Hate this Dynamic

2024.11.25 20:30 Advanced_Yard_3653 Hate this Dynamic

I’m getting tired of this dynamic. It’s just exhausting bc I crave your attention. I really wanted a future with you. And I just feel a mental block I can’t move on from what could have been. And it’s like I can’t break through to you. And it feels heart breaking just trying to be your friend bc I want so much more than what you’re willing to give now cuz you don’t want to send the wrong message.
submitted by Advanced_Yard_3653 to UnsentLetters [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:30 Normalabn0rmal Gravity falls kingdom hearts world

think about it it would be a fun world to explore with tons of Easter eggs, open Disney to do more tv show worlds, it could pop up several times to continue the story, and the Keyblade could be the president's key, imagine a fight with bill cipher or giant Gideon, and just think of the meme-ability remember toy story? in short Disney make this happen please and thank you, good bye
submitted by Normalabn0rmal to KingdomHearts [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:30 Cenjin How can people enjoy DPD

I am tired and angry as a low CL player going up against Meta discard this, Thanos Arishiem that, with a mix of every garbage clog deck I can't account for trying to earn a garage card. How do yall do this
submitted by Cenjin to MarvelSnap [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:30 ChefPlaysGames If anyone is in the Harrisburg area please help us find our mustang

If anyone is in the Harrisburg area please help us find our mustang submitted by ChefPlaysGames to Mustang [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:30 Big-Fee-2170 What does this white thing look like to you

Any ideas would help and I know my teeth are fucked I just got my braces off
submitted by Big-Fee-2170 to medical_advice [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:30 Heraldo000 New tune goes crazy

New tune goes crazy submitted by Heraldo000 to mildlypenis [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:30 ViralMedia007 True Beauty from Within: Like the spirit of a wild horse

submitted by ViralMedia007 to eBooksDeals [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:30 reillywalker195 Using "USian" instead of "American"

If you say in English that something or someone is American, people will know you're referring to the United States. Other languages may have different demonyms for the United States, but it's "American" in English. There's no need to use "USian" except perhaps to fit character limits on social media
I can assure you most of us Canadians don't want to be called American even if we don't have anything particularly against the United States. We're North American, but we're not American.
submitted by reillywalker195 to PetPeeves [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:30 omgfakeusername "Every man has to release" he said.

This guy I've been talking to since the beginning of the month, started off sweet and "normal." We've talked on the phone a few times and even did a FaceTime. I'd gotten offended in a prior message (before these attached ones) when he started talking about wanting to eat my 🐱. I gave him another shot and he was pretty good about being respectful.
I've never met this guy and never plan to after what happened last night in the attached images.
submitted by omgfakeusername to texts [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:30 brbrooks98 Paradisus Cancun vs. Beach Palace for January Family Trip?

My husband, his sister, brother-in-law, their 2-year-old son, and I are planning a trip to Mexico in January for around two weeks. We're hoping to book in the next week and are mostly set on Beach Palace, but we're also considering Paradisus Cancun.
They’ve been to Mexico before, but it will be our first time. We're leaning toward Beach Palace since we’d have access to Sun and Moon Palace, especially since we'll be there for a longer stay, but I’d love to hear others’ thoughts on these resorts.
Any advice or comparisons would be super helpful! Thanks in advance. I’ll update if I left out any important details.
submitted by brbrooks98 to cancun [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:30 GodlyGamerBeast Alarmo but it's really good!!!

Alarmo but it's really good!!! submitted by GodlyGamerBeast to YouTubeViewsSubs [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:30 noneedtothinktomuch Simbal the most scammed contestant in fishtank ever

submitted by noneedtothinktomuch to fishtanklive [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:30 menheraaudino Pseudoarchaeology and the Pseudoscience Pipeline [38:22]

Pseudoarchaeology and the Pseudoscience Pipeline [38:22] submitted by menheraaudino to mealtimevideos [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:30 Dramatic-Clock2271 My first Yeezys at my first Buc-ees 🙌

submitted by Dramatic-Clock2271 to carnivorediet [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:30 pineapples364 Is there someone in London UK?

Hello I am 21F, and looking for a long term friendship in London (UK). I like to watch kdramas, variety shows, listen to kpop and k hip hop, read comedy fiction books. I listen to girls generation, sistar, girls day, exid, hyuna, yezi. I would like a genuine friend and can have good connection and understand because I don't really have a support. Do you have similar interests?
submitted by pineapples364 to kdramas [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:30 adisonmaxwell A real ad I got on Reddit today

A real ad I got on Reddit today submitted by adisonmaxwell to FellowKids [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:30 anonym_10718709 Follow her twitter

Follow her twitter submitted by anonym_10718709 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:30 Training-Setting4048 Think she’ll say yes?

Think she’ll say yes? submitted by Training-Setting4048 to lgbt [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:30 WhiskeyMama247 🚬do smokers not realize how bad they smell?

I deal with so many adults who wreak of cigarettes. Do these people not realize how bad they smell?
submitted by WhiskeyMama247 to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:30 ViralMedia007 True Beauty from Within: Like the spirit of a wild horse

submitted by ViralMedia007 to FreeEBOOKS [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:30 Middle_Coast5886 How do I start seeing an obgyn?

Hi, I'm 23 years old and I've never been to the obgyn before. I've never been with anyone and it honestly hadn't occurred to me I needed to until I've started having issues with my period. The problem is, I'm absolutely terrified. I don't think I can handle a pelvic exam, I had a panic attack over being patted down in the airport because they touched in between my legs. I honestly don't know what to do. I feel like I probably need to start seeing one because of the period problems but how do I get over this fear? Is this something they'd be willing to talk through with me ahead of time? I really know absolutely nothing about any of this and I'm too embarrassed to ask anyone I know
submitted by Middle_Coast5886 to WomensHealth [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:30 The-Last-Fry What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by The-Last-Fry to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:30 Kindly_Sir6333 A girl likes me I don’t know what to do.

I am very ugly and crazy the only know good trait I have is being funny. I don’t know if she is joking or not because she asked me out at school I talked about it to her she said it was joke then i asked her out she said no. Now she is telling secrets to my best friend about how she likes me and to not tell me. I looked at her reposts and in them she talks about guys not like me. Idk what to do. I have been single for so long I’m scared to mess it up
submitted by Kindly_Sir6333 to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:30 BodybuilderSilent780 Eu sou babaca por querer dar um nome incomum para meu filho?

Ola a todos (novamente pois o outro post foi apagado por nao conter idade e genero.), ha algum tempo fiz um post aqui sobre meus filhos, agora gostaria novamente de uma opniao do pessoal daqui.
Eu(H33) e minha esposa(M30)temos dois filhos, ela escolheu o nome de ambos, e quando ela escolheu do segundo ficou combinado que se tivessemos outro u escolheria o nome (ela so topou por que nao achava que teriamos outro), como o destino e um gande brincalhao, kkk, descobrimos que ela esta gravida novamente de outro menino.
Eu estou pensando em dois nomes diferentes, ambos retirados de livros do Tolkien, sao eles Turin ou Beren, nao esta decidido ainda, mas estou enfrentando grande oposicao dos meus pais e esposa, ja meus outros filhos adoraram, pois eles gostam das historias. A oposicao vem com o argumento de que a crianca sofrera bullying na escola. Gostaria de saber se eu sou o babaca por querer dar um destes nomes ao meu filho.
Obs: Beren é um nome comum em alguns paises, segundo o google é a traducao de Bjorn, significa urso.
submitted by BodybuilderSilent780 to EuSouOBabaca [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 20:30 SaraAnnabelle Don't guess my type. These are just the very first corresponding search results from my pinterest

submitted by SaraAnnabelle to Enneagram [link] [comments]
