2024.11.25 20:30 bin_shu Interactive diagrams with Schemio - basic concepts
submitted by bin_shu to Schemio [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 20:30 GodlyGamerBeast Alarmo but it's really good!!!
submitted by GodlyGamerBeast to Sub4YoutubeChannel [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 20:30 misslethunder What am I supposed to do here?
Where is the mutant? I've killed 2 bloodsuckers and a poltergeist yet none of them have a collar. submitted by misslethunder to stalker [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 20:30 Aggressive-Tie-9795 Chinese man monitor
submitted by Aggressive-Tie-9795 to thebindingofisaac [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 20:30 Flat_Ad4369 Daily gifter for all!
Your source for ex and items!
3598 4640 3278
submitted by Flat_Ad4369 to PokemonGoFriends [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 20:30 RandomCanadianGamer Egg_irl
I think reddit is trying to tell me something submitted by RandomCanadianGamer to egg_irl [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 20:30 fidget_click7 Thocciest epomaker switches
I was wondering which sound the thocciest out of the stock flamingos, wisterias and budgerigars
submitted by fidget_click7 to MechanicalKeyboardsUK [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 20:30 No_Leg_1511 Asian doll
submitted by No_Leg_1511 to nycbaddiess [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 20:30 J232315 [WTS] Romeo 8t, Surefire DSF-870 Light
Timestamp: https://imgur.com/a/cZkrGPz
Payment via Paypal F&F, ask questions. Looking to ship these within the next hour.
Romeo 8t. BNIB. $550
Surefire 870. $200
submitted by J232315 to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 20:30 The_bagel___ Reddit knows my secrets, time to take off and nuke the entire site from orbit.
submitted by The_bagel___ to LV426 [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 20:30 Slight-Cranberry2501 Crazy
submitted by Slight-Cranberry2501 to PiratedGames [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 20:30 ExtremeMedia5403 Coffeeshops with board games?
Hello! Looking for recommendations on coffeeshops either in the cities or south of the cities that have board games to play. Thanks!
submitted by ExtremeMedia5403 to TwinCities [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 20:30 Sjuk86 FYI for those looking for good tutorials
I found Stephen Ulibarri’s courses really good and he often has large discounts on his discord. I’m not affiliated, just spreading some knowledge to those who may need it. submitted by Sjuk86 to UnrealEngineTutorials [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 20:30 Javvy3D Can people stfu about the scary movie mask?
Now before you downvote, please listen... I didn't have a problem with it when Ghostface first came out, but it's been a week and people on YouTube on and this sub still keep whining about it.
"oH bUt dBd hAd iT!!!1!!!!" Okay? And? NRS didn't get the rights from Funworld, they got the rights from directors(?) of Scream.
"SuCh A mIsSeD oPpUrTuNiTy" is also a stupid comment. You want missed opportunities? Ghostface's 4th wall break being a videogame instead of STAB is a missed opportunity. The person dying being Johnny instead of the actual character is a missed opportunity.
Also I don't think NRS is allowed to get the rights to 2 different IPs for one character.
Am I missing the joke? Because it doesn't sound like a joke, or a meme... And that could be why it annoys me so much.
submitted by Javvy3D to MortalKombat [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 20:30 RedRacc98 Connected Glass Mod Help
Please help with the mods I have installed. All I want to do is have a connected glass mod on here and so far there are zero tutorials or helpful sites that walk you through how to install these. I am barely Minecraft mod literate so none of the technical "help" I get from websites is any good to me. I just need someone to lay it out for me, step by step, how to install and get this mod working as intended. I can't keep up with these Optifines, sodium, fabrics, and indium. I have no idea what they mean and no one will help me. I attached pictures of what's in my game and what's in my folders.
submitted by RedRacc98 to MinecraftMod [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 20:30 Ecstatic_Ad2253 Primer curro después de DAM o DAW en España-Madrid
Buenos días.
No sé si este es el grupo correcto.
Una vez hechas las FCT en las que NO TE HAYAS QUEDADO ¿Cuánto tiempo tardaste en conseguir tu primer trabajo, te sirvió tú portafolio?
submitted by Ecstatic_Ad2253 to programacion [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 20:30 raeannearchi21 Animals
What kinds of animals come in Farming Simulator 2025, and can you name them.
submitted by raeannearchi21 to farmingsimulator [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 20:30 SmokersDelight Streak 413: die Kaiserin
Meine Frau hat in letzter Zeit eine Sendung namens Die Kaiserin gesehen. Es handelt von der königliche Familien von Österreich in der 1800ern. Ich habe sie nicht sehr viel angeschaut, aber die Sendung sieht gut aus. Bisher gibt es nur zwei Staffeln, also kann ich leicht aufholen. Und die ganze Sending ist auf Deutsch, also kann ich die Sendung nutzen, um zu lernen. Außerdem interessiere mich sehr viel für Geschichte, und mit dieser Sendung kann ich mehr darüber lernen.
submitted by SmokersDelight to WriteStreakGerman [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 20:30 bassisto_7707 Ahem...💀
submitted by bassisto_7707 to tbatenovel [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 20:30 Feisty_Watercress_29 Car sun pick
submitted by Feisty_Watercress_29 to pics [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 20:30 PaperTetris Ear Ringing/Methocarbomal/Support
I have chronic groin/leg/foot pain which the Drs now suspect is musculoskeletal (it's been an ongoing mystery but have ruled out a lot of things. When my pain is bad I have this electric feeling in my head and my ears ring and feel muffled. the neurologist confirmed that is something that pain can do, however... I can find almost nothing about it online.
Does anyone else experience this?? It kinda freaks me out a bit.
Also, I'm newly taking Methocarbomal. It helps so much more than just the Gabapentin (which I'm continuing to take also). However it makes me feel ~wEiRd~. Brain fog and woozyish but doesn't make me non-functional. Since starting it I've been moving my leg much more freely which is amazing! The pretty big downside is... when I don't take the Methocarbomal the pain is worse than it was before I started the medicine because it's allowed me to move in ways that aggravate the injury. I'm worried to take it before driving or when i need to actually use my brain. So like currently I'm needing to drive soon so I can't take the medicine and am in more pain than I typically am in when I was just taking the gabapentin. 🫠
Will my body adjust to the methocarbomal or will the side effects continue? Does anyone else experience the eshead strangeness? Does anyone have any suggestions for me? I feel so alone in this.
submitted by PaperTetris to ChronicPain [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 20:30 Avio_m נוח _במ
submitted by Avio_m to ani_bm [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 20:30 okaycookiee Oop
submitted by okaycookiee to aspynovardsnark [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 20:30 Marinedaddy_69 Relationships
Where does anyone go to find a relationship? People say try church I have tried many different churches mostly seems to be elderly no matter what kind of church I try. I don't really want to try dating apps.
submitted by Marinedaddy_69 to relationshipadvice [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 20:30 _rickjames Joe Root: Winning the Ashes in Australia would mean more than anything
submitted by _rickjames to Cricket [link] [comments]