
2024.11.25 17:41 ismorezro Goddess

Goddess submitted by ismorezro to SpiceandWolf [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:41 NewAd6546 Hausübertragung aufs Erbe anrechnen?

Hallo zusammen; obige Frage taucht im Moment bei uns auf. Zur Sachlage: vor einigen Jahren wurde im Rahmen meiner Privat-Insolvenz mein Häuschen versteigert. Damals bin ich mit meiner Mutter (Vater schon verstorben) zur Bank, wir haben mit denen folgendes besprochen (gutes geschäftl. Verhältnis): Mutter erhält die erforderlichen Gelder um das Haus zu ersteigern (gegen Grundschuld aufs eigene Haus), nach meiner Insolvenz soll es wieder auf mich überschrieben werden. Gesagt, getan; hat alles reibungslos geklappt. Meine Mutter hat ersteigert, alle Kosten über die nächsten Jahre hat sie zunächst bezahlt, ich habe dann sofort jeden Cent an sie überwiesen. Ich blieb im Haus wohnen und renovierte auf meine Kosten weiter, habe jeden Monat den Betrag der monatlichen Belastung an sie überwiesen; ein Mietvertrag existiert nicht. Ca. 15 TEuro Kosten f.d. Straßensanierung wurden von mir direkt beglichen. Jetzt ist meine Mutter verstorben, ziemlich genau 9Jahre und 8 Monate nach der Rückübereignung (Übergabe-Vertrag hat der Notar die Urkunde benannt). Einer der beiden Miterben will jetzt den damaligen Verkehrswert in die Erbmasse einrechnen. Mir ist bewusst, dass das nach 10 Jahren nicht mehr möglich wäre, das ist aber knapp verpasst. Weiss jemand, welchen Blick das Nachlass-Gericht auf die Situation haben könnte? Gibt es mögliche Argumente gegen diese Anrechnung (rd. 150.000 TEuro), vor allem, da meine Mutter ja nicht einen eigenen Euro investiert hat. Sie war quasi die Eigentümerin, ich der Besitzer. Vielen Dank für's Lesen und die (hoffentlich) guten Tips!
submitted by NewAd6546 to LegalAdviceGermany [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:41 OkWarning6577 Interesting interaction this weekend. Advice.

I am a 29m and I am not the type of guy that attracts women generally. I have been told I am more cute than handsome/hot. But this weekend I was out with friends at the bowling alley (that has a bar). We had gone up to get some drinks, while I was paying these two girls were doing shots next to us. One of them started a conversation with my friend and I was more or less tuned out of the conversation. But then they asked me how I felt about something thing they were talking about and it led to a conversation with the two girls(but the one girl made a comment about me paying her tab which I ignored). As we walked away I told my friend that the girl was cute and it seemed like she might be into him and he should go ask her out. He said maybe later. We continue to bowl and drink. We later went up to the bar again and the one girl approached us again and asked us about setting her tab. That we could do rock paper scissors to see who wins. As a good wingman i said but if we win you need to give my friend a kiss. To which she pulled me aside and asked me why i kept trying to set her up with my friend if she did not like him. So I was like “ok then tell who you do like and I can help set you up”. She responded with “so do you not like girls”. At this point it dawned on me that she was into me. We flirted a bit and it seemed like she liked me. I asked about her age (as she did seem younger) to which she told me she was 21. At that point I was this probably not a good idea as the age gap is too large. She said she wanted a more experienced man that “could teach me a thing or two”. She asked if I had any plans and if not we could go to house party. But that she wanted to see if I could help her pay for her tab as her friend had left and left her to pay for everything. I was going back and forth on it but ultimately I did help her. We then left together but in the way she said that the party got canceled. I recommended going to a local club/bar. She agreed but said we should stop for some alcohol to pre game. I said sure. It was not much but she did expect me to pay there as well. We then began to drive towards the club but she made a stop at a gas station and went to “pay for her gas”. But then she has issues pumping the gas. I got the impression that she wanted me to step up and offer but she never came out and said it. Ultimately we made it to the club and she knew some people inside to which she introduced me to. We were dancing and hanging out as a group rather than a couple. One of her friends (that was a male) ended up paying for her drinks for the night. A few hours later she said that she was going to leave. I offered to take her home (ask you could tell he had been drinking) she refused and said to just text her some time. I told her I did not have her number and asked her for it. We exchanged Snapchat (it’s what she offered). We hugged and then she was gone. I texted her the next day to see if she was ok. To which she opened but never responded. I need advice. Was this a case of she saw someone that she could get to pay for her stuff for the night. Or maybe she did like me but I am not good at closing. Should I try to reach out and set a real date or leave it as a story to tell? Would like advice from younger people as well, someone closer to her age (to shed some light). Thanks for any advice ahead of time.
submitted by OkWarning6577 to story [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:41 shoppingbabe American Apparel Black Friday Ads 2024

Check out the link for American Apparel Black Friday Ads 2024. Once on the website, you'll have access to a variety of coupons, promo codes, and discount deals that are updated regularly to help you save on your purchase.
submitted by shoppingbabe to ClearanceBreak [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:41 SparkleSandi Just classy silky lazy Monday

Just classy silky lazy Monday submitted by SparkleSandi to SexyButNotNude [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:41 redbate I make travel related content and my Action 4 and X4 makes me want to leave my a6400 behind… thoughts?

I make travel related content and my Action 4 and X4 makes me want to leave my a6400 behind… thoughts? I seem to do most things maybe 80% of my shots with the Action 4 and the X4 but it is so nice to just have my actual camera with zoom lens… I typically don’t travel with a full rig but I’m leaning more and more on the action cameras.
Should I just pick up a Pocket 4?
submitted by redbate to videography [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:41 Zhyler Palkia Fc 0308 3009 8184

Palkia Fc 0308 3009 8184
submitted by Zhyler to PokemonGoFriends [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:41 gothputa Looking for a Drowzee please 😭 I dont have much to offer/offering but if anyone can and doesnt mind just a random pokemon to help me out im in las vegas, nv

Looking for a Drowzee please 😭 I dont have much to offeoffering but if anyone can and doesnt mind just a random pokemon to help me out im in las vegas, nv submitted by gothputa to PokemonGoTrade [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:41 Naokkiii [Comm][Art] My OC, art by me

submitted by Naokkiii to DnD [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:41 Arthur_Morgan44469 Microsoft has had enough of your alt-tabbing ways, and now Edge wants to be your default in-game browser

Microsoft has had enough of your alt-tabbing ways, and now Edge wants to be your default in-game browser submitted by Arthur_Morgan44469 to pcgaming [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:41 Dramatic-Plane3097 Børn kommer ofte til skade eller er syge

Hej brevkassen,
Jeg har en bekendt (tidligere kollega/tæt bekendt), som har to børn under 5. Begge børn har altid været meget uheldige i forhold til sygdom og ulykker. Falder ned af klatrestativ, brænder sig, falder ud af sengen osv.. Når de er syge (nærmest hver uge) er de aldrig “bare” syge men har mindst 40 i feber og ender med at blive tjekket på børneafdelingen og komme hurtigt hjem med en åben indlæggelse. Det slog mig her til aften, at det er ret mange ulykker de er ude for og ret meget sygdom. Begge børn er langsommere end gennemsnittet i deres udvikling. Hver gang der er sket dem noget, laves der opslag på Facebook om det af forældrene. Jeg undrer mig meget og frygter det værste, men jeg har alligevel svært ved at forestille mig det. Mit spørgsmål er nok, om jeg bør underrette og om I kender lignende tilfælde?
submitted by Dramatic-Plane3097 to DKbrevkasse [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:41 SarasCaptions On the baseball field

On the baseball field submitted by SarasCaptions to AlyssaMilanoPhotos [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:41 sowas1337 What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by sowas1337 to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:41 RainbowAl-PE Twirling, always twirling

Twirling, always twirling submitted by RainbowAl-PE to simpsonsshitposting [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:41 nintendowire-poster Metroid Prime 1-3: A Visual Retrospective art book to release in 2025

Metroid Prime 1-3: A Visual Retrospective art book to release in 2025 submitted by nintendowire-poster to nintendowire [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:41 Unknown_Idiot_17 Anyone from GMC Aurangabad

I needed a bone set so if you or your friends have one please dm me
submitted by Unknown_Idiot_17 to Aurangabad [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:41 Mysterious-Mango82 Does style help you center yourself and feel more capable?

I have a question that came to me last night, and I thought I'd pick your brains!
I explain: Sunday evening a neighbour came by to ask for help about a professional matter. I was cooking Sunday dinner and lunches for the next few days, and had changed into grey sweatpants and a gery hoodie that I stole from my husband, with my pink slippers (I did end up buying pink this year!). Anyway, I was taken unawares and the first thought that crossed my mind was 'I am so not dressed for this'. I felt frankly off-kilter and like I was not capable of helping. I got over myself somehow but it got me thinking...
I was not annoyed to be seen in sweatpants and pink slippers, I was decent and it was appropriate for a Sunday evening. Had the neighbour come for something else, I would not have thought anything of it. But it was like I wasn't in work mode, and not only did I think he would have trouble taking me seriously, but I also had trouble taking myself seriously.
Do you get that kind of feeling? Like getting into specific clothes also put you and ppl you interact with into the right mind? I suppose that is very Right of me lol - it also got me thinking that while I berate myself regularly bc style is superficial and I shouldn't really care (my voice voice sounds like the meme "Kim, there are people that are dying"), it also goes deeper in a way and beating myself up about will not make me magically not care.
I am curious to read about your experiences!
submitted by Mysterious-Mango82 to RitaFourEssenceSystem [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:41 Spongedog5 What’s this Ant I saw in Cozumel Mexico?

What’s this Ant I saw in Cozumel Mexico? This sucker has got to be over half an inch long! Dark head and abdomen with a reddish thorax and mandibles. Anyone know what species this ant is?
submitted by Spongedog5 to ants [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:41 LavenderBabble Louisiana’s GOP-dominated legislature passes sales tax reforms that benefit corporate shareholders and wealthy taxpayers while making poorer households pay a higher percentage of their income on taxes.

Louisiana’s GOP-dominated legislature passes sales tax reforms that benefit corporate shareholders and wealthy taxpayers while making poorer households pay a higher percentage of their income on taxes. submitted by LavenderBabble to LeopardsAteMyFace [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:41 marvelkidy Troy Baker Stars in Naughty Dog’s Upcoming Game, Directed by Neil Druckmann

Troy Baker Stars in Naughty Dog’s Upcoming Game, Directed by Neil Druckmann submitted by marvelkidy to playstation [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:41 RevaniStudios Turbocharged Icon: Subaru WRX STI Joins Race Max Pro!

Turbocharged Icon: Subaru WRX STI Joins Race Max Pro! submitted by RevaniStudios to RaceMaxPro [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:41 Interesting_Item902 Nessar the embodiment of this subreddit

Nessar the embodiment of this subreddit Hey guys I wanted to share one of my ocs, this is Nessar,basically the Undertale subreddit as a darkner. If you seen my post then you probably already know about Primer (the embodiment of the Deltarune subreddit) this is his ex wife who left him because he’s batshit crazy and took their deformed child (waterfall dump) in the divorce. She is kind of silly but not as crazy as Primer,she is sort of like Toriel. Also I wasn’t sure where I should post her so I will put her on both subreddits don’t gimme shit for it mkayyyyyy?
submitted by Interesting_Item902 to Undertale [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:41 KingTimberlake She is so cute

She is so cute I just got her this morning and OMFG she’s adorable
submitted by KingTimberlake to LOLOMG [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:41 Bandlebury The SEC is 116-0 in “if they played” games

The SEC is 116-0 in “if they played” games submitted by Bandlebury to cfbmemes [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:41 CroixPaddler Tuned into the Vikings/Bears game on the radio for a bit yesterday....last time I make that mistake.

Tuned into the Vikings/Bears game on the radio for a bit yesterday....last time I make that mistake. submitted by CroixPaddler to NFCNorthMemeWar [link] [comments]
