Is there anything done to make our ground to be our fortress?

2024.11.25 18:00 noob_wanderer_13 Is there anything done to make our ground to be our fortress?

Last season SRH made their home ground as highway as possible and build their attacks. Is there anything like that done to make our ground to be our fortress? Like pitch curation to make best for our bowlers?
submitted by noob_wanderer_13 to RCB [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:00 Krzykarek What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by Krzykarek to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:00 AutoModerator Seria Kirmin's Question Corner- Weekly Q&A Thread- November 25, 2024

"Hello there."
In this thread you can ask questions without ridicule!
If you're a veteran please consider subscribing to this thread and answering any questions you can. In addition, this thread is sorted by new so the latest questions will be on top.
New to DFO? Check the sidebar under Guides for a list of helpful links that can get you started. Feel free to also check our class descriptions for bite sized info, and our class guides for more detailed info. Lastly, please check out the FAQ. Your question may have already been answered.
submitted by AutoModerator to DFO [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:00 2015eaglesattack im a cumboy

submitted by 2015eaglesattack to cumboys2 [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:00 easysbc New Evolutions: Defensive Dynamo 🧬

submitted by easysbc to easySBC [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:00 No-Yogurtcloset412 Will do uncarding of each Disney Matel pieces ( youtube link of first piece uncarding doc hudson in description)

Will do uncarding of each Disney Matel pieces ( youtube link of first piece uncarding doc hudson in description) Got imported these disney pixar matel cars and seen no one have uncarded on youtube so i have uploaded a shorts video of unboxing of first piece from these 5 disney cars
Uncarded my first piece DOC HUDSON
Instagram handle link for unboxing :
Youtube channel link for unboxing :
submitted by No-Yogurtcloset412 to HotWheels [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:00 Prestigious_Echo6831 Help me pick my OTP!

Hey! I'm a fairly new league player, lvl 71 so far! I've been playing a lot more lately and I've been wanting to find a champion to main and get really good at.
My only "real" requirement is that they're good at 1v1's, I absolutely hate losing 1v1's because I'm playing a bad 1v1'er. (I might also just be horrible at the game but that's a different story.)
I've looked online but I genuinely could not find a list of the best, viable, 1v1 jungler champs. So I'm hoping you guys could help me out with some options!
Generally I also prefer fightebruiser champions, being a squishy assassins doesn't really appeal to me.
Also, if a post like this isn't allowed, feel free to delete, I looked through the rules and I *think* I'm in the clear.
submitted by Prestigious_Echo6831 to Jungle_Mains [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:00 Humancuh How would Modern day California look like it it was part of Mexico

submitted by Humancuh to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:00 Monmic05 Creator of group has been inactive is there a way to change who the crown goes to?

My team is a pretty active group and every once in a while we have to cull the inactive players. Recently we noticed our group creator isn’t gaining points or responding to chats anymore. Does anyone know if there is a way to hand over the creator status/crown, or what ever you call it so we can continue in this group and have the same ability to cut inactive players? Thanks in advance.
submitted by Monmic05 to diggysadventuregame [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:00 EntertainmentGlum79 Possibly the worst "article" of all time
submitted by EntertainmentGlum79 to MichiganWolverines [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:00 Downtown_Bread5248 Does sparkling enchanted relic do anything different to the normal one

submitted by Downtown_Bread5248 to FischRoblox [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:00 Mister_Snark Who is the laziest actor (i.e. someone who makes no effort with their acting) in Hollywood today?

submitted by Mister_Snark to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:00 Equilss Bida weil ich nem Freund druck mache?

Heyy, Ich (m16) und ein Freund von mir (m16) stehen dieses Jahr vor dem Realschulabschluss. Er ist viel zu gechillt unterwegs und macht quasi nichts für die Schule. Er hängt quasi noch im Stoff der ersten Schulwochen von diesem Jahr. Das ist teils aber auch verständlich weil er sehr oft krank ist. Er hat auch Probleme mit seiner Familie, bei denen ich mich aber auf keinen Fall einmischen will. Andererseits investiert er viel zu viel Zeit in unnötigen Krams wie seine Notion Page neu zu sortieren. Ich mache ihm regelmäßig Druck das er mehr für die Schule lernen soll etc und fühle mich danach oft so wie als wäre das zu viel. Ich will auf keinen Fall das er aus Faulheit den Abschluss nicht schafft. Soll ich ihn mit dem Thema Schule vllt einfach in ruhe lassen?
*mit Druck meine ich das ich ihm regelmäßig die Situation erkläre und ihm sage das es nicht mehr so lange ist bis zu den Prüfungen. Teilweise hau ich dann auch mal raus das er manche Dinge lieber lassen soll um Hausaufgaben zu machen.
Danke euch!
submitted by Equilss to BinIchDasArschloch [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:00 Levvse To cosmic: an apology

Cosmic if you ever se this I'm so sorry. Context I was playing lucio with a mercy named cosmic and I ran around the backline trying to get kills instead of helping cosmic and i feel so bad about letting this poor guy suffer
submitted by Levvse to MercyMains [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:00 wewdwtnizrub Bereli Black Friday 2024 Promo Code

Catch the Bereli Black Friday 2024 Promo Code
Discover Discounts: Up to 70% Off Bereli Items in November 2024!
submitted by wewdwtnizrub to YoursCoupea [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:00 AutoModerator Mental Health Mondays!

Monday Blues?
Not feeling the greatest?
Need to get something off your chest and vent / rant?
Please use this thread as a tool for you to get whatever needed off your mind.
I hope you have a wonderful day.
Take care,
Stay safe!
Happy gaming!
submitted by AutoModerator to NHL_HUltimateTeam [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:00 infosec-jobs [HIRING][USD 149K - 235K] Operational Technology and Networking Security Strategist- Hybrid in USA - New Jersey - Rahway

submitted by infosec-jobs to infosec_jobs [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:00 test_android_feed_2 2024-11-25

This is the post's body
submitted by test_android_feed_2 to lssAuto [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:00 Bubblepop956 27 [M4F] #Online/US - My fire station does not have a Dalmatian? It’s a scam!

Hey there,
I currently work as a firefighter paramedic, and I’m currently in school for a medical degree.
When I'm not working, I like to read, practice martial arts, and listen to my vinyl music collection. I'm 6'2, slim athletic build, and have tattoos my arms and legs.
Some things to instantly get me to yap are:
-Science related questions. -Tattoos, I love to see other tattoos!
-Martial arts, I currently practice Silat but have done Muay Thai and BJJ in the past.
-Random facts, give me your knowledge!
Anyone above 18 Feel free to message me, I don't bite!
NSFW tag beacuse my mouth says a lot of bad words and things.
submitted by Bubblepop956 to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:00 whatTo-doInLife Am I really her friend? Or just an option? Badly needed advice

Problem/Goal: I wasn’t sure if tutuloy pa ako sa trip namin or wag na lang. Dalawa lang kami ni friend.
Context: Recently, may pinlano kaming trip supposedly kaming lahat ng childhood friends ko. Kaso, hindi sumama yung pinaka glue sa barkada namin, tapos yung isa nag sabi na boring kung konti lang. So kami ni friend nag go kami kasi gustong gusto ko talaga mag punta don. Nag reserve na kami. Napag usapan namin ng boyfriend ko yung trip namin, and he said kung sure ba daw ako? Kasi para sa kanya ginagawa lang akong option ni friend. Kasi honestly, ako lang sa gc namin yung panay aya ng tara ganito ganyan, tapos laging hindi pwede, hindi uubra, tas laging si available ako pag sila naman mag aaya. And si friend, lagi ko din inaaya pero mayroon din kasi siyang ibang friend na mas lagi niyang kasama sa mga trips na malayo. And hindi kasi available yung lagi niyang kasama kaya ayun. Honestly, alam kong lahat kami may sari sariling group and hindi talaga super solid samahan namin, pero itong si friend ang somehow pinaka close ko sa group. Nakakatampo din minsan kasi pag ako ang nag aaya laging ang hirap mag aya kasi parang hindi available or hindi gusto, kaya ako yung laging nasa waiting zone. Feeling ko minsan nakakaawa na ako kasi laging nag aantay lang na may mabuong plano para may makagala ako na sila ang kasama HAHAHAHA.
Pero ayun nga, I felt like hindi ko na super gustong tumuloy sa trip.
What I tried: So far, wala pa. Since di na rin pa kami nag kakachat pa ulit, tho bayad na yung trip and pwede naman i-cancel or re-schedule.
I’m so confuse, should I still go? Or cancel na?
submitted by whatTo-doInLife to adviceph [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:00 strawberryblunts- Looking for a gaming laptop for Sims 4

Holidays are around the corner and I'm finally at the point where I can afford to treat myself to an actual gaming laptop. there are so many options to choose from however, I have never gone shopping for a good gaming laptop so I wanted to create a small list and narrow it down that way.
My budget is 1,300 or lower and I'm mainly looking for something that can run The Sims 4, Unfortunately I'm also an avid downloader of mods and custom content for the game (55gb+) so it would also be ideal for it to not effect the games performance as bad as what I currently have (Acer Aspire 5 .) I'm recently learning about ram and graphics cards so its all still very new too me, any suggestions are greatly appreciated!
submitted by strawberryblunts- to SuggestALaptop [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:00 Ok-Grapefruit5384 The Job Market is like a slap in the face

Hi all. I guess this is just a vent/rant post, so strap in. I graduated with a First Class Honours in a Bachelors Degree in July of this year and I was excited and ready to enter the job industry of the field I studied in. I have work experience under my belt, not entirely relevant, but 1 year for the school newspaper, 2 years retail and almost 1 year at a tech/ai/product placement company. I left the product placement company at the same time I graduated university as it seemed they were gradually laying off people and they said they 'overpaid' me for shifts that I didn't do- I did and I had all the receipts to prove it. After I provided them with this, the issue wasn't pushed any further and I left thinking that I could now finally pursue a job in the industry that I studied for!
Little did I know that it's just a series of being ignored, fake job postings, rejections, needing 5+ years of experience for supposed 'entry-level' jobs, and 'we're proceeding with XYZ candidate at this time' despite perfectly suiting all the criteria in the job posting. I do volunteering in the industry and also have my own website and social medias that I work on to add to my experience, but this does not seem to be helping at the moment.
I have tried applying to retail jobs just to earn a bit of money in the meantime (especially at this time of year because of the temporary festive jobs) as I do have the experience already, but I keep missing the mark on them for some unknown reason. One supermarket said I had an interview, but when I tried to book said interview, there were no interview slots left. I tried contacting them but received no reply until an automated email notified me that they had 'filled the position'.
I have also tried applying for New Job Seekers' Allowance and Universal Credit (I live in the UK), just to hold me over, but I don't qualify for either, so I just feel even worse. It was my mum's birthday this week and Christmas is coming up and I could barely buy my mum a card, I can't even fathom how I am supposed to buy presents etc for my family, I just feel awful.
Basically, all this has culminated in me feeling physically ill. I already have a long-term illness that I take medication for, and this building up on the top of it, making me feel worse. I just don't know what to do anymore, I know I have to be resilient and keep going, but looking at job postings now makes me feel like there's no point and I'll just continue to be ignored and rejected without any answers.
submitted by Ok-Grapefruit5384 to recruitinghell [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:00 ZoomPlayer Media Server plugin for the Media Library (soon)

Media Server plugin for the Media Library (soon)
I've been working on a Media Server (Plex/Emby/Jellyfin) plugin for a little while already and it's starting to take shape.
This plugin is a bit more complex than other media library plugins, requiring me to extend the plugin API and do quite a bit of back-end work.
The way it works is simple, just add a category, select the media server and you'll be presented with all the available categories from the media servers you've previously specified in Zoom Player's advanced options dialog.
Hopefully within a week or two I'll have more to show.
submitted by ZoomPlayer to ZoomPlayer [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:00 RagingRedFox Five below gang is all here! :)

Five below gang is all here! :) submitted by RagingRedFox to buildabear [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:00 No_Discipline_2003 The Gospel

For God so Loved the world that he have his One and Only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him will not Perish but have everlasting Life! for God did not send His son into the world to condemn it but that through Him it might be saved. This Then is the VERDICT: Whoever Believes in Him (Jesus) is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already.
If this message doesn't matter to you or the person of Jesus, with your rational thinking understand that no one ever lived like him (without flaw) and many tried and still try; and through all that (being a blessing for all around him) he was crucified on the cross yet he was without blame or true reason to be there (other then of course love, self sacrifice for not 1 or 2 but all people across the globe). The Lord was raised to life after the third day to prove everything he said on top of all his ways, actions and miracles, so that the unbeliever will be without excuse. His goal is not to condemn but through everything some might be saved.
The free gift of God is eternal life promised by Jesus Christ The Son of God Through faith in his name. That is the message of the Gospel. The Lords Peace, Love and Joy find its way to all.
submitted by No_Discipline_2003 to FaithinJesusChrist [link] [comments]