Qui viens s'envoyer sur ce que vous voulez tlg @leollolo

2024.11.25 14:36 SoftAttitude560 Qui viens s'envoyer sur ce que vous voulez tlg @leollolo

submitted by SoftAttitude560 to influenceuse_fr5 [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:36 KennethLjubkos That's my boy!

submitted by KennethLjubkos to SonicTheHedgehog [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:36 pandaeyesdidntsleep What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by pandaeyesdidntsleep to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:36 p_Red OnlyFangs Google Doc has all the deaths in the Deathlog tab, with clips if available

submitted by p_Red to xaryu [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:36 celebrityenjoying She's so hot

She's so hot submitted by celebrityenjoying to KendallJenner69 [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:36 Waddafukk While hard mode is the current hype, I'm just feeling great that I got the first clear on normal as F2P

While hard mode is the current hype, I'm just feeling great that I got the first clear on normal as F2P submitted by Waddafukk to SoloLevelingArise [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:36 ai_jobs [HIRING][CAD 163K - 303K] Senior Machine Learning Engineer in Toronto, Ontario

[HIRING][CAD 163K - 303K] Senior Machine Learning Engineer in Toronto, Ontario submitted by ai_jobs to BigDataJobs [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:36 Short_Algo $RBOT Awaiting Buy Signal based off 7 signals $10,222 net profit 31.66 profit factor 85% win rate on a 15-min chart. Free trial at https://www.ultraalgo.com/?afmc=46 #trading #stocks #investing #money

$RBOT Awaiting Buy Signal based off 7 signals $10,222 net profit 31.66 profit factor 85% win rate on a 15-min chart. Free trial at https://www.ultraalgo.com/?afmc=46 #trading #stocks #investing #money submitted by Short_Algo to StockTradingIdeas [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:36 Expert_Turnip_4062 What exactly does this mean?

"For example, using 5x leverage on an initial margin of $100 allows for a $400 loan to increase the trading position to $500. Liquidation occurs when a trader fails to have sufficient funds to keep the trade open, leading to the partial or total loss of the initial margin"
Does that mean when the position goes below -100 does it mean it closes the whole position because of liquidation? Or can i wait for it to go back up? I am a little confused here :/
submitted by Expert_Turnip_4062 to Trading [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:36 toottoot1000 Just chillin

Just chillin submitted by toottoot1000 to Blacklabs [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:36 Gold_Handle8802 What’s your biggest addiction?

submitted by Gold_Handle8802 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:36 MarkusT264 Need help with managing my villages

Need help with managing my villages Hello there everyone,
I was hoping to get some help for managing my villlages.
This is my current Dynasty overview
Happiness goes down currently because I tried to uncheck the boxes underneath the needs but I think it's too late for that. I mainly need help with Health and Luxury. I'm not sure what I should do to get them higher. I split my foragers works 50/50 each so they collect a lot of Mushrooms for health and the other stuff like Grass and eggs, but its never enough to get positive prodution for health. As for Luxury, I still didn't figure out how to get pearls or other goods for it to get positive prodcution. I have 3 Forager Huts but its never enough to make enough health because the mushrooms are somehow always empty when I look at the work stations. I unchecked them in the Priorities ssection for meals. Anyone be able to help?
submitted by MarkusT264 to RealSengokuDynasty [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:36 ThunderazGodKingz You look lonely,I can fix that ~Astrology Goddess

You look lonely,I can fix that ~Astrology Goddess Yes, this is what i literally see everytime i go multiplayer
submitted by ThunderazGodKingz to SoulKnight [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:36 Temporary-Target9784 Humidité maison

J'ai acheté il y a presque un an une maison sur sous sol semi-enterrée construite en 1980. J'ai constaté des problèmes d'humidité à plusieurs endroits de la maison. Celle-ci est équipée d'une Vmc qui tourne en permanence dans la salle de bain et la cuisine ainsi que des entrées d'air de toutes les fenêtres (qui sont en double vitrage) des autres pièces n'ayant pas de VMC. Il y a deux endroits où je constate une humidité importante: -l'entrée: la vieille porte vitrée (simple vitrage) en bois présente souvent de la condensation (il y a carrément de l'eau sur la porte les jours de pluie). -les chambres: au réveil, quand on dort la porte fermée, il peut y avoir de la condensation sur la fenêtre qui est humide au toucher. J'ai fait l'erreur de fermer plusieurs fois les rideaux épais pendant la nuit ce qui a bloqué l'entrée d'air et aggravé le problème de condensation: les murs et le sol en dessous de la fenêtre avaient des gouttes d'eau. Néanmoins, même sans bloquer l'entrée d'air et en ayant recouper le bas de la porte, l'humidité reste importante et la condensation toujours présente au réveil certains jours.
Pour l'instant je n'ai pas de traces sur les murs/plafonds, mais j'ai des traces noires d'humidité sur certaines fenêtres de la maison. J'ai essayé de me renseigner et je fais plus attention à l'aération quotidienne. Je me suis equipé d'appareils pour mesurer l'humidité: dans la chambre on est à 65% après avoir aéré 10min mais 1h après on se retrouve à 72% (et quasiment 80% au réveil sachant qu'il ne faisait pas froid ces derniers jours...). Au niveau de la porte d'entrée on est à 80%.
Quelle solutions puis-je envisager pour essayer d'arranger ce problème et faire un peu baisser l'humidité ? Je viens de commander un déshumidificateur mais j'aimerais quelque chose qui puisse être plus viable sur le long terme...
submitted by Temporary-Target9784 to brico [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:36 _-Sesquipedalian-_ Alternatief voor krachttraining

Ik ben al meerdere keren begonnen met krachttraining, maar eerlijk gezegd vind ik er geen klap aan. Ik wil wel graag sterker worden en het liefst al mijn spiergroepen trainen.
Dus ik vroeg me af, wie heeft er een leuk alternatief? Het vervelendste aan krachttraining vind ik vooral de pauzes tussendoor en toch ook wel het repetitieve. Ik ben slecht in heel lang achter elkaar hetzelfde doen en 3 sets van 15x dezelfde beweging doet me gewoon vervelen, hoe zwaar het ook is😅
submitted by _-Sesquipedalian-_ to nederlands [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:36 splinter44 Insert Templates or Saved Settings

Is there a way to save a setting so when I insert a container is automatically has the Parent.Width + Parent.Height already in there?
submitted by splinter44 to PowerApps [link] [comments]


SERVIA, YOUNGEST MEMBER OF THE EUROPEAN FAMILY (1845), XXIX/XXXV submitted by Books_Of_Jeremiah to MilitaryHistory [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:36 Deadly15Killer Can you get multi phasic injector before round ten

I was play black ops 6 zombies solo standard on terminus and was reign drop to get points and restock my ammo to keep my rounds low but when I tried to injector i di the code at round eight and then moved on to round nine but it would let me grab it Intel I moved on to round ten can some one explain this
P.S. I'm sorry for my horrible spelling
submitted by Deadly15Killer to BlackOps6Zombies [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:36 ApocalypseReagan Gianna, Breezy, Alex B, Alyssa, Shelby...

I can't tell any of these basic ь¡тснеs apart
submitted by ApocalypseReagan to fishtanklive [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:36 BaeberFSN Emma Myers

Emma Myers submitted by BaeberFSN to my_celebrity_crush [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:36 Gandalfs_Dick 2024 AOTY

Alright folks there are 5 weeks left in 2024. Everybody's Spotify Wrapped or Apple Replay is about to come out. Its time to figure out which album is /poppunkers album of the year.
In no particular order and by no means a complete list:

Something else I didn't list?
submitted by Gandalfs_Dick to poppunkers [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:36 Almighty_Slime53 Sizce hangi Dnd versiyonu daha başarılı?

Hangisi lazım 🤔
View Poll
submitted by Almighty_Slime53 to DNDturkey [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:36 CormundCrowlover (Spoilers Main) Val's horse and Jon

This isn't much but something I've just noticed, when Val leaves wall, she is given a one eyed horse

Val waited by the gate in the predawn cold, wrapped up in a bearskin cloak so large it might well have fit Sam. Beside her was a garron, saddled and bridled, a shaggy grey with one white eye. Mully and Dolorous Edd stood with her, a pair of unlikely guards. Their breath frosted in the cold black air."You gave her a blind horse?" Jon said, incredulous."He's only half-blind, m'lord," offered Mully. "Elsewise he's sound enough." He patted the garron on the neck."The horse may be half-blind, but I am not," said Val. "I know where I must go."
There are plenty of one eyed characters in the story, although Jon has both his eyes could perhaps be considered one on account of Orell attacking his eye and giving him a scar.
Jon turned at the sudden sound of wings. Blue-grey feathers filled his eyes, as sharp talons buried themselves in his face. Red pain lanced through him sudden and fierce as pinions beat round his head. He saw the beak, but there was no time to get a hand up or reach for a weapon. Jon reeled backward, his foot lost the stirrup, his garron broke in panic, and then he was falling. And still the eagle clung to his face, its talons tearing at him as it flapped and shrieked and pecked. The world turned upside down in a chaos of feathers and horseflesh and blood, and then the ground came up to smash him.The next he knew, he was on his face with the taste of mud and blood in his mouth and Ygritte kneeling over him protectively, a bone dagger in her hand. He could still hear wings, though the eagle was not in sight. Half his world was black. "My eye," he said in sudden panic, raising a hand to his face."It's only blood, Jon Snow. He missed the eye, just ripped your skin up some."
Considering Starks in general, including Jon, are horse faced and sometimes called horseface like in the case of Arya, could Val riding the half-blind horse and knowing where to go have anything to do with her relation with Jon?
Lord Commander Jon "know-nothing" Snow is half-blind but Val knows where they (wildlings, watch or even their personal relationship) must go and will lead him towards that direction?
submitted by CormundCrowlover to asoiaf [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:36 ResearcherPlus2569 Guessing bra sizes. Any shape or size. All welcome 05470702305b6335f281102e3f778b284cde260ea66573de2f695cbf671c1ae558

submitted by ResearcherPlus2569 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:36 EasthamptonOracle Have a nice week!

submitted by EasthamptonOracle to westernmass [link] [comments]
