Can’t use GuitarLift on the back of my guitar?

2024.11.25 18:55 JRF1300 Can’t use GuitarLift on the back of my guitar?

I’m looking into getting a GuitarLift support, but the problem is I have a preowned guitar that has MANY cracks on the backside of the guitar. Wondering if I should maybe coat the back of my guitar with some clear resin to seal it? Or if any of you all have some creative ideas?
submitted by JRF1300 to classicalguitar [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:55 par53c When they ask for resume they mean academic one?

Basically the title, for context i’m applying to US Masters in aerospace engineering from europe. When they make you submit a resume/CV, they mean a “normal” resume that would be formatted as for job applications or they mean an academic one? and if so what’s the real difference? I know it can be longer etc but I don’t understand if I can just expand more in detail on the work I’ve done in projects/research keeping the same style/format of the resume for job applications. Thank you
submitted by par53c to gradadmissions [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:55 lazy_kumachi Martin Makary to lead the Food and Drug Administration

Idk much about the guy but the article says he was « critical of the FDA and CDC over COVID policies... » and is likely to be « more industry unfriendly of than his predecessor... »
submitted by lazy_kumachi to biotech [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:55 OkRefuse4480 Craving satisfied my very own creamy spagetti!!

Craving satisfied my very own creamy spagetti!! submitted by OkRefuse4480 to PHFoodPorn [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:55 iChenHD New shoes looks like they're gonna be an uncommon rarity, maybe they're cheaper

submitted by iChenHD to FortNiteBR [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:55 mashk_ustal "Not just another scar". Fanart by me.

submitted by mashk_ustal to TheWalkingDeadGame [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:55 MetisDev Survey on Hollow Knight's story

Hello. I'm performing a research project on the effects of fictional stories in video games and would appreciate it if the members of this community would participate. This survey will ask about the impact several games had on the individual taking the survey, with Hollow Knight included in the list. Any games you have not played, you can skip, and if you wish to talk about another game instead, there is a custom section at the end for this purpose.
The survey.
submitted by MetisDev to HollowKnight [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:55 pen-16 should I trim the brown off?

should I trim the brown off? submitted by pen-16 to plantclinic [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:55 notclairenichols traveling with senior kitty?

Hi! Im a first time cat owner, and just rescued an 11 year old “velcro cat” about two weeks ago. He is pretty chill, and sociable, and only took about an hour to open up and explore his new space.
im traveling for about a month over the holidays and planned to leave him here and have a couple friends rotate through to feed him, but I feel sad at the thought of him spending long nights alone (he’s a super cuddly cat) and am considering taking him back home with me. It would be about a four hour flight. He has a prescription for gabapentin, which I would probably give him before we fly, but am wary of how much stress it may cause him, and how much he can handle at this point in his life.
any thoughts on this?
submitted by notclairenichols to CatAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:55 wingchung [US-CA][H] Leopold fc980c white/beige hangul keycaps [W] PayPal
For sale is a Leopold fc980c keyboard in white/beige with hangul sublegends. This keyboard has have 30g topre switches. Never opened/modified and was lightly used (no shine on keycaps).
Asking $270 shipped in CONUS
submitted by wingchung to mechmarket [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:55 The_Nintix Egg:3irl

Egg:3irl It's been a while since I've posted on this sub, but recap hit me with this and I thought it was really funny
submitted by The_Nintix to egg_irl [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:55 orofirm Csináltam egy appot, amivel könnyebb a felkészülés a horgászvizsgára (talán kicsit feleslegesen)

Gyerekkoromban nagyon sokat pecáztam, és mivel nemrég új helyre költöztünk, ahol lehetőségem van akár napi szinten lemenni a partra horgászni (RSD partvonal), elhatároztam, hogy 2025-re kiváltom az éves területi jegyet és megfogom a karácsonyi halászléhez valót. Mivel nagyjából 15 éve nem horgásztam, rá kellett döbbennem, hogy ehhez horgászvizsgát kell tennem. Megnéztem a tananyagot, ami 70 oldalnyi tömör szöveg volt, és mivel már eléggé elszoktam a tanulástól, első ránézésre elég ijesztőnek tűnt.
Szakmámból adódóan úgy döntöttem, készítek egy kis appot, amivel – a Duolingóhoz hasonlóan – rövid leckéken keresztül, szórakoztatóbban tudok felkészülni. Visszatekintve a vizsga egész könnyű volt, és lehet, hogy kevesebb felkészüléssel is sikerült volna. Viszont a barátaim visszajelzései alapján az app egész jó lett, úgyhogy úgy döntöttem, megosztom a világgal. 😀
Az app teljesen ingyenes, és jelenleg Androidra, a Google Playből letölthető (ha sok pozitív visszajelzést kap, készítek egy iOS-verziót is! 😀).
Ha érdekel, itt kipróbálhatod:
Szívesen várom a véleményeket vagy ötleteket! 🙂
Nektek milyen tapasztalatotok volt a horgászvizsgával? Hogyan készültetek (ha egyáltalán)? Mi volt a legnehezebb?
submitted by orofirm to Horgaszat [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:55 Ok-Procedure-8027 Unreal resume indeed!

Unreal resume indeed! submitted by Ok-Procedure-8027 to skiing [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:55 Just_Eye2956 In UK tonight on BBC2

For all UK viewers, Chris van Tulleken is presenting a programme called Irresistible: Why We Can’t stop Eating.
Should be a good watch as he delves into modern food culture. 9pm tonight
submitted by Just_Eye2956 to ultraprocessedfood [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:55 mattmcg32 Food & Drink Recommendations

Hello everyone - Going to be in Florence from Dec 25 - Jan 2, wondering what good restaurants (no budget) there are for local eats and good areas/spots for bars? Not looking for a club, but something that's stimulating. 33M.
submitted by mattmcg32 to florence [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:55 LovelyEntrep My first app is really bad. But, I want to release it and work on it during few months. Advice?

I'm working on my app last few months. I haven't released yet. Even after significant polishing it is still look not professional and missing features that I wanted. How some developers make successful app as a solo developer? Can you please provide me strategies or tactics that worked for you or for others if I want to make this app successful during next 3-6 months?
submitted by LovelyEntrep to androiddev [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:55 Chemical_Newt4907 What’s your favorite metal song from Seether?

I’d personally go with Fuck It it’s nu metal as hell. Suffer It All is a good one too but I don’t know if I’d call it metal or hard rock
submitted by Chemical_Newt4907 to Seether [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:55 Hyrule_Wanderer What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by Hyrule_Wanderer to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:55 Acceptable_Set_3934 Relationship Boundaries and Trust Issues – Seeking Advice M25 F24

Hey Reddit, I need some advice about a situation in my relationship that's been weighing on me. I’ve been dating an amazing girl for four months now, and everything seemed perfect at first. We clicked instantly, and one of the main things that attracted me to her was her traditional values. She doesn’t have many close guy friends, which I appreciated, and we agreed that I’d take care of everything financially when we get married. We’ve been progressing really fast, with both of our parents knowing about us, and we’ve even gone on vacation together and planned a couple more. She’s been incredibly loving, respectful, and attentive, and I’m proud to be with her. But here’s where things started to get complicated. On our last vacation, I noticed something that made me uneasy. She got a message from an ex-colleague (a guy) who sent her a reel, and it turned out she had been sending reels to him as well. We had an understanding that there wouldn’t be any guy friends while we were together, and this didn’t sit well with me. Now, before you label me insecure, let me explain: I made my expectations clear from the start. I take care of her in every way, financially and emotionally, and when we went on vacation, I paid for everything—flights, hotels, meals, you name it. That’s just how I am in relationships, and I wanted her to understand that I expect her to respect the boundaries we set. When I confronted her about the guy, she deleted her Instagram, which had a lot of guys on it that she’d met for casual coffee dates. She did this to respect my feelings, and I appreciated it. But there was still another issue that came up: she had been chatting with another guy who she had history with, even while we were together. This made me feel betrayed. I had removed everyone from my life, and I expected her to do the same, but she hadn’t. In the moment, I wanted to break up, but I assumed it was out of innocence on her part—she didn’t realize how serious it was for me. We had a lot of heated arguments, but in the end, she apologized, and we decided to move past it. Now, here’s where things stand. We’re back to being long-distance, and anytime she’s unavailable for a few hours, my mind automatically goes to the worst-case scenario: Is she talking to some guy I don’t know? She has a group of friends, some of whom are guys, and I’m okay with that because I know who they are. But it’s the guys I don’t know that make me uncomfortable, and I don’t think I’m alone in feeling that way. I’ve been wanting to ask her for reassurance—that she’s not talking to any guy friends I don’t know—but I’m worried she might get offended. We’ve talked about this before, and she’s apologized, so I don’t want to make her feel like I don’t trust her. I’m really struggling with whether I should just trust her and let it go, or if I should bring it up one more time to make sure we’re on the same page. Our families are involved now, and we’ve got another vacation coming up that I’m paying for, so the stakes feel higher. It’s honestly a really uncomfortable situation to be in, and I don’t know what to do.
TL;DR: My girlfriend and I have had some trust issues regarding her communication with other guys. I want to ask her for reassurance, but I’m worried she’ll be offended and think I don’t trust her. Should I let it go, or ask for reassurance one last time?
submitted by Acceptable_Set_3934 to LongDistance [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:55 web_developer_24 .net developer posao

Pozdrav, zna li itko firmu u Hrvatskoj ili bilo gdje vani koja trazi ovu poziciju remote nacin rada. Hvala svima unaprijed
submitted by web_developer_24 to CroIT [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:55 theboomcan Thoughts on Faces of Death?

submitted by theboomcan to moviecritic [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:55 ThrowRA-posting He just farted on me and made this face like I’m the one who did it

He just farted on me and made this face like I’m the one who did it submitted by ThrowRA-posting to blackcats [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:55 tqemjn sauna time with Raidian! by Luuwruf (me)

submitted by tqemjn to arknights [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:55 Arch-warlock13 My take on Shadowsun

My take on Shadowsun submitted by Arch-warlock13 to Tau40K [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 18:55 KrimZ_04 Stakes and Blame. (USA, 18+, current or recent student)

This 5 minute study asks you to respond to a series hypothetical situations where you are asked to judge the actions of the people presented in those situations. Please participate in our study, as we are community college researchers with no research funding.
Please and thank you!
submitted by KrimZ_04 to SampleSize [link] [comments]