M4F 20 horny in der Arbeit

2024.11.25 15:40 Hot_Bad3368 M4F 20 horny in der Arbeit

submitted by Hot_Bad3368 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 15:40 alemdatela TCL SEMP traz descontos de até 12% para TVs durante a Black Friday

A Black Friday, uma das datas mais aguardadas pelo varejo nacional e internacional, acontecerá no dia 29 de novembro. …

submitted by alemdatela to alemdatelaoficial [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 15:40 JaySTAR (Prime) ARZOPA USB C Ladegerät 65W USB-C Netzteil GaN Charger 3-Port Schnellladegerät PPS für 14,44€

submitted by JaySTAR to dealsde [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 15:40 Former_Egg_2350 After weightlift

After weightlift submitted by Former_Egg_2350 to Meggings [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 15:40 Sufficient-Cover2332 Badshah Bhaiya Maze lete hue

Badshah Bhaiya Maze lete hue submitted by Sufficient-Cover2332 to DHHMemes [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 15:40 pacificthe2nd Selling

SELLING!: * pacedegon & lorolael (15k each) * clovilowper (16k) * oxytalis (5k) * heiboktoruk (3k) * gargoyle material (3k) * cyberpunk material (3k) * eigion's follower (2k) * gorgonichus (1.5k) * maple leaflet(500) DM ME IF INTERESTED!
submitted by pacificthe2nd to CreaturesofSonaria [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 15:40 5lrrt Perigo na ciclovia

Bem vou dar um mini contexto, no início desse ano comecei a andar de bike de verdade, fazer metas semanais, buscar caminhos diferentes e etc. Desde que iniciei sempre falei para meus amigos como era incrível pela sensação de liberdade, uma vista incrível e ser um exercício.
Meu primeiro amigo aceitou a andar comigo, estava super feliz já que aliás era o primeiro que iria apresentar esse meu novo hobby na pratica. Já havíamos pedalado 22km em velocidade moderada/baixa, já estávamos voltando para a casa, quando de repente vejo um grupo de 6 mlk da quebrada, eles passaram por mim berrando e me empurraram, mas continuei pedalando, quando olho para trás, para ver meu amigo, haviam derrubado ele e começaram a chutar ele, antes de eu conseguir voltar eles pegaram as suas bikes e foram embora, não nos roubaram nem nada, apenas nos bateram sem motivo algum completamente DO NADA.
Estou meio assustado e chateado por meu amigo ter passado por isso, por mais que eu não tenha culpa, foi algo completamente desagradável
submitted by 5lrrt to desabafos [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 15:40 Ktsuming Beginner question - thin leather and bevelling

Yesterday I was working with a very thin offcut I got for free, just experimenting with different feels of leather really as I’m a beginner. I was making mystery braid bracelets.
I noticed that when I took my bevelling tool to the thinnest leather it completely distressed the sides instead of cleaning them up. They were already pretty clean, looking back I could have probably just used some sandpaper and tokanole.
Do I not need to bevel in every instance? Or maybe my tool was too large?
submitted by Ktsuming to Leathercraft [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 15:40 NervousGuidance Brown fungi in play area... Benign? Releases spores when stepped on

Brown fungi in play area... Benign? Releases spores when stepped on submitted by NervousGuidance to Fungi [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 15:40 Bitter-Reference4754 DJ BUBS - Withdraw

DJ BUBS - Withdraw submitted by Bitter-Reference4754 to vipertherapper [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 15:40 kyliexriley Continued lack of head support.

Continued lack of head support. submitted by kyliexriley to rachelvinnsnark [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 15:40 ItsAlexs_ Culture wont change with moderate Pop consolidation?

How can you change the culture of a state? I'm playing as Greece, and I've recently conquered some Turkish territory, but the culture there isn't changing. Initially, it shows that 100% of the population is Turkish. Then, it briefly drops to 99% before going back to 100%. Are my Pops assimilating there, but because I have moderate Pop consolidation enabled, they are immediately deleted or converted?
submitted by ItsAlexs_ to victoria3 [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 15:40 This-Inspection-69 AMA. 11 days and 800KM later in my X7.

AMA. 11 days and 800KM later in my X7. submitted by This-Inspection-69 to CarsIndia [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 15:40 Ok-Bat8324 Shit she said but never followed through

Shit she said but never followed through this honestly needs to be a series bc she’s always saying shit but never follows through…
I’ll start off with her getting an “Amazon Storefront” it’s been over a year since she put in her planner “call Amazon customer service about storefront”… is it that hard for her to get a storefront… again so many “business” opportunities that she doesn’t take advantage of… I follow some creators that have wayyy less followers than she does and they have storefronts…
Another big one she’s talked about since at least March…. a podcast! I honestly think it’d be hilarious hearing her try to speak for a long period of time bc we know how hard it is for her (just look at the live clips and the amount of jump cuts in her tik toks) Again another opportunity to make extra money that she doesn’t jump on… it’s very odd to me she keeps bringing up the possibility of a podcast… even saying she might make her spare room at her new place a “podcast room” but then doesn’t actually make effort to bring it to light… her management honestly sucks for bringing in basic brand deals but not trying to build her “brand” if they were smart they would do a podcast or even a product to sell to her delusional fans (next time on “shit she said but never followed through” we should discuss those journals she said she was coming out with but never mentioned again)
submitted by Ok-Bat8324 to rhegan777snark [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 15:40 Brutuscaitchris Was getting sniped at by this team for like half the match, finally left me alone after this 😂

Was getting sniped at by this team for like half the match, finally left me alone after this 😂 submitted by Brutuscaitchris to CODWarzone [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 15:40 OnlyThornyToad Why were they receiving so many machines? Why was he so familiar with them?

submitted by OnlyThornyToad to houstonwade [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 15:40 XxALonerxX Trading Royale High halos and Diamonds for Mm2 or Robux

2x Glimmering halo
2x Halloween 21
Halloween 20
Autumn 19
Diamonds: 4.8 mil.
submitted by XxALonerxX to CrossTrading_inRoblox [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 15:40 BoxPsychological7703 Mom in 1995

Mom in 1995 submitted by BoxPsychological7703 to OldSchoolCool [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 15:40 Interesting_Cat_2890 YLS Interviewing All Potential Admits This Cycle?

Seems I read that somewhere or did I dream it?
submitted by Interesting_Cat_2890 to lawschooladmissions [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 15:40 Worth-Picture-3720 Decals

Good morning Brothers,
Recently I got into dark angels and got a hellblaster box, I am getting the dark angels decals for the left shoulder today, but I wanted to know if I was supposed to put any other kind of decal on the right shoulder? I tried to search what decal would the right shoulder have but wasn’t able to find anything.
I would appreciate any kind of advice!
submitted by Worth-Picture-3720 to DarkAngels40k [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 15:40 ridethepickle Pedal suggestions for Reggae / Dub / Blues-based music

I was big into the boutique pedal game about 15 years ago. Since then, I've sold off all my gear, but am looking to reenter the hobby and get back to playing and gigging. Here's a photo setup of what I'd like to achieve using workhorse pedals, but am curious as to what you'd suggest. I'm wondering if there's anything new on the market that would be better alternatives to what I have pictured here. Would be using the amp for OD/Distortion, so really, all I'd need is a fuzz. I'd like to stick with the Clyde Deluxe Wah, as I've always been partial to that pedal, as well as the DL4. Open to whatever input you may have.
submitted by ridethepickle to pedalboards [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 15:40 Ellesig44 Neat Dream: Teleportation

I have varying degrees of lucid dreams often. Dreams like this are par for the course for me, but this one just had very clear intense visuals and a pretty interesting topic. The writing style is ‘choppy’ because I write down the dream as soon as I wake up in shorthand sentences:
Traveled to meet a tech client After the meeting they offered to teleport me back home with new technology Dematerialized…like slowly falling asleep but also your body is disappearing as well, kind of sucked into a void Painless Then falling fast through total darkness. Around me I could see all of my memories and just everything I knew flashing quickly as images. Like images being downloaded. Shortly the falling started to slow I was transported back to my home. Like slowly waking up but with whole body reappearing at the same time. Painless process, but I was aware the entire time and I kept thinking what would happen I’d I got ‘stuck’ in this transfer…in the darkness in transit?? Terrifying.
submitted by Ellesig44 to Dreams [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 15:40 FriendlyCalzone Will gear crash or not? thoughts and predictions.

Will gear crash or not? thoughts and predictions. submitted by FriendlyCalzone to OSRSflipping [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 15:40 lavesh7 26 jan coldplay at reasonable price

26 jan ahmbd, block j bay 1 (best view besides south premium) 4 seats available f2f available for delhi 13k each 12.5 if all bought together
submitted by lavesh7 to coldplayindia [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 15:40 onedollalama Anyone know a company that does custom stickers as shown? Or know sizing of the XPR series name plates?

Anyone know a company that does custom stickers as shown? Or know sizing of the XPR series name plates? submitted by onedollalama to MotorolaSolutions [link] [comments]
