Any teen girls horny and wanna make daddy happy 05180ae69a40787738376959003159ecc1b7b2aecdb081005a264692f221088917

2024.11.25 18:30 Silver-Blueberry9013 Any teen girls horny and wanna make daddy happy 05180ae69a40787738376959003159ecc1b7b2aecdb081005a264692f221088917

submitted by Silver-Blueberry9013 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:30 Dantekamar Requesting help with a bit from the RotTK book.

I'm looking for either the chapter of the Luo Guanzhong book or the full idea that he was using.
What I'm trying to recall I believe I a bit from early in Tsao Tsao's / Cao Cao's career, probably around the time of the campaign against Dong Zhuo. He needed to convince someone to do something and he recalled a set a rules, something like, if a man thinks he knows everything but is not a man of action, tell him he doesn't know what he's talking about, and he'll do it just to prove it. There should also be three other rules based on if the man is smart and takes action or not, and what to do.
Does this sound familiar to anyone or am I remembering it wrong entirely?
submitted by Dantekamar to threekingdoms [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:30 Unknown_lu3t How does one achieve these shakes and sharp scales?

How does one achieve these shakes and sharp scales? This goes more into the anime editing branch but yea.
I tried making my own scales as sharp as possible but I still can’t manage to make my transitions look like this.
Do i need better rsmb? Better shakes? What exactly is it that this shake looks so.. sharp? Smooth? Can’t really describe it.
Help would be appreciated 🫶🏼
submitted by Unknown_lu3t to AfterEffects [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:30 erer1243 Currently, it's November 25, 2024 at 01:30PM

Currently, it's November 25, 2024 at 01:30PM
submitted by erer1243 to every15min [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:30 discipleofchrist4eva AITA for asking to move out at 18?

Hello everyone, I am new to reddit and posting but a long time reader. The question is simple and here's some context.
I, 17 F, am a senior in high school. I am enrolled at the local community college while also taking a final class at the public high school. I am the oldest of five and my family is very religious(Christianity based). Because it's senior year, I am looking at colleges and have applied to the state university in my state. If I don't get in, I do have a feasible backup plan. Basically, I am set. The only issue is, my parents are controlling. They want me to stay and live with them during college, I think because they want to monitor me. Here are some of the rules they have for me and my siblings at home.
All phones belong to them, even though I purchased mine with my own money. All texts, emails, calls, etc, can be gone through at any time. You are not allowed to lock any doors ever, even during the shower. Essentially, it's their house and privacy is earned. All calls must be taken at the kitchen table on speakerphone, no matter who it is. All information relating to non church related hangouts or activities must be submitted in advance otherwise it doesn’t happen. Parents have final say on everything and "I don't care about what you want or are feeling, I make decisions for this house and you can either sit here and be happy about it or go away." They choose my friends, clothes, schedule, and otherwise without consideration for me. Last but not least, if I don't follow their standards in terms of religion, then I deserve to be embarrassed about it, and am not a true believer of God. Other rules like that also exist. It’s why I want to leave.
I know it is much harder move out because financially, the way this economy is, will make my life a living hell. It will challenging in every sense of the word but to me, it's worth it.
The issue here is my parents don't see it the same way I do. They don't want me to struggle yes, but their house is not a safe place from the challenges of life. They would charge me a similar amount of rent for a room, board, food, and utilities. With the stipulation that I follow their rules, but I think they are overbearing. I've mentioned this once or twice but it always becomes a big fight because they think they know what is right for me. They don't take into consideration the fact that I am not them and I will not live out the life they want me to live to the letter, and I am not a puppet for them to manipulate.
My main concern with this mindset of theirs, and maybe some stubbornness on my own part, it will blow up. I'm already not attending the school they want me to and staying in the religion they want me to. I just want independence, respect, and to be treated like an almost adult.
I'd love advice on what to do. Please be considerate and kind, and ask any questions if needed. I will try to respond in a timely manner. Thank you all, and God Bless everyone of you.
submitted by discipleofchrist4eva to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:30 BabyAutomatic "We're just drinking buddies, although I might have drank a bit too much." Lord Solar Moonbeam

submitted by BabyAutomatic to PrimarchGFs [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:29 Brambin0 Spotting deers in Nara, Japan

submitted by Brambin0 to photo [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:29 yeezyyeezywhatsiraq Grinding levels (fastest-ish way?)

So I’m not quite good enough to kill One-Eye yet. Should I just be grinding omega ruins until I can? What’s the viable strat to get buff my characters at this point? Thanks
submitted by yeezyyeezywhatsiraq to finalfantasyx [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:29 ishallgriefu Struggling and failing classes first semester masters

I’m currently in my first semester of a master’s program in computer science, and I’m struggling. I came from a lower-tier school and transitioned to a much more rigorous program at a decent university, where the courseload is significantly more challenging and fast-paced. I’m on track to possibly fail one class, while in two others, I might end up with grades anywhere from a B to an A.
I’m really worried because I’ve always wanted to pursue a PhD. I enjoyed doing research as an undergraduate—the experiments, the reading, and every aspect of it—but the coursework is overwhelming me. On top of that, I haven’t found a thesis advisor yet. Sorry if this sounds like a rant, but I’m feeling really stuck. How badly is this going to impact my chances?
Studying in the US
submitted by ishallgriefu to PhD [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:29 Raucherlunge05 Does Mrekk Have a Negative Impact on the Osu Scene?

Mrekk has been #1 for a long time now, and it doesn’t seem like anyone is going to catch up to him anytime soon. It feels like a lot of top players are quitting, and even as it stands, Mrekk barely has any real competition. Sure, a 1.3k from Lifeline is insane, but it’s nothing compared to what Mrekk does in a single session. Honestly, I find the scene really boring these days.
What do you think?
submitted by Raucherlunge05 to osugame [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:29 DWJones28 Not achievement-related, but...

Not achievement-related, but... submitted by DWJones28 to Redditachievments [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:29 _-jakoo-_ "LIFE RUINED 22F" scamm

Ahoj,toto je môj prvý príspevok v tomto subreddite a aj celkovo na reddite ale pokúsim sa byť stručný.
Predpokladám že väčšina z vás zachytila príspevok z predminulého týždňa pod názvom "LIFE RUINED 22F" ale ak nie tak posuniem foto s kontextom,z vlastnej skúsenosti som totiž zistil že sa jednalo o scamm:
Keďže mám sám dosť svojich mentálnych problémov tak netrebalo veľa a chytil som sa v podstate sám.Príspevok totiž vzbudzoval súcit a nevzbudzoval na prvý pohľad podozrenie na obohatenie sa-teda aspoň mne nie a myslím že viacerým tu.Dobrovoľne som jej napísal a vyžiadal si IBAN a následne zaslal peniaze na účet.Tým sa to však neskončilo kedže mi "jej" príbeh zarezonoval v hlave a nedokázal som ho vypustiť z hlavy ani na ďalší deň.Pomohlo aj to že som v rovnakom veku ako sa aj autor vydával byť,kontaktoval som ju znova s tým že mám niake podobné problémy,som v rovnakom veku a rád by som mal takúto zpriaznenú dušu a ostal s ňou v kontakte,možno pomohli si navzájom.
Chvíľu sme si písali cez reddit a potom ma presmerovala na jej instagram a tak som si založil ig špeciálne kvôli nej keďže to nepoužívam 🤷‍♂️.Pokračovali sme v občasnom četovaní "zatiaľ" však bez niakych vážnych tém.Takto to pokračovalo až do nedele kedy aj pridala update na reddit,ktorý už však neobdržal také pochopenie a ľútosť takže ho ešte v ten deň odstránila.V ten istý večer došiel aj ďalší red flag ktorý som už ani ja nedokázal ignorovať-spomenutie že už nemá kde spať a že jej chýba ďalších 100€.V tej dobe som už však cítil neúprimnosť z jej strany ale tak niak som jej chcel stále veriť.Tak som sa rozhodol o riešenie ktoré nám malo uľaviť obom.Keďže som jej ďalšie peniaze nebol ochotný poslať bez toho aby som sa uistil že nezneužíva moju naivitu tak som sa vybral za ňou do Bratislavy(nebývam v BA ale 1,5h odtiaľ,no proste tupec😂).Samozrejme to bolo v noci a tak sa vykrúcala predstieraným strachom zo stretnutia,čo som na jednu stranu aj chápal keďže tento príbeh tiež len potvrdzuje že ľuďom cez internet sa nevyplatí dôverovať.Navrhoval som aj telefonát,osobné stretnutie za doprovodu kamoša/kamošky,stretnutie na verejnom mieste,video hovor...ale na všetko mala niaku výhovorku čím len potvrdzovala moje obavy.
Potom jak som sa zbytočne 3 hodiny previezol to už išlo dole vodou ale stále udržiavala taký slabší kontakt no to už asi chápala že bez telefonátu,face to face stretnutiu alebo video hovoru to nepôjde.Čo samozrejme nemala ako dokázať keďže sa iba vydávala za osobu s takým ťažkým osudom a fotky na jej ig boli len ukradnuté od inej ženy.Predpokladám že tie mali za úlohu pritiahnuť najmä mužskú pozornosť v prípade že by čisto smutný príbeh nezabral.(Keď som jej poslal peniaze a následne o deň neskôr ju kontaktoval opäť tak som však ani netušil jak vyzerá,bolo to čisto zo súcitu a niakej možnosti zostať v kontakte s niekým kto by mi mohol porozumieť a opačne..)
Neskôr sa po asi dvoj-trojdňovej odmlke ozvala a jej odpovede mi neboli dostačujúce čo mi len potvrdilo obavy.Nedalo mi to však a chcel som mať úplnú istotu,nechcel som ju odsúdiť na základe možných problémov s nadväzovaním vzťahov.Náhodou som na internete narazil na komentár kde bol spomenutý facecheck id(nástroj ktorý vyhľadá zhody s vami pridanou fotkou) a povedal si že prečo nie keďže už predtým som skúšal rôzne iné možnosti(Tineye,google lens...).Cez facecheck id som sa konečne dopracoval k pravde pretože mi vyhodil úplne totožné fotky úplne iného profilu na ig,ženy pravdepodobne z Ukrajiny alebo Ruska,ktorá sa zdá byť legit.Má tam oveľa viac fotiek aj s rodinou zatiaľ čo ten jej má len pár stiahnutých fotiek a kopu nejasností ako napríklad 15 krát zmenené meno v cca. 5 rokoch.
Ponaučenie a výstraha pre ostatných:
Celá táto sranda ma stála cez dve stovky a niekoľko dní sa naväzovania na nesprávnu osobu čo ma úprimne viac trápi ako tie peniaze.Preto chcem len upozorniť ostatných aby slepo neverili nikomu z redditu alebo celkovo neznámym ľuďom z internetu(Viem,no sh*tSherlock😂).Chcel som tým len poukázať že aj v takomto celkom hate-free subreddite sa nájdu takýto ľudia.Mrzí ma že táto osoba len využila aj tie posledné zvyšky dobroty v ľuďoch ktoré mohli smerovať ľuďom ktorý to naozaj potrebujú.
Rozuzlenie: Ak si čakal niaku poriadnu kovbojku tak si na omyle.Medzi tym ako som čakal ako sa sama ozve a ja ju budem mať možnosť konfrontovať som sa pokúsil nahlásiť jej ig účet ale bez úspechu keďže instagram mi za hodinku ohlásil že všetko je v poriadku napriek tomu že som im označil aj zhody s tým konkrétnym účtom.Legálne sa mi to riešiť nechce,nestojí to za tých pár eur a na 99% by som aj tak nepochodil.Skúsil som ešte kontaktovať aj tú originál osobu na fotkách keďže som to považoval za morálne správne ale tam to tiež niaky extra zmysel nemalo.Jediné čo som dosiahol po takej menšej "konfrontácii" bolo že všetky príspevky vymazala,no napriek tomu pokračovala v tom čo jej ide najlepšie.Čiže účet je stále aktívny a predpokladám že len zmení meno a bude pokračovať v činnosti aj keď asi ju to trošku nahnevalo keďže ten účet bol dobre vybudovaný-príspevky boli aj z až pred piatych rokov,osoba na fotkách bola len o kúsok známejšia od svojej kópie,fotky tej istej osoby už niekoľko rokov.
PS:Viem že to čo som urobil bolo hlúpe a neuvážené,takže neočakávam pochopenie ale skôr to že to v komentároch "strašne" schytám no napriek tomu som to chcel dať von a možno niekoho uchrániť pred takouto zlou skúsenosťou.Bola to z mojej strany strašná naivita ale úmysly som mal úprimne.Sám si o sebe myslím ešte menej ako predtým a to som chcel len pomôcť + možno mať v živote osobu s ktorou by som si mal čo povedať a možno časom vybudoval kamarátstvo.Ale stalo sa,chcel som sa tu o to podeliť keďže vás tu bolo viac čo jej chcelo pomôcť a možno pripadne niekomu otvoriť oči.
Ako autor tohto príspevku neberiem žiadnu zodpovednosť za prípadné urážky či iné trestné konanie voči osobe-autorovi podvodneho príspevku a od všetkých takýchto konaní sa budem striktne dištancovať.Príspevok slúži len na informačné a preventivne účely.Ak bude prekážať,kľudne odstráňte.
submitted by _-jakoo-_ to Slovakia [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:29 P3TTrak I had a dream where I had a device that could make anything I pointed at create a loud "snap" sound. Out of curiosity I was trying to use the device while aiming it up in the air which ended up very badly. Further context in the comments.

I had a dream where I had a device that could make anything I pointed at create a loud submitted by P3TTrak to thomastheplankengine [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:29 Important_Tip_4181 F18 send me something naughty

No limits! Anything!
submitted by Important_Tip_4181 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:29 Many-Seaweed-3102 BIW is a storywalker?

So, could it be that Boy in White is actually also a storywalker like Julie instead of being some kind of entity like the children or the Man in Yellow? It would fit, imo.
submitted by Many-Seaweed-3102 to FromSeries [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:29 ithot_so I (20F) had a fight with my bf (20M) last night and i haven't been sane ever since

So me and my bf had a fight last night( let's not go into whys and what's) but i was just crying brutally the whole time and he didn't listen to me once, despite me begging him to. It's almost as if he enjoyed this whole process. And then when it was done he mentions how his anger of two days finally subsided and his mood is good, yeah all that after making me almost throw up because of crying for an hour ( he later admitted that he didn't do the thing I was crying about but he mentioned it after making me cry for an hour) I haven't been to think of anything else since then while he apologized to me yesterday it just felt very artificial and today he didn't try talking to me either..not able to talk myself out of this. Please knock some reality to my foolish brain.
submitted by ithot_so to RelationshipIndia [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:29 theaddies1 help with mount for beelink SER8

Can anyone suggest a mount for the beelink ser8. I found the one on the beelink site but I was wondering if there were other options. I found a few pictures on line of the bottom but it isn't clear to me where a mount would connect. Is it VESA or some other standard type of mount? TIA.
submitted by theaddies1 to MiniPCs [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:29 PillCosby696969 Is he a good boi?

Is he a good boi? submitted by PillCosby696969 to FGO [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:29 bendystrawterrys ccny you will pay for this

took an intro to psych course at a university before coming to ccny and had my credits transferred. now it’s evaluated as an elective. A WHOLE INTRO TO PSYCH COURSE IS AN ELECTIVE.
submitted by bendystrawterrys to CCNY [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:29 magnunmagnum Como seria um recém comunista ou de esquerda que era liberal/ancap desses subs liberais/ancap do Reddit ? Acha que fariam mais mal que bem pros movimentos? Gostaria de saber a opinião do sub . Falo que já vi essa inversão acontecer na vida real de liberal extremo virar comunista.

submitted by magnunmagnum to antitrampo [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:29 lss_web_1444 AMA post title 557

AMA post body
submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:29 Ok-Discussion-2337 It's my cake day

It's my cake day submitted by Ok-Discussion-2337 to cakeday [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:29 Ramune_hime I‘m scared I’m protecting my peace too much

So, I’ve been living with my diagnosis for about 2 years now. I experienced the classic regressing/ realising. Since high school I don’t really like going out/ having many social events per week. After HS the bullying slowly stopped and after idk 4 years (?) I’m building up a genuine social circle. It’s still small but yea. Love them all. Anyways; I’m fearing I’m too tied to my comfort zone and miss out on life. It’s really a dilemma. On one hand, I love my routine, my home, my evenings playing with the same few friends. On the other hand, I do get asked to join social events which I more or less never attend. How do you deal with that? How to you set/ expand your boundaries?
Thanks ✨
submitted by Ramune_hime to autism [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:29 killkingkong How to build a Grow Box

How to build a Grow Box submitted by killkingkong to weedgrower [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:29 Tobbeh99 Castlevania II: Belmont's Revenge - Journey to Chaos (Select)(Piano Arrangement)

Castlevania II: Belmont's Revenge - Journey to Chaos (Select)(Piano Arrangement) submitted by Tobbeh99 to VGCovers [link] [comments]