemonGoFriends [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:29 WildKiss Kdo by nechtěl pod strom merch SPOLU, že? :D

Kdo by nechtěl pod strom merch SPOLU, že? :D submitted by WildKiss to czech [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:29 philixx93 Neuwertiges iPhone

Neuwertiges iPhone Zur Info: der Spezialist hat mich zuvor in etwa genau so dreist bei einer Anzeige angeschrieben. Hab mir gedacht ich mach mir einen Spaß draus. Ein iPhone mit riesiger Delle und 87% Akkukapazität als „neuwertig“ zu verkaufen trifft auch genau meinen Humor.
submitted by philixx93 to willhaben [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:29 Mountain_Routine9663 WHYY DOES IT LOOK LIKE THAT

submitted by Mountain_Routine9663 to OperaGX [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:29 look_ima_frog I2S ADC gain/squelch issues

I got an ADC from Amazon which was one of the recommended ADCs noted on the Audioreactive wiki.
It's all set up (from what I can tell). I'm using an ESPWROOM32 board running the WLED with the Audioreactive usermod. I'm pinned according to the instruction on the wiki. The ADC is set to slave and 16 bit on the dip switches and I've jumped MCLK to 24.576M. I finally have WLED showing that there is a signal coming in (previously missing jumper, showed silent).
I THINK I'm pined/wired properly. However, no matter what I do, there is always activity from any of the audioreactive effects. I can stop all audio input and even pull the cable out of the ADC and there are light effects when using Gravcenter (as noted in wiki). I have experimented with turning the squelch up past 100 and the gain into negative values, but still it appears that I'm getting some input that I can't account for. I understand that there will be a noise floor and that I should expect some interference, but I've taken away as much as I reasonably can (moved phone, bluetooth stuff, other wired junk away) and I can't seem to get rid of the noise floor.
I'm concerned that I've pinned things incorrectly or there is some setting that I am neglecting.
Pinout is Data to GPIO32, LRCK/WS to GPIO 15, BCLK to GPIO 14. Using ADC as slave, 16 bit, jumped MCLK to 24.567M.
submitted by look_ima_frog to WLED [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:29 TheUnluckyEngine I don’t understand How my OC Ended Up On twitter.

submitted by TheUnluckyEngine to thomasthetankengine [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:29 Madi_the_Insane Chimneys are not doors

Chimneys are not doors submitted by Madi_the_Insane to outofcontextcomics [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:29 One_Hippo3686 Suggestion for 1cr Investment with High Monthly Returns

I am exploring investment options for an amount of ₹1 crore that can provide me with substantial monthly or annual returns to support my regular expenses effectively. Could you suggest investment plans or strategies that align with this objective?
submitted by One_Hippo3686 to personalfinanceindia [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:29 SnooFloofs6422 Does Calamity Have the Aether Biome yet?

I've been searching for a while but I can't find the Aether. My world was made less than a week ago.
submitted by SnooFloofs6422 to Terraria [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:29 arveener Found this ad where seller seems legit but item sure is a scammer .

Found this ad where seller seems legit but item sure is a scammer . submitted by arveener to Philippines [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:29 No_Button2364 Seeking nudist homies in Lehigh valley

Hello everyone. I am a man who is new to nudism and am looking for new like minded friends to hangout with. I’ve never been surround by nor have I met anyone who sees being nude the way I do. I say I’m new to being a nudist because I’ve never experienced openly being nude out in the world or with other people. Just at home and in other safe places. If anyone here has a group or even wants to just hang out and your in Lehigh valley p.a. Let me know please.
submitted by No_Button2364 to NudistMeetup [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:29 Imsuperilan The Shadow Crawler

So, I'm only 11 and this happend to me not too long ago. I was helping my mom fold the clothes in our room but then I suddenly had the urge to pee, like I was alright a second ago but then I had to pee, badly, I just brushed it off as nothing and went to the bathroom we have in our room. Everything went normally but when I closed the door and turned off the lights, my mom said she saw something moving inside, she saw it through the crack but when Iooked, it wasn't there, it was weird but I just told my mom it's probably nothing and went went on with our day. A few days go by and me and my mom were in the same situation again, history repeats itself and I went to the bathroom and when I turned off the light switch, my mom said she saw it again but this time, I saw it too, we could hear like a faint voice of a toddler saying "help help!"... We both were shocked. I said I wanted to test something to my mom and then I turned on and turned off the light switch to the bathroom and quickly peaked through the crack and I saw a toddler crawling out of the drain from the bathtub and trying to hide from something... Or someone... Right as the toddler found a hiding place a pitch black tall human like creature with stiff, long arms and legs but a stomach which looked like it hadn't ate for like a week, where you can see the bones emerged from the drain. I was so scared at that moment. That... Thing... Looked like it was staring into my soul... Like it could see me.... Even though the crack was small... But I knew what I had to do and quickly opened the door, even before I could react, the creature grabbed the toddler and and melted back into the drain... I was scared but only 3 seconds later, the same creature swiftly came and closed the door, I caught a glimpse of the creatures face for a split second... It was like a face of an old man... Very old... Like really wrinkled... And the colour of the face wasn't black... It was like black and white like an 80's show darker.... Red eyes.... Yellow teeth... You would think it's funny since he's old... But those red eyes... Basically dots stares into your soul... For that split second I felt something I never felt before... Something way beyond fear... You know when they say "shivers running through my spine" that happened to me but x10 worse...... I instantly ran to my mom and told her, of course she didn't believe me even though she was the one that saw that.... Thing... The following night was so scary... I saw shadows of that... Thing moving around the house... I decided to stop thinking about it and go to sleep. When I went to the bedroom (the same room where the bathroom where the incident took place was) I saw my dad. He was acting awfully strange for some reason, and he was just standing there with nothing to do, he didn't talk... Right then and there... I felt an uneasy precence, the hairs of my back started standing... I knew something was wrong... I started to hear many whispers around me... The whispers were faint but getting louder... The whispers were in a voice of a toddler... They were saying: Shadow Crawler, Shadow Crawler, Shadow Crawler...... They said it exactly 3 times... Then it appeared behind my dad... The... Thing.... Put his hand on my dad's head..... Black goo starting oozing down my dad's head from the thing's hand.... My dad's eyes turned black... Pitch black..... Then the creature melted into my dad.... I knew I was in trouble.... I started running, I kept running even though I was tired... I ran and ran and ran... The hallway felt endless... The same black goo starting oozing on the walls... It felt like that creature was eating my entire world..... Right then, the floor became the black goo and I slipped on it.... My dad got a held of me... His hand was cold..... I knew it wasn't my dad anymore..... My dad was the creature.... I know what it wants now.... It wants a new host for it's body... That old man was just another victim.... And when that old man got too old... It hunts for a new victim.... Unfortunately the new victim was my dad... And now... My dad will eat me like the thing ate all the children.... It opened its mouth... The mouth open long and wide.... It was gonna swallow me whole... I had a flashback before it could consume me.... My friends and me were playing truth or dare... I chose dare and they dares me to get some black paint, paint shadow crawler on my mirror and chant shadow crawler 3 times with a candle in the middle of me and the mirror.... Suddenly the candle went out and then I snapped back to reality where my dad was gonna eat me.... Right then... I woke up.... Realising it was all a dream... But the game of truth or dare wasn't... I remember the entire game.... So I know.... That The Shadow Crawler.... Is out there.... Searching for its next victim.....
submitted by Imsuperilan to creepypasta [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:29 squareshawarma Jodran Visa!

Is there a visa on arrival in Jordan for UAE Residents?
Read online so it was mix of both.
submitted by squareshawarma to DubaiCentral [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:29 No_Handle6605 I need a 0 Iim bud to feed me my close friend off her insta. Session below

submitted by No_Handle6605 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:29 Rick_Deckard2049 BCC timetable suggestion

I would love to see a timetable made for Birmingham Cross City with class 350/390 ai
submitted by Rick_Deckard2049 to trainsimworld [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:29 punkinho Agora tudo faz sentido!

Agora tudo faz sentido! submitted by punkinho to MemesBR [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:29 arentyouangel Temple of Trials is absolute dog water

I get it is post game content. I like difficult, but I have no idea what they were thinking with this one.
First, unlocking it is a bit of a hassle. There's no real clue it exists. The dragon turn limit is impossible on draconian without serious grinding. And it's the blank choice?
Two of the sections require certain weapons or you straight up die. Cool, except the only person that can equip boomerangs or fists is my hero. What are you expected to do here? Change classes after you've likely done it a few times and are in the early 40s with the class you want? Like in a game that gives you so much freedom in your party it's strange they just tell you "nah not anymore "
The next one wasn't that bad, everyone can use staves and axes. But the boxes boss? Like what? Multiple attacks per turn, instant kills. And omni heal?? Luckily you can blast them away but not fun.
The next one is just did you do the optional dungeons and side quests and get gear. I mean easy enough but not exactly a post game worthy challenge.
Same with the monster collection one.
But the worst? The stupid item one. You got 4 of sole random item from 30 hours ago? Oh you have 3. At least there's Google to tell me where to go. Then 25 elfin elixirs. All together like 800k of items. You're practically required to finish the monster arena at this point.
Thanks for reading my rant. I've just never found post game content as frustrating as this is.
submitted by arentyouangel to dragonquest [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:29 Chaotic-Evil661 Vim do futuro!

Vim do futuro! Pode me cobrar ao final do Brasileiro.
submitted by Chaotic-Evil661 to futebol [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:29 c17usaf ABBA - Why Did It Have To Be Me

ABBA - Why Did It Have To Be Me submitted by c17usaf to ABBA [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:29 MichaelFreuden This happened while I was seasoning my chicken for lunch.

This happened while I was seasoning my chicken for lunch. submitted by MichaelFreuden to mildlyinfuriating [link] [comments]