New Ducks hat from CrownMinded

2024.11.25 19:32 R7-SavageYT New Ducks hat from CrownMinded

New Ducks hat from CrownMinded submitted by R7-SavageYT to neweracaps [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:32 Krystial Would it be worth to continue farming obsidian or should I move on to other characters?

Would it be worth to continue farming obsidian or should I move on to other characters? Ult is level 6 cause I ran out of weekly boss mats
submitted by Krystial to ChascaMains [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:32 sk8rgild Kenneth Cole Black Friday Ads 2024

Use the link for Kenneth Cole Black Friday Ads 2024. The website features a wide selection of coupons, promo codes, and discount deals that are updated regularly for you to choose from and make your purchase more affordable.
submitted by sk8rgild to SafePromo [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:32 Kristen1296 Signup and start referring for a chance at $100! Takes 2 sec 🥳 ENTER Code: WWSHLG ✅️ TONS of ways to earn 🥳🥳

Signup and start referring for a chance at $100! Takes 2 sec 🥳 ENTER Code: WWSHLG ✅️ TONS of ways to earn 🥳🥳 submitted by Kristen1296 to ReferalCodes [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:32 ProfAlastor Por quê não virar um lobo solitário, feito um Guts da vida?

Por quê não virar um lobo solitário, feito um Guts da vida? A vida em sociedade se provou algo chato e monótono. Boas parte das pessoas são hipócritas e mentirosas, fazem da base de suas vidas o culto ao ego e os instintos mais primários, fazendo de tudo para se auto afirmarem e para aproveitaren a vida da maneira mais nojenta e instintiva possível.
(Fala sério, tem gente que transa em banheiro químico no carnaval.)
Às vezes, se tornar um hikikomori ou um monge pós-moderno parece uma boa escolha. Por quê não? Por quê não ser alguém elevado espiritual, física e intelectualmente afastado desse reduto de hedonismo e animalismo que virou o mundo moderno?
Só de você não ir no happy hour nas sextas você já tem tempo livre. Se você se recusar a sair nos fins de semana ou de ver aqueles parentes chatos nos churras mensais, vc consegue fazer muito mais coisa.
Vale a pena virar um lobo solitário? Se não, pq? Se sim, pq?
submitted by ProfAlastor to FilosofiaBAR [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:32 torvikarts IMA interpone denuncia contra comercios que supuestamente lucran con productos subsidiados, director lanza advertencia

IMA interpone denuncia contra comercios que supuestamente lucran con productos subsidiados, director lanza advertencia submitted by torvikarts to Panama [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:32 b-loved_assassin Chargers WR Ladd McConkey expected to play Monday night vs the Ravens.

submitted by b-loved_assassin to fantasyfootball [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:32 FeeTrick3977 Loser city aviation

submitted by FeeTrick3977 to Losercity [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:32 NoName_257 Something for gun meme review, from gun meme review

Something for gun meme review, from gun meme review submitted by NoName_257 to brandonherrara [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:32 lss_web_1444 Text post title 204

Text post body
submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:32 No_Put_8503 You Know, Today’s Bullshit Job Wasn’t Too Bad for Some Reason…🤑🤷‍♂️🤑🤷‍♂️💎🤷‍♂️🤑

You Know, Today’s Bullshit Job Wasn’t Too Bad for Some Reason…🤑🤷‍♂️🤑🤷‍♂️💎🤷‍♂️🤑 Cleaning oil leak under a Solar Combustion Turbine…
submitted by No_Put_8503 to CountryDumb [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:32 Ok-Salt-8884 Anyone had a facial mole removed?

Anyone had a facial mole removed? I have a few small moles in my face but I REALLY want this one removed. My dermatologist gave me two options: shaving method (most likely leave a circular scar, not invasive) or cutting it out (would leave a different shaped scar, forgot what she said lol but requires stitches). I want the shaving version but honestly, I'm scared of it because it's on my face. Has anyone done it? Are you happy with the end result?
submitted by Ok-Salt-8884 to 30PlusSkinCare [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:32 Advanced_Drink_8536 GOP senator: Tulsi Gabbard was only 'compromised for a second' in Syria

GOP senator: Tulsi Gabbard was only 'compromised for a second' in Syria submitted by Advanced_Drink_8536 to AntiTrumpAlliance [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:32 Whaleshark-mel Looking for a semi-vanilla bedrock server

Looking for a small server that has addons and simple mods like nature effect and new animals. No anarchy! Would like to have a active community and discord
submitted by Whaleshark-mel to Minecraft_Realms [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:32 mrstrimmer First gen clunk...

Hey! long time lurker, first time poster.. Bought a first gen cruze (2012 ls 1.8) around 6 months ago. Had a lot of work done according to carfax, and I've only done some minor maintenance items, besides a faulty water pump (what a surprise). And I honestly love this car.
I have two major questions, one. theres a clunk sound when its cold and idling, seems to be unrelated to the powertrain, and itll make the sound regardless of gear. Sounds a little bit like the ABS test clunk, but every few seconds until the engine hits around 160. If anyone knows what this is, or how to fix/if its entirely normal id appreciate the help! Only code/CE Is p0420 from the downstream o2, replacing soon.
Lastly, im pushing 150k, and im worried about the whole car deciding to just shit out at once, anything to look for preventative maintenance wise? Aforementioned water pump replacement is already done, planning on timing belt and tensioner soon, seals for the oil cooler are already ordered (didnt realize she was a smoker)... Anything else i need to worry about? outlet hoses are also being replaced soon.. but as of now i dont leak coolant!
submitted by mrstrimmer to cruze [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:32 kinkypoisonivy_ Mother and son, rescues.

Mother and son, rescues. Lily left, Logan right
submitted by kinkypoisonivy_ to dogpictures [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:32 OCDcentral I'd like to sell my music but I wonder if I will be facing any legality setbacks. It's not a new idea but it seems to be successful if you want to put some work into it.

I noticed people selling bundles of their music on Facebook groups and private websites. They bundle it for a different holidays and events based on the holiday and also the genre.
For example one of the bundles is a Halloween hip hop and pop bundle. It has 125 tracks and most of them are with DJ intros and the rest are original and/or remixes.
I know that as a producer and a DJ you can also create DJ intros for tracks and become a contributor on one of those DJ record pools. I'm not sure what is the process to join as one of the people who actually adds to the list with their music but I know that's legitimate.
However, when it comes to editing my own music which I obtained legally; I'm not sure if I can resell that. So many people are doing it but it doesn't mean it's right.
It's not a get rich quick money scheme. Each track takes anywhere from 4 to 8 minutes to create, sometimes less and sometimes more.
At the end of the day, when you have all of the music created and you have all the bundles then it's a pretty Great way to make residual passive income. Each bundle can be sold from anywhere from $10 to $30 and I've seen it done multiple times.
There must be at least 50 people who will purchase each bundle worldwide if your edits are legitimate and you did a good job.
Is there a legal way to do this and still be profitable? I'd like to learn anything I can about this.
submitted by OCDcentral to Beatmatch [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:32 LuminousViper This is a crypto sub

This is a crypto sub submitted by LuminousViper to lostredditors [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:32 lss_web_1444 Image post title 418

Image post title 418 submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:32 Interesting-Fly-6891 What’s eating my fiddle leaf fig tree?

What’s eating my fiddle leaf fig tree? My lovely, 15’ tall fiddle leaf fig is gradually being consumed by something. How do I rescue the Queen of our garden?
submitted by Interesting-Fly-6891 to marijuanaenthusiasts [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:32 WaLlPaAnTs What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by WaLlPaAnTs to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:32 Deep_Scallion8121 No Antaris 2025

They just announced it
submitted by Deep_Scallion8121 to psytrance [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:32 Particular_Ebb2932 Mad bRuin ASSAULTS USC fan

submitted by Particular_Ebb2932 to ucla [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:32 lss_web_1444 Link post title 627

Link post title 627 submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:32 Cursed_Fodo [ps4] w: paladins set h: ask

password is forlorn ill summon you in the church by andre
submitted by Cursed_Fodo to snuggly [link] [comments]