[question] Im Buying my first Winning headgear. Can you guys help me legit check this.

2024.11.25 23:35 Klutzy-Writing-370 [question] Im Buying my first Winning headgear. Can you guys help me legit check this.

[question] Im Buying my first Winning headgear. Can you guys help me legit check this. submitted by Klutzy-Writing-370 to fightgear [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:35 benray20 Spiral flue Tiles for Boiler Chimney

Spiral flue Tiles for Boiler Chimney Hello,
I had an inspection today of my chimney and the inspectors found the sent me this photo on my boiler and water heater chimney flue.
They recommend I reached out to an HVAC tech to figure out how to handle this issue.
  • before I moved in 3 years ago a new boiler and water heater were out in
  • the chimney is in the middle of the house
If this was your house what would be the best option here?
See photos
submitted by benray20 to hvacadvice [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:35 Such-Page-5563 Storage unit

I need emergency assistance with my Storage payment. I have my stuff stored in a friend of mine's garage. I lost my parents house in 2021 and the reason why because me taking over the house payment was unexpected I lost my mother and father in 2019 my mother was sick so we was prepared for her death but not my father he was diagnosed with cancer in 2018 and passed away March 2019 and then my mother followed July 2019 I was a caregiver for my mother for two years so I took a huge pay cut stay home but at that didn't matter to me I wouldn't change that for anything but when my father passed away I had to take over things that I wasn't prepared for and still was taking care of my mother I tried my best to keep up with the house but it fell through so I lost the house September 2021. Due to the setback of me being home with my mother it was hard for me to get back on track especially losing my parents so close together. So what I'm getting at is in September of 2021 when I lost the home I had a friend of mine let me store my personal belongings and lots of my parents' personal belongings in his shed because I could not afford to get a storage unit I still can't afford it. In April he came to me with some unexpected news but he wasn't prepared for either his daughter was going through a divorce and she needed to store her stuff in the shed so I had to get my stuff out with that being said I had to find a storage unit still expensive for me but I can't afford to lose my stuff and I had to leave a lot of stuff behind because I couldn't fit it in the storage unit. The reason why I'm behind on my storage unit in February there was money stolen out of my bank with some online transactions in the amount of $2,000 dollars so therefore identity theft I canceled my card and I'm waiting on my new card to arrive and I knew what day it was coming because I had it expedited so on the day that the card arrived I was out running some errands I get home to check the mail and there's no card so I quickly get on my phone call the bank and ask them where my card is and they said what do you mean it's been activated and there's been two $500 withdrawals and $50 varo charge. I was so Furious and confused on what in the hell is going. So the bank tells me all I need to do fill out some paperwork and the investigation that could take up to 90 days so I do all that about a week later I called check on the status of the situation and I now have to go down and make a police report so I did that and I still have not received my money, that's why my storage unit is behind I have a lien on my storage unit I kept in contact with them about this and they were okay with it and now they're saying that there's nothing they can do so at the end of June if I do it will be going up for auction sometime in July and I do not want to lose what I have left it would be greatly appreciated if someone can find it in their heart to help me there's a lot of memories in that storage unit. I'll show police report you can even call the police station I have the police officer's name who I made the report and if anyone's willing to help me the payments could directly go to the storage unit so you know it's going for a good cause. Thank you in advance have a blessed day!
submitted by Such-Page-5563 to pleasehelpmewith [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:35 Cute_Coffee_Drinker Apply again

Does Tutor ABC allow you to reapply? Thank you!
submitted by Cute_Coffee_Drinker to tutorabc [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:35 Lakindren Revisiting learning guitar.

I have been playing guitar for probably 15 years. By playing, I mean occasionally picking up the guitar, strumming some cords, maybe trying to learn a cool riff or intro on YouTube, and putting it back down for months at a time. I have had zero lessons. I can play a thousand intros. I don't strum very well, and I can't even play one complete song. I recently bought myself a nice guitar (Ibanez Prestige RGR5221 for those curious) to try and motivate myself. Well, worked like I charm, and I want to learn all over again. That being said I've picked up on some very terrible habits along the way. So instead, I'm thinking I should try a different approach this time. My question is: If you were to start all over, what would you learn first? Where would you restart? For context, I know pretty much all the basic chords, but I don't know majority notes on the fret board (if that makes sense) and I have pretty much zero theory at all. The most difficult thing I can play is stairway (with my fingers, no pick) just to the solo. My goals would be to actually understand the instrument, understand why the music works and eventually be able to just pick a guitar and groove to a backing track. I cannot do that at all at this point and I feel like this a doable goal?
submitted by Lakindren to guitarlessons [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:35 outilmary generateur silencieux 2495 kVa

generateur silencieux 2495 kVa submitted by outilmary to machinebtp2 [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:35 KoeNic [Searching] Pictures of Linea Mini R customized with wooden parts

any Mini R owners here who have modded their machines with a wooden parts upgrade kit?
Would love it to see some pictures here. Couldn't find any over the Google image search.
submitted by KoeNic to LaMarzocco [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:35 shootermac32 meirl

meirl submitted by shootermac32 to meirl [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:35 SethTheSquid Review my Vending Co website

Post ur websites in the comments if you have one and I'm curious what you all think of mine? Exovending.com
submitted by SethTheSquid to vending [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:35 RickSanchezC-226 Qual a diferença entre garotas e vagas de estacionamento?

Quando é tarde da noite e todas as boas já foram, enfia na deficiente msm
submitted by RickSanchezC-226 to tiodopave [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:35 MathematicianIll5039 Anyone do weekends only with success?

I hesitated to post this in case cold turkey or quitting totally is the only goal for this sub. That said, if there is a better sub for cutting down, please let me know!
I was 3 days into cold turkey and decided to try weekends only to start and 2 grams per weekend max (I was up to 1oz a week almost so this is a significant drop). I had a hard time dealing with the "never again" mindset and found the "just once more" idea to keep dragging me back from cold turkey.
So far I am much more optimistic since I know if I want some I just need to wait a few days, it's not forever. And somehow my sleep isn't all that bad, so it doesn't feel like I am going through hell every Monday. That part I can only attribute to doing a lot of physical stuff every night after work lately trying to get our house ready for a baby.
My goals are more around making it not hard to take days off since I have a newborn on the way in a few months. And hopefully I am so busy with him by that time that I just kind of don't have time or interest in using my weekend allotment.
I guess I am curious if anyone has had success doing this. To be honest I used to be in the camp of smoking any amount will just end up becoming all day everyday eventually, but this time feels different since I actually have a valid reason (kid coming) to not go all day everyday. And I would only smoke if I was "off duty" that night so all day everyday simply won't be an option then. At the very least cold turkey seems much more doable if I am starting at a baseline of 2 grams over 2 days a week rather than 28ish grams over 7 days. (That amount already seems insane)
submitted by MathematicianIll5039 to QuittingWeed [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:35 elirichey Ever Wanted a Reliable Way to Record Your Live Performances? Here’s a Solution

Anyone here record every show they perform? I've built an app that helps artists and event organizers capture, package, and release complete recordings of every event. It’s called Meddly and I’m looking for testers.
The app is really easy to use:

  1. Create an event
  2. Setup as many mobile devices as you wish
  3. Start recording
  4. End recording.
Each event requires an event manager. Once the event manager starts recording, all additional cameras will begin recording. When the manager ends recording, all additional cameras stop recording. Meaning, a single person can control an army of recording devices at a click of a button.
After the event ends, almost everything is automated. All event videos are packaged, where teams can select what media to include during playback.
The final output is a video file with a consistent source of audio, and video that changes between available camera angles every couple of seconds.
If you're interested, check out the website and let me know what you think!
submitted by elirichey to TouringMusicians [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:35 lavenderroseorchid Bounce flash on snow?

Any tips for photographing snowsports in low light - do I bounce the flash off the snow?
submitted by lavenderroseorchid to photography [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:35 NateTrigger187 Confession 05c71bacdbe63f262b35e8c732d498ce64b3c4e4b9f637d152fa996475d906ad36

submitted by NateTrigger187 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:35 BoardgameExplorer Please Help With Image

Please Help With Image Please remove the bottom bow string and the shadow area at the bottom of the armor. I would greatly appreciate it!!
submitted by BoardgameExplorer to picrequests [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:35 Skilondi Becoming an author in Continuing Education credits (PDH’s) worth it?

I’ve been considering becoming an author for a CE provider. They offer some royalties to authors but does anyone have any experience with this? Is it worth it? What’s the income range for a course?
I’m assuming royalties have some relation to the course’s popularity.
submitted by Skilondi to civilengineering [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:35 MrBekay6 3 Games A Day : A Starcraft 2 Story - Episode 01

3 Games A Day : A Starcraft 2 Story - Episode 01 submitted by MrBekay6 to starcraft [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:35 Alarming-Mongoose-36 GUYS GUYS THERE ARE TWO VINYLS

submitted by Alarming-Mongoose-36 to Eminem [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:35 Zealousideal_Poet873 catching the autumn chill and loving every moment

catching the autumn chill and loving every moment submitted by Zealousideal_Poet873 to Autumn [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:35 explosive_shrew Funny title

submitted by explosive_shrew to wizardposting [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:35 FalconTheMighty Random weapon spawn glitch

Has anyone else noticed every once in a while a random damaged firearm will replace the one slung on your back? My shotgun has been swapped for a Groza, and again later with a Remington 870. (both being broken) it doesn't delete my original gun, just moves it to my bag. My first thought was maybe it was a hotkey or something, but it's never the gun I'm holding...
If I had a nickel for every time a random destroyed firearm that I don't own magically appears in my hand I would have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's strange it happened twice.
submitted by FalconTheMighty to stalker [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:35 Warm-Ladder6480 QC Mason Margiela Fashion sneakers

QC Mason Margiela Fashion sneakers submitted by Warm-Ladder6480 to oopbuy [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:35 PharmDWolves Found in Costco parking lot in SW Wa

First time finding agates in landscaping rocks!
submitted by PharmDWolves to Agates [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:35 hardlybroken1 Don't you just wanna cuddle up with Punkin here?

Don't you just wanna cuddle up with Punkin here? submitted by hardlybroken1 to orangetabbycats [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 23:35 DDDDax No politics

Did I miss something? Why are we not allowed to run a table without politics?
submitted by DDDDax to rpg [link] [comments]
