2024.11.25 18:41 No-Belt-9536 2U Power Distribution Pro - Eternally out of stock?
Does anybody know when/if this will ever be back in stock?
submitted by No-Belt-9536 to Ubiquiti [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 18:41 DenseCalligrapher219 They have some bizarre hate boner for the state. Like did it kill their favorite pet animal or something?
submitted by DenseCalligrapher219 to Gamingcirclejerk [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 18:41 green-grass-cutting Not sure where the time went...
submitted by green-grass-cutting to sixwordstories [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 18:41 Ok-Combination9619 Peteeeeeer
submitted by Ok-Combination9619 to PeterExplainsTheJoke [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 18:41 cranialnerve12 sweet and salty
I’m attempting to try all the Reese’s variations. I think this is a close second to the fast break. submitted by cranialnerve12 to candy [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 18:41 Remarkable-Land2892 My first Joghurt making xD hope it's gone be fine.. Any Tips? I heat the Milk first (3,5%) to 72 Celsius then lower the Temp to 42 Celsius and Add add the Bulgarian starter too it later and pre Heat the oven for 20min and put the Pott in and let it rest for how many Hours?
submitted by Remarkable-Land2892 to yogurtmaking [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 18:41 Leglanben Cafés in der Innenstadt
Ich bin am Samstagnachmittag zum Kaffee verabredet. Ich wollte eigentlich ins Koffie Kliek, hab da aber heute erfahren, dass die für nachmittags keine Reservierungen annehmen. Und weil das Café ja recht klein ist (und das Novemberwetter nicht unbedingt draußengeeignet ist) überlege ich für den Fall, dass es dann voll ist, welche guten Alternativen sich sonst anbieten.
In welche Cafés geht ihr gerne noch? Mir wär's wichtig, dass es nicht so laut ist, dass man sich nicht mehr unterhalten kann und am besten reservierbar.
Danke für Eure Ideen. :)
submitted by Leglanben to Oldenburg [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 18:41 IamConkerTheSquirrel When to Expect OP-XY Tutorials and Content?
I recently got the OP-XY and have been exploring it as an enthusiast and hobbyist. I’ve previously used devices like the OP-Z, OP-1, KO2 to create video game beats and nerdcore tracks.
I’ve learned so much from creators like SON Wu, CUCKOO, and XNB—their tutorials and content have been incredibly helpful, especially for devices like the EP-133.
Does anyone know if they or others in the community are planning to release content for the OP-XY? I'd love to dive deeper into what this device can do!
Thanks for any insights or recommendations!
submitted by IamConkerTheSquirrel to teenageengineering [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 18:41 harishasnoidea man this is why i hate sg server, man literally running and bunny hopping like csgo 2012
submitted by harishasnoidea to ArenaBreakoutInfinite [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 18:41 BigPrimary69 Label Design ---- I noticed you shared your feedback on a label design, so I’d love to hear your thoughts on mine! As a startup micro-roaster, I’ve come up with this design and would really appreciate your insights and tips. Your feedback means a lot!
submitted by BigPrimary69 to roasting [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 18:41 mountain__pew [WTS] Marmot Boreas Long Sleeve Shirt - men's S
Selling a Marmot Boreas Long Sleeve Shirt. It's a men's S and has only been worn once on a day hike. Like new condition.
2024.11.25 18:41 sallysaysyes Looking into microneedling to reduce the appearance of some scars on my face from an accident that happened in June. Wondering what products/regiments I should look into!
I've done a small bit of research and would really like to reduce the appearance of these scars! I'm currently looking at a stamp that has an adjustable length (.25-3mm) on Amazon and am also curious about any serums or moisturizing products to use in conjunction with the stamp, as well as how often to use!
Any advice or insight is very much appreciated!
submitted by sallysaysyes to Microneedling [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 18:41 Efficient-March-7394 Obident g00ner jerking off rn. 050fb88cfb093c5763ee7b2324d44e1a3642d5e1860f1e4d13b5265553eff22061
submitted by Efficient-March-7394 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 18:41 test_block_4 To report 2024-11-25 18:38:50
submitted by test_block_4 to 17112022075331 [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 18:41 Losanz 8P Chao Race
So I downloaded and got chao world extended but how do you enable 8 player chao races. I don't see an option for me to do it with my own chao anywhere.
submitted by Losanz to chao [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 18:41 twistedLucidity Carnival cruise line emitted more CO2 in 2023 than Scotland’s biggest city – report
submitted by twistedLucidity to Scotland [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 18:41 Ccaves0127 The first Cannes film festival was delayed because the Nazis invaded Poland THAT DAY, starting World War 2, and I can't believe there's never been a movie about this?!
Okay so it's been awhile since I read about this, I might be getting some details wrong.
In the early 20th Century, Berlin and Venice were the only big international film festivals in Europe. France was jealous and wanted to get in on it. Mussolini and Hitler were in power, and when a French film lost the grand prize at Venice Intl Film Festival 1938 to an Italian film that was endorsed by Mussolini, they said that's it, and the French government created an international film festival as an official act. They decided on Cannes because it was a seaside, picturesque area and thought the end of the summer would be a perfect time of the year for it, so they decided on August 31st.
The first night, a Friday, only had one film screening, and Cannes had paid a ton of Hollywood film stars to come on an MGM yacht and shmooze, so they were drinking and hanging out and gossiping, with the understanding that the next day would be the real start of the festival, with multiple movies playing and discussions and all that. However, Germany invaded Poland on that day, September 1st, 1939, and the Cannes Film Festival was delayed, then 10 days later, France declared war on Germany and officially canceled the festival, sending all the American celebrities home, and the first real Cannes Film Festival was in 1946, after the end of WW2.
I think it's such a crazy, bonkers idea that people would eat up, World War 2, based on a true story, Hollywood, celebrities, all in the same movie, I am absolutely shocked that nobody has made a movie about it, it seems like a perfect idea.
submitted by Ccaves0127 to movies [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 18:41 Next_Airport_7230 Gen z addicted to streamers starter pack
submitted by Next_Airport_7230 to starterpacks [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 18:41 maisribatejo Ministra da Cultura visita Biblioteca Municipal de Santarém e anuncia novos apoios para 2025
submitted by maisribatejo to noticiasSantarem [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 18:41 argonaut0 Donkey Kong Land Comes To Nintendo Switch Online
submitted by argonaut0 to popgeeksnet [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 18:41 Narrow-Wolverine-373 Midnight Rider 🌌
Finally tried this one out! It’s pretty! Very dark, sultry, vampy. submitted by Narrow-Wolverine-373 to mooncatpolish [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 18:41 Thick_Jeweler_7351 [m4f] white plains looking to hangout whatever happens happens
[m4f] white plains looking to hangout whatever happens happens
submitted by Thick_Jeweler_7351 to HudsonvalleyNFSW [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 18:41 YourTrueCrimeLibrary [MEGATHREAD] FL v. Susan Lorincz
Description: Florida woman Susan Lorincz was found guilty of manslaughter after admitting to shooting her neighbor, Ajike Owens, in June 2023. Lorincz reportedly called police seven times in one year to complain about Owens' children playing near her home. The feud between Lorincz and Owens turned deadly when Owens went to speak with Lorincz about a dispute involving her children. Lorincz said she shot Owens through her front door in self-defense. However, a jury did not find the shooting justified and now Lorincz faces up to 30 years in prison.
This is called the Neighbor Feud Murder Trial and the Knocking Neighbor Murder Trial
Trial Discussion Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Sentencing
submitted by YourTrueCrimeLibrary to TrialWatching [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 18:41 silenthaz87 Two step increase
I've tried doing research but can't seem to find an answer. Current Term GS-13 Step 3. Received two offers for Perm GS-12 Step 8. I sent an email for super qualification and was told since I am federal employee I don't qualify.
I'm trying to figure out if I would be eligible for the two step increase or matching my current pay. Any advice would be appreciated.
submitted by silenthaz87 to usajobs [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 18:41 GothyTrannyBethany A hard pill to swallow
submitted by GothyTrannyBethany to GenZ [link] [comments] |