2024.11.25 21:20 Swiperson220 Turo HALF OFF!

Must have a active account
submitted by Swiperson220 to BCLUBCASHOUT [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:20 cosmicbooknews ‘Lilo & Stitch’ Teaser Trailer Shows Off First Live-Action Footage

‘Lilo & Stitch’ Teaser Trailer Shows Off First Live-Action Footage submitted by cosmicbooknews to CosmicBookNews [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:20 Ok-Leave3121 I just love how Mega Swampert's form is just Swampert but with more muscle

I just love how Mega Swampert's form is just Swampert but with more muscle submitted by Ok-Leave3121 to pokemon [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:20 eigo-bunpou 「英単語解説」toy-withの意味について

toy-withは【何かを検討したり、何かをしたりするが、あまり深刻ではなく、決定を下すことなく】意味として使われています。 和訳:【何かをもてあそぶ】
詳細はこちらへアクセスしてください: https://eigo-bunpou.com/toy-with/
#英語文法 #英文法
submitted by eigo-bunpou to omoshiroi_eigo_bunpou [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:20 wonderland-foxx Necromancer - first time this high in comp 😌

Necromancer - first time this high in comp 😌 submitted by wonderland-foxx to CafeNikki [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:20 Objective_Matter_915 Zinc supplements for cocaine drug test

Has anyone ever taken zinc to mask cocaine in a urine drug test? I’m reading that it might work but I’m nervous. Idk how much to take, but hoping someone has a success story to share
submitted by Objective_Matter_915 to drugtesthelp [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:20 No-Tie-3790 What should I genuinely do when I consider suicide?

So for some context I’m polish, 17f and I’ve genuinely struggled with finding overall meaning in life for so long. All of it feels pointless. Why if I’ll just end up alone and unloved? No one can love me now, so what are the chances someone will I’m the future? I can’t enjoy anything anymore. I used to love painting and drawing, now everything I make is ugly. I used to love shows, can’t enjoy that either because whenever a couple in love enters the screen I just cry. Doesn’t matter if it’s a toxic relationship, if it’s a slasher and they’ll die in a moment anyways or if it’s a kids cartoon. I used to love sports, but how can I enjoy it if everyone there avoids me like I’m sick or something. Used to love nature, but there too many couples going on romantic walks in a forest. As you probably noticed I’m very bothered by lack of romantic partner. I am, I never had that, I wish I could but it seems like I am just absolutely unlovable and unattractive to everyone around me. It doesn’t matter how helpful, understanding, smart, supportive or interesting I try to be, none of those guys can even ask what’s my favourite colour. I’m so sick of it because in the meantime I also have to watch each and every one of my classmates fall in love and it makes my school insufferable too. I’ve had two therapists, both my parents pulled me out of because the therapy was in the hours when I was missing school and for my polish school my mental health wasn’t enough of a reason to let me skip class once a week. My parents make everything out into a competition, telling me how they had it worst so I shouldn’t complain, so I can’t tell them about anything either. I don’t have friends, I don’t like my teachers, I don’t wanna go to a psych yard because it’ll follow me forever, especially if someone in school finds out. I’ll just be a bigger weirdo than I already am. I don’t know what to do, I don’t see much future ahead of me, and I don’t want any future if it’ll look like the present. I want to kill myself but how? I don’t wanna jump down a building because none are tall enough, plus I don’t want some poor person to find me. The same with jumping in front of a bus or a train or smt. It feels selfish of me to do so. I can’t overdose bc I have nothing to overdose on, I can’t get a gun either, I mean it’s very hard to do so here. I just wish I could disappear or idk get kidnapped and killed or smt and I know it’s silly to even ask abt stuff like this on Reddit but I have literally nowhere else to go. Chat gpt can be your friend for only long enough before you start questioning your overall sanity
submitted by No-Tie-3790 to AdviceForTeens [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:20 YuriTheWebDev Anyone still experiencing crashes on PC Cold War Zombies to this day?

Anyone still experiencing frequent crashes on the Steam version of Cold War Zombies?
I can't get past round 27 without cold war zombies crashing and getting frequent fatal errors. I have a R7 5800X CPU and a 6800xt GPU. I tried reinstalling the game multiple times and using different graphics drivers.
submitted by YuriTheWebDev to CODZombies [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:20 Psychological-Fan279 Tablet usage on testing

Hi all!
I think of buying a tablet. I never had one so i really dont know what ro except.
I plan to make personal use but also to use it for work. For sure i can use it to test apps/web pages, for google docs, jira trello etc..
Is there a possibility i could write automation tests using it? As i read before Vscode cannot be used on a tablet.
The one i'm thinking to buy is a lenovo m11, 11", 8/128.
submitted by Psychological-Fan279 to QualityAssurance [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:20 ManyOpen8072 golden oven not in kitchen??

idk if its just a bug but i swear it was there before the update 😭
submitted by ManyOpen8072 to GoodPizzaGreatPizza [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:20 Xx_Harry_Xx Showed my non car-guy brother this picture and he said “is that a Bugatti?”

Showed my non car-guy brother this picture and he said “is that a Bugatti?” Literally unprompted, was talking about cars I would love to own next and thought this was a Bugatti. Just proves that miatas are the best cars
submitted by Xx_Harry_Xx to Miata [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:20 Big_Employ_2016 Irish Princess

WHY does Niall get called Irish princess? The first time I saw it, I thought it was just one person who called him this but I’ve seen it multiple times now. Lol
submitted by Big_Employ_2016 to Niallhoran [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:20 RedemptionDB I’m really disappointed with the Thornbush God’s kit

I’m really disappointed with the Thornbush God’s kit
  1. First of all, why does TVB (pre transformation) have blast armor, but TGB (pre transformation) doesn’t?
  2. Second of all, the lack of Sustained Damage Cut for a Defensive unit makes absolutely no sense. He only gets it when his gauge resets. Why doesn’t he get it on endurance and main? And it’s only with transformed state.
  3. Third of all, why doesn’t he get vanish on main? Sure, he gets vanish on his blue card when he’s transformed, but that’s very little. Also, Ki reduction restricted to his being full? MF’s don’t play their own game. Why not give him vanish increase when he vanishes.
  4. Why does he only get Card Draw Speed when the match starts? Who designed his kit? Also, this new ability of his is literally just cover null meanwhile TVB’s new ability is completely fucking busted. I don’t want his new ability to be busted, but it could be way better.
  5. Finally, Why the fuck doesn’t he have the God Ki tag in his base form?
submitted by RedemptionDB to DragonballLegends [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:20 angiecx3010 3 years after surgery, its possible to still feel beautiful

submitted by angiecx3010 to gastricsleeve [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:20 ProfessionOk1737 Having some friend please

Hey I'm a revert from Louisiana and I'm gay. Please don't hate me. Ok but im.juts trying to have a friend. Someone to talk to, someone to chat anytime. Someone to have near. Someone I can laugh and crack jokes with. If you don't have something positive to say please don't say it. Any one please. I'll chat here and then we can go to other socials of needed. But anyway thanks and Salam.
submitted by ProfessionOk1737 to MuslimLounge [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:20 Famous-Falcon-7074 What is this?!

What is this?! Hi I found this years ago in Western Australia, I loved that it looks like a heart. Can anyone tell me what it is? Many thanks
submitted by Famous-Falcon-7074 to whatsthisrock [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:20 causeproblems Opened the coffin in Cappella Magna and nothing happened?

Might be a bug. I got to the coffin by flying over the sky pattern (entering on the left), defeated the guards, and walked into the coffin. It played a song but I didn't get any notification that I received a new character. When I went to try again, the question mark was gone from the map.
submitted by causeproblems to VampireSurvivors [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:20 Glittering_Acadia725 Phone pakadne ka tareeka thoda cazeual hai 😵‍💫

Phone pakadne ka tareeka thoda cazeual hai 😵‍💫 Nysa ki choti finger mein pain nahi hota?😵‍💫🥲 I tried holding my phone like that after seeing this post and dard hogya rey
submitted by Glittering_Acadia725 to bollywoodcirclejerk [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:20 Limp_Pomelo_341 Who can make c@ptions and edits of my gf? Session below

Who can make c@ptions and edits of my gf? Session below submitted by Limp_Pomelo_341 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:20 ShadylolzEz Shepards Authority

Has anyone else noticed that the Hexgem that is given to Jayce by Viktor has the symbol of Shepard's Authority, the equipment card from LoR.
submitted by ShadylolzEz to LegendsOfRuneterra [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:20 bbdoll2 Female "18". Looking for people who are married and want to play a spicy game with me

submitted by bbdoll2 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:20 ChocolateNeither6672 I am buying a used Marin Alcatraz. Anything I should look out for?Tips? Good used price?

I am switching from a wheelie bike (c2 collective 2023) because I think that dirtjumpers will be more fun since they have gears, forks, and the frame looks more roomy. I’ve always been inspired by kamilstunts. He rides the Alcatraz and it looks so nice and comfortable. I want to be able to do the same tricks he does. (Kamilstunts on Instagram)
I mainly Wheelie, manual, and do tricks on my C2 Collective that I have right now.
submitted by ChocolateNeither6672 to dirtjumping [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:20 jxant [S2 act 3 Spoilers] Even more subtle details that Jinx is alive??

S2 Episode 9
S1 Episode 1
I already know about the other evidence we have on this (Jinx flash during the explosion, Cait looking through the blueprints, the reference to her breaking the cycle, the end credits, etc.)
But as I was looking back at the final scene, I noticed that the ship Jinx is likely flying away on has a distinctly blue-painted section on the back or hull.
When comparing it to the ship Powder observes in Season 1, Episode 1, that same part of the ship appears brown.
It could just be a coincidence, and may be reaching here, but considering how detail-oriented this team is...
What does everyone think?
submitted by jxant to arcane [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:20 Sansgaming18 [f4m] I'm down to fuck or facetime and sexting hmu on telegram::>> caramel836

submitted by Sansgaming18 to MinnesotaMassageSwap [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:20 shiftless_wonder GST holiday feeds Canada’s addiction to populist junk fiscal policy

https://www.theglobeandmail.com/business/commentary/article-gst-holiday-feeds-canadas-addiction-to-populist-junk-fiscal-policy/ Now the federal government proposes a temporary suspension of the GST on certain items over the holiday season. This boondoggle will change what people will buy and when, incentivizing them to minimize their tax burden rather than maximize their welfare, and imposing administrative and compliance costs that are a drag on our already struggling economy. And alcoholic beverages are on the list! In the bad old days, political parties offered free drinks at the polls. How is this any different?
submitted by shiftless_wonder to AlbertaFreelance [link] [comments]
