Javni poziv za dodjelu državnih stipendija u STEM područjima znanosti za akademsku godinu 2024./2025., u sklopu Nacionalnog plana oporavka i otpornosti 2021. - 2026., studentima u redovitom statusu koji su upisani na visoka učilišta u Republici Hrvatskoj Rok: 12. studenoga 2024. do 12.00 sati 22.10.2024. | Javni pozivi | Stipendije Ministar Fuchs na Danu FER-a Ministar znanosti, obrazovanja i mladih prof. dr. sc. Radovan Fuchs u ime predsjednika Vlade RH sudjelovao je na svečanosti obilježavanja 105. godišnjice visokog tehničkog školstva u Hrvatskoj i 68. obljetnice Dana Fakulteta elektrotehnike i računarstva Sveučilišta u Zagrebu (FER). 22.11.2024. | Pisane vijesti | Priopćenja | Visoko obrazovanje Katalog odobrenih udžbenika za osnovnu školu, gimnazije i srednje strukovne škole za šk. god. 2021./2022. sadrži popis udžbenika pristiglih na Javni poziv za podnošenje prijava za odobravanje korištenja udžbenika u školi i uvrštavanje udžbenika u Katalog odobrenih udžbenika objavljen 18. lipnja 2020. godine. Vijest je prenesena s mrežnih stranica Ministarstva znanosti i obrazovanja. Fuchs: Objavljujemo još tri poziva za vrtiće, osnovne i srednje škole Ministarstvo znanosti, obrazovanja i mladih objavilo je u srijedu tri nova poziva koja se odnose na vrtiće, osnovne i srednje škole, a ministar Radovan Fuchs i premijer Andrej Plenković naglasili su da Vlada provodi najveće ulaganje u obrazovanje u povijesti Hrvatske. 29.05.2024. Ministarstvo znanosti, obrazovanja i mladih Donje Svetice 38, 10000 Zagreb Centrala: +385 1 4569 000 Faks: +385 1 4594 301 OIB: 49508397045 MB: 03271030 Ministarstvo znanosti i obrazovanja Donje Svetice 38, 10000 Zagreb Centrala: +385 1 4569 000 Faks: +385 1 4594 301 E-pošta: [email protected] Podrška nastavnicima, učenicima i roditeljima Upute o izdavanju duplikata svjedodžbi i uvjerenja o položenom stručnom ispitu Napomena: Na temelju članka 3. Uputa o izdavanju duplikata svjedodžbi i uvjerenja o položenom stručnom ispitu, zahtjev se podnosi u pisanom obliku Agenciji za odgoj i obrazovanje poštom ili putem elektroničke pošte na: [email protected] Podnositelj je dužan u zahtjevu navesti sljedeće podatke: ime i ... Sustav državnih stipendija služi za prikupljanje i obradu prijava na natječaj za ostvarivanje prava na državnu stipendiju uz pomoć elektroničkih obrazaca i njihovu integraciju u informacijski sustav Ministarstva. Tijekom svibnja i lipnja 2021. godine bio je otvoren sedamnaesti ciklus natječaja u sklopu Programa zajedničkog poticanja razmjene sudionika u projektima između Ministarstva znanosti i obrazovanja Republike Hrvatske i Njemačke službe za akademsku razmjenu (DAAD), koji je potpisan 23. svibnja 2005. godine.
2024.11.25 19:40 transfercannoli Mzoo sleep mask dupe?
Hi! The mzoo sleep masks (amazon) are INCREDIBLE, but not very durable. I have probably been through four because they eventually fall apart. Anybody find a similar style from a better seller? I'm happy to pay a bit more for something that will hold together!
submitted by transfercannoli to sleep [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 19:40 dirtyharrison 'All the Brothers Found Him to Be Cool': Stephen A. Smith Refutes Leftist Claim That Trump is Racist
submitted by dirtyharrison to NewsWhatever [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 19:40 ProxySocks5 🎉 Exciting Update! We’re expanding! Our Residential Proxies and VPN services are now available with locations in El Paso, Texas! 🌟
🎉 Exciting Update! We’re expanding! Our Residential Proxies and VPN services are now available with locations in El Paso, Texas! 🌟 Whether you’re working remotely, managing multiple accounts, streaming, or just browsing securely, we’ve got the perfect tools for you. With fast speeds, enhanced privacy, and unbeatable reliability, you can enjoy the freedom to connect like never before. 🔐✨ 🌐 Why Choose Us? ✅ Reliable connections anytime ✅ Perfect for personal and professional use Start here: 🔍 https://ps5.li Residential Proxy In El Paso Texas submitted by ProxySocks5 to ProxySocks5 [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 19:40 Classic_Huckleberry5 Lotus took the longest and looks the worst. Any advice on touching it up?
submitted by Classic_Huckleberry5 to tattooadvice [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 19:40 vbt31 If it weren't for overzealous Brazilian football fans, the story would have went in a bad direction. Praise the Brazilians!
submitted by vbt31 to Korosensei [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 19:40 tlflack25 My old sc64w hi
I was looking up specs of my older flashlights and looking how they compare to newer ones. I bought this on recommendation from this sub right when it was released. Along with what I’m pretty sure is a h600 w mkiv. But I had no idea how sought after these were. I read posts where people were talking about these going for a couple hundred on eBay. I was wondering if these are still that sought after? submitted by tlflack25 to flashlight [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 19:40 dirtyharrison MSNBC's Capehart: 'Conflicted’ over Trump Nominee Being Highest-Ranking LGBT Cabinet Member
submitted by dirtyharrison to NewsWhatever [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 19:40 atomicpenguin12 [Meta] Call for mods and discussion about 2024 and 2025
Hello, everyone! The year of 2024 is almost over and I've so glad to see people who have stuck it out and are on the verge of finishing the challenge for this year. Thanks to everyone who contributed and I hope you will all stick around to finish things out in December.
The first thing I want to discuss is my role as admin. My life has gotten much busier in the second half of this year and I've let a few things slip while trying to balance managing this sub with what's going on in my own life. Because of that, I'd like to open things up and allow one or more people to take over running the sub in the coming year of 2025. I will be available to assist, but I will be trying to take more of a backseat role. Please DM me if you are interested.
I also wanted to create a space where we can reflect a bit on the previous year. I'd love to hear your thoughts about how things went and what could be improved in the coming year. What themes did you like and would like to see more of? What improvements or features would you like to see added to the subreddit? Please feel free to post any thoughts you have in the comments below.
submitted by atomicpenguin12 to 52WeeksOfCocktails [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 19:40 asgardd3 Cucks come to show your gf for rating degrading 18+ tele 94R23Q2TJ session in comment
submitted by asgardd3 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 19:40 notsciguy A parts bin build that I did last spring
It’s a 2016 rockhopper that I built up with mostly stuff from the parts bin and some stuff that I either bought or stole off of my other bikes. submitted by notsciguy to Hardtailgang [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 19:40 ItsJordanThomson QVIS NVR
Got a Qvis NVR and POE cameras, still use 1 Qvis camera but other two are Hi-Look so are fed through a switch as can’t be plugged directly into NVR.
Use SuperLive Plus as the remote viewing app.
Problem - on the NVR the cameras are all live, recording and in normal working order. Now when I open the SuperLive Plus app all the cameras are “offline” but it is showing green in the server list and connected to the NVR remotely through NAT and pulling all the NVR details.
The app knows I have the 3 cameras but all are stuck offline (but working fine on the NVR).
Any ideas? Driving me insane.
submitted by ItsJordanThomson to cctv [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 19:40 gamerpillar Felcycle Mount Puzzle | 4 O’Clock Orb Guide 4/12 | Scroll of Fel Binding | WOW: The War Within
submitted by gamerpillar to Gamerpillar [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 19:40 ddd4242 Is this Cortney?
Looks like her instagram submitted by ddd4242 to 90DayFiance [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 19:40 Dizzy-Lab-9806 Wer feedet auf snap kann remixen 18+ DM
submitted by Dizzy-Lab-9806 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 19:40 Odd-Peach7838 What ending to a movie would you change to make the story better?
submitted by Odd-Peach7838 to AskReddit [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 19:40 Beneficial-Seesaw260 Bbv
What’s bbv worth right now? Don’t wanna get scammed
submitted by Beneficial-Seesaw260 to BeeSwarmSimulator [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 19:40 dirtyharrison VIDEO: Bishop T.D. Jakes Experiences 'Slight Health Incident' While Delivering Sermon
submitted by dirtyharrison to NewsWhatever [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 19:40 Ems118 Should I spend Christmas with mum
Last year in august there was a big fall out in my family. Long story short, my mum got ill, almost died 1 brother found her will and turned the whole family against me because I live in the family home and my mum was leaving it to me and he lost his crap. Put a mobile home in the back garden, changed the locks on the house me and my mum share and assaulted me. The other two wanted their share so played along. 1 stealing almost £2000 of me in the form of a car he refuses to pay for and the other has an addiction and rather than allow me to tell people his secret ehich I’d no intention of or even threatened to he told people I stole from my mum. It was him who stole he was eventually found out. So that was august to November. Come Christmas I’m going to my partners mums. 23rd December my mum who recovered to about 70% told me she was going to my brothers (one I called the police on) and I had to look after the dog brothers girlfriend had a dog who was reactive and mum couldn’t take ours. I was never told this. Partners mother had a cat so I couldn’t take the dog. So Christmas Eve and day were spent with our dog. No phone calls text messages nothing from my family I’ve 7 grown up nieces and nephews. I’m 43 the oldest is 33 and youngest 22. In all honesty I was heart broken long before Christmas so I was numb and not overly bothered to hang out with the dog at Christmas.
So I choose to stay away from my family, not that I was invited anywhere. No happy birthday from anyone or congratulations on my recent new job. So come this Christmas my mum hasn’t been invited anywhere and I have declared I’m not doing Christmas. Me and my partner and going to his mums to look after the cat. Friends have invited me to theirs and I have said no that I’ve no interest in celebrating Christmas. Now I’m not a total ba humbug I’ve bought my mum a few gifts and my best friends kids and my partner but I’ve no interest in putting up a tree or having Christmas dinner.
I’ve been diagnosed with developmental trauma/complex trauma. I have learned to stay away from people and situations that have previously caused me trauma and avoiding my family is the only way to do that.
While I am my mums carer I feel I have no obligation to spend Christmas with her. She never done anything to stop my brothers behaviour towards me and even went as far as say I destroyed the family. She then cries because she need my help. My trauma has cause me to be reactive and I hate I’m like that and try to avoid the situations. Christmas will be one of those times. I’ve explained to her she doesn’t acknowledge my hurt she says I need to get over it but I can’t while I never got an apology so I’ve just walked away. If she didn’t need my help I wouldn’t be living with her.
She’s making me feel bad but I don’t want to spend Christmas with her.
My mum is 75 on dialysis 3 days a week. I work full time.
Brother who found the Will had just split with his wife and she took half of everything. He is 51.
With with the car 46.
One who said I stole is 56
I didn’t expect this to be so long and I apologise for it being all muddled.
submitted by Ems118 to family [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 19:40 SnooTangerines9413 Прашање во врска со Payoneer
Значи вака овде банките скоро сите ми се исти барем така како шо гледам. Прашањето ми е ко ке вадам пари општо на банкоматите ми пиши дека ќе ми земи 250-350 денари за трансакцијата исто така ко ќе отворам во Payoneer ми пиши на 30.000 денари 20-25 USD transaction fee. Дали пример ако земам картичка на EUR би можел да вадам од Грција со помал трошок. Некој некаков совет ако има ако знај сакам да извам од парите колку шо можам. Ви благодарам од напред за сите совети. 😀
submitted by SnooTangerines9413 to mkd [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 19:40 Traditional_Taro2852 Group 0530d2b7c8ce64e9c3620a4e33cd0f40ef9d0b1ca4076d614b9617e0d018be1b1f
submitted by Traditional_Taro2852 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 19:40 dirtyharrison Actor Joel Grey Compares Trump to Nazi Regime from 'Cabaret' in New York Times Op-Ed
submitted by dirtyharrison to NewsWhatever [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 19:40 BridgeNo354 Soy timido y con baja autoestima, tengo miedo de mi futuro, ¿Algun consejo? o ¿ayuda?
Toda mi infancia y adolescencia me la pasaba en casa viendo tele o jugando de vez en cuando porque eramos pobres y mi zona no era segura por lo cual no pude interactuar mucho con mi entorno y me perdi de muchas cosas en la vida por lo cual en el colegio era muy timido y sin ningún amigo pero aun haci me las pude arreglar para pasar los semestres porque la depresión afecta el rendimiento académico, no le di importancia hasta antes de ingresar a la universidad que se muy bien que no solo es estudiar sino crear contactos que te ayudaran en el futuro. En el segundo ciclo por alguna razón pude ser sociable y tener muchos amigos, gane confianza y puede ser feliz por un año, pero en el tercer ciclo e perdido la confianza y la alegria debido a que nosé si era yo o los demás que se apartan de mi, pero después de una semana volvi a mi punto de inicio y ahora parece que todos se alejan de mi. Supongo tambien que es debido a que no soy muy agraciado de cara(cara seria), tengo voz de adolescente, mi panza, no saber expresarme y no tener personalidad ni pasatiempos ni algo interesante. No estaría publicando esto si no fuera que a escalado tanto que ahora tengo depresión y veo que me rechazan hasta mi familia y vecinos. Porsiacaso no es de mi mente, algo en comun que me dicen es que soy aburrido. Quisiera tener una vida norma, desarrollar habilidades sociables, ayudar a personas que tengan la misma situación.
submitted by BridgeNo354 to Preguntas_de_Reddit_ [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 19:40 TowerSouthern3807 Carole Vorderman mamma mea
submitted by TowerSouthern3807 to bollywoodplugin [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 19:40 Mencooo WANT TO BUY/TRADE MAX TH16 NL LOCAL
I want to trade this stacked account with almost all equipment max and skins for a NL local TH16 with great equipment. https://imgur.com/a/9t69jw2 (pictures are a few weeks old, currently TH17)
If not interested in a trade, DM me with your TH16 NL local and price.
submitted by Mencooo to ClashofClansAccounts [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 19:40 LongjumpingExplorer1 College ball play
submitted by LongjumpingExplorer1 to sportsbetting [link] [comments] |