Versa 2024

2024.11.25 21:49 Goldmember__2329 Versa 2024

Gente que Tenga experiencia con versa 2024 o 2023 que tal en fiabilidad y rendimiento? Gracias
submitted by Goldmember__2329 to AutosMexico [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:49 sisgreryib French slut her Snapchat: cam_ille8470

French slut her Snapchat: cam_ille8470 submitted by sisgreryib to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:49 SenseMusicMedia Einar interview about Birna

Sense talks with Einar from WARDRUNA about the concept behind their new album, 'Birna', their upcoming live video, ‘Live at the Acropolis', tours, film clips, and trying to weasel an invite to Norway.
submitted by SenseMusicMedia to Wardruna [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:49 CrazyProfessional708 Não gosto mais da minha faculdade

Tenho 21 anos, curso adm e ano que vem sera meu ultimo ano(caso nao reprove em nenhuma materia).
Minha faculdade é pelo método de módulos, então faltam apenas 4 módulos. Porém estou muito desanimado para continuar, e isso é por minha culpa, pois não pesquisei nada antes de entrar nesse curso e so fui influenciado pelos meus pais. Sou de exatas, e achei que o curso era de exatas também(não sei pq)
Quero cursar algo em relação a tecnologia, mas não sei se tranco a faculdade ou termino mais ano que vem.
Outro detalhe que estou pensando também, vou me casar ano que vem em junho, e fiquei pensativo sobre ter que pagar mais 2 anos dentro do casamento, que querendo ou não, é meio caro de manter.
Preciso de ajuda e opiniões para raciocinar o que é a melhor coisa a se fazer.
submitted by CrazyProfessional708 to faculdadeBR [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:49 Aevum__ Azashiro vs Pernida

I'm really curious about who would win this. They both have the ability to manipulate their opponent and the environment but not sure whos power is superior.
submitted by Aevum__ to BleachPowerScaling [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:49 petey_wheatstraw_99 [I ate] Hattie B's hot chicken, the "damn hot" was spicy as expected but extremely tasteful.

[I ate] Hattie B's hot chicken, the submitted by petey_wheatstraw_99 to food [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:49 Character-Mango-869 Hardship transfer question

Is it possible to hardship transfer during peak
submitted by Character-Mango-869 to AmazonFC [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:49 self-flagellate Last night in Melee 11/24/2024

Last night in Melee:

  1. aMSa won LACS Rivals, beating Cody Schwab and Hungrybox (SoCal)
  2. Junebug won It’s Not You, It’s Melee, beating Khryke and Maelstrom (VA)
  3. Inngenn won Nicolet’s TMT, beating Skerzo and muro (Japan)
  4. Panda won Smash the Scene, beating Komodo and Juju (FL)
  5. MOF won The Construct, beating Lord English and Grab2Win (WI)
  6. Cromulent Fuckcrustable won Templee, beating Helium and Goodie (VIC)
  7. Jamie won Bristol’s Basement, beating Pi and Aiken (UK)
  8. Zasa won Fest for the Crown, beating bumbler and Camdoodle (NC)
  9. coffee won Southside Sundays, beating Seal and WinkyDinkus (IN)
  10. gdawg won New Jersey Melee Arcadian, beating mossy mat and Arias (NJ)
  11. Yaaashua won Molo’s Melee Madness, beating Dream and Jhay Descortéz (Online)
  12. Wacco won The Nest, beating SK92 and Prof. GizMo (NV)
  13. David won House of Smash, beating Rich and Toa (Norge)
  14. Arnando won Sunday Sunday Sunday Smash, beating Morrito and audrey (Online)
  15. BlusterKTK won Hamilton High Grounds, beating Medley and Rollsafe (ON)
  16. ReLaxn won You’ve Got Melee, beating Rami and Species (Online)
  17. Suezo won Git Gud, beating SamBreezy and Larry Mozzarelli (MS)
  18. 22K won The WAS Invitational, beating Gambit and sloppa (MA)
  19. HOPE won Gaylee EC, beating Claireify and KatTheRad (Online)
  20. AceBox won Gaylee WC, beating Cassettetape and Spoo (Online)
  21. Touffe won Funday Sunday, beating Creighton and Efisch (Online)
  22. NIRVANA won BrickBox Brawl, beating PimpinSpicy and Absurd (AZ)
submitted by self-flagellate to SSBM [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:49 Fit-Astronomer-6896 Conflicto familiar

Hey Reddit, tengo acá una cuestión y me gustaría saber que opinan.
Recientemente mi madre acaba de lanzarse a una feria navideña que está los viernes, sábados, domingos, y lo hizo haciendo una inversión bastante grande de dinero. La tiene muy estresada y desesperada por recuperar ese dinero.
Obviamente también es algo que consume tiempo, entre preparar la comida para cada semana y la logística de las cosas, por tanto, uno intenta ayudarla como puede.
Sin embargo, soy estudiante universitario en turno de tarde. Cualquiera que esté en este tipo de horario sabe lo mucho que consume tiempo y que prácticamente solo tenemos fines de semana para "descansar" (estudiar), a eso súmale que en las mañanas trabajo medio tiempo.
Le dije a mi madre que los viernes no podía ayudarla, pero sábados y domingos podía tener mi apoyo por completo. Sin embargo, me echó en cara todo el tiempo que ella consume en eso, que no tiene descansos y que yo solo estoy en el teléfono y no estudio (no tengo PC, hago todo por mi celular) y que eso es para todos, que no es para siempre y tal.
Al final aceptó, pero claramente no le gusto para nada. Mi pregunta es, estoy equivocado?
Edit: Mi trabajo es pasantía no remunerada, mamá tampoco trabaja. El dinero viene de mi padre desde el exterior.
submitted by Fit-Astronomer-6896 to vzla [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:49 zperlo Please help - resin stuck in plastic mold

Please help - resin stuck in plastic mold Hello! I'm making a resin undersea diorama as a Christmas present and I (likely stupidly) used a section of a plastic smart water bottle as a mold. The bottom is a wood disk that's been sealed, primed, and painted. I used a bit of UV resin to seal the bottom edge of the bottle to the base, and then did the pour of two-part epoxy resin (naked fusion deep pour, if it matters). It's about 5 inches tall.
It's been 72 hours and the resin seems to be cured, so I went to remove the bottle mold. Unfortunately it seems that the bottle would rather break within its layers rather than separate from the resin.
Is there any way to salvage this? I saw someone suggest putting the whole thing in the freezer for an hour and breaking the plastic off, which is my next step, but if anyone knows better please help me!
Thank you!
submitted by zperlo to ResinCasting [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:49 Individual-Switch387 18m I've been struggling with my looks and confidence for about 2 years now. A rating and advice how to improve would help me a lot

18m I've been struggling with my looks and confidence for about 2 years now. A rating and advice how to improve would help me a lot submitted by Individual-Switch387 to LooksmaxingAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:49 Famous-Tangelo1324 This is Gary, I don’t really know what he is…

This is Gary, I don’t really know what he is… I found him in a coastal town in Florida sucked on a table outside almost dead and took him home with me for funsies. I don’t know what kind he is and no “snail identifying” thing has really helped. I’ve had him for about 3 months now and he hasn’t grown. I feed him lettuce and found out he also really likes paper? He doesn’t like fruits or veggies, just leaves like spinach and lettuce. He’s pretty happy and recently had BABIES?!? (Not ready to be a grand parent) I thought they were turds sticking to his little enclosure but i looked closer and they have eyes and a little shell!!! There were only two that I could see tho i think one is dead already☹️. I named them Megatron and Fetus Cleatus.
Anyways, just wondering if yall know what he is and how in hell do i be a snail grandma?!? They are so damn small my camera can’t see them clearly and i about lost Megatron because he got stuck to my hair…
submitted by Famous-Tangelo1324 to snails [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:49 clemmy-bebe LF Galactus and Super-visor, FT Dr. Strange, Besties, various 4*'s (see screen shots)

LF Galactus and Super-visor, FT Dr. Strange, Besties, various 4*'s (see screen shots) Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here:
IGN GatsbyHarper
submitted by clemmy-bebe to MonopolyGoTrading [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:49 DaisyMaisyB First job interview, super nervous

Hello! I have my first interview next Tuesday. I’ve already told them I’m a newbie and I’ll most likely need some assistance getting started and just a refresher. They were very understanding and kind. However, I’m going to be reviewing and studying just so things go smoother. I haven’t taken X-rays in awhile or impressions, let alone charting and I’m super nervous. What should I review the most before starting? I want to refresh my mind and feel more confident. I’ll be working in a general office.
submitted by DaisyMaisyB to DentalAssistant [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:49 Away-Creme-6819 Uno no mercy

We were playing the the game like normal and I didn't realize it but my opponent already had 26 cards and play made me draw 12 so I noticed they had a big stack of cards after they placed it down and picked it up and counted it so they already had 26 cards and they were automatically eliminated and they said since I picked up the card after it was placed but they would have still lost because they been exceeded the limit who's in the wrong?
submitted by Away-Creme-6819 to HereToSlay [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:49 Pietrinz_ Asus dual GTX 1650 tá valendo a pena?

Asus dual GTX 1650 tá valendo a pena? Fala rapaziada, então, tô querendo montar um Pc, e um parceiro meu disse que tem essa placa de vídeo que ele usou por um tempo, mas que dps trocou. Ele também falou que se eu quisesse pegar a placa era só passar na casa dele, enfim, vocês acham que vale a pena? Total de graça
Config do Pc que eu quero Ryzen 5 5600/ Ryzen 5 5600GT Placa mãe gigabyte A520m K V2 Memória ram Rise mode Z 2x8gb, 3200mhz cl16 SSD nvme M2 500gb Kingston (Eu não ia comprar uma placa de vídeo, ia deixar para um upgrade posterior)
submitted by Pietrinz_ to computadores [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:49 Impossible_Proof3025 WITB? Possibly hundreds have invested my van… help…

WITB? Possibly hundreds have invested my van… help… LOCATION: Riverside California (beetle moth hybrids appeared) and Victorville California (Larva? appeared) Could they be the larva of the unknown bug that swarmed my car 8-9months ago? Basically a bunch of weird moth beetle hybrid things would use my van as shelter i think cause every morning there would be up too 30 flying around inside the van. long story short i was able to get them out of the van by parking in a different area and leaving the windows cracked so they could leave. It had worked and no longer had the lil things swarming me while I would drive. But a few months later are a these lil guys popping up. Didn’t think much of it until they kept popping up in more numbers and more frequently. Now I’m stuck with these guys. Anyone have any ideas or know anything?
submitted by Impossible_Proof3025 to carpetbeetles [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:49 Important_Job_5498 Trades

Trades submitted by Important_Job_5498 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:49 Guppieslayer Most alien eyes I've ever gotten

Most alien eyes I've ever gotten submitted by Guppieslayer to brotato [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:49 CimedirapaZ TradeRepublic?!

Ciao ragazzi sto usando trade republic da qualche mese, mi sono avvicinato da 1 anno al mondo della finanza, ora sto iniziando a buttare piccole cifre solo per capire meglio e toccare con madò i diversi strumenti. Ora però ho un problema con trade republic, vorrei comprare stock di un'azienda che però non c'è su tradeRepublic! Possibile mi chiedo?
A questo punto ho pensato di cambiare piattaforma ma quale scegliere? Directa o Fineco secondo voi?
submitted by CimedirapaZ to scimmieinborsa [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:49 Individual_Wallaby25 Testing

submitted by Individual_Wallaby25 to CryptoCurrencyMAX [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:49 InternBackground2256 [$1.99] Thrive: The Third Metric to Redefining Success and Creating a Life of Well-Being, Wisdom, and Wonder ✅Editor's Pick✅

submitted by InternBackground2256 to GoodFreeKindleBooks [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:49 naughtybabefunx Who is that girl anyway?!!! 😍🥰

Who is that girl anyway?!!! 😍🥰 submitted by naughtybabefunx to TaylorSwiftsLegs [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:49 No-Doctor9799 Unmarried Partner Visa Application (No Cohabitation)

Unmarried Partner Visa Application (No Cohabitation)
Relationship Overview: - Sponsor: British citizen - Applicant: Italian citizen - Relationship: Just over two years - No cohabitation due to immigration rules, but we saw each other on a regular basis - Priority visa application submitted (paid for priority processing and to retain Applicant’s passport).
Timeline: - Application sent: 9th November - Biometrics appointment: 18th November - Email received (decision made): 25th November - Next step: Applicant to visit the visa application center with their passport to receive the vignette.
Documents Submitted:
Proof of Relationship - Letter from Sponsor’s Dad with Passport photo and signature - Deliveries in Applicant’s name (to Sponsor’s address in England) - Bank transactions from Sponsor to Applicant - Applicant on Sponsor’s Pension - Applicant on Sponsor’s work beneficiary - Applicant mobile phone on Sponsor’s Sky account - Timeline of relationship - including flight tickets, train tickets, hotel bookings, pictures together, family/friends, social media posts, texts, and call logs - Joint railcard (Sponsor & Applicant) - Screenshot of Applicant’s Pot in Sponsor’s bank account - Paragraph in cover letter - Explaining Sponsor has been paying for things while together and Applicant’s parents have also paid for things for both - Paragraph in cover letter - Why Sponsor and Applicant hadn’t sent much money to each other - Paragraph in cover letter - Explaining Sponsor and Applicant’s plans for the future (marriage, buying a house, getting pets, etc.) - Paragraph in cover letter - While Sponsor is working, Applicant buying lunch, shopping, snacks, etc. - Paragraph in cover letter - Applicant doing grocery shopping online for both using Sponsor’s Tesco account and paying with Sponsor’s card - Paragraph in cover letter explaining Applicant has been doing a DIPTRANS translation course - Paragraph in cover letter explaining Sponsor and Applicant have included a lot of information to support their application - but there are plenty more messages, photos, and family/friends who can also write letters if more information is needed
Financial Requirement - Payslips (Sponsor) - Bank statements (Sponsor) - Employment contract (Sponsor) - Sponsor’s new job offer letter - Reference from Sponsor’s work
Accommodation Requirement - Letter from Landlord (Accommodation) - Tenants agreement (Accommodation) - Paragraph in cover letter explaining accommodation arrangements (living with Sponsor’s dad)
English Requirement - English online reference number (Applicant)
Identification (Applicant) - Applicant’s Passport - Applicant’s ID - Applicant’s sanitary card
Proof of British Citizenship (Sponsor) - Sponsor’s Passport
Travel History - Passport stamps (Applicant)
No Cohabitation Reason - Paragraph in cover letter - Immigration rules (Why Sponsor and Applicant can’t live together)
Price Breakdown - Application fee: £1,904.47 - English test through Pearson: £160 - Biometrics (passport retention service): £95.81 - NHS surcharge: £3,203.06 - Priority processing: £594.92
Note: Some of these fees were originally charged in euros, and we paid in pounds, so the final amounts may vary slightly depending on exchange rates.
Total: £5,958.26
Additional Tips and Reflections

  1. Plans for the Future: We’ve discussed marriage, buying a house together, and getting pets, which really helped demonstrate our long-term commitment to each other. These personal plans were included in our cover letter to support our case.
  2. Visa Process Experience: We weren’t asked for any additional information, and the process was relatively quick once we had all our documentation in order.
  3. Organize Your Evidence: A key tip for anyone applying: organize a list of all the evidence you need for each criterion you must meet. Make sure you have all your documents ready before submitting the application, as it will ask questions like your planned arrival date in the UK — you can’t answer these until you have all your supporting evidence.
  4. Importance of the Cover Letter: The cover letter is an essential part of your application. It’s a chance to pre-empt any questions or doubts that the reviewer may have based on your application. Use this letter to explain your relationship in more detail, clarify any missing pieces of information, and address any potential concerns. This helped ensure the reviewer clearly understood the context of our situation, especially considering the no cohabitation and our different living arrangements.
  5. Preparing Your Application with ChatGPT: One of the most helpful things I did was prepare a list of evidence and a cover letter, and then share it with ChatGPT. This helped me understand how strong my application was and gave me valuable suggestions on how I could improve it.
submitted by No-Doctor9799 to ukvisas [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:49 Electrical-Aspect-13 Kodachrome shot of a young woman in the pool, mid 1940s.

submitted by Electrical-Aspect-13 to 1940s [link] [comments]