2024.11.25 20:21 Prestigious-Crew7467 Bumblee brag. I've just started>3
Joined Bumble and noticed a trend—guys either ghost after matching or put in no effort, expecting looks to do the work. Meanwhile, the ones who aren’t as sought after seem more thoughtful and genuine. Also, why does ‘fun and casual’ now just mean intimacy without commitment? Where are the men who value real effort and connection?
submitted by Prestigious-Crew7467 to delhi [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 20:21 maxtrix7 C++ Developer banned from C++ Standards Group for using the word “Question” in a Paper Title
submitted by maxtrix7 to Asmongold [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 20:21 wwaarrddy CPU Fan Error!
As per the title, I am getting a CPU fan error.
I have updated the BIOS and tried both the chassis fan header and CPU fan header to no avail.
I bought a new Fan (Themalright Phantom Spirit EVO) and have just installed it to the same error.
So I ran a quick test and it is keeping my CPU cooler than the previous fan, but I think this is more to do with the heatsink than the fans actually working properly, as when I open HWMonitor, they never go abouve 207 RPM, either in game or in a benchmark.
A quick test on User Benchmark, got the CPU up to a max of 68 degrees C and prior to that, I ran a quick raid on Escape from Tarkov where the Temp ran up to mid 60s after 5 minutes at most.
Is this normal? I don't personally believe it is but my CPU is currently at a cool 34 degrees...with nothing but Reddit open.
Any ideas please?
submitted by wwaarrddy to PcBuild [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 20:21 K8sIsGr8 Swollen and in pain
27m in US. I’ve had SOB, back pain and chest pain (usually burning, sometimes sharp) and a dry cough for a couple months. Was told I had bacterial pneumonia a month ago and given antibiotics that didn’t help. No other pneumonia symptoms, they said this because I had GGOs in the lower left lung. Also my entire body is SO itchy especially my legs and hands. Swollen hard lymph node right above my elbow. Weird leg brusing. Loss of appetite and lost some weight. Idk if this matters but putting it in here in case it does.
The chest and back pain are now constant and getting worse. Even worse when I move at all. There is a painful bulge on the lower left ribs. All very noticeable. Went to the ER 3 days ago after my doctor said it looks very concerning and I should. They said I had costochondritis, then took an x-ray and said I’m constipated, too. Don’t really feel that constipated… I’ve had multiple bowel movements since then, and the middle of the right side of my back is swollen, the other swollen area over my ribs is bigger and I’m vomiting. I am exhausted and tired of feeling like ass.
submitted by K8sIsGr8 to DiagnoseMe [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 20:21 Conscious_Effect481 he must have been inspired by alex turner ... great song found on my discover weekly
https://open.spotify.com/intl-de/track/56K6vH432qp185ZcH8PTtD?si=ed60555bf32c4c32 it's definitely worth a listen
submitted by Conscious_Effect481 to arcticmonkeys [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 20:21 ladyytee96 Anyone ? Lf both golden blitz 1:1
submitted by ladyytee96 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 20:21 Beratungsmarketing Texas Constable and Daughter Killed in Crash Involving “Impaired” Suspect | Police Magazine
submitted by Beratungsmarketing to texas [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 20:21 Raveheart19 Lucky Lake is an absolute game changer...
But someone correct me if I'm wrong but we HAVE to buy their preset RV's this year and can't bring our own?
Can anyone find any info on these Preset RV's ?? I like the idea but I have A LOT of people coming with me and a tiny RV isn't going to work for these wild animals!
submitted by Raveheart19 to ElectricForest [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 20:21 Firm-Emphasis94 Looking for a f WHO wants to BE my pet 05a0e2d6bbd5a263af39f8972bc0d32772b228a451f4f4da47eb3eafef27d12848
submitted by Firm-Emphasis94 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 20:21 Dupont_or_Dupond Inspired by recent events
submitted by Dupont_or_Dupond to rugbyunion [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 20:21 Suspicious_Skank Looking for a job (or whatever advice you can offer)
Hey my name’s Cass and I’m graduating esthetician school in a few days. I’m a F21 looking for a more fulfilling job than a receptionist at a spa. I’d like to work more in product formulation than anything (like making makeup/skincare) and idk anyone in that particular field. This is my last resort and I just need to make some money 🥲
please pm me if you have any details that could help me 🙏🏼🙏🏼
submitted by Suspicious_Skank to Estheticians [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 20:21 ars4l4n I set up an external URL for my HA instance via Duck DNS & port forwarding on my router and have encountered several issues since
Right after setting that up, I noticed I couldn’t access HA over the internal URL anymore in the companion app which I fixed by entering the Duck DNS external URL where the internal URL is supposed to be in the companion app.
After a while, I’ve started getting the error “the certificate for this server is invalid” in my Home Assistant companion app and have been unable to access Home Assistant via the companion app. I don’t know if this is because I changed one of the routers in my mesh or if it happened independently of it. On top of that, I occasionally get an unsafe-website warning in Chrome which I have to click through in order to get to HA on my PC.
It’s clear these issues are related to the port-forwarding I’ve done as I haven’t had them before that.
submitted by ars4l4n to homeassistant [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 20:21 Icy-Mechanic-2823 well, this is weird
submitted by Icy-Mechanic-2823 to softwaregore [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 20:21 Chance-Pay1487 This guy tracked down my house and is sending threats everyday over cod zombies ..
submitted by Chance-Pay1487 to teenagers [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 20:21 Becca_Lynnas Almost 30 and Realized I'm Pan
I am a woman who is nearly 30. I never questioned my sexuality because I chose to ignore or dismiss the attraction that I felt. About 6 months ago, I started to do some research and realized that Pansexual accurate summarizes my attraction to people. I took some time to sit with this information about myself. After reading about other people who realized their sexuality later in life, I felt less alone. My extended family would never accept me for who I am, and I wouldn't bother telling them anyway. It hurts to keep that part of myself locked away.
I am married to a man, and decided to come out to him last night. He was very supportive. As someone who has struggled with anxiety and depression for most of my life, I felt like a weight was lifted when I told him. Maybe this has been lingering in my periphery longer than I realized. I wanted to share my story in case there is someone else out there that can relate or needs encouragement. 🩷💛💙
submitted by Becca_Lynnas to pansexual [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 20:21 Polus-Summit-33 Which one should I buy(ignore the m$ and r$ I recently bought some cars)
I need to save up 4 hold for the Lexus tho.
submitted by Polus-Summit-33 to RealRacing3 [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 20:21 MALLOWFAN101 What if TWDG got a TV adaption but in animation I used amazing WTDG fanart by kentaropjj its the first thing that pops up when you serach TWDG fanart
submitted by MALLOWFAN101 to TheWalkingDeadGame [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 20:21 Designer-Most5917 I'm so glad Jonesy saved his buddy from being sold as an art piece
submitted by Designer-Most5917 to FortniteMemes [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 20:21 MasterpieceFalse5500 any advice for plateau?
hi everyone! i started taking my shots on September 12. My SW was 220 and I am currently at 198 (25 yrs old, 5ft 4). I track my weight daily and as of November 9th, I have been stuck at 198 (fluctuating 2 pounds either way). I know plateaus are normal but it feels really early for me to hit mine? I’ve only been on the shots for almost 3 months. I’m feeling really bummed out, I am still in a caloric deficit and work out 4x a week doing weight lifting. Wondering if anyone has an advice or success stories on their plateaus? Thanks ◡̈
submitted by MasterpieceFalse5500 to CompoundedSemaglutide [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 20:21 LostinBluefangirl Why wasn't Lost in Blue more popular?
I've done the following poll remembering everything that didn't help me connect with Lost in Blue in the first instance. Now that I picked up Lost in Blue 2 in the middle of this year 2024, I haven't stopped asking myself "What the hell went so wrong for this game not to be more popular and have more sequels released?". I really expected a Lost in Blue for 3DS or Nintendo WiiU back in the day, but even today they haven't released a version for the Nintendo Switch eShop (neither American, European or Japanese).
I know that metacritic rated the first LIB as an "average" game at the time, and the following ones got "mixed reviews". For me this series of games (especially 1 and 2) are a poorly rated gem that perhaps didn't know how to reach the right audience and there are many people who don't know about it.
However, I'm not going to ignore that at first it was hard for me to connect with the games. To be honest, I got the first LIB in 2010 because there was an offer to get a free game from a basket and it was the only cover I liked out of the ones available, and even though I played it the first day I couldn't connect at all because I died on day 2 and lost interest. Months later I gave it another chance using a guide and everything was better and I had a lot of fun. Then I got LIB2 and it was... the same thing again: Something didn't help me connect at all, so I had to go back to the guides.
That's why I would also like to know what you think about the unpopularity of the series. Do you think it has to do with any of the things listed in the poll? If you think it could have been other things I would love to read your comments.
View Poll
submitted by LostinBluefangirl to LostInBlue [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 20:21 wowzap Donald Trump bullies John Fetterman on Joe Rogan's Podcast
submitted by wowzap to Asmongold [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 20:21 gamesk8er SRS: Big Boom AJ actually suffered a broken foot BEFORE Full Gear and just kept it quiet.
submitted by gamesk8er to SquaredCircle [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 20:21 Ludens0 El "Informe de la UCO" que pone al fiscal general en el centro de la filtración de los datos del novio de Ayuso
Por otro lado, Lobato, que recibió estos datos para exponerlos en la asamblea de Madrid, registró las comunicaciones con Moncloa ante notario, porque sabía que estaba cometiendo una ilegalidad. Ahora, el PSOE, quiere cargarse a Lobato. submitted by Ludens0 to Asi_va_Espana [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 20:21 heatmizuh Extension cords for Beam
Anyone have any luck finding an extension cord for beam segments? I’m planning on mounting two at a time as bookshelf lights, but I’d like to have maybe a 2 foot extension cord to go between shelves. I can resort to cracking them open and soldering them, but I’d rather not.
submitted by heatmizuh to lifx [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 20:21 jocularplate Do you respond when a case is opened for fit even when you told them about the size?
Hey all, pretty new seller.
I sold a pair of pants recently and had a case opened against me. The pants have been altered which I wrote in the description and I even included measurements. Before I shipped the item, I warned them that the pants would be smaller than the standard size, but he said it should be okay. They opened a case and were honest, so part of me wants to accept the return, but then again, I don't want to deal with accepting a return and relisting the item given that I was very clear in my item description the item was altered and provided measurements.
What do more experienced sellers do in this situation?
submitted by jocularplate to poshmark [link] [comments]