2024.11.25 20:40 Ok-Mousse7636 trade ? 🫡
submitted by Ok-Mousse7636 to MonopolyGoTrading [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 20:40 According_Ice_4863 Shadow lost (5e race)
Lost, but not alone The shadow lost´s ancestors were humans that got lost in the shadowfell, and were influenced by its planar energy. However they are not alone, as just like humans shadow lost are social creatures and group together in towns and villages. If you ever go to a shadow lost village, you will clearly see that something is wrong, as everyone does their daily chores but with very little energy or passion.
Emotionally numb One rather unique trait of the shadow lost is their lack of emotion. It is unknown why they are this way, but the two most likely reasons are that its either a way to cope with the harshness of the shadowfell, or that the shadowfell simply drained their emotions away. They can still feel emotions, they just feel them to a lesser extent than most humanoids. As such many shadow lost become lazy and apathetic, while others desperately seek to feel new emotions at any cost, simply to feel alive.
Drained of all color Shadowfolk for the most part look like humans, except all their color is gone. Their skin tones range from pale white, gray and pitch black, and they almost always have black hair.
Ability score improvement You gain +1 to constitution and +2 to one stat of your choice
Age Shadowlost reach adulthood at the same age as humans and have the same lifespan as humans
Alignment Due to their drained emotion, they feel less empathy for others but also feel less hatred for others. They are usually true neutral.
Size Identical to humans, medium sized.
Speed 30 feet of walking speed.
Darkvision You have darkvision range of 60 feet.
Naturally stealthy Your time spent hiding away from monster has given you natural skills in staying unseen. You have proficiency in stealth.
Shadow magic Your time spent in the shadowfell has given you innate shadow magic. You learn the minor illusion cantrip. When you reach 3rd level, you learn the invisibility spell and can cast it once per day for free. At 5th level, you learn the shadow blade spell and can cast it once per day for free.
Emotionally numb Your lack of emotions does have some advantages. You have advantage on all saving throws against being charmed or frightened.
Languages You know both common and one other language of your choice.
submitted by According_Ice_4863 to DnDHomebrew [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 20:40 jshshjaknkmmqj It’s the 4 idiots talking about the 3 people on this Reddit 🤣🥚🦃🦥🪳
submitted by jshshjaknkmmqj to xeroganggexposed [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 20:40 itsallgoodman505 Does Ariana Grande Have Cancer? Is She Sick? What's Up With Her Hair Loss?
submitted by itsallgoodman505 to FreeFolkNation [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 20:40 lemkowidmak @novawbb: Q3, 7:21 | Baylor 41, Villanova 37Bears score the opening five points of the half.
submitted by lemkowidmak to phillysports [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 20:40 Medesha Specialty Cat Food
Any tips on where I might find cat food formulated to help with urinary health? I called Trident and Spartan with no luck. Super Pets doesn’t have much selection for cat food. Reshipping costs from Amazon would require my cat to get his own job 😅
submitted by Medesha to Barbados [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 20:40 verosika_mayday_love Hey hey cutie and my fan. Guess who back!!! 🥹💗🖤🍑
Yup I am back since 3 weeks.
submitted by verosika_mayday_love to succubitxhsluts [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 20:40 jvc72 Buy Signal Viatris Inc - 25 Nov 2024 @ 15:37 -> USD13.44
Ticker: VTRS
Exchange: NASDAQ
Time: 25 Nov 2024 @ 15:37
Price: USD13.44
Link: https://getagraph.com/NASDAQ/stock/live-signals/VTRS/ENG
submitted by jvc72 to getagraph [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 20:40 SillyWillyC This one was on r/repost
submitted by SillyWillyC to LeftTheBurnerOn [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 20:40 Lordofmist I just keep coming back after every Error 999999. Send help!
submitted by Lordofmist to GISmemes [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 20:40 carter_platts Bedroom
Bedroom submitted by carter_platts to SLGreddit [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 20:40 rodrigojub Rule
submitted by rodrigojub to 691 [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 20:40 BoutchooQc Live 3.24.3 vs PTU 4.0.0 Quantum Fuel Comparison Charts
Hi, in recent news of the PTU 4.0.0 and Pyro being much larger than Stanton, I wanted to find a ship that could be a good all rounder (Cargo, Fuel, Firepower, Handling) - But when I checked closer, I saw tons of nerfs (and some buffs) on ship. Size 1 and Size 6 ships didn't have any differences. 1 SCU = 100GM of range (0.5 being 50GM and 16 being 1600GM) Syulen Nerfed, Cutter Rambler Nerfed, etc.... Making it difficult for new players or just players with a starter package to fly around in Pyro (limited fuel stations and very long distances) Here are the charts from https://www.spviewer.eu/ranking?rank=QuantumSCU Size 2 Ships Size 3 Ships Size 4 Ships Size 5 Ships submitted by BoutchooQc to starcitizen [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 20:40 Unknownjokker Carmen Aub 🥰
submitted by Unknownjokker to Carmen_Aubb [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 20:40 IsThisASnakeInMyBoot My first review: Future - MIXTAPE PLUTO
Future - MIXTAPE PLUTO Official rating - 68/100
As this was my first full length project from Future, I wanted to give it a few listens and some time to soak in. After that I went back and listen to more of his music and I would say this is a very strong release from him. It takes elements from 56 Nights and Purple Reign in my opinion, and really hones in on a core concept being Future stuck in the trap lifestyle, but with lyrical moments of stark clarity and self-reflection. The album artwork is striking, and visually represents the sound of the album really well, looking something like a Trap House.
2024.11.25 20:40 House0fmouseworks Is there a way to stream the app to my tv?
I’ve recently been playing with a controller on the app and it’s a way better experience then playing games with a touch screen but I do kinda wonder if you can have the image on the phone on your tv as while a phone screen is ok but it is kinda small. I also want to do multiplayer sometime in the future and I want to have it on tv so everyone can get a better view
submitted by House0fmouseworks to Delta_Emulator [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 20:40 FrankWanders Short not recognized as short after november 2024
Hi, after the longer shorts are accepted in november 2024, I waited a couple of weeks, but when uploading, my 9:16 video, shot in 2K resolution and a length of 1:26, still is not being recognized as a short. As soon as i make it 0:59 or shorter, it's immediately recognized as short. Anyone any idea what is goin on? I tried everyting, but even after 3 weeks of waiting it does not work. Is this a bug or something? The problem is that googling thing results in zillions of posts before the "longer than 1 minute" shorts are accepted. Any advice? Thanks in advance, this is rather frustrating.
submitted by FrankWanders to youtube [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 20:40 len-nerd Ziggo internet vs other providers
I live in the city centre and Ziggo is my current internet provider (cable with 800 Mbit/s up AND down). I was thinking about switching to another provider (Ziggo is expensive AF) but parties like KPN and Odido only seem to be able to provide a DSL connection with a maximum speed that's a 1/10th of my current download and a 1/20th of my upload speed. Like KPN is only offering 38Mbit/s up and 5Mbit/s down (for half the price of Ziggo).
What's up with that/how come? Am I just stuck with Ziggo if I want a somewhat decent internet?
submitted by len-nerd to Groningen [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 20:40 anzb9 Tianguis carritos a escala Parque Agua Azul
Hola! Estoy buscando carritos miniatura, líneas como Planet Micro, Atomic, Galoop y Micro Machines. Me comentaron que hay un tianguis cerca del Parque Agua Azul, pero no me dieron más información. ¿Alguien sabe más datos? Días, horarios, ubicación más exacta. También si pudieran recomendarme otros sitios para encontrarlos en GDL. Gracias!
submitted by anzb9 to Guadalajara [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 20:40 Fabulous_Intern3587 (F-bi) Feeding my friends to someone that can trib, dm me if you can help
submitted by Fabulous_Intern3587 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 20:40 DRBNC Lettet from AL
submitted by DRBNC to aaronlevineny [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 20:40 azottkutya What is this?
This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by azottkutya to Pixelary [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 20:40 No-Bend9419 If you could turn one body part into a cyborg version, what would you choose?
submitted by No-Bend9419 to AskReddit [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 20:40 sswwexhe If you were to compare your day to a song, which song would it be?
submitted by sswwexhe to AskReddit [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 20:40 ThinIntention6329 Me explaining the duolingo lore to my mom
submitted by ThinIntention6329 to GTLive [link] [comments]