Can I buy Dark Rey with Conquest Credits?

2024.11.25 19:50 Viperise Can I buy Dark Rey with Conquest Credits?

I know she won't appear in the Conquest store to purchase for crystals for a few months, but will she appear to buy with Conquest Credits yet?
submitted by Viperise to SWGalaxyOfHeroes [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:50 LycheeAggressive2350 I’m expendable.

my first boyfriend left me for another girl. tbh i feel like he was going through a phase of liking girls who are black. he is hispanic, by the way. i’m belizean and black. i just think it’s funny cause my recent boyfriend broke up with me weeks before leaving to the coast guard, to again be with someone else. broke up with me that day and same night went to her dorm. i just think it’s crazy how one is easily expendable. i have no questions.. just thoughts.
submitted by LycheeAggressive2350 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:50 GEPholyhell Spark vs Katana

Is the spark 40 watt loud enough to keep up with a drummer, also, will the speakers need switching?
Is the katana as flexible and customizable as the spark, or is it more rigid and limiting? Would appreciate anyone with knowledge on this topic giving their two cents.
submitted by GEPholyhell to GuitarAmps [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:50 BlueVeins94 How tall do they say I am, according to the size of my hands?

How tall do they say I am, according to the size of my hands? submitted by BlueVeins94 to hands [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:50 Giggleshitter317 What is your first MAX rank (after the trophy rework)

What is your first MAX rank (after the trophy rework) Getting to 1000 got a lot easier than before, it used to take skill now anyone can get it, its not a bad thing of course and its even good but at the same time you dont feel the same way about achieving 1000 trophies on a brawler
submitted by Giggleshitter317 to Brawlstars [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:50 Hunt50516 Cogsworth has disappeared

So I recently re-downloaded fallout 4 and all of my old automatons were gone. I didn’t think much of it and I started rebuilding them but then I remembered I had made modifications to Cogsworth so I wanted to see if those reverted but I can’t find him anywhere I went to the VIP tracker and his name isn’t on the list anymore so I decided to load an old save that I made before deleting it in the first place and I just so happened to have one of my automaton as a companion at that time and it completely saved so I thought all was well and went back to where I kept all of my automatons, but the rest were gone including Cogsworth but the kicker is Ada is still there, modifications, and all so is Cogsworth just gone forever now????
submitted by Hunt50516 to fo4 [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:50 Easy_Local_612 Irl 057060f05414533a04b91abb2ba0f80555375bf4b694271073cf3763fbc99a8550

submitted by Easy_Local_612 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:50 ChrisGaines_ El Paso Locomotive FC Announce 2025 Roster Decisions

submitted by ChrisGaines_ to ElPasoLocomotive [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:50 BuffaloBreezy Are you guys seeing this?

Immediately as Aubrey's Xqc stream starts trending today, Kendrick drops the squabble up video and now the stream is no longer trending. I mean, intentionally or not, Kendricks buzz is like Dikembe any time Aubrey starts to regain relevance. Call me crazy but I see asymmetrical warfare going on. Neither party is "unbothered", and I think that's appropriate. They're still sparring, just on tangential fronts.
submitted by BuffaloBreezy to KendrickLamar [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:50 K-star1595756 Apply this to the world of animal crossing - I’ll start!

Apply this to the world of animal crossing - I’ll start! The fact that I can’t place orders from nook shopping while my airport gate is open! 😒
submitted by K-star1595756 to acnh [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:50 Difficult_Shower_805 Nordic nrf52840 I2S microphone Integration

Nordic nrf52840 I2S microphone Integration I'm currently trying to use the ICS 43434 Microphone with an nrf52840 chip. I am positive that I have the right pin configuration in my device tree and the right config but I included them incase. Below is my code and my debug output. It writes the first few loops and then begins failing. I am writing to a filesystem mounted on an external flash which I have tested so I know that memory is not the issue. I feel it has to do with writing to the flash too fast. Any insight or resources would be appreciated.
I2S Config and code
i2s_dev = DEVICE_DT_GET(DT_NODELABEL(i2s0)); if (!i2s_dev) { printk("I2S: Device driver not found.\n"); return; }
struct i2s_config i2s_cfg = { .word_size = 24, // 24 bits per sample .channels = 1, // Mono (left channel) .format = I2S_FMT_DATA_FORMAT_I2S, .options = I2S_OPT_BIT_CLK_MASTER | I2S_OPT_FRAME_CLK_MASTER, .frame_clk_freq = SAMPLE_RATE, // Define SAMPLE_RATE as needed .mem_slab = &i2s_mem_slab, .block_size = BUFFER_SIZE, .timeout = 2000};
ret = i2s_configure(i2s_dev, I2S_DIR_RX, &i2s_cfg); if (ret < 0) { printk("I2S: Configuration failed.\n"); return; }
while (true) { void *rx_block; size_t size; uint32_t total_bytes_written = 0;
rc = fs_open(&file, FILE_PATH, FS_O_CREATE | FS_O_WRITE); if (rc < 0) { printk("Failed to open file: %d\n", rc); return; }
ret = i2s_trigger(i2s_dev, I2S_DIR_RX, I2S_TRIGGER_START); if (ret < 0) { printk("I2S: Failed to start RX stream.\n"); return; } uint32_t end_time = k_uptime_get() + 10000;
// while (k_uptime_get() < end_time) while (total_bytes_written < 8096) { rc = i2s_read(i2s_dev, &rx_block, &size); if (rc < 0) { printk("I2S: Read error %d\n", rc); continue; } total_bytes_written += size;
{ uint8_t *data = (uint8_t *)rx_block;
rc = fs_write(&file, data, sizeof(data)); if (rc < 0) { printk("Failed to write to file: %d\n", rc); continue; } else { printk("Successfully wrote to file\n"); } }
k_mem_slab_free(&i2s_mem_slab, &rx_block); }
printk("I2S: Audio capture complete. Total bytes written: %u\n", total_bytes_written); fs_sync(&file);
k_msleep(RECORD_DELAY_MS); }
Pin Selection
i2s0_default_alt: i2s0_default_alt { group1 { psels = , // Serial Clock (SCK) on P0.28 , // Left-Right Clock (LRCK) on P0.04 ; // Serial Data Input (SDIN) on P0.31 }; }; 
submitted by Difficult_Shower_805 to embedded [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:50 Odd_Bad5188 Vraylar Side Effects, anyone else?

Taking 1.5 mg and just started about 4 days ago. It kept me awake the first night, so I waited 36 hours and started taking it in the morning. No big deal, though I do have some weird dreams.
Even weirder, it seems to have ramped up my libido. I normally need Tadalifil (Cialis) for sex, but I find myself getting erections randomly. Anyone else? Is this a side effect I need to report to my dr?
submitted by Odd_Bad5188 to Vraylar [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:50 Ashamed_Account3768 I’m listening to “TV OFF” and he never screams “mustard” like in all the memes. Is it like an exclusive version?

Please help
submitted by Ashamed_Account3768 to KendrickLamar [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:50 TillThen96 Jack Smith files to drop all federal charges against Donald Trump

Jack Smith files to drop all federal charges against Donald Trump submitted by TillThen96 to Law_and_Politics [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:50 ponpon55 Guys, give me ur most cursed hh pic/meme

Guys, give me ur most cursed hh pic/meme submitted by ponpon55 to hazbin [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:50 luvvyville how do i ask for help?

i’ve suffered through years of mental health issues by myself, including suicide, sh, depression, the whole lot and i think the breaking point for this for me is developing an ed. i don’t want an ed anymore. i miss my old life :( i haven’t done any assignments in weeks, i barely talk to my friends and im so isolated, ive had suicidal ideation because of me feeling trapped trying to recover and going back to old habits way worse. i’m not planning on anything and it’s just how i felt in that moment:
i think im at the point where deep down nside i know i want to recover because i know it’s killing me. the only thing is that i started out overweight now im finally a healthy weight and i hate how i looked like before compared to now but fuck yes i had my issues but this is so much worse. i ate at maintenance most of the time and id have a cheat day or two and yes i was a bit chubby but i could go out with my friends dn i had the energy to socialize and i enjoyed my hobbies and i was a top student in my course now i feel so isolated and lonely and miserable and the brain fog is extreme
so i want to ask my parents for help…. im not ready but im just exhausted. i dont know what to do. i dont know how to approach this. i dont even know if i want to because i have a healthy weight but they know how i dont eat a lot but i act like im ok. it’s slowly killing me. i want to fall in love with life again and draw and paint and write shitty stories and watch my favourite shows and eat without mental hunger and enjoy my free time and to study and enjoy it and fall in love with life again. how has anyone gone about asking for help? what even happens, do they just make a doctors appointment? we can’t really afford private therapy and the health services in england are shit. i’m scared ill regret opening up, want to go back to old habits but my parents will force me to eat after i tell them and ufhfhffh idk im so exhausted of this mental illness though. even when i was depressed like at my worst point i had friends and a sense of community, i have none of that anymore, i go to college and talk to my friend but we’re not very close, i barely talk to my other friends, im slacking in college with my assignments, i lost the one person i would actually talk to, and i want to break the cycle, mostly me looking forward to food rather than being scared of it.
submitted by luvvyville to fuckeatingdisorders [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:50 solomonfix444 summertime shootout

summertime shootout submitted by solomonfix444 to AmateurPhotography [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:50 DepartureLoud5504 Daddy and I went to the library 💕

Daddy and I went to the library 💕 You like my doggy shoes? I just got them! Daddy was playing on the ps5 and let me watch 🩷 Even tho i jus played on my phone I had lots of fun
submitted by DepartureLoud5504 to ageregression [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:50 pureplay909 Long term battery life, better to always play plugged?

So, if I have a powerbank would it be better to always use LeGo plugged to never cycle the battery?
Should be cheap and easy to replace it but I think that replacing the powerbank may be even cheaper
submitted by pureplay909 to LegionGo [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:50 rewdea This painting was created in 1869, a full century before the Stonewall Riots.

This painting was created in 1869, a full century before the Stonewall Riots. Though remarkably modern looking, Scene d’ete by Jean Frederic Bazille was painted in 1869, exactly 100 years before the Stonewall Inn Riots which ushered in the gay rights movement in 1969.
submitted by rewdea to BarbaraWalters4Scale [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:50 Select-Disaster-6335 Jack frost day 3 [actives]

submitted by Select-Disaster-6335 to mushroom [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:50 inquisitiveman2002 Matcha cakes

Can anyone suggest good places for matcha cakes? birthday size. thanks.
submitted by inquisitiveman2002 to HoustonFood [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:50 Quantisnow Neuroscience Study Aboard Cunard's Queen Mary 2 Reveals Cognitive Benefits of Slow Travel at Sea

Neuroscience Study Aboard Cunard's Queen Mary 2 Reveals Cognitive Benefits of Slow Travel at Sea submitted by Quantisnow to Quantisnow [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:50 Super_Assignment_350 Who had the best Smile for you?

Who had the best Smile for you? For me, id say Paul had the most eerie and unsettling and smile from any of the characters in both films in my personal opinion.
submitted by Super_Assignment_350 to SmileMovie [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:50 Significant_Pay_3993 Journeyman’s Test

How long after take the Journeys mans test were you contacted?
submitted by Significant_Pay_3993 to UnionCarpenters [link] [comments]