HS on a party day

2024.11.25 17:58 clwi97 HS on a party day

Heading to the parks mid December, we’re trying to decide if we want to switch HS to go on a party day to get more done since we’ll only doing one day at HS and have to rider swap every ride over 38”. Is there a big difference for wait times for jollywood nights and regular days? Or not enough of a difference to miss out on evening hours?
submitted by clwi97 to WaltDisneyWorld [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:58 howardkinsd POST ON R/MEMES_OF_THE_DANK

submitted by howardkinsd to SUBREDDITNAME [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:58 imuhbazah why do you guys like HM, what makes you guys like them

I'm Hella curious to ask cuz I wanna know other's perspectives on it
submitted by imuhbazah to HauntedMound [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:58 allaboutmecomic When to end late pledges?

My Kickstarter ended at the end of last month. I've had a few late pledges trickle in, but I'd like to get out my backer survey soon-ish as I need to know what prints people have selected so I can order those. Should I end late pledges before getting my backer survey out? I'm planning on fulfilling at the end of January, so I don't technically need to have the addresses until then.
submitted by allaboutmecomic to kickstarter [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:58 LadYeru07 Quien no le gustaría un gato así de grande ?! Pero solo se encuentra en EE.UU

Quien no le gustaría un gato así de grande ?! Pero solo se encuentra en EE.UU Raza: Maine coon
submitted by LadYeru07 to GatosArgentinos [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:58 rahhxeeheart How exactly does non-monogamy work? I have LOTS of questions...

Newly dating, just want 1 guy who I can get to know throughout the week and go out (and/or stay in) for fun once or twice on the weekends. Seems simple but haven't found one yet.
Recently connected with a guy who seems great and could be a good fit for what I'm looking for, except he says he'll only do monogamy if/when we decide to be life partners (which - I don't know if I even want, and I imagine would take a long time to determine).
I have a ton of questions, but I don't want to lead him on by discussing more than we already have. Also it sounds like he's just trying non-monogamy for the first time, so he may not even have answers.
Experienced ENM-ers - questions:

submitted by rahhxeeheart to dating [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:58 Muted-Pace-9739 [Newtonian Mechanics] Find the tension in the remaining string when the one on the right is snapped.

[Newtonian Mechanics] Find the tension in the remaining string when the one on the right is snapped. https://preview.redd.it/ik7uxko2533e1.png?width=784&format=png&auto=webp&s=54eedeb0ee76bf46d35d7e7078ba77f1554a1037
Here we have a thin rod which is suspended by two strings on both ends. Now the string on the right is snapped. What will be the tension in the string on the left the instant the other string is snapped? Now, what I tried doing is that I tried finding the torque equation about the Center of Mass of the rod and the torque equation about the point where the left string joins the rod. The answer arising out of these two equations turned out to be incorrect. Next, instead of finding the torque equation about the point where the left string connects the rod, I found the net force equation using the angular acceleration and thus finding the linear acceleration of the center of mass of the rod in the y-direction. This resulted in the correct answer. Can anyone explain why the two torque equations did not give the correct answer while using one torque equation and another force equation for the whole system resulted in the correct answer?
submitted by Muted-Pace-9739 to PhysicsStudents [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:58 3dpdeals [Ebay] $239.20 FLASHFORGE Adventurer 5M (or $359.28 5M PRO)

[Ebay] $239.20 FLASHFORGE Adventurer 5M (or $359.28 5M PRO) [Ebay] $239.20 FLASHFORGE Adventurer 5M (or $359.28 5M PRO) promo code: SHOPCYBER20
Details and direct links at site post:
submitted by 3dpdeals to 3DPrintingDeal [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:58 FowardJames My first time creating a Devlog style video - hope you enjoy :)

My first time creating a Devlog style video - hope you enjoy :) submitted by FowardJames to IndieGaming [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:58 ShadowOfDespair666 I wish Shadow had his M1911A1 instead of a lame laser gun, but overall, I really liked the trailer.

I wish Shadow had his M1911A1 instead of a lame laser gun, but overall, I really liked the trailer. submitted by ShadowOfDespair666 to SonicTheHedgehog [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:58 AlexisInTheOutfield Received my Nolan Ryan autograph redemption a year ago and never got around to posting it until now. Happy to finally add this to my collection!

Received my Nolan Ryan autograph redemption a year ago and never got around to posting it until now. Happy to finally add this to my collection! submitted by AlexisInTheOutfield to baseballcards [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:58 KeyDifference4178 Urgent help

I did toc from cbse to nios for stream 2 in 1 subject October exam
Not to know it's not eligible so I am already going to reappear in April exam if I gave toc subject exam too will i be eligible for jee?
submitted by KeyDifference4178 to NIOS_Students [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:58 Koji_Shin86 GNX vinyl,CD and cassette preorders open

GNX vinyl,CD and cassette preorders open link is in his Instagram
submitted by Koji_Shin86 to KendrickLamar [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:58 RadioFatiquante Des firmes d'investissements étrangères se payent des cliniques médicales au Québec qui reçoivent des millions du gouvernement

La Chine n'a aucune limite pour envahir le monde, et pourquoi pas votre corps...
submitted by RadioFatiquante to RadioFatiquante [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:58 Joed1015 The silent auction items are set, thank you to all the organizations that donated. Please join us December 7th!

The silent auction items are set, thank you to all the organizations that donated. Please join us December 7th! https://gofund.me/2e13d865
submitted by Joed1015 to WilmingtonDE [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:58 JelloSad7364 Question to the moderator

I'm sorry but why was my "why do people hate cats" question removed? Are there not cats in Chennai? Tbh, the cat population has steeply risen post COVID, especially in Chennai. I wanted to understand why there's hatred against cats in Chennai by the Chennai people and their perspective. If I just wanted some random answer, I'd have went ahead and posted it somewhere else. Plus, we were having a respectful discussion only, despite having opposing opinions.
Requesting a clear answer from the moderator.
submitted by JelloSad7364 to Chennai [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:58 DefinetelyNotAnOtaku Wordington Jordan's

Wordington Jordan's submitted by DefinetelyNotAnOtaku to wordington [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:58 NanisUnderBite Has anyone used Rust-Oleum High Heat spray paint?

I have a question on how this spray paint almost dries instantly and leaves no runs.
The majority of generic spray paints take hours to dry.
This high heat paint dries in minutes and is my absolute favorite to use when doing things in black.
Rust-Oleum has only 4 colors. Looks for more vibrant colors.
I'm also curious on why or how this is possible?
Rust-Oleum 7778830 High Heat Spray Paint
submitted by NanisUnderBite to Spraypaint [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:58 Honest_Comment5503 New to reddit. Seeing where this goes

New to reddit. Seeing where this goes submitted by Honest_Comment5503 to ShareYourSelfie [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:58 MentaCR “I need house, I need techno”

So my friend has put this set one a couple of times and one of the songs has these lyrics “I need trancy house I need techno”. Sounds like a man with a European accent. Been trying to find the song for a few, but whenever I google the lyrics, I don’t get any clear results.
submitted by MentaCR to IdentifyThisTrack [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:58 RIpoker 2021 Galaxy Chrome. #72 Fall of a Jedi superfractor

submitted by RIpoker to starwarstopps [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:58 Sam-Unkind Boîte, plateaux des personnages, dés, cartes holographiques... on attend vos avis la commu ! A vos marques, prêt, partez ! 🎲 Et bon début de semaine à tous ! ❤️‍🔥

Boîte, plateaux des personnages, dés, cartes holographiques... on attend vos avis la commu ! A vos marques, prêt, partez ! 🎲 Et bon début de semaine à tous ! ❤️‍🔥 submitted by Sam-Unkind to jeudeplateau [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:58 Powerful-Dealer-485 Tetatronic rippler MK.3

Hey guys, I’m doing a Netrunner build and I was wondering where I could get the MK.3, I know that it’s in a ripper doc but should I have any specific level or rep?
Or ar the beginning I can go there and get it?
submitted by Powerful-Dealer-485 to cyberpunkgame [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:58 RelationMaleficent63 The Yak with Big Cat & Co. Presented by Rhoback | The Yak 11-25-24

submitted by RelationMaleficent63 to itstheyak [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:58 Leonard_Quirm Emma Watson

Emma Watson submitted by Leonard_Quirm to MyGallery_Sub [link] [comments]
